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How to Care Waxplants

How to Care Waxplants, Growing Waxplants, Caring for Waxplants

Also known as : Waxvines
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Partial sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Waxplants?
How to Water Waxplants?
How to Water Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?

Key Facts About Waxplants


Attributes of Waxplants

Partial sun
Tolerance Lighting
Full shade
Ideal Temperature
15 - 41 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Waxplants

More Info About Waxplants

Types of Waxplants

Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'
Hindu rope hoya
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' is a rare variant succulent that is cultivated as a houseplant. Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' is sometimes known as the Hindu rope plant. This species should be grown in lightweight soil in a small container with ample sunlight.
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta Regalis'
Variegated indian rope
The curiously curled and contorted leaves of variegated indian rope look a little like twisted rope, explaining this plant's common name. In this distinctive hybrid, the leaves are a two-colored, or 'variegated' combination of cream and dark green. This tropical hybrid is most often grown as a houseplant where its fragrant flowers can be best appreciated.
Hoya wayetii
Porcelain flower
An unusual-looking epiphyte that is sold as a hanging plant, porcelain flower has long, dark-edged leaves and clusters of small, berry-like, pink-purple flowers. The flowers aren't especially showy, but they are pretty and smell like butterscotch.
Hoya cumingiana subsp. cumingiana
Wax plant
The wax plant is a popular species of houseplant as it produces fragrant, interesting flowers. Its scent has been likened to cinnamon. This plant is a climber and needs a trellis in order to grow properly.
Hoya curtisii
Hoya curtisii
If you are in search of a low-maintenance miniature vine for your hanging basket, then hoya curtisii is a good choice. This plant is native to Southeast Asia and features pointy leaves with silver variegation.
Hoya pubicalyx
Hoya pubicalyx
Hoya pubicalyx is an epiphytic tropical vine and a popular houseplant, cherished for its fragrant, two-toned, star-shaped flowers. The cultivars can have variegated foliage. The flowers of this plant are featured on the Philippine five-centavo coin.
Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Princess'
Krimson princess wax plant
Unlike its parent plant that has solid green leaves, krimson princess wax plant is a variegated cultivar. It was bred for its waxy leaves with creamy to yellow irregular markings. Krimson princess wax plant is prized for its climbing/cascading growth habit, which makes it a perfect choice for hanging baskets and trellises.
Hoya compacta
Hindu rope
Hindu rope (Hoya compacta), with its long strands of curly leaves and clusters of waxy blossoms, strongly resembles a rope, giving it another common name: Hindu rope. It has never been found in the wild, suggesting that it is an artificially cultivated offshoot of Hoya Carnosa.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Also known as: Waxvines
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Partial sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
Download the App for Free

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Waxplants?
How to Water Waxplants?
How to Water Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Waxplants?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Propagate Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?
How to Plant Waxplants?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Waxplants

Partial sun
Tolerance Lighting
Full shade
Ideal Temperature
15 - 41 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Waxplants


Types of Waxplants

Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'
Hindu rope hoya
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' is a rare variant succulent that is cultivated as a houseplant. Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' is sometimes known as the Hindu rope plant. This species should be grown in lightweight soil in a small container with ample sunlight.
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta Regalis'
Variegated indian rope
The curiously curled and contorted leaves of variegated indian rope look a little like twisted rope, explaining this plant's common name. In this distinctive hybrid, the leaves are a two-colored, or 'variegated' combination of cream and dark green. This tropical hybrid is most often grown as a houseplant where its fragrant flowers can be best appreciated.
Hoya wayetii
Porcelain flower
An unusual-looking epiphyte that is sold as a hanging plant, porcelain flower has long, dark-edged leaves and clusters of small, berry-like, pink-purple flowers. The flowers aren't especially showy, but they are pretty and smell like butterscotch.
Hoya cumingiana subsp. cumingiana
Wax plant
The wax plant is a popular species of houseplant as it produces fragrant, interesting flowers. Its scent has been likened to cinnamon. This plant is a climber and needs a trellis in order to grow properly.
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