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Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunia 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
2 to 11

Key Facts About Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'


Attributes of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Plant Height
30 cm to 60 cm
60 cm to 90 cm
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'

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More Info on Petunias 'supertunia Vista Fuchsia' Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
18-24 inches
Transplant petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' when the frost has bid adieu, ideally when spring awakens the soil. Scout for a site bathed in sun, yet shielded from harsh elements. A token tip: gentle hands foster root prosperity. Adorn your space with petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' when renewal sings.
Transplant Techniques
Spring, Summer, Fall
Distinguished by its vibrant fuchsia blooms and vigorous growth, petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' thrives with regular pruning. Deadheading encourages more blossoms, while light trimming shapes the plant and promotes a bushier appearance. Best pruned in spring to early fall, aligning with active growing periods. Pruning not only maintains aesthetics but also enhances air circulation, reducing disease risk. Benefits include prolonged flowering and more robust plants capable of withstanding mild environmental stressors.
Pruning techniques
To propagate petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', sowing is the preferred method. Ensure to use a well-draining, nutrient-rich starting mix ideal for petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia''s root development. Plant the seeds shallowly as they require light for germination, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Provide ample sunlight and warmth to facilitate a healthy growth environment. Once seedlings develop true leaves, transplant them carefully to avoid disturbing the delicate roots. Regular feeding with a balanced fertilizer will promote vigorous growth for petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'.
Propagation Techniques
Whole leaf withering
Whole leaf withering is a disease that affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to the severe wilting of the leaves. It can dramatically affect the plant's growth and developmental stages, potentially resulting in overall plant decline or death.
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Leaf rot
Leaf rot in 'Petunias Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'' primarily causes deterioration of plant vitality, lower blooming rates, and potentially, plant death. This disease, prevalent in high humidity and temperatures, can significantly affect the aesthetics and health of the plant.
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Non-base branch withering
Non-base branch withering is a plant disease severely affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It results in premature wilting and potential death of tissue, impacting the aesthetics and health of the plant.
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Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting is a disease that manifests through sagging or drooping leaves in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It weakens the plant, disrupts photosynthesis, and if severe or untreated, can lead to plant’s death. It results from numerous causes including water stress, heat stress, or root-related disease.
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Leaf drooping
Leaf drooping in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' is a common disorder impacting its vibrancy and growth. It results from varied causes such as water stress, nutrient issues, or environmental conditions.
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Flower wilting
Flower wilting is a disease that causes severe drooping in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia''s blossoms, leading to petal decay and eventual plant death. This pathology is triggered by various biotic and abiotic factors, demanding comprehensive management strategies.
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Spots on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' can be a distressing disease, typically causing discolored lesions on leaves and impairing overall plant health, potentially leading to reduced flowering and vigor.
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a disease that results in the browning and curling of leaf tips in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It significantly impairs the plant's photosynthesis process, reducing overall growth and flower production.
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Flower withering
Flower withering is a disease that can cause significant damage to Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. The disease affects its vibrant blooms, causing them to dry up prematurely, significantly diminishing the plant's aesthetic appeal and overall health. Causes range from pathogens to environmental stressors.
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The disease 'Mushrooms' notably affects 'Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'' by impeding its growth and causing deterioration in its vibrantly colored petals. This fungal ailment primarily results from improper growing conditions, being particularly prevalent in humid environments.
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Wounds on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' occurs due to physical damage or insect pests, depriving the plant of its natural aesthetic and leading to possible secondary infections. Quick actions are essential to prevent further damage and ensure plant health.
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Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, heavily infest 'Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'', leading to stunted growth, deformed leaves, and diminished flowering. These pests secrete honeydew, encouraging sooty mold growth.
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Leaf white mold
Leaf white mold is a fungal disease that primarily affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing significant aesthetic and physiological damage, potentially leading to reduced vigor and death if not managed.
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Black mold
Black mold primarily affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing leaf discoloration and reduced floral display. Severe cases can impact plant vigor and bloom density.
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Dark spots
Dark spots' disease in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' leads to aesthetic degradation and potential growth reduction. It primarily affects leaves and stems, manifesting as discolored patches that can weaken plant vitality if untreated.
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Scars on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' primarily result from mechanical injuries or pest damage. These physical damages lead to the formation of scar tissue, impairing aesthetics and sometimes growth.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a condition affecting the leaves of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', characterized by yellowing margins progressing towards the leaf center, potentially causing decreased vigor and aesthetic value.
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Mealybug is a sap-sucking pest that affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to stunted growth, yellowing, and leaf drop. This infestation can significantly impact plant health and aesthetic value.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a disease affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to unsightly discoloration and potential plant debilitation. It is primarily caused by environmental stress and pathogens, impacting the plant's aesthetics and health.
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Branch withering
Branch withering in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' is characterized by the gradual decay and drying of stems and branches, ultimately affecting plant vitality and bloom quality. Mainly caused by environmental stress and fungal infections, its management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing is a common plant disease that results from nutrient deficiency, overwatering, or viral infections. The disease negatively impacts the aesthetical appeal of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' by causing yellowish discoloration of leaves with potential progression being partially or fully wilted and death of the plant.
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White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing aesthetic damage and potentially reducing plant vigor. This disease presents as irregular white patches on leaves and stems, influencing overall plant health.
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Soil fungus
Soil fungus, primarily caused by fungi like Rhizoctonia solani, severely impacts the growth of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to root rot, stunted growth, and potentially plant death if untreated.
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Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Petunia 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
2 to 11
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Key Facts About Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'


Attributes of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Plant Height
30 cm to 60 cm
60 cm to 90 cm
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'

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More Info on Petunias 'supertunia Vista Fuchsia' Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
Whole leaf withering
Whole leaf withering is a disease that affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to the severe wilting of the leaves. It can dramatically affect the plant's growth and developmental stages, potentially resulting in overall plant decline or death.
Leaf rot
Leaf rot in 'Petunias Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'' primarily causes deterioration of plant vitality, lower blooming rates, and potentially, plant death. This disease, prevalent in high humidity and temperatures, can significantly affect the aesthetics and health of the plant.
Non-base branch withering
Non-base branch withering is a plant disease severely affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It results in premature wilting and potential death of tissue, impacting the aesthetics and health of the plant.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting is a disease that manifests through sagging or drooping leaves in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It weakens the plant, disrupts photosynthesis, and if severe or untreated, can lead to plant’s death. It results from numerous causes including water stress, heat stress, or root-related disease.
Leaf drooping
Leaf drooping in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' is a common disorder impacting its vibrancy and growth. It results from varied causes such as water stress, nutrient issues, or environmental conditions.
Flower wilting
Flower wilting is a disease that causes severe drooping in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia''s blossoms, leading to petal decay and eventual plant death. This pathology is triggered by various biotic and abiotic factors, demanding comprehensive management strategies.
Spots on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' can be a distressing disease, typically causing discolored lesions on leaves and impairing overall plant health, potentially leading to reduced flowering and vigor.
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a disease that results in the browning and curling of leaf tips in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. It significantly impairs the plant's photosynthesis process, reducing overall growth and flower production.
Flower withering
Flower withering is a disease that can cause significant damage to Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'. The disease affects its vibrant blooms, causing them to dry up prematurely, significantly diminishing the plant's aesthetic appeal and overall health. Causes range from pathogens to environmental stressors.
The disease 'Mushrooms' notably affects 'Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'' by impeding its growth and causing deterioration in its vibrantly colored petals. This fungal ailment primarily results from improper growing conditions, being particularly prevalent in humid environments.
Wounds on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' occurs due to physical damage or insect pests, depriving the plant of its natural aesthetic and leading to possible secondary infections. Quick actions are essential to prevent further damage and ensure plant health.
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, heavily infest 'Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia'', leading to stunted growth, deformed leaves, and diminished flowering. These pests secrete honeydew, encouraging sooty mold growth.
Leaf white mold
Leaf white mold is a fungal disease that primarily affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing significant aesthetic and physiological damage, potentially leading to reduced vigor and death if not managed.
Black mold
Black mold primarily affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing leaf discoloration and reduced floral display. Severe cases can impact plant vigor and bloom density.
Dark spots
Dark spots' disease in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' leads to aesthetic degradation and potential growth reduction. It primarily affects leaves and stems, manifesting as discolored patches that can weaken plant vitality if untreated.
Scars on Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' primarily result from mechanical injuries or pest damage. These physical damages lead to the formation of scar tissue, impairing aesthetics and sometimes growth.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a condition affecting the leaves of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', characterized by yellowing margins progressing towards the leaf center, potentially causing decreased vigor and aesthetic value.
Mealybug is a sap-sucking pest that affects Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to stunted growth, yellowing, and leaf drop. This infestation can significantly impact plant health and aesthetic value.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a disease affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to unsightly discoloration and potential plant debilitation. It is primarily caused by environmental stress and pathogens, impacting the plant's aesthetics and health.
Branch withering
Branch withering in Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' is characterized by the gradual decay and drying of stems and branches, ultimately affecting plant vitality and bloom quality. Mainly caused by environmental stress and fungal infections, its management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing is a common plant disease that results from nutrient deficiency, overwatering, or viral infections. The disease negatively impacts the aesthetical appeal of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia' by causing yellowish discoloration of leaves with potential progression being partially or fully wilted and death of the plant.
White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease affecting Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', causing aesthetic damage and potentially reducing plant vigor. This disease presents as irregular white patches on leaves and stems, influencing overall plant health.
Soil fungus
Soil fungus, primarily caused by fungi like Rhizoctonia solani, severely impacts the growth of Petunias 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia', leading to root rot, stunted growth, and potentially plant death if untreated.
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