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Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile

How to Care Lily of the Nile

How to Care Lily of the Nile, Growing Lily of the Nile, Caring for Lily of the Nile

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Lily of the Nile?
How to Water Lily of the Nile?
How to Water Lily of the Nile?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?

Key Facts About Lily of the Nile


Attributes of Lily of the Nile

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
15 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Lily of the Nile

More Info About Lily of the Nile

Types of Lily Of The Nile

Agapanthus 'Royal Velvet'
Lily of the nile 'Royal Velvet'
Lily of the nile 'Royal Velvet' got its name, "Royal Velvet," for a good reason. With unmistakable, velvety purple blooms, this plant stands out from the crowd. It's an Agapanthus cultivar whose exact parentage remains unknown, but this doesn't stop it from being used in abundance by horticulturalists.
Agapanthus africanus 'Albus'
African lily 'Albus'
African lily 'Albus' is an African lily (Agapanthus africanus) cultivar, selected for its attractive flowers. It features white flowers (unlike the parent plant that has blue), which give the cultivar its name—"albus" means "white." These trumpet-shaped blooms, borne on tall stalks, make this cultivar highly popular among gardeners.
Agapanthus 'Polar Ice'
Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice'
Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice' produces lovely clumps of pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers that grow up to 76 cm tall. Hybridized from other African lilies, this cultivar was aptly named after its "polar ice" white coloration. Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice' is adored for its resilience to cold, appeal to pollinators, and centerpiece value.
Agapanthus 'Northern Star'
Lily of the nile 'Northern Star'
The profusion of blue produced by lily of the nile 'Northern Star' makes it stand out from others of its kind. It's a cultivar of an original Agapanthus species; the exact species, however, is unknown. It's likely that lily of the nile 'Northern Star' was given its cultivar name because its appearance is similar to that of the actual North Star.
Agapanthus africanus
African lily
This evergreen herbaceous plant, known as the african lily, is not a lily. Native to South Africa, it has been utilized for various medicinal uses. For the locals, it is a miraculous and healing plant. The flowers are worn to ward off thunderstorms and were worn by females to boost their strength and fertility.
Agapanthus 'Castle of Mey'
Lily of the nile 'Castle of Mey'
Lily of the nile 'Castle of Mey' is an African lily with distinctive and attractive violet flowers. This garden-friendly dwarf plant grows to just 60 cm, compared to the 2 m of the parent plant. This hybrid is named after a picturesque castle in Caithness, on Scotland's North Coast.
Agapanthus praecox
Agapanthus praecox is a variable species with open-faced flowers that are blue, purple or white and bloom in the summer. Although often called african-lily, or lily of the Nile, these plants are not actually lilies. They are members of the amaryllis family.
Agapanthus 'Flower of Love'
Lily of the nile 'Flower of Love'
Lily of the nile 'Flower of Love' is a new cultivar of African lily developed in 2017. Although this variant grows only about 50 cm tall, it has striking, dark blue flowers which form clusters of 40 or more blooms. It is suitable for both pots and gardens.

More Similar Plants

Fairy lilies
The tropics-loving fairy lilies grow from hardy bulbs that have naturalized in many parts of the Western Hemisphere. One odd trait Rain lilies share is that their star-shaped flowers come into bloom after it rains, hence the common name. With their array of flower colors, sweet fragrance, and synchronous blooming, these plants have become a popular option among gardeners and breeders.
Winter daffodils
Wild garlic
Wild garlic are bulbous, stemless flowering plants with a characteristic garlic-like smell (no wonder since they are closely related to garlic and onions). They have traditionally been used as food, fodder, ornamentals, and medicinal plants. Another curious trait of wild garlic is that the seeds of dry habitat species have coats that quickly take up water, while those from boggy habitats have seeds with water-resistant coats.
Pancratium are a genus of plants with elaborate and fragrant white flowers that make them highly popular ornamentally. These flowers have a long history of cultivation and were featured in ancient frescoes found in Crete. Pancratium are arid climate specialists that grow in sandy habitats across their native Eurasia and Africa.
Blood lilies
Native to Southern Africa, blood lilies bear large, globe-shaped flowers with dozens of red petals, creating one of the world's most spectacular seasonal blooms. Commonly called "Blood Lilies," they are named for their appearance of blood dripping on their sides. These plants thrive in rockeries and containers in both full sun and partial shade, and they can be propagated from seeds, bulb cuttings, and offsets. This makes them a popular choice in landscaping.
Cyrtanthus are popular house and bedding plants, valued for their fragrance and attractive blooms that are available in a variety of colors. They are perennials that grow from bulbs that can be deciduous or evergreen. Some members of this genus have been listed as vulnerable or endangered in their native regions due to habitat degradation and overgrazing.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Lily of the Nile?
How to Water Lily of the Nile?
How to Water Lily of the Nile?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Propagate Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?
How to Plant Lily of the Nile?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Lily of the Nile

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
15 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Lily of the Nile


Types of Lily Of The Nile

Agapanthus 'Royal Velvet'
Lily of the nile 'Royal Velvet'
Lily of the nile 'Royal Velvet' got its name, "Royal Velvet," for a good reason. With unmistakable, velvety purple blooms, this plant stands out from the crowd. It's an Agapanthus cultivar whose exact parentage remains unknown, but this doesn't stop it from being used in abundance by horticulturalists.
Agapanthus africanus 'Albus'
African lily 'Albus'
African lily 'Albus' is an African lily (Agapanthus africanus) cultivar, selected for its attractive flowers. It features white flowers (unlike the parent plant that has blue), which give the cultivar its name—"albus" means "white." These trumpet-shaped blooms, borne on tall stalks, make this cultivar highly popular among gardeners.
Agapanthus 'Polar Ice'
Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice'
Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice' produces lovely clumps of pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers that grow up to 76 cm tall. Hybridized from other African lilies, this cultivar was aptly named after its "polar ice" white coloration. Lily of the nile 'Polar Ice' is adored for its resilience to cold, appeal to pollinators, and centerpiece value.
Agapanthus 'Northern Star'
Lily of the nile 'Northern Star'
The profusion of blue produced by lily of the nile 'Northern Star' makes it stand out from others of its kind. It's a cultivar of an original Agapanthus species; the exact species, however, is unknown. It's likely that lily of the nile 'Northern Star' was given its cultivar name because its appearance is similar to that of the actual North Star.
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More Similar Plants

Fairy lilies
The tropics-loving fairy lilies grow from hardy bulbs that have naturalized in many parts of the Western Hemisphere. One odd trait Rain lilies share is that their star-shaped flowers come into bloom after it rains, hence the common name. With their array of flower colors, sweet fragrance, and synchronous blooming, these plants have become a popular option among gardeners and breeders.
Winter daffodils
Wild garlic
Wild garlic are bulbous, stemless flowering plants with a characteristic garlic-like smell (no wonder since they are closely related to garlic and onions). They have traditionally been used as food, fodder, ornamentals, and medicinal plants. Another curious trait of wild garlic is that the seeds of dry habitat species have coats that quickly take up water, while those from boggy habitats have seeds with water-resistant coats.
Pancratium are a genus of plants with elaborate and fragrant white flowers that make them highly popular ornamentally. These flowers have a long history of cultivation and were featured in ancient frescoes found in Crete. Pancratium are arid climate specialists that grow in sandy habitats across their native Eurasia and Africa.
Blood lilies
Native to Southern Africa, blood lilies bear large, globe-shaped flowers with dozens of red petals, creating one of the world's most spectacular seasonal blooms. Commonly called "Blood Lilies," they are named for their appearance of blood dripping on their sides. These plants thrive in rockeries and containers in both full sun and partial shade, and they can be propagated from seeds, bulb cuttings, and offsets. This makes them a popular choice in landscaping.
Cyrtanthus are popular house and bedding plants, valued for their fragrance and attractive blooms that are available in a variety of colors. They are perennials that grow from bulbs that can be deciduous or evergreen. Some members of this genus have been listed as vulnerable or endangered in their native regions due to habitat degradation and overgrazing.
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