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How to Care Mullein

How to Care Mullein, Growing Mullein, Caring for Mullein

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Mullein?
How to Water Mullein?
How to Water Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?

Key Facts About Mullein


Attributes of Mullein

Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Mullein

More Info About Mullein

Types of Mullein

Verbascum 'Helen Johnson'
Mulleins 'Helen Johnson'
Mulleins 'Helen Johnson', a mullein cultivar, is a perennial with wrinkled, gray-green leaves and erect spikes of coppery-pink-orange flowers with dark eyes. Gardeners appreciate this cultivar for its beauty but also its hardiness - mulleins 'Helen Johnson' is drought-tolerant and has no serious disease or insect problems.
Verbascum chaixii 'Album'
Chaix's mullein 'Album'
Chaix's mullein 'Album' is a cultivar of Chaix's mullein bred for the color of its flowers. The plant features white flowers with prominent mauve centers, which differentiate chaix's mullein 'Album' from its mother plant whose flower petals are yellow. It's a hardy perennial, highly valued as an addition to cottage gardens.
Verbascum olympicum
Olympic mullein
Olympic mullein stands tall with a majestic, branched stem growing up to 2 meters high. Its woolly leaves clasp the stem at a lower level, providing a sturdy base for towering spikes of bright yellow flowers that bloom in summer. Adapting to its natural rocky habitat, olympic mullein thrives in well-drained soil under full sun, where its drought-resistant foliage and imposing stature can be fully appreciated.
Verbascum 'Dark Eyes'
Mulleins 'Dark Eyes'
Mulleins 'Dark Eyes', a mullein cultivar, offers an abundance of rosettes of crisp-green leaves and masses of buttery-yellow flowers with dark red eyes (thus the name). The cultivar has a long blooming season, lasting from late spring through to late summer. It is favored for its resistance to deer and rabbits, and for its drought tolerance.
Verbascum phoeniceum
Purple mullein
The flowers of purple mullein can vary in color, from deep pink to purple, or white. However, the subspecies Verbascum phoeniceum subsp. flavidum forms yellow petals and it's found throughout Greece. The differences in purple mullein anatomy occur depending on the soil type.
Verbascum boerhavii
Annual mullein
Annual mullein is a biennial herb that is drought tolerant and often utilized in xeriscaping for its bronze-colored foliage. It usually blooms during the late spring/early summer. Annual mullein is poisonous if ingested and is less oval-shaped and 'toothy-leaved' than its most closely related relatives (to establish distinction).
Verbascum nigrum
Black mullein
Black mullein is a super tough and long-lived perennial that often dies after flowering. This deciduous plant has beautiful yellow and purple flowers that usually attract birds, bees, moths, and other pollinators. This plant is native to Europe and the Mediterranean. The flowers and leaves can treat various respiratory diseases, including cough, asthma, and throat irritations.
Verbascum lychnitis
White mullein
White mullein (Verbascum lychnitis) is a hermaphroditic species (which means it has both male and female organs). It's originally from Eurasia, and is a favorite food of the Mullein Moth. In some parts of the world, people use it as a rodent repellant.

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Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Mullein?
How to Water Mullein?
How to Water Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Mullein?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Propagate Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?
How to Plant Mullein?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Mullein

Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Mullein


Types of Mullein

Verbascum 'Helen Johnson'
Mulleins 'Helen Johnson'
Mulleins 'Helen Johnson', a mullein cultivar, is a perennial with wrinkled, gray-green leaves and erect spikes of coppery-pink-orange flowers with dark eyes. Gardeners appreciate this cultivar for its beauty but also its hardiness - mulleins 'Helen Johnson' is drought-tolerant and has no serious disease or insect problems.
Verbascum chaixii 'Album'
Chaix's mullein 'Album'
Chaix's mullein 'Album' is a cultivar of Chaix's mullein bred for the color of its flowers. The plant features white flowers with prominent mauve centers, which differentiate chaix's mullein 'Album' from its mother plant whose flower petals are yellow. It's a hardy perennial, highly valued as an addition to cottage gardens.
Verbascum olympicum
Olympic mullein
Olympic mullein stands tall with a majestic, branched stem growing up to 2 meters high. Its woolly leaves clasp the stem at a lower level, providing a sturdy base for towering spikes of bright yellow flowers that bloom in summer. Adapting to its natural rocky habitat, olympic mullein thrives in well-drained soil under full sun, where its drought-resistant foliage and imposing stature can be fully appreciated.
Verbascum 'Dark Eyes'
Mulleins 'Dark Eyes'
Mulleins 'Dark Eyes', a mullein cultivar, offers an abundance of rosettes of crisp-green leaves and masses of buttery-yellow flowers with dark red eyes (thus the name). The cultivar has a long blooming season, lasting from late spring through to late summer. It is favored for its resistance to deer and rabbits, and for its drought tolerance.
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