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How to Care Echeveria

How to Care Echeveria, Growing Echeveria, Caring for Echeveria

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 3 weeks
Difficulty Rating
Difficulty Rating

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Echeveria?
How to Water Echeveria?
How to Water Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?

Key Facts About Echeveria


Attributes of Echeveria

Drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering.
Ideal Temperature
20 - 41 ℃

Scientific Classification of Echeveria

More Info About Echeveria

Types of Echeveria

Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica'
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica'
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica' is a succulent that offers stunning metallic-hued green-bronze wavy-edged leaves, tinged with pink margins. It has bell-shaped red flowers with yellow insides. This is a cultivar of the Echeveria gibbiflora species and is named for the metallic tones of the leaves. Gardeners favor this lovely plant for its dramatic colors and its drought tolerance.
Echeveria affinis
Black echeveria
Black echeveria (Echeveria affinis) is a low-growing ornamental succulent species valued in horticulture and as a houseplant for its distinct black and green coloration. Black echeveria should be repotted as needed and pruned to remove dead leaves. Water should not be allowed to pool in the rosettes of this species. Black echeveria originates in Mexico.
Echeveria colorata
Echeveria colorata
Echeveria colorata boasts a rosette arrangement of thick, fleshy leaves that exhibit a soft, powdery coating, contributing to its frosty appearance. This succulent's pointed leaves tend to acquire a pinkish hue on the edges when exposed to bright sunlight, highlighting its drought-resistant nature. The plant's compact form exudes charm and is well-suited to rock gardens or as a striking container specimen.
Echeveria agavoides 'Maria'
Wax agave
Wax agave is an evergreen succulent that offers rosettes of matte green leaves with dark red margins and red tips. From spring into summer, it produces red flowers. It is a cultivar of Echeveria agavoides and resembles an agave plant. This plant is easily grown in well-drained soils and loves sun. Make it a part of your indoor or outdoor succulent garden.
Echeveria agavoides 'Lipstick'
Lipstick echeveria 'Lipstick'
Lipstick echeveria 'Lipstick' is a slow-growing succulent that offers a rosette of green leaves with bright red edges and tips. It is a cultivar of the Echeveria agavoides plant. The species name comes from the Agave-like leaves and ‘Lipstick’ alludes to the bright red colors. This is a great container plant, ideal for any succulent garden.
Echeveria chihuahuaensis
Cat's Claw
One of the smaller species in the Echeveria genus, the cat's Claw forms small, short rosettes up to 10 cm across. They are easy to care for outdoors or as houseplants, and one of the few succulents that bloom in spring. Those springtime flowers appear on tall stems that leave the parent rosette far below.
Echeveria elegans
Mexican snow ball
The mexican snow ball is a small but fast-growing succulent plant. It thrives in sunny environments and doesn't require much water to grow. The mexican snow ball is popularly grown as a windowsill plant. Its succulent leaves grow in various colors depending on the ambient conditions.
Echeveria 'Blue Waves'
Echeveria Desert Queen
The echeveria Desert Queen is well known for its wrinkled and ruffled blue-green leaves that resemble waves. Frank Reinelt created this hybrid succulent of Echeveria gibbiflora. Echeveria Desert Queen is a smaller and paler sister of Echeveria 'Blue Curls'. It is a slow-growing plant that is relatively easy to propagate, making it an ideal houseplant.

More Similar Plants

XPachysedum are popular houseplants, also grown in rock and succulent gardens in warmer climates. They are prized for their attractive clumping growth habit. The plants grow in rosettes and produce tiny bell-shaped blossoms throughout the spring and summer, growing on long, thin stems. Handling the plants can mar the appearance of the leaves due to oils on the skin.
Adromischus are succulents native to Africa that feature small clumping leaves. These leaves inspired its scientific name Adromischus with the Greek word adros, meaning thick and mischos, meaning stem. Many in this species are appealing to collectors due to their coloured leaves, however, when not stressed by sunlight, nearly all develop a similar green colour. To showcase the attractive leaves the best way possible a high level of light is required.
Monanthes are commonly found thriving in sunny locations and are popular container plants grown for their attractive shapes. The plants stop growing in the winter but resume in the spring and occasionally produce flowers from single stems in optimal conditions. The plants are usually spread by seeds but can also be grown from cuttings.
Pachyphytum are slow-growing succulents popular as container plants. They are also commonly planted outdoors in rock and desert gardens. Plants in the genus can be tubular or grape-shaped, and some have a powdery coating on their thick leaves. Pachyphytum produce small flowers in the spring and summer that can be deep red, greenish-white, or both.
jeweled crown
Jeweled crown are actually a man-made genus of small succulents, created from hybrids of various Pachyphytum and Echeveria species. These hybrids and their various cultivars are available from nurseries and online as potted plants, and for inclusion in rock and drought-friendly gardens.
Crassula are flowering succulent plants that make for popular houseplants. A few species are aquatic and often live in brackish water but can become invasive in waterways due to their aggressive growth rate. Terrestrial species make great container plants and are easy to grow. However, many crassula die after flowering.
Leatherpetal comprise a small genus of perennial succulents that grow in rosettes. The foliage is smooth, comes in shades of silver, pink, or green, and may be speckled depending on the species. This attractive foliage and star-shaped leaves make these plants popular houseplants and additions to desert gardens.
Seed leaf
Seed leaf is a drought-tolerant succulent that is perfect for rock gardens. Stonecrop attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies with its bright, showy flowers.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 3 weeks
Difficulty Rating
Difficulty Rating
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Echeveria?
How to Water Echeveria?
How to Water Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Echeveria?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Propagate Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?
How to Plant Echeveria?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Echeveria

Drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to dry completely between watering.
Ideal Temperature
20 - 41 ℃

Scientific Classification of Echeveria


Types of Echeveria

Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica'
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica'
Echeveria gibbiflora 'Metallica' is a succulent that offers stunning metallic-hued green-bronze wavy-edged leaves, tinged with pink margins. It has bell-shaped red flowers with yellow insides. This is a cultivar of the Echeveria gibbiflora species and is named for the metallic tones of the leaves. Gardeners favor this lovely plant for its dramatic colors and its drought tolerance.
Echeveria affinis
Black echeveria
Black echeveria (Echeveria affinis) is a low-growing ornamental succulent species valued in horticulture and as a houseplant for its distinct black and green coloration. Black echeveria should be repotted as needed and pruned to remove dead leaves. Water should not be allowed to pool in the rosettes of this species. Black echeveria originates in Mexico.
Echeveria colorata
Echeveria colorata
Echeveria colorata boasts a rosette arrangement of thick, fleshy leaves that exhibit a soft, powdery coating, contributing to its frosty appearance. This succulent's pointed leaves tend to acquire a pinkish hue on the edges when exposed to bright sunlight, highlighting its drought-resistant nature. The plant's compact form exudes charm and is well-suited to rock gardens or as a striking container specimen.
Echeveria agavoides 'Maria'
Wax agave
Wax agave is an evergreen succulent that offers rosettes of matte green leaves with dark red margins and red tips. From spring into summer, it produces red flowers. It is a cultivar of Echeveria agavoides and resembles an agave plant. This plant is easily grown in well-drained soils and loves sun. Make it a part of your indoor or outdoor succulent garden.
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More Similar Plants

XPachysedum are popular houseplants, also grown in rock and succulent gardens in warmer climates. They are prized for their attractive clumping growth habit. The plants grow in rosettes and produce tiny bell-shaped blossoms throughout the spring and summer, growing on long, thin stems. Handling the plants can mar the appearance of the leaves due to oils on the skin.
Adromischus are succulents native to Africa that feature small clumping leaves. These leaves inspired its scientific name Adromischus with the Greek word adros, meaning thick and mischos, meaning stem. Many in this species are appealing to collectors due to their coloured leaves, however, when not stressed by sunlight, nearly all develop a similar green colour. To showcase the attractive leaves the best way possible a high level of light is required.
Monanthes are commonly found thriving in sunny locations and are popular container plants grown for their attractive shapes. The plants stop growing in the winter but resume in the spring and occasionally produce flowers from single stems in optimal conditions. The plants are usually spread by seeds but can also be grown from cuttings.
Pachyphytum are slow-growing succulents popular as container plants. They are also commonly planted outdoors in rock and desert gardens. Plants in the genus can be tubular or grape-shaped, and some have a powdery coating on their thick leaves. Pachyphytum produce small flowers in the spring and summer that can be deep red, greenish-white, or both.
jeweled crown
Jeweled crown are actually a man-made genus of small succulents, created from hybrids of various Pachyphytum and Echeveria species. These hybrids and their various cultivars are available from nurseries and online as potted plants, and for inclusion in rock and drought-friendly gardens.
Crassula are flowering succulent plants that make for popular houseplants. A few species are aquatic and often live in brackish water but can become invasive in waterways due to their aggressive growth rate. Terrestrial species make great container plants and are easy to grow. However, many crassula die after flowering.
Leatherpetal comprise a small genus of perennial succulents that grow in rosettes. The foliage is smooth, comes in shades of silver, pink, or green, and may be speckled depending on the species. This attractive foliage and star-shaped leaves make these plants popular houseplants and additions to desert gardens.
Seed leaf
Seed leaf is a drought-tolerant succulent that is perfect for rock gardens. Stonecrop attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies with its bright, showy flowers.
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