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Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu

How to Care Qing Qian Liu

How to Care Qing Qian Liu, Growing Qing Qian Liu, Caring for Qing Qian Liu


Basic Care Guide

How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?
How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?
How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?

More Similar Plants

Wingnuts are a genus of deciduous trees native to Asia. Some of the large trees are used ornamentally in parks and gardens for their attractive qualities, while the others are cultivated for timber production. Their Latin name Pterocarya comes from the Ancient Greek words meaning "winged nut," in reference to their seeds.
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu comprise a single species. It is native to eastern and central China. It is a deciduous tree growing to 30 m tall. The foliage is similar to Pterocarya, with pinnate leaves long with five to eleven leaflets, the terminal leaflet present. The flowers are catkins; the male (pollen) catkins are produced in clusters (not singly as in Pterocarya), the female catkins at maturity, bearing several small winged nuts with a circular wing right round the nut (instead of two wings at the sides as in Pterocarya).
Engelhardia is a genus of seven species of trees in the family Juglandaceae, native to southeast Asia from northern India east to China, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The wood from hickories is often used in the manufacture of items such as paddles, furniture, and drumsticks today. It also used to be a common material for early aircraft. Wood chips can be used to smoke meat in order to create a distinctive flavor. Hickories can live hundreds of years in the wild; they bear fruit even at 300 years old!
Platycarya is a genus usually treated as comprising a single species. It is a deciduous tree growing to 15 m tall. The leaves are usually pinnate with 7–15 leaflets (rarely simple, or with up to 23 leaflets), the terminal leaflet present. The flowers are catkins; the female catkins are hard and woody, superficially resembling a conifer cone with spirally arranged scales. It is native to eastern Asia in China, Korea, and Japan.
Rhoiptelea is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Juglandaceae. It contains a single species. Rhoiptelea is native to southwest China and north Vietnam. The trees are wind-pollinated, the flowers arranged in large sagged panicles usually 32 cm long like horse tails, and the fruit is a small botanical nut with rounded wings. The leaves are pinnately compound and papery. The trees are usually 17 m high and with 40 cm diameter.
Annamocarya contains only one species, native to southwestern China and northern Vietnam. It is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree growing to 30 m tall. The leaves are pinnate with 7–11 leaflets. The flowers are catkins produced in spring, with the male catkins in clusters of five to eight together (single in Carya). The fruit is a nut with a prominent, acute beak at the apex.
Walnuts are most often commercially cultivated for the nuts encased in their fruits, but also for timber. The edible nuts can be eaten both raw and in baked goods. The shells are often used in various industrial products, and the wood of walnuts is valued for its use in high-quality furniture making and carving.

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Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
How to Water Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Qing Qian Liu?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?
How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?
How to Propagate Qing Qian Liu?

More Similar Plants

Wingnuts are a genus of deciduous trees native to Asia. Some of the large trees are used ornamentally in parks and gardens for their attractive qualities, while the others are cultivated for timber production. Their Latin name Pterocarya comes from the Ancient Greek words meaning "winged nut," in reference to their seeds.
Qing Qian Liu
Qing Qian Liu comprise a single species. It is native to eastern and central China. It is a deciduous tree growing to 30 m tall. The foliage is similar to Pterocarya, with pinnate leaves long with five to eleven leaflets, the terminal leaflet present. The flowers are catkins; the male (pollen) catkins are produced in clusters (not singly as in Pterocarya), the female catkins at maturity, bearing several small winged nuts with a circular wing right round the nut (instead of two wings at the sides as in Pterocarya).
Engelhardia is a genus of seven species of trees in the family Juglandaceae, native to southeast Asia from northern India east to China, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The wood from hickories is often used in the manufacture of items such as paddles, furniture, and drumsticks today. It also used to be a common material for early aircraft. Wood chips can be used to smoke meat in order to create a distinctive flavor. Hickories can live hundreds of years in the wild; they bear fruit even at 300 years old!
Platycarya is a genus usually treated as comprising a single species. It is a deciduous tree growing to 15 m tall. The leaves are usually pinnate with 7–15 leaflets (rarely simple, or with up to 23 leaflets), the terminal leaflet present. The flowers are catkins; the female catkins are hard and woody, superficially resembling a conifer cone with spirally arranged scales. It is native to eastern Asia in China, Korea, and Japan.
Rhoiptelea is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Juglandaceae. It contains a single species. Rhoiptelea is native to southwest China and north Vietnam. The trees are wind-pollinated, the flowers arranged in large sagged panicles usually 32 cm long like horse tails, and the fruit is a small botanical nut with rounded wings. The leaves are pinnately compound and papery. The trees are usually 17 m high and with 40 cm diameter.
Annamocarya contains only one species, native to southwestern China and northern Vietnam. It is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree growing to 30 m tall. The leaves are pinnate with 7–11 leaflets. The flowers are catkins produced in spring, with the male catkins in clusters of five to eight together (single in Carya). The fruit is a nut with a prominent, acute beak at the apex.
Walnuts are most often commercially cultivated for the nuts encased in their fruits, but also for timber. The edible nuts can be eaten both raw and in baked goods. The shells are often used in various industrial products, and the wood of walnuts is valued for its use in high-quality furniture making and carving.
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