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How to Care Speedwells

How to Care Speedwells, Growing Speedwells, Caring for Speedwells

Also known as : Gypsyweeds
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Speedwells?
How to Water Speedwells?
How to Water Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?

Key Facts About Speedwells


Attributes of Speedwells

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Speedwells

More Info About Speedwells

Types of Speedwells

Veronica cupressoides 'Boughton Dome'
Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome'
Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome' are a large and diverse group of flowering plants in the plantain family that are found in a wide variety of habitats. While some species have lovely blooms that make them attractive groundcover, other species are considered pesky weeds. Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome' also fill important ecological roles, providing a food source for a wide variety of butterflies, moths, and other insects.
Veronica repens
Corsican speedwell
Perennial plant of Mediterranean origin perhaps Corsica if we believe the English language that calls Corsican Speedwell. It is also known in Spain and Italy. She likes peat bogs in the middle mountains and siliceous soil. Elsewhere it is found mainly in gardens where it is appreciated for the formation of rockeries. Flowering: spring to fall.
Veronica 'Silver Queen'
Speedwells 'Silver Queen'
A cultivar of shrubby veronica, speedwells 'Silver Queen' is a bushy evergreen that produces spikes of purple flowers and the eponymous silvery leaves throughout summer and autumn. This cultivar is especially suitable for containers, which also make it easier to carry inside during winter frosts. It is appreciated for its hardiness and low need for maintenance, as it requires only minimal pruning.
Veronica 'Pascal'
Speedwells 'Pascal'
A cultivar of shrubby veronica, speedwells 'Pascal' is a compact, bushy evergreen with spears of blue-violet flowers in summer and purplish flowers in winter. This seasonal diversity of color makes it a popular nursery plant. It is easy to grow and can tolerate even moderately poor soil so long as it receives at least partial sunlight.
Veronica crinita
Large speedwell
Large speedwell is a fascinating plant with unique characteristics. This perennial herb is known for its beautiful blue flowers that bloom in the spring and summer months. Unlike other plants, large speedwell has the ability to attract a variety of insects and birds, making it a popular choice for garden enthusiasts. Additionally, this plant has a rich history with ancient cultures, often associated with medicinal uses. Its intriguing name origin and interesting name stories add to its allure. With its stunning blooms and captivating qualities, large speedwell is truly a remarkable addition to any garden.
Veronica longifolia
Longleaf Speedwell
Longleaf Speedwell (Veronica longifolia) is a flowering perennial plant native to lakes and rivers in Europe. These flowering plants are often sold commercially for ornamental use under the trade name Blue Giantess. Longleaf Speedwell are often grown in groups in cottage gardens. Taller plants may need physical support. Longleaf Speedwell are considered easy to grown in well-drained soils in sunlight.
Veronica incana
Garden speedwell
Garden speedwell is adorned with soft, silvery-grey foliage and sports slender spikes of vivid blue to purple flowers. This perennial herb's woolly leaves are a hallmark, evolved likely as a water conservation strategy in its dry, rocky habitats. Garden speedwell flourishes in full sun and well-drained soils, attracting pollinators while resisting deer, embodying both beauty and resilience.
Veronica pinguifolia 'Pagei'
Veronica pinguifolia 'Pagei'
Veronica pinguifolia 'Pagei' are a large and diverse group of flowering plants in the plantain family that are found in a wide variety of habitats. While some species have lovely blooms that make them attractive groundcover, other species are considered pesky weeds. Veronica pinguifolia 'Pagei' also fill important ecological roles, providing a food source for a wide variety of butterflies, moths, and other insects.

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Botanist in your pocket
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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Also known as: Gypsyweeds
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
Download the App for Free

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Speedwells?
How to Water Speedwells?
How to Water Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Speedwells?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Propagate Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?
How to Plant Speedwells?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Speedwells

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Speedwells


Types of Speedwells

Veronica cupressoides 'Boughton Dome'
Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome'
Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome' are a large and diverse group of flowering plants in the plantain family that are found in a wide variety of habitats. While some species have lovely blooms that make them attractive groundcover, other species are considered pesky weeds. Cypress veronica 'Boughton Dome' also fill important ecological roles, providing a food source for a wide variety of butterflies, moths, and other insects.
Veronica repens
Corsican speedwell
Perennial plant of Mediterranean origin perhaps Corsica if we believe the English language that calls Corsican Speedwell. It is also known in Spain and Italy. She likes peat bogs in the middle mountains and siliceous soil. Elsewhere it is found mainly in gardens where it is appreciated for the formation of rockeries. Flowering: spring to fall.
Veronica 'Silver Queen'
Speedwells 'Silver Queen'
A cultivar of shrubby veronica, speedwells 'Silver Queen' is a bushy evergreen that produces spikes of purple flowers and the eponymous silvery leaves throughout summer and autumn. This cultivar is especially suitable for containers, which also make it easier to carry inside during winter frosts. It is appreciated for its hardiness and low need for maintenance, as it requires only minimal pruning.
Veronica 'Pascal'
Speedwells 'Pascal'
A cultivar of shrubby veronica, speedwells 'Pascal' is a compact, bushy evergreen with spears of blue-violet flowers in summer and purplish flowers in winter. This seasonal diversity of color makes it a popular nursery plant. It is easy to grow and can tolerate even moderately poor soil so long as it receives at least partial sunlight.
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