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How to Care Vervains

How to Care Vervains, Growing Vervains, Caring for Vervains

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Vervains?
How to Water Vervains?
How to Water Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?

Key Facts About Vervains


Attributes of Vervains

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Vervains

More Info About Vervains

Types of Vervains

Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop'
Purpletop vervain 'Lollipop'
The purpletop vervain 'Lollipop' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena officinalis var. grandiflora 'Bampton'
Common vervain 'Bampton'
The common vervain 'Bampton' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena rigida f. lilacina 'Polaris'
Vervains 'Polaris'
The vervains 'Polaris' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena rigida
Slender vervain
This wildflower grows erect in a shrub that flowers in summer and fall in South America and the southeastern United States. In non-native regions, slender vervain is occasionally considered invasive, and roots easily in disturbed soils. The bright flowers attract pollinators like butterflies and hoverflies.
Verbena bonariensis
Purpletop vervain
Purpletop vervain (Verbena bonariensis) is a flowering plant native to South America. In autumn, purpletop vervain loses its leaves. The lavender flowers on this species have a sweet scent.
Verbena officinalis
Common vervain
Also known as Holy Herb or Herb of the Cross, common vervain is occasionally claimed to have been used on the wounds of Jesus Christ after His death. It can also claim prominent positions in ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology as well. A tall, spindly, perennial herb, common vervain is native to Eurasia but has been introduced to the Americas.
Verbena brasiliensis
Brazilian vervain
Brazilian vervain (Verbena brasiliensis) is a perennial herb that grows in clumps. This plant can grow to be 91 to 183 cm tall and 30 to 91 cm wide. It has small purple flowers bloom from summer to the first frost of the year. Brazilian vervain blossoms are fragrant. This species grows best in full sunlight. It is drought and heat tolerant.
Verbena stricta
Hoary verbena
Hoary verbena, or Verbena stricta, is known for its tall plumes of purple flowers. It will easily overtake an overgrazed pasture, but it is not known to be aggressive or invasive. It germinates easily from seed.

More Similar Plants

Porterweeds are often found in gardens where the plants’ summer flowers attract different types of butterflies. Species in the genus have upright, branching stems and often develop a woody base, giving the plants a more shrub-like appearance. The flowers differ in color according to the variety, but all blossoms are rich in nectar.
The vervains genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Fiddlewoods are a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs that are native to tropical and subtropical South America. These plants typically produce fragrant, attractive white flowers, often throughout the year. Although fiddlewoods are frequently grown as ornamentals, the wood of these trees is also regularly used to make musical instruments.
Shrub verbenas
Shrub verbenas (Lantana) are popular garden plants, and growers have cultivated them into many shapes and colors. They produce up to 12,000 seeds a year on each shrubby plant. They have also become dangerously invasive plants after being introduced into the Australian ecosystem. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees love the nectar and pollen from shrub verbenas.
There are only a small number of species in the genus, and most are found only in America, with the exception of Phyla nodiflora which is found in tropical areas worldwide. Fogfruit are known for their tight clusters of flowers that grow in a mat-like form, spreading outwards. The Greek word phyle means tribe and it is thought that its use in the scientific name Phyla probably refers to the way the flowers group together.

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Botanist in your pocket
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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Vervains?
How to Water Vervains?
How to Water Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Vervains?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Propagate Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?
How to Plant Vervains?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Vervains

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Vervains


Types of Vervains

Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop'
Purpletop vervain 'Lollipop'
The purpletop vervain 'Lollipop' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena officinalis var. grandiflora 'Bampton'
Common vervain 'Bampton'
The common vervain 'Bampton' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena rigida f. lilacina 'Polaris'
Vervains 'Polaris'
The vervains 'Polaris' genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Verbena rigida
Slender vervain
This wildflower grows erect in a shrub that flowers in summer and fall in South America and the southeastern United States. In non-native regions, slender vervain is occasionally considered invasive, and roots easily in disturbed soils. The bright flowers attract pollinators like butterflies and hoverflies.
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More Similar Plants

Porterweeds are often found in gardens where the plants’ summer flowers attract different types of butterflies. Species in the genus have upright, branching stems and often develop a woody base, giving the plants a more shrub-like appearance. The flowers differ in color according to the variety, but all blossoms are rich in nectar.
The vervains genus includes 250 different plant types! The leaves often have a layer of hair on them, and the fruit splits into four different parts--each with one seed. The name refers to "sacred foliage" and is regularly used as a girl's name in Spanish-speaking countries. It has held this "sacred" distinction since ancient Roman times.
Fiddlewoods are a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs that are native to tropical and subtropical South America. These plants typically produce fragrant, attractive white flowers, often throughout the year. Although fiddlewoods are frequently grown as ornamentals, the wood of these trees is also regularly used to make musical instruments.
Shrub verbenas
Shrub verbenas (Lantana) are popular garden plants, and growers have cultivated them into many shapes and colors. They produce up to 12,000 seeds a year on each shrubby plant. They have also become dangerously invasive plants after being introduced into the Australian ecosystem. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees love the nectar and pollen from shrub verbenas.
There are only a small number of species in the genus, and most are found only in America, with the exception of Phyla nodiflora which is found in tropical areas worldwide. Fogfruit are known for their tight clusters of flowers that grow in a mat-like form, spreading outwards. The Greek word phyle means tribe and it is thought that its use in the scientific name Phyla probably refers to the way the flowers group together.
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