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Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms

How to Care Date palms

How to Care Date palms, Growing Date palms, Caring for Date palms

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Date palms?
How to Water Date palms?
How to Water Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?

Key Facts About Date palms


Attributes of Date palms

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Date palms

More Info About Date palms

Types of Date Palms

Phoenix reclinata
Senegal date palm
Native to tropical Africa and the Arabian peninsula, the senegal date palm (Phoenix reclinata) is among the palm trees naturalized in Florida and some Western Atlantic islands. It can produce multiple trunks which can grow up to 35 feet. Senegal date palm produces long, pale yellow florets and edible orangish-red dates.
Phoenix canariensis
Canary island date palm
This slow-growing tree takes decades to reach its maximum height of 12 to 15 m. It produces large, orange fruit that, while edible, look better than they taste. Canary island date palms have been imported to the warmer regions of the US, but require careful fertilization to grow outside their native Canary Islands.
Phoenix dactylifera
Date palm
Date palm (*Phoenix dactylifera*) is an evergreen tree with a strong, upright trunk and gracefully arching, feather-like fronds. It is drought tolerant and suitable for escaping. It is fire retardant, has pale yellow blooms, and produces an abundance of edible, orange fruit. This tree can live up to 75 years and grow to 24 m tall.
Phoenix roebelenii
Pygmy date palm
Pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) is a palm species native to China, Laos, and Vietnam. Pygmy date palm is commonly cultivated as an indoor houseplant. This plant requires direct sunlight for optimal growth. In nature, it grows alongside rivers.
Phoenix loureiroi
Mountain date palm
Phoenix loureiroi contains solitary and clustering plants with trunks from 1–4 m high and 25 cm in width, usually covered in old leaf bases. The leaves vary to some degree but usually reach 2 m in length with leaflets wide at the base and sharply pointed apices. The leaflets emerge from the rachis at varying angles creating a stiff, plumose leaf. The fruit is a single-seeded drupe, bluish-black when ripe, produced on erect, yellow inflorescences, usually hidden within the leaf crown. The species is noted for its variability in different habitats.

More Similar Plants

Most of Bactris species are small trees about 2 m tall, but some are large trees while others are shrubs with subterranean stems. The leaves can be either pinnately compound or simple. Inflorescences are borne singly emerging from the leaf axil. Flowers grow in triplets along the inflorescence. Ripe fruit can be yellow, orange, red or purple-black. As of 2013 The Plant List included 79 accepted species. Bactris is a genus of spiny palms which is native to the Mexico, South and Central America and the Caribbean.
Ravenea is small to large palms, with solitary, robust grey stems, swollen at base and gradually tapering upward. The leaves are pinnately compound, reduplicate, erect at first then arching, twisted near the apex; with numerous crowded narrow ribbed leaflets. The inflorescence is short, borne among the leaves; the fruit is a red drupe. This genus includes about 20 species. They are all native to Madagascar and the Comoros.
Socratea is a genus of five species of palms found in tropical Central America and South America.
Hyphaene is a genus of palms native to Africa, Madagascar, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.
Cyrtostachys is a genus of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae. Its species are found in southeast Asia, New Guinea, and in some of the South-Central and Southwest Pacific island habitats of the Oceania ecozone.
Acoelorrhaphe is a genus of palms with single species. It is native to Central America, southeastern Mexico, the Caribbean, Colombia, the Bahamas, and extreme southern Florida. It is a small to moderately tall palm that grows in clusters to 5 to 7 m, rarely 9 m tall, with slender stems less than 15 cm diameter. The leaves are palmate (fan-shaped), with segments joined to each other for about half of their length, light-green above, and silver underneath. The flowers are minute, inconspicuous and greenish, with 6 stamens. The fruit is pea-sized, starting orange and turning to black at maturity.
Windmill palms
Windmill palms are a genus of fan palms. Native to natural forests and wetlands of Asia, these fan palms are often cultivated as ornamental plants. In Asia, they are often used to create rope, furniture, and brushes. Their wax has been used as a polish and in the creation of carbon paper. Larvae also use windmill palms as food.
Oenocarpus family is known for their iconic tropical appearance with large feather leaves, but did you know that some palms are used for their oil and others for their edible fruits? In some cultures, palm bark is used for roofing and weaving mats. Keep an eye out for coconut palms, known for their large coconuts and impressive height.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Date palms
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Date palms?
How to Water Date palms?
How to Water Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Date palms?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Propagate Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?
How to Plant Date palms?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Date palms

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Date palms


Types of Date Palms

Phoenix reclinata
Senegal date palm
Native to tropical Africa and the Arabian peninsula, the senegal date palm (Phoenix reclinata) is among the palm trees naturalized in Florida and some Western Atlantic islands. It can produce multiple trunks which can grow up to 35 feet. Senegal date palm produces long, pale yellow florets and edible orangish-red dates.
Phoenix canariensis
Canary island date palm
This slow-growing tree takes decades to reach its maximum height of 12 to 15 m. It produces large, orange fruit that, while edible, look better than they taste. Canary island date palms have been imported to the warmer regions of the US, but require careful fertilization to grow outside their native Canary Islands.
Phoenix dactylifera
Date palm
Date palm (*Phoenix dactylifera*) is an evergreen tree with a strong, upright trunk and gracefully arching, feather-like fronds. It is drought tolerant and suitable for escaping. It is fire retardant, has pale yellow blooms, and produces an abundance of edible, orange fruit. This tree can live up to 75 years and grow to 24 m tall.
Phoenix roebelenii
Pygmy date palm
Pygmy date palm (Phoenix roebelenii) is a palm species native to China, Laos, and Vietnam. Pygmy date palm is commonly cultivated as an indoor houseplant. This plant requires direct sunlight for optimal growth. In nature, it grows alongside rivers.
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More Similar Plants

Most of Bactris species are small trees about 2 m tall, but some are large trees while others are shrubs with subterranean stems. The leaves can be either pinnately compound or simple. Inflorescences are borne singly emerging from the leaf axil. Flowers grow in triplets along the inflorescence. Ripe fruit can be yellow, orange, red or purple-black. As of 2013 The Plant List included 79 accepted species. Bactris is a genus of spiny palms which is native to the Mexico, South and Central America and the Caribbean.
Ravenea is small to large palms, with solitary, robust grey stems, swollen at base and gradually tapering upward. The leaves are pinnately compound, reduplicate, erect at first then arching, twisted near the apex; with numerous crowded narrow ribbed leaflets. The inflorescence is short, borne among the leaves; the fruit is a red drupe. This genus includes about 20 species. They are all native to Madagascar and the Comoros.
Socratea is a genus of five species of palms found in tropical Central America and South America.
Hyphaene is a genus of palms native to Africa, Madagascar, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.
Cyrtostachys is a genus of flowering plant in the family Arecaceae. Its species are found in southeast Asia, New Guinea, and in some of the South-Central and Southwest Pacific island habitats of the Oceania ecozone.
Acoelorrhaphe is a genus of palms with single species. It is native to Central America, southeastern Mexico, the Caribbean, Colombia, the Bahamas, and extreme southern Florida. It is a small to moderately tall palm that grows in clusters to 5 to 7 m, rarely 9 m tall, with slender stems less than 15 cm diameter. The leaves are palmate (fan-shaped), with segments joined to each other for about half of their length, light-green above, and silver underneath. The flowers are minute, inconspicuous and greenish, with 6 stamens. The fruit is pea-sized, starting orange and turning to black at maturity.
Windmill palms
Windmill palms are a genus of fan palms. Native to natural forests and wetlands of Asia, these fan palms are often cultivated as ornamental plants. In Asia, they are often used to create rope, furniture, and brushes. Their wax has been used as a polish and in the creation of carbon paper. Larvae also use windmill palms as food.
Oenocarpus family is known for their iconic tropical appearance with large feather leaves, but did you know that some palms are used for their oil and others for their edible fruits? In some cultures, palm bark is used for roofing and weaving mats. Keep an eye out for coconut palms, known for their large coconuts and impressive height.
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