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Canna short pink magic
Canna short pink magic
Canna short pink magic
Canna 'Pink Magic'
Also known as : Canna liliy 'Pink Magic'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
7 to 12

Key Facts About Canna short pink magic


Attributes of Canna short pink magic

Plant Type
Plant Height
1 m
40 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Ideal Temperature
15 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Canna short pink magic

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More Info on Canna Short Pink Magic Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
18-24 inches
Transplant canna short pink magic in the period when spring is in full swing through to its tail end, ensuring they settle in before summer's heat. Choose a sunny spot with fertile, well-draining soil. Gentle handling is key to maintaining root integrity.
Transplant Techniques
Early spring, Late winter
This ornamental herbaceous perennial is distinguished by its vibrant pink flowers and lush foliage. For canna short pink magic, pruning dead or faded flowers enhances blooming and maintains aesthetics. Cut back foliage to the ground in late winter or early spring to promote vigorous growth. The optimal pruning time aligns with the dormant period, just before the onset of new growth. Pruning benefits canna short pink magic by encouraging a tidier habit, larger blooms, and rejuvenating plant vitality.
Pruning techniques
Canna short pink magic is a cultivar belonging to the Canna genus, recognized for its vibrant pink flowers and robust growth characteristics. To propagate canna short pink magic, sowing is the primary method. Gardeners should collect healthy, mature seeds post-bloom, dry them, and store in a cool, dry place until ready to sow. Prior to planting, it is recommended to nick the seed coat to facilitate germination. Sow seeds in well-draining soil and maintain consistent moisture levels. With the right conditions, canna short pink magic will thrive and add a splash of color to any garden.
Propagation Techniques
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a devastating disease that primarily impacts the Canna short pink magic's leaves and stem, causing discoloration, wilting, and eventual death. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can swiftly kill the plant and spread to nearby plants.
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The disease 'Scars' affects both aesthetics and health of Canna short pink magic, resulting in damaged foliage and compromised plant vitality. Effective management involves cultural practices and selective use of pesticides.
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Mealybug disease affects Canna short pink magic by manifesting sticky secretions and sooty mold, resulting in stunted growth and yellowing leaves. This pest infestation significantly impacts plant vigor and aesthetics.
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The 'Mushrooms' disease notably affects the growth and aesthetics of 'Canna short pink magic' by targeting its root system and foliage, potentially stunting growth and causing leaf discoloration.
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a plant disease affecting Canna short pink magic, causing its leaf tips to dry and shrink, which eventually leads to the plant's overall deterioration if left untreated. This disease is primarily caused by environmental stress and can significantly impair the plant's aesthetic and physiological health.
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Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Canna short pink magic is a condition where the plant exhibits droopiness and a decline in vitality, potentially leading to reduced flowering and growth. This disease can significantly affect the aesthetic and health of Canna short pink magic.
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Spots' is a disease that severely affects Canna short pink magic, manifesting as dark lesions on leaves, leading to stunted growth, leaf curling, and in severe cases, plant death. Fast-spreading and difficult to control, it poses a significant threat to healthy gardens.
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Leaf blotch
Leaf blotch is a fungal disease that affects Canna short pink magic, leading to discolored patches and potential defoliation. Severe cases can hinder its growth and aesthetic value.
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Whole leaf withering
Whole leaf withering affects Canna short pink magic by causing premature drying and curling of leaves. This disease significantly impacts the aesthetic and photosynthetic capabilities of the plant, leading to stunted growth.
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Dark spots
Dark spots on Canna short pink magic are unsightly blemishes that can disfigure leaves and diminish the plant's aesthetic value. The spots usually denote a disease that can compromise plant vigor and growth.
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Leaf curling
Leaf curling is a detrimental disease affecting Canna short pink magic. It alters the plant's appearance and health by causing leaves to curl and change color, potentially leading to stunted growth or plant death if left untreated.
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Notch is a disease with detrimental effects on Canna short pink magic. It causes stunted growth and widespread leaf damage, affecting plant vitality and flower production. This disease is infectious and poses a moderate threat to Canna short pink magic populations.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Canna short pink magic generally indicates stress or disease affecting the plant's ability to photosynthesize effectively, resulting in reduced vigor and aesthetic value.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting the Canna short pink magic, significantly compromising its growth and aesthetics. The disease causes dark, ring-shaped markings on leaves, impacting their photosynthesis and thus development. It spreads quickly but is controllable with timely interventions.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a plant disease affecting Canna short pink magic, characterized by yellowing of leaf edges. The disease can adversely affect the plant's overall health and aesthetic appeal, therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment are necessary.
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Scale insect
Scale insect disease impacts 'Canna short pink magic' by stunting growth and causing leaf discoloration. This pest attaches to surfaces, extracting sap and weakening the plant.
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Soil fungus
Soil fungus impacts 'Canna short pink magic' by causing root and stem rot, leading to weakened growth and potentially plant death. The disease is prevalent in humid conditions and can spread rapidly.
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Canna short pink magic
Canna short pink magic
Canna short pink magic
Canna 'Pink Magic'
Also known as: Canna liliy 'Pink Magic'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
7 to 12
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Key Facts About Canna short pink magic


Attributes of Canna short pink magic

Plant Type
Plant Height
1 m
40 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Ideal Temperature
15 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Canna short pink magic

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More Info on Canna Short Pink Magic Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a devastating disease that primarily impacts the Canna short pink magic's leaves and stem, causing discoloration, wilting, and eventual death. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can swiftly kill the plant and spread to nearby plants.
The disease 'Scars' affects both aesthetics and health of Canna short pink magic, resulting in damaged foliage and compromised plant vitality. Effective management involves cultural practices and selective use of pesticides.
Mealybug disease affects Canna short pink magic by manifesting sticky secretions and sooty mold, resulting in stunted growth and yellowing leaves. This pest infestation significantly impacts plant vigor and aesthetics.
The 'Mushrooms' disease notably affects the growth and aesthetics of 'Canna short pink magic' by targeting its root system and foliage, potentially stunting growth and causing leaf discoloration.
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a plant disease affecting Canna short pink magic, causing its leaf tips to dry and shrink, which eventually leads to the plant's overall deterioration if left untreated. This disease is primarily caused by environmental stress and can significantly impair the plant's aesthetic and physiological health.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Canna short pink magic is a condition where the plant exhibits droopiness and a decline in vitality, potentially leading to reduced flowering and growth. This disease can significantly affect the aesthetic and health of Canna short pink magic.
Spots' is a disease that severely affects Canna short pink magic, manifesting as dark lesions on leaves, leading to stunted growth, leaf curling, and in severe cases, plant death. Fast-spreading and difficult to control, it poses a significant threat to healthy gardens.
Leaf blotch
Leaf blotch is a fungal disease that affects Canna short pink magic, leading to discolored patches and potential defoliation. Severe cases can hinder its growth and aesthetic value.
Whole leaf withering
Whole leaf withering affects Canna short pink magic by causing premature drying and curling of leaves. This disease significantly impacts the aesthetic and photosynthetic capabilities of the plant, leading to stunted growth.
Dark spots
Dark spots on Canna short pink magic are unsightly blemishes that can disfigure leaves and diminish the plant's aesthetic value. The spots usually denote a disease that can compromise plant vigor and growth.
Leaf curling
Leaf curling is a detrimental disease affecting Canna short pink magic. It alters the plant's appearance and health by causing leaves to curl and change color, potentially leading to stunted growth or plant death if left untreated.
Notch is a disease with detrimental effects on Canna short pink magic. It causes stunted growth and widespread leaf damage, affecting plant vitality and flower production. This disease is infectious and poses a moderate threat to Canna short pink magic populations.
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Canna short pink magic generally indicates stress or disease affecting the plant's ability to photosynthesize effectively, resulting in reduced vigor and aesthetic value.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting the Canna short pink magic, significantly compromising its growth and aesthetics. The disease causes dark, ring-shaped markings on leaves, impacting their photosynthesis and thus development. It spreads quickly but is controllable with timely interventions.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a plant disease affecting Canna short pink magic, characterized by yellowing of leaf edges. The disease can adversely affect the plant's overall health and aesthetic appeal, therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment are necessary.
Scale insect
Scale insect disease impacts 'Canna short pink magic' by stunting growth and causing leaf discoloration. This pest attaches to surfaces, extracting sap and weakening the plant.
Soil fungus
Soil fungus impacts 'Canna short pink magic' by causing root and stem rot, leading to weakened growth and potentially plant death. The disease is prevalent in humid conditions and can spread rapidly.
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