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How to Care Malus

How to Care Malus, Growing Malus, Caring for Malus

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Malus?
How to Water Malus?
How to Water Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Malus?
How to Propagate Malus?
How to Propagate Malus?
How to Plant Malus?
How to Plant Malus?
How to Plant Malus?

Key Facts About Malus


Attributes of Malus

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Malus

More Info About Malus

Types of Malus

Malus hybrid
Malus hybrid
Malus hybrid are deciduous trees known for their showy spring blossoms and potential for producing various fruit types. Their leaves, usually oval with pointed tips, contribute to a dense canopy. These hybrids often result from crossing different species to enhance characteristics like hardiness, fruit quality, or disease resistance, adapting well to temperate climates.
Malus 'Radiant'
Radiant crabapple
Radiant crabapple is a deciduous tree known for its vibrant spring blossoms. Its flowers are a striking deep pink, drawing pollinators to the blossoming canopy. As seasons progress, radiant crabapple bears rounded red fruit, adding visual and ecological value. With a preference for sunny locations, this tree offers a generous display, also providing shade and supporting wildlife in its robust branches.
Malus domestica 'Empire'
Apples 'Empire'
With the McIntosh and Red delicious as parents, it's no wonder the apples 'Empire' has a similar brilliant red skin, though not as thick as that of the Red delicious and with slight green tinging like the McIntosh. Slightly smaller than the parents with a sweet and tart crispy interior, they are a good for making apple sauce or adding to a nice salad.
Malus 'Royal Beauty'
Apples 'Royal Beauty'
Apples 'Royal Beauty' is a weeping crabapple cultivar prized for its ornamental value. It boasts cascading branches adorned with deep purple leaves that mature to a rich bronze. Spring ushers in a profusion of vibrant, fuchsia-pink blossoms, which subsequently give way to small, crimson-purple fruits. This hardy, compact tree prefers full sun and well-drained soil, with its dramatic foliage and form providing year-round interest in gardens.
Malus × moerlandsii 'Profusion Improved'
Apples 'Profusion Improved'
Apples 'Profusion' is a popular pink-flowering apple, and apples 'Profusion Improved', with its greater resistance to apple scab, features an improvement to the parent tree. This crab apple is a popular feature tree in ornamental gardens largely due to its small size and its profuse deep-pink flowers and bright leaf color in fall.
Malus 'Royalty'
Royalty Crabapple
This bronze-leaved, purple-flowering delight is a striking sight and unique among others of its genus. Royalty Crabapple is a Malus Hybrid within the "Rosybloom" crap-apple series, originally cultivated from Malus "Niedzwetzkyana." When you take a look at this plant, its name, "Royalty," needs no further explanation.
Malus 'Comtesse de Paris'
Flowering crab apple tree
It’s difficult to miss flowering crab apple tree when it blooms in the spring. Often grown as an ornamental landscaping tree, it has unique characteristics that set it apart from other plants in the genus. Not only are the blossoms a different color, but so are the summer fruits.
Malus 'Strawberry Parfait'
Strawberry parfait apple
The range of trees that produce strawberry parfait apple are grown throughout the world for their fruit - there are 7,000 varieties worldwide! They have a long history as well; charred apple trunks have been found in prehistoric sites in Europe, and in colonial North America there are references to strawberry parfait apple being nicknamed "winter bananas" and "melt-in-the mouth." They can be found in varying shades of red, green, and yellow, and of different sizes.

More Similar Plants

Potaninia is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, potaninia showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.
The dichotomanthes genus contains the sole species Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa, which is a small tree/shrub native to Eastern Asia. This species favors mixed evergreen forest habitats at medium altitudes. It produces late-spring white flowers as well as red fruit cylinders from late summer through fall.
Stranvaesia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rosaceae.
Cliffortia is a genus of plants that has been assigned to the rose family, with currently 132 known species. Its species can be found in southern Africa, particularly in the Cape Floristic Region. Cliffortia species are mostly upright shrubs, but some species develop into small trees of up to 5 m high. The stipules have merged with the base of the leaf and form a sheath around the branch. Leaflets may be thin or leathery, broad to needle-shaped, with the margin serrated or entire, and may have a spiny tip. Cliffortia has separate male and female flowers in the leaf axils, which are mostly set individually but sometimes in clusters. One or two achenes may develop in each flower, within the inflating calyx.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Malus?
How to Water Malus?
How to Water Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Malus?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Malus?
How to Propagate Malus?
How to Propagate Malus?
How to Plant Malus?
How to Plant Malus?
How to Plant Malus?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Malus

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Malus


Types of Malus

Malus hybrid
Malus hybrid
Malus hybrid are deciduous trees known for their showy spring blossoms and potential for producing various fruit types. Their leaves, usually oval with pointed tips, contribute to a dense canopy. These hybrids often result from crossing different species to enhance characteristics like hardiness, fruit quality, or disease resistance, adapting well to temperate climates.
Malus 'Radiant'
Radiant crabapple
Radiant crabapple is a deciduous tree known for its vibrant spring blossoms. Its flowers are a striking deep pink, drawing pollinators to the blossoming canopy. As seasons progress, radiant crabapple bears rounded red fruit, adding visual and ecological value. With a preference for sunny locations, this tree offers a generous display, also providing shade and supporting wildlife in its robust branches.
Malus domestica 'Empire'
Apples 'Empire'
With the McIntosh and Red delicious as parents, it's no wonder the apples 'Empire' has a similar brilliant red skin, though not as thick as that of the Red delicious and with slight green tinging like the McIntosh. Slightly smaller than the parents with a sweet and tart crispy interior, they are a good for making apple sauce or adding to a nice salad.
Malus 'Royal Beauty'
Apples 'Royal Beauty'
Apples 'Royal Beauty' is a weeping crabapple cultivar prized for its ornamental value. It boasts cascading branches adorned with deep purple leaves that mature to a rich bronze. Spring ushers in a profusion of vibrant, fuchsia-pink blossoms, which subsequently give way to small, crimson-purple fruits. This hardy, compact tree prefers full sun and well-drained soil, with its dramatic foliage and form providing year-round interest in gardens.
Show More Plants

More Similar Plants

Potaninia is a diverse group of plants encompassing both ornamental and edible species. This family includes beloved favorites like roses, apples, and strawberries. With their captivating blooms and delicious fruits, Rosales plants have significant garden usage and economic value. They also attract beneficial insects and birds, contributing to the ecological balance. From delicate wildflowers to towering fruit trees, potaninia showcases a wide range of sizes and shapes, making them an enchanting addition to any landscape.
The dichotomanthes genus contains the sole species Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa, which is a small tree/shrub native to Eastern Asia. This species favors mixed evergreen forest habitats at medium altitudes. It produces late-spring white flowers as well as red fruit cylinders from late summer through fall.
Stranvaesia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rosaceae.
Cliffortia is a genus of plants that has been assigned to the rose family, with currently 132 known species. Its species can be found in southern Africa, particularly in the Cape Floristic Region. Cliffortia species are mostly upright shrubs, but some species develop into small trees of up to 5 m high. The stipules have merged with the base of the leaf and form a sheath around the branch. Leaflets may be thin or leathery, broad to needle-shaped, with the margin serrated or entire, and may have a spiny tip. Cliffortia has separate male and female flowers in the leaf axils, which are mostly set individually but sometimes in clusters. One or two achenes may develop in each flower, within the inflating calyx.
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