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How to Care Mulberries

How to Care Mulberries, Growing Mulberries, Caring for Mulberries

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Mulberries?
How to Water Mulberries?
How to Water Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?

Key Facts About Mulberries


Attributes of Mulberries

Moisture-loving, keep the soil moist but do not let water accumulate.
Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Planting Time
Spring, Fall
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃
Chalky, Loam, Clay, Sand
Sowing, Division, Cutting
Planting Time
Spring, Fall
Harvest Time
Summer, Fall
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Mulberries

More Info About Mulberries

Types of Mulberries

Morus rubra
Red mulberry
Red mulberry (Morus rubra) is a small- to medium-sized deciduous tree. Its sweet fruits are edible and look like blackberries. They can be eaten raw or boiled and are used in cake or pastry fillings. They can also be fermented to make alcoholic mulberry wine. Records of interactions with red mulberry plants by English settlers date back to the first days of colonization in what is now Virginia.
Morus alba
A unique and easy-to-grow edible landscaping plant, the mulberry is prized for its tasty fruits as well as its exquisite ornamental appeal. Originally native to China, this plant was valued for its role in silk production: silkworms will only eat the leaves of mulberry trees, making them crucial for the product's creation. Ultimately, the trees were sold around the world and are used today in different countries that produce silk.
Morus alba 'Pendula'
White mulberry 'Pendula'
‘Pendula’ means ‘hanging’ in Latin, and refers to the dangling or weeping branches of White mulberry 'Pendula'. This is a female hybrid that produces attractive white and pink fruit in contrast to the similar Morus alba 'Chaparral', which is male. White mulberry 'Pendula' makes a striking low-maintenance specimen shrub.
Morus nigra
Black mulberry
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is a deciduous flowering tree native to southwestern Asia and the Iberian Peninsula. Black mulberry has been cultivated for a very long time in Europe and China for its edible fruit. It was imported into Britain in the 17th century with hope it would be useful in cultivating silkworms. However, silkworms prefer the white mulberry.
Morus australis
White mulberry
The white mulberry (Morus australis) is native to northern China but is naturalized in the USA. It is cultivated to feed the silkworms involved in the commercial production of silk. When it releases its pollen, the stamens act as catapults, and the pollen is ejected at 380 miles per hour, the fastest recorded movement in the plant world.
Morus macroura
Himalayan mulberry
Himalayan mulberry (Morus macroura) are part of the fig family. The leaves of white himalayan mulberry are the food source for silkworms, so the cultivation of these plants has been vital for Chinese silk manufacturing for thousands of years. German legend, meanwhile, holds that the plant is a symbol of evil spirits and the devil uses its roots to polish his shoes.
Morus cathayana
Hua mulberry
Hua mulberry is a deciduous tree notable for its broad canopy and toothed, heart-shaped leaves. Often found in forests and riverbanks, it thrives in well-drained soil, benefiting from sunlight. The tree's bark is deeply grooved, and it bears sweet, edible fruit that resembles blackberries, which ripens in summer and attracts a variety of wildlife.

More Similar Plants

Trymatococcus is a genus of trees in the family Moraceae, native to South America.
false mvule
False mvule is a monotypic genus. It is a large tree, growing to 25 to 40 m tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter, often buttressed at the base, with pale grey bark. The leaves are elliptic to obovate. The African tree bears larger fruit than Asian and Polynesian populations. The edible fruit is a red or purple drupe 2 cm in diameter. False mvule has a remarkably wide distribution in tropical regions.
Bleekrodea is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, bleekrodea showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.
Maclura grow as deciduous trees or shrubs with thorny branches. These plants contain a milky sap that causes skin irritation, and the fruits and leaves are poisonous. Some sources claim that the fruits repel insects such as cockroaches and spiders, and the wood was also traditionally used to make bows for archery and fences.
Artocarpus are made up of latex-producing trees and shrubs that also produce large and varied fruits. Several species have been domesticated for commercial fruit production. Many are also harvested locally for timber.
Cudrania are shrubs, woody vines, or small trees that have a wide distribution - they naturally grow in five continents except for Europe. These flowering plants have spines on their stems, particularly when they're still young. Their leaves are usually large.
Mulberries (Morus) are part of the fig family. The leaves of white mulberries are the food source for silkworms, so the cultivation of these plants has been vital for Chinese silk manufacturing for thousands of years. German legend, meanwhile, holds that the plant is a symbol of evil spirits and the devil uses its roots to polish his shoes.
Streblus is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, streblus showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Mulberries?
How to Water Mulberries?
How to Water Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mulberries?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Propagate Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?
How to Plant Mulberries?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Mulberries

Moisture-loving, keep the soil moist but do not let water accumulate.
Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Planting Time
Spring, Fall
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃
Chalky, Loam, Clay, Sand
Sowing, Division, Cutting
Planting Time
Spring, Fall
Harvest Time
Summer, Fall
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Mulberries


Types of Mulberries

Morus rubra
Red mulberry
Red mulberry (Morus rubra) is a small- to medium-sized deciduous tree. Its sweet fruits are edible and look like blackberries. They can be eaten raw or boiled and are used in cake or pastry fillings. They can also be fermented to make alcoholic mulberry wine. Records of interactions with red mulberry plants by English settlers date back to the first days of colonization in what is now Virginia.
Morus alba
A unique and easy-to-grow edible landscaping plant, the mulberry is prized for its tasty fruits as well as its exquisite ornamental appeal. Originally native to China, this plant was valued for its role in silk production: silkworms will only eat the leaves of mulberry trees, making them crucial for the product's creation. Ultimately, the trees were sold around the world and are used today in different countries that produce silk.
Morus alba 'Pendula'
White mulberry 'Pendula'
‘Pendula’ means ‘hanging’ in Latin, and refers to the dangling or weeping branches of White mulberry 'Pendula'. This is a female hybrid that produces attractive white and pink fruit in contrast to the similar Morus alba 'Chaparral', which is male. White mulberry 'Pendula' makes a striking low-maintenance specimen shrub.
Morus nigra
Black mulberry
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is a deciduous flowering tree native to southwestern Asia and the Iberian Peninsula. Black mulberry has been cultivated for a very long time in Europe and China for its edible fruit. It was imported into Britain in the 17th century with hope it would be useful in cultivating silkworms. However, silkworms prefer the white mulberry.
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More Similar Plants

Trymatococcus is a genus of trees in the family Moraceae, native to South America.
false mvule
False mvule is a monotypic genus. It is a large tree, growing to 25 to 40 m tall, with a trunk up to 40 cm diameter, often buttressed at the base, with pale grey bark. The leaves are elliptic to obovate. The African tree bears larger fruit than Asian and Polynesian populations. The edible fruit is a red or purple drupe 2 cm in diameter. False mvule has a remarkably wide distribution in tropical regions.
Bleekrodea is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, bleekrodea showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.
Maclura grow as deciduous trees or shrubs with thorny branches. These plants contain a milky sap that causes skin irritation, and the fruits and leaves are poisonous. Some sources claim that the fruits repel insects such as cockroaches and spiders, and the wood was also traditionally used to make bows for archery and fences.
Artocarpus are made up of latex-producing trees and shrubs that also produce large and varied fruits. Several species have been domesticated for commercial fruit production. Many are also harvested locally for timber.
Cudrania are shrubs, woody vines, or small trees that have a wide distribution - they naturally grow in five continents except for Europe. These flowering plants have spines on their stems, particularly when they're still young. Their leaves are usually large.
Mulberries (Morus) are part of the fig family. The leaves of white mulberries are the food source for silkworms, so the cultivation of these plants has been vital for Chinese silk manufacturing for thousands of years. German legend, meanwhile, holds that the plant is a symbol of evil spirits and the devil uses its roots to polish his shoes.
Streblus is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, streblus showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.
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