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Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings

How to Care Angel wings

How to Care Angel wings, Growing Angel wings, Caring for Angel wings

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Partial sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Angel wings?
How to Water Angel wings?
How to Water Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?

Key Facts About Angel wings


Attributes of Angel wings

Partial sun
Tolerance Lighting
Full shade
Ideal Temperature
0 - 35 ℃

Scientific Classification of Angel wings

More Info About Angel wings

Types of Angel Wings

Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch'
Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch'
Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch' showcases heart-shaped leaves with a striking mix of pink, green, and white hues, resembling an arresting visual party. This ornamental perennial thrives in warm, humid conditions, mimicking its native tropical environments. Its vibrant foliage often appears translucent, an adaptation that allows diffused light to penetrate and sustain its vivid coloration.
Caladium praetermissum 'Hilo Beauty'
Hilo beauty elephant ear
Hilo beauty elephant ear is a popular hybrid of the typically green-leaved Alocasia. Its evergreen leaves are spotted with cream-colored patches, giving it plenty of ornamental appeal. This hybrid is named for the town of Hilo on Big Island, Hawaii. It is most often used as a houseplant.
Caladium lindenii
Angel wings
Angel wings (Caladium lindenii) is a a flowering plant species named after Belgian botanist Jean Jules Linden. When gardening, this species should not be exposed to cold temperatures. It grows best in well-drained soils and in soils mixed with peat moss.
Caladium bicolor
Heart of jesus
The heart of jesus is a poisonous leafy plant. Its paper-thin, heart-shaped leaves lend the plant its common nickname, along with names like "angel wings" and "elephant ear." Though native to South America, its primary hub of cultivation is now around Lake Placid, Florida, where it has become a popular centerpiece for an annual festival.
Caladium 'White Christmas'
Caladium 'White Christmas'
Caladium 'White Christmas' is known for its striking large, heart-shaped leaves that boast a luminous white with green veins, mimicking a snow-draped landscape. The plant thrives in warm, humid conditions, often found under the canopy of taller vegetation where dappled light promotes its vibrant foliage. Caladium 'White Christmas''s visual appeal is a statement in shady garden spots or as an indoor ornamental feature.
Caladium 'White Queen'
Caladium 'White Queen'
Caladium 'White Queen' is a vibrant tropical perennial known for its large, heart-shaped leaves that feature a striking contrast of pure white veins set against deep green with splashes of pink. Thriving in warm, humid conditions, caladium 'White Queen' adds a dramatic flair to shade gardens or indoor spaces. Its notable foliage serves not just as an ornamental highlight but also as a survival adaptation, maximizing light capture in lower-light environments.
Caladium 'Gingerland'
Caladium 'Gingerland'
Caladium 'Gingerland' is a stunning tropical perennial known for its heart-shaped leaves, which flaunt a speckled pattern of cream on deep green, framed by a robust red-pink border. Thriving in warm, humid climes, this eye-catching variety prefers shaded locales, where its variegated foliage serves as vibrant ground cover, adding a splash of lively color to the understory.
Caladium 'Miss Muffet'
Heart of jesus 'Miss Muffet'
Heart of jesus 'Miss Muffet' is a popular houseplant native to South America. It gets its name from its heart-shaped leaves that are pink and green in color. The plant prefers bright but indirect light and high humidity. It can grow up to 12 inches tall and is toxic if ingested.

More Similar Plants

Peace lilies
Peace lilies are members of the genus, Spathiphyllum, so they are technically not true lilies. At least 47 different species fall under this genus, many of which are prized as houseplants. In lieu of flowers, peace lilies produce a spadix and spathe. All members of this genus are moderately toxic, but are not as dangerous as true lilies.
The eight species of zantedeschia each grow a spathe and spadix in place of flowers. Though likely native to southern Africa, they have been spread throughout the world. In spite of the name, these plants are not true lilies. Nevertheless, zantedeschia are similarly poisonous if swallowed.
Elephant's ear
Syngonium is a genus of large tropical evergreen woody vines in the Arum family. An interesting trait is that the leaves change shapes as the plant matures. Adult leaf stages are usually much more lobed than the juvenile ones. Some species are popular houseplants, always remaining in the form of a juvenile plant when in a pot.
Pistia comprises of single species - Pistia stratiotes, also known as water lettuce. This aquatic plant can be found in almost all tropical and subtropical fresh waterways (hence the name), where it behaves as an invasive weed. Pistia floats on the water surface, forming large, impenetrable carpets and disrupting water ecosystems. To complete their life cycle, the salvinia stem-borer moth (Samea multiplicalis) and mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia need to use pistia as a host plant.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Angel wings
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Partial sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Angel wings?
How to Water Angel wings?
How to Water Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Angel wings?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Propagate Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?
How to Plant Angel wings?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Angel wings

Partial sun
Tolerance Lighting
Full shade
Ideal Temperature
0 - 35 ℃

Scientific Classification of Angel wings


Types of Angel Wings

Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch'
Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch'
Caladium bicolor 'Party Punch' showcases heart-shaped leaves with a striking mix of pink, green, and white hues, resembling an arresting visual party. This ornamental perennial thrives in warm, humid conditions, mimicking its native tropical environments. Its vibrant foliage often appears translucent, an adaptation that allows diffused light to penetrate and sustain its vivid coloration.
Caladium praetermissum 'Hilo Beauty'
Hilo beauty elephant ear
Hilo beauty elephant ear is a popular hybrid of the typically green-leaved Alocasia. Its evergreen leaves are spotted with cream-colored patches, giving it plenty of ornamental appeal. This hybrid is named for the town of Hilo on Big Island, Hawaii. It is most often used as a houseplant.
Caladium lindenii
Angel wings
Angel wings (Caladium lindenii) is a a flowering plant species named after Belgian botanist Jean Jules Linden. When gardening, this species should not be exposed to cold temperatures. It grows best in well-drained soils and in soils mixed with peat moss.
Caladium bicolor
Heart of jesus
The heart of jesus is a poisonous leafy plant. Its paper-thin, heart-shaped leaves lend the plant its common nickname, along with names like "angel wings" and "elephant ear." Though native to South America, its primary hub of cultivation is now around Lake Placid, Florida, where it has become a popular centerpiece for an annual festival.
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More Similar Plants

Peace lilies
Peace lilies are members of the genus, Spathiphyllum, so they are technically not true lilies. At least 47 different species fall under this genus, many of which are prized as houseplants. In lieu of flowers, peace lilies produce a spadix and spathe. All members of this genus are moderately toxic, but are not as dangerous as true lilies.
The eight species of zantedeschia each grow a spathe and spadix in place of flowers. Though likely native to southern Africa, they have been spread throughout the world. In spite of the name, these plants are not true lilies. Nevertheless, zantedeschia are similarly poisonous if swallowed.
Elephant's ear
Syngonium is a genus of large tropical evergreen woody vines in the Arum family. An interesting trait is that the leaves change shapes as the plant matures. Adult leaf stages are usually much more lobed than the juvenile ones. Some species are popular houseplants, always remaining in the form of a juvenile plant when in a pot.
Pistia comprises of single species - Pistia stratiotes, also known as water lettuce. This aquatic plant can be found in almost all tropical and subtropical fresh waterways (hence the name), where it behaves as an invasive weed. Pistia floats on the water surface, forming large, impenetrable carpets and disrupting water ecosystems. To complete their life cycle, the salvinia stem-borer moth (Samea multiplicalis) and mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia need to use pistia as a host plant.
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