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Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Tilia mandshurica
Also known as : Mandchurian linden
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
care guide

Care Guide for Manchurian linden

Soil Care
Soil Care
Slightly acidic
Details on Soil Care Soil Care
Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Full sun, Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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Manchurian linden
Every 2-3 weeks
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones

Questions About Manchurian linden

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What's the best method to water my Manchurian linden?
You might want to put a garden hose at the plant base to ensure that you're promoting excellent root development. Avoid directly spraying the leaves, and know that the leaves will require more watering if they are outdoors and facing direct sunlight. You can also use bubblers that you can put on to each plant to moisten the roots. Also, use soaker hoses that can cover the entire garden or bed when adding or removing plants to push the roots deeply. Drain any excess water and wait for the soil to dry before watering. Water at ground level to prevent diseases. On a sunny day, you might want to spray the entire bush with water. Whether potted or in-ground, please remember Manchurian linden prefers deep watering over light sprinkling.
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What should I do if I water Manchurian linden too much/too little?
An overwatered Manchurian linden can start to have leaves that turn yellow, drop off and wilt. The plant can also look dull and unhealthy, with signs of mushy stems. When they are beginning to show these signs, it's best to adjust your schedule whenever possible. The wilting can also be a sign of under watering as well. You might see that the leaves begin to turn crispy and dry while the overwatered ones will have soft wilted leaves. Check the soil when it is dry and watering is not enough, give it a full watering in time. Enough water will make the Manchurian linden recover again, but the plant will still appear dry and yellow leaves after a few days due to the damaged root system. Once it return to normal, the leave yellowing will stop . Always check the moisture levels at the pot when you have the Manchurian linden indoors. Avoid overwatering indoors and see if there are signs of black spots. If these are present, let the soil dry in the pot by giving it a few days of rest from watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot being present in your plant. If this is the case, you might want to transfer them into a different pot, especially if you see discolored and slimy roots. Always prevent root rot as much as possible, and don't let the soil become too soggy. You should dig a little deeper when you plant your Manchurian linden outdoors. When you check with your fingers and notice that the soil is too dry, it could mean underwatering. Adequate watering is required to help the plant recover.
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How often should I water my Manchurian linden?
The Manchurian linden likes deep and infrequent watering. You would want to soak them in a gallon of water each time, especially when they are planted in pots. The water storage of flower pots is limited and the soil will dry out faster. Watering is required every 3 to 5 days when living in a cold region. Water it early in the morning when the soil is dry, outdoors or indoors. You can also determine if watering is needed by checking the soil inside. When the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry, it is time to give the plant a full watering. During hot days, you may need to check the moisture daily, as the heat can quickly dry out the soil in the pot. Irrigation of the soil is also required if you have a garden. When you live in a hot climate, you might want to water once a week. Only water when you notice that about 2 to 3 inches of soil become too dry outdoors or indoors. Consider the amount of rainwater on the plant and ensure not to add to it to prevent root rot.You may not need additional watering of the plants if there is a lot of rainfall.Manchurian linden generally grows during spring and fall. When they are outdoors, you need to add mulch about 3 to 4 inches deep to conserve more water. You need to water the plants more frequently in sandy soil because this type tends to drain faster. However, with the clay one, you need to water this less frequently where you could go for 2-3 days to dry the plant and not develop any root rot. You could mark the date on the calendar whenever you water and when you notice that the leaves are starting to droop. This can mean that you might be a day late.
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How much water do I need to give my Manchurian linden?
The Manchurian linden generally needs about a gallon of water each schedule,With the potted plants, you might want to water them deeply until you see that the water is dripping at the bottom of the pot. Then, wait for the soil to dry before watering them again. You can use a water calculator or a moisture meter to determine the amount you've given to your plant in a week. Provide plenty of water, especially in the flowering period, but let the moisture evaporate afterwards to prevent root rot. If Manchurian linden is planted outdoor with adequate rainfall, it may not need additional watering. When Manchurian linden is young or newly planted, make sure it gets 1-2 inches of rain per week. As Manchurian linden continues to grow, it can survive entirely on rainfall. Only when the weather is too hot, or when there is no rainfall at all for 2-3 weeks, then consider giving Manchurian linden a full watering during the cooler moment of the day to prevent the plant from suffering from high heat damage. Additional watering will be required during persistent dry spells.
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Should I adjust the watering frequency for my Manchurian linden according to different seasons or climates?
The Manchurian linden needs outdoors come from rain, with only persistent dry weather requiring watering. Throughout the spring and fall growing seasons, the soil needs to be kept moist but not soggy, and alternating dry and moist soil conditions will allow the Manchurian linden to grow well. Throughout the summer, hot weather can cause water to evaporate too quickly, and if there is a lack of rainfall, you will need to water more frequently and extra to keep it moist. Usually, the Manchurian linden will need less water during the winter. Since the Manchurian linden will drop their leaves and go dormant, you can put them into a well-draining but moisture-retentive soil mixture like the terracotta to help the water evaporate quicker. Once your Manchurian linden growing outdoors begins to leaf out and go dormant, you can skip watering altogether and in most cases Manchurian linden can rely on the fall and winter rains to survive the entire dormant period. After the spring, you can cultivate your Manchurian linden and encourage it to grow and bloom when the temperature becomes warmer.This plant is not generally a fan of ponding or drought when flowering. You must ensure that the drainage is good at all times, especially during the winter. When the plant is in a pot, the plant has limited root growth. Keep them well-watered, especially if they are planted in pots during summer. They don't like cold and wet roots, so provide adequate drainage, especially if they are still growing. It's always best to water your Manchurian linden’s diligently. Get the entire root system into a deep soak at least once or twice a week, depending on the weather. It's best to avoid shallow sprinkles that reach the leaves since they generally encourage the growth of fungi and don't reach deep into the roots. Don't allow the Manchurian linden’s to dry out completely in the fall or winter, even if they are already dormancy. Don't drown the plants because they generally don't like sitting in water for too long. They can die during winter if the soil does not drain well. Also, apply mulch whenever possible to reduce stress, conserve water, and encourage healthy blooms.
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What should I be careful with when I water my Manchurian linden in different seasons, climates, or during different growing periods?
If planting in the ground, Manchurian linden mostly relies on rain. However, if there is no rainfall for 2-3 weeks, you may need to give proper consideration to giving the plants a deep watering. If watering Manchurian linden in summer, you should try to do it in the morning. A large temperature difference between the water temperature and the root system can stress the roots. You need to avoid watering the bushes when it's too hot outside. Start mulching them during the spring when the ground is not too cold. The age of the plants matter. Lack of water is one of the most common reasons the newly planted ones fail to grow. After they are established, you need to ease off the watering schedule. Reduce watering them during the fall and winter, especially if they have a water-retaining material in the soil. The dry winds in winter can dry them out, and the newly planted ones can be at risk of drought during windy winter, summer, and fall. Windy seasons mean that there's more watering required. The ones planted in the pot tend to dry out faster, so they need more watering. Once you see that they bloom less, the leaves begin to dry up. Potted plants are relatively complex to water and fluctuate in frequency. Always be careful that the pot-planted plant don't sit in the water. Avoid putting them in containers with saucers, bowls, and trays. Too much watering in the fall can make the foliage look mottled or yellowish. It's always a good idea to prevent overwatering them regardless of the current climate or season that you might have. During the months when Manchurian linden begins to flower, you might want to increase the watering frequency but give it a rest once they are fully grown. Give them an adequate amount of water once every 3 to 5 days but don't give them regular schedules. Make sure the soil is dry by sticking your finger in the pot, or use a moisture meter if you're unsure if it's the right time. Too much root rot can cause them to die, so be careful not to overwater or underwater regardless of the climate or season you have in your area.
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Why is watering my Manchurian linden important?
Watering the Manchurian linden helps transport the needed nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant. The moisture will keep this species healthy if you know how much water to give. The watering requirements will depend on the weather in your area and the plant's soil. The Manchurian linden thrives on moist soil, but they can't generally tolerate waterlogging. Ensure to provide enough mulch when planted on the ground and never fall into the trap of watering too little. They enjoy a full can of watering where the water should be moist at the base when they are planted in a pot to get the best blooms. If they are grown as foliage, you need to water them up to a depth of 10 to 20 inches so they will continue to grow. If it's raining, refrain from watering and let them get the nutrients they need from the rainwater.
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Key Facts About Manchurian linden


Attributes of Manchurian linden

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Mid summer
Plant Height
20 m
Flower Size
7 mm to 8 mm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
0 - 25 ℃

Scientific Classification of Manchurian linden

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Common Pests & Diseases About Manchurian linden

Common issues for Manchurian linden based on 10 million real cases
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a nutrient deficiency-related condition affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by the yellowing of leaf margins. Crucial aspects include reversible damage and varying severity depending on care.
Brown spot
Brown spot Brown spot
Brown spot
This infection can cause brown spots or patches to appear on the plant.
Solutions: In minor cases of brown spot, there isn’t any need to treat the disease. However, if much of the foliage is affected and defoliation occurs, the plant will benefit from getting rid of the infection. It is recommended to start by applying organic treatment options, working up to the more potent synthetic, chemical fungicides if necessary. Organic options won’t kill the fungus, but will prevent it from spreading. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap in a gallon of water. Using a spray bottle, spray on tops and bottoms of leaves until the mixture drips off. Repeat every two weeks until existing spots stop enlarging and new spots no longer appear. Spray a copper-based fungicidal soap on the leaves, coating the top and bottom leaf surfaces. Reapply as directed on the product label. Copper penetrates the leaf surface and prevents germination of spores so the fungus cannot spread. Apply an all-purpose fungicide to the entire plant, following the label instructions carefully.
Gall Gall
Insects or diseases can cause strange protrusions on the leaves, sometimes manifesting in a range of colors and shapes.
Solutions: While galls may look alarming, the physical structures themselves pose little threat to the plant or tree and do not require chemical treatment. If the galls are unsightly, they can be removed using sterilized (10% bleach solution) pruners or loppers. Discard or destroy all removed plant parts. It is important to treat the underlying cause, as insects or diseases can create long-term damage if left untreated. After identifying the pest, natural or chemical may be used, depending upon individual gardening preferences. To treat pests naturally apply an insecticidal soap. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soap per quart of water in a spray bottle and mix gently. Spray the entire plant until the leaves are dripping, making sure to coat the underside and tops. Re-spray every 2 to 3 days. To treat organically apply neem oil, a naturally occurring pesticide, per label directions every 7 days until pests are eradicated. To treat chemically apply an insecticidal foliar spray. Follow the dosing instructions provided by the manufacturer on the product label. For fungal or bacterial causes, apply a bactericide or copper-based fungicide in the spring, following the dosing instructions provided on the product label.
Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Solutions: Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
plant poor
Yellow edges
Active Period
What is Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Yellow edges is a nutrient deficiency-related condition affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by the yellowing of leaf margins. Crucial aspects include reversible damage and varying severity depending on care.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Manchurian linden, symptoms manifest primarily as distinct yellowing along the leaf edges. This can progress inward if the deficiency is not corrected. Leaves may eventually brown and drop prematurely.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Nutrient deficiency
Insufficient uptake of key minerals like magnesium and potassium, crucial for chlorophyll production and water transport.
Soil pH imbalance
Improper soil pH can hinder nutrient absorption, leading to symptoms of deficiencies.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Non pesticide
Soil testing and amendment: Conduct soil tests to detect nutrient levels and pH, and amend soil accordingly to optimize nutrient availability.

Foliar feeding: Apply foliar sprays of magnesium and potassium to quickly alleviate deficiency symptoms.
Chelated mineral treatments: Use chelated forms of essential minerals to improve absorption and reduce deficiency signs.
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Brown spot
plant poor
Brown spot
This infection can cause brown spots or patches to appear on the plant.
Discolored spots on the foliage of plants are one of the most common disease problems people observe. These spots are caused by fungal and bacterial diseases, with most infections related to a fungal pathogen.
Brown spot can occurs on all houseplants, flowering ornamentals, vegetable plants, and leaves of trees, bushes, and shrubs. No plants are resistant to it, and the problem is worse in warm, wet environments. It can occur at any point in the life stage as long as leaves are present.
Small brownish spots appear on the foliage and enlarge as the disease progresses. In severe cases, the plant or tree is weakened when the lesions interrupt photosynthesis or cause defoliation.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In most cases, brown spot only affects a small percentage of the whole plant, appearing on a small amount of the leaves. A small infection only puts minor stress on the plant. However, if left untreated and the disease progresses over numerous seasons, it will severely impact the health and productivity of the infected specimen.
  • Sporulation begins (reproduction of the fungal spores), and tiny spots appear on leaves.
  • Placement is often random and scattered as diseases are spread through raindrops.
  • May appear on lower leaves and the interior of the plant where humidity is higher.
  • Brown spots enlarge and grow large enough to touch neighboring spots to form a more prominent blotch.
  • Leaf margins may turn yellow.
  • Tiny black dots (fruiting bodies of the fungi) appear in the dead spots.
  • Blotches grow in size until the entire leaf is brown.
  • The leaf falls off the plant.
Severe Symptoms
  • Partial or complete premature defoliation
  • Reduced growth
  • Increased susceptibility to pests and other diseases
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
Brown spot, or leaf spot, is a common descriptive term given to several diseases affecting the leaves of plants and trees. Around 85% of diseases exhibiting leaf spots are due to fungus or fungus-like organisms. Sometimes brown spot is caused by a bacterial infection, or insect activity with similar symptoms.
When conditions are warm and the leaf surfaces are wet, fungal spores being transported by wind or rain land on the surface and cling to it. They do not rupture the cell walls but grow in the space between the plant plasma membrane and the plant cell wall. As the spores reproduce, they release toxins and enzymes that cause necrotic spots (i.e., dead tissue) on the leaves, allowing the fungi to consume the products released when the cells degrade.
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Insects or diseases can cause strange protrusions on the leaves, sometimes manifesting in a range of colors and shapes.
A general symptom of plant irritation, a gall is a spherical or lumpy, tumor-like growth that appears on leaves, stems, branches and trunks of various plants, especially trees. Galls form around a potential problem or irritation, like a pearl forming around a bit of sand in an oyster shell, to separate the cause from the rest of the plant. Many form around insect damage or a localized infection.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Abnormal growths appear on leaves or other parts of the plant. The brown or brightly colored bumps may be simple or complicated structures.
  • Leaf galls appear on most herbaceous plants and trees. They are more prone to develop on new growth and following mild winters in which insects and diseases were not killed by the cold.
  • Leaf galls look like leaf curls, nipples, blisters, or erineums (hairy growths) and can occur on upper or lower leaf surfaces.
  • Bud or flower galls cause these parts to be deformed in size or shape.
  • Stem and twig galls cause deformed growth on twigs and stems, with symptom severity ranging from slight swelling to large, knot-like growth.
  • Stunted plant growth is possible, as galls steal nutrients from the plant.
  • Long-lasting damage can occur if there are many galls or galls present for a long period of time.
It's important to note that galls, especially leaf galls, are extremely common. Noticing galls is not a cause to panic – most plants will have galls from time to time. However, it is when they are widespread or long-lasting that steps will need to be taken to remove them.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are many different processes and organisms that produce galls. Some appear when sap-sucking insects feed on leaves; some shelter developing insect eggs; some develop as a response to fungal or bacterial infection.
The most common culprits include:
  • Feeding or egg-laying mites and insects - the saliva and other secretions cause the plants to produce more growth hormones.
  • High hormone production resulting in increased cell numbers or cell size (because of this, mature plants tend not to be affected).
  • Fungal infection
  • Galls forming on leaf blades and sheaths are more often caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Nematodes can also cause galls to form on plants, but these tend to form in the roots.
  • Parasitic plants such as mistletoe can cause galls on their hosts.
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Underwatering yellow
plant poor
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant’s leaves are turning yellow due to underwatering, the oldest leaves turn yellow first. Leaves yellow from the edges towards the middle. Other signs of underwatering include the soil feeling very dry or pulling away from the edge of its pot.
Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly.
  1. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot.
  2. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
  1. When you get a new plant, research its specific watering needs. Set reminders so that you remember to water your plants consistently. Not all plants are the same, so make sure to differentiate all of your plants in your watering schedule.
  2. You may wish to purchase a commercial soil water meter which has a long probe that you place near your plant’s roots. Be sure to check it frequently and water your plant when the soil water meter indicates that it needs watering.
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Distribution of Manchurian linden


Habitat of Manchurian linden

Mixed forests
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Manchurian linden

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Manchurian Linden Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
35-40 feet
The optimal time to transplant manchurian linden is from the awakening of spring until the threshold of summer, ensuring a recovery period before extremes. Choose a location bathed in sun to partial shade and afford consistent moisture. Gentle handling is paramount for root integrity.
Transplant Techniques
-30 ℃
Manchurian linden is native to regions with a broad temperature spectrum, thriving in environments from 32 to 77 °F (0 to 25 ℃). In seasonal shifts, slight adjustments to mirror its natural habitat temperatures could enhance growth.
Temp for Healthy Growth
Early spring, Late winter
This deciduous tree, known for its attractive heart-shaped leaves and fragrant pale yellow blossoms, requires precise pruning to maintain health and structure. Essential pruning techniques for manchurian linden include thinning out crowded branches, removing dead or diseased wood, and shaping for aesthetics or to restrict size. The optimal timing for pruning is late winter or early spring, coinciding with dormancy and prior to new growth. Pruning manchurian linden during this window reduces stress, promotes vigorous spring growth, and enhances the tree's natural form.
Pruning techniques
Endemic to Northeast Asia, manchurian linden propagates most effectively through cuttings, a method suitable for ensuring genetic consistency. When selecting cuttings, opt for healthy, disease-free branches. Trim the cut ends just below a node, use rooting hormone to encourage growth, and plant in a well-drained, fertile medium, maintaining adequate moisture and warmth to facilitate root development. Careful attention to these practical steps will help meet the needs of manchurian linden, favoring successful establishment and growth.
Propagation Techniques
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a nutrient deficiency-related condition affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by the yellowing of leaf margins. Crucial aspects include reversible damage and varying severity depending on care.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Manchurian linden typically manifests as a decline in vibrancy and health of foliage, impacting its aesthetic value and photosynthetic efficiency. This condition can lead to reduced growth and vitality if not addressed properly.
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Dark spots
Dark spots on Manchurian linden commonly manifest as circular, dark brown lesions on leaves, leading to defoliation and reduced aesthetic value. The disease's progression can weaken the plant, making it susceptible to other stress factors.
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a harmful condition affecting Manchurian linden, potentially leading to compromised growth and vitality. Recognized by curled and browned leaf tips, this condition often results from abiotic stressors and can substantially impair leaf function and aesthetics.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by dark, irregular spots on leaves and bark. This disease can cause significant aesthetic damage and, in severe cases, affect the overall health of Manchurian linden.
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Plants Related to Manchurian linden

Brittle spine flower
Brittle spine flower
Brittle spine flower is a member of the buckwheat family and thrives in desert habitats. It serves as a host for the White-lined Sphinx moth. The annual herb's name, Brittle spine flower, references the fact that the stems and branches of the plant can easily separate at the nodes.
Bristlystalked sedge
Bristlystalked sedge
The most widespread sedge of North America, the bristlystalked sedge can be found in wet habitats. Though this perennial grass has very thin and delicate foliage, it is able to create dense mats. In some areas, it is considered imperiled, due to a number of different factors.
Bristly fiddleneck
Bristly fiddleneck
Bristly fiddleneck (Amsinckia tessellata) grows across the Great Basin of the United States, as well as down through the southern U.S. into Mexico. Its spiny hairs are thicker and tougher than those of other fiddlenecks, and give the plant its name. The bristly fiddleneck does well in many habitats and altitudes up to 1800 m.
Brazil macca
Brazil macca
Brazil macca, is a fascinating plant that captivates with its unique characteristics. This plant boasts delicate fern-like foliage and vibrant flowers that attract a wide array of insects and birds, making it a popular choice for gardens. Not only does brazil macca add beauty to landscapes, but it also holds economic value due to its potential use in various culinary dishes. Interestingly, brazil macca has an unusual lifespan, living for several decades. Its enduring presence and endangered status make it a plant worth cherishing.
Branched lagophylla
Branched lagophylla
Branched lagophylla is native to the western United States, so it is no surprise that this annual herb thrives in sunny, dry habitats at low and mid-elevation. It is a preferred host of the Lagophylla ramosissima moth.
Bracted fanpetals
Bracted fanpetals
A pretty annual flower with pink or yellow blooms that have yellow throats, bracted fanpetals is generally found in the southern United States and into Mexico. Bracted fanpetals, or Sida ciliaris, has been naturalized in Hawaii.
Small-leaved lime
Small-leaved lime
Small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) is a deciduous tree that is cultivated all over the world as an ornamental plant in parks and avenues. Honeybees like to visit the flowers; monofloral honey made from this species is considered to be very nutritious. British ship outfitters used small-leaved lime wood for onboard furniture; French shipwrights thought the weak wood was used for shipbuilding and introduced the epithet, "limey," for British people.
American basswood
American basswood
American basswood (Tilia americana) is a deciduous tree with a wide, rounded crown, very similar to its European cousin Tilia Cordata. A subtle difference between the species can be found on the bark - if an orange hue is present in the valleys on the bark, then it is T. Cordata.
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Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden
Tilia mandshurica
Also known as: Mandchurian linden
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
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Questions About Manchurian linden

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What's the best method to water my Manchurian linden?
What should I do if I water Manchurian linden too much/too little?
How often should I water my Manchurian linden?
How much water do I need to give my Manchurian linden?
Should I adjust the watering frequency for my Manchurian linden according to different seasons or climates?
What should I be careful with when I water my Manchurian linden in different seasons, climates, or during different growing periods?
Why is watering my Manchurian linden important?
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Key Facts About Manchurian linden


Attributes of Manchurian linden

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Mid summer
Plant Height
20 m
Flower Size
7 mm to 8 mm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
0 - 25 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Manchurian linden

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Common Pests & Diseases About Manchurian linden

Common issues for Manchurian linden based on 10 million real cases
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a nutrient deficiency-related condition affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by the yellowing of leaf margins. Crucial aspects include reversible damage and varying severity depending on care.
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Brown spot
Brown spot Brown spot Brown spot
This infection can cause brown spots or patches to appear on the plant.
Solutions: In minor cases of brown spot, there isn’t any need to treat the disease. However, if much of the foliage is affected and defoliation occurs, the plant will benefit from getting rid of the infection. It is recommended to start by applying organic treatment options, working up to the more potent synthetic, chemical fungicides if necessary. Organic options won’t kill the fungus, but will prevent it from spreading. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap in a gallon of water. Using a spray bottle, spray on tops and bottoms of leaves until the mixture drips off. Repeat every two weeks until existing spots stop enlarging and new spots no longer appear. Spray a copper-based fungicidal soap on the leaves, coating the top and bottom leaf surfaces. Reapply as directed on the product label. Copper penetrates the leaf surface and prevents germination of spores so the fungus cannot spread. Apply an all-purpose fungicide to the entire plant, following the label instructions carefully.
Learn More About the Brown spot more
Gall Gall Gall
Insects or diseases can cause strange protrusions on the leaves, sometimes manifesting in a range of colors and shapes.
Solutions: While galls may look alarming, the physical structures themselves pose little threat to the plant or tree and do not require chemical treatment. If the galls are unsightly, they can be removed using sterilized (10% bleach solution) pruners or loppers. Discard or destroy all removed plant parts. It is important to treat the underlying cause, as insects or diseases can create long-term damage if left untreated. After identifying the pest, natural or chemical may be used, depending upon individual gardening preferences. To treat pests naturally apply an insecticidal soap. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soap per quart of water in a spray bottle and mix gently. Spray the entire plant until the leaves are dripping, making sure to coat the underside and tops. Re-spray every 2 to 3 days. To treat organically apply neem oil, a naturally occurring pesticide, per label directions every 7 days until pests are eradicated. To treat chemically apply an insecticidal foliar spray. Follow the dosing instructions provided by the manufacturer on the product label. For fungal or bacterial causes, apply a bactericide or copper-based fungicide in the spring, following the dosing instructions provided on the product label.
Learn More About the Gall more
Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Solutions: Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
Learn More About the Underwatering yellow more
plant poor
Yellow edges
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What is Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Yellow edges is a nutrient deficiency-related condition affecting Manchurian linden, characterized by the yellowing of leaf margins. Crucial aspects include reversible damage and varying severity depending on care.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Manchurian linden, symptoms manifest primarily as distinct yellowing along the leaf edges. This can progress inward if the deficiency is not corrected. Leaves may eventually brown and drop prematurely.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Nutrient deficiency
Insufficient uptake of key minerals like magnesium and potassium, crucial for chlorophyll production and water transport.
Soil pH imbalance
Improper soil pH can hinder nutrient absorption, leading to symptoms of deficiencies.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Manchurian linden?
Non pesticide
Soil testing and amendment: Conduct soil tests to detect nutrient levels and pH, and amend soil accordingly to optimize nutrient availability.

Foliar feeding: Apply foliar sprays of magnesium and potassium to quickly alleviate deficiency symptoms.
Chelated mineral treatments: Use chelated forms of essential minerals to improve absorption and reduce deficiency signs.
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Brown spot
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Brown spot
This infection can cause brown spots or patches to appear on the plant.
Discolored spots on the foliage of plants are one of the most common disease problems people observe. These spots are caused by fungal and bacterial diseases, with most infections related to a fungal pathogen.
Brown spot can occurs on all houseplants, flowering ornamentals, vegetable plants, and leaves of trees, bushes, and shrubs. No plants are resistant to it, and the problem is worse in warm, wet environments. It can occur at any point in the life stage as long as leaves are present.
Small brownish spots appear on the foliage and enlarge as the disease progresses. In severe cases, the plant or tree is weakened when the lesions interrupt photosynthesis or cause defoliation.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In most cases, brown spot only affects a small percentage of the whole plant, appearing on a small amount of the leaves. A small infection only puts minor stress on the plant. However, if left untreated and the disease progresses over numerous seasons, it will severely impact the health and productivity of the infected specimen.
  • Sporulation begins (reproduction of the fungal spores), and tiny spots appear on leaves.
  • Placement is often random and scattered as diseases are spread through raindrops.
  • May appear on lower leaves and the interior of the plant where humidity is higher.
  • Brown spots enlarge and grow large enough to touch neighboring spots to form a more prominent blotch.
  • Leaf margins may turn yellow.
  • Tiny black dots (fruiting bodies of the fungi) appear in the dead spots.
  • Blotches grow in size until the entire leaf is brown.
  • The leaf falls off the plant.
Severe Symptoms
  • Partial or complete premature defoliation
  • Reduced growth
  • Increased susceptibility to pests and other diseases
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
Brown spot, or leaf spot, is a common descriptive term given to several diseases affecting the leaves of plants and trees. Around 85% of diseases exhibiting leaf spots are due to fungus or fungus-like organisms. Sometimes brown spot is caused by a bacterial infection, or insect activity with similar symptoms.
When conditions are warm and the leaf surfaces are wet, fungal spores being transported by wind or rain land on the surface and cling to it. They do not rupture the cell walls but grow in the space between the plant plasma membrane and the plant cell wall. As the spores reproduce, they release toxins and enzymes that cause necrotic spots (i.e., dead tissue) on the leaves, allowing the fungi to consume the products released when the cells degrade.
In minor cases of brown spot, there isn’t any need to treat the disease. However, if much of the foliage is affected and defoliation occurs, the plant will benefit from getting rid of the infection. It is recommended to start by applying organic treatment options, working up to the more potent synthetic, chemical fungicides if necessary.
Organic options won’t kill the fungus, but will prevent it from spreading.
  1. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of liquid soap in a gallon of water. Using a spray bottle, spray on tops and bottoms of leaves until the mixture drips off. Repeat every two weeks until existing spots stop enlarging and new spots no longer appear.
  2. Spray a copper-based fungicidal soap on the leaves, coating the top and bottom leaf surfaces. Reapply as directed on the product label. Copper penetrates the leaf surface and prevents germination of spores so the fungus cannot spread.
  3. Apply an all-purpose fungicide to the entire plant, following the label instructions carefully.
Like many other diseases, it is easier to prevent brown spot than cure it, and this is done through cultural practices.
  • Clear fall leaves from the ground before winter to minimize places where fungi and bacteria can overwinter.
  • Maintain good air movement between plants through proper plant spacing.
  • Increase air circulation through the center of plants through pruning.
  • Thoroughly clean all pruning tools after working with diseased plants.
  • Never dispose of disease plant material in a compost pile.
  • Avoid overhead watering to keep moisture off of the foliage.
  • Keep plants healthy by providing adequate sunlight, water, and fertilizer.
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plant poor
Insects or diseases can cause strange protrusions on the leaves, sometimes manifesting in a range of colors and shapes.
A general symptom of plant irritation, a gall is a spherical or lumpy, tumor-like growth that appears on leaves, stems, branches and trunks of various plants, especially trees. Galls form around a potential problem or irritation, like a pearl forming around a bit of sand in an oyster shell, to separate the cause from the rest of the plant. Many form around insect damage or a localized infection.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Abnormal growths appear on leaves or other parts of the plant. The brown or brightly colored bumps may be simple or complicated structures.
  • Leaf galls appear on most herbaceous plants and trees. They are more prone to develop on new growth and following mild winters in which insects and diseases were not killed by the cold.
  • Leaf galls look like leaf curls, nipples, blisters, or erineums (hairy growths) and can occur on upper or lower leaf surfaces.
  • Bud or flower galls cause these parts to be deformed in size or shape.
  • Stem and twig galls cause deformed growth on twigs and stems, with symptom severity ranging from slight swelling to large, knot-like growth.
  • Stunted plant growth is possible, as galls steal nutrients from the plant.
  • Long-lasting damage can occur if there are many galls or galls present for a long period of time.
It's important to note that galls, especially leaf galls, are extremely common. Noticing galls is not a cause to panic – most plants will have galls from time to time. However, it is when they are widespread or long-lasting that steps will need to be taken to remove them.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are many different processes and organisms that produce galls. Some appear when sap-sucking insects feed on leaves; some shelter developing insect eggs; some develop as a response to fungal or bacterial infection.
The most common culprits include:
  • Feeding or egg-laying mites and insects - the saliva and other secretions cause the plants to produce more growth hormones.
  • High hormone production resulting in increased cell numbers or cell size (because of this, mature plants tend not to be affected).
  • Fungal infection
  • Galls forming on leaf blades and sheaths are more often caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Nematodes can also cause galls to form on plants, but these tend to form in the roots.
  • Parasitic plants such as mistletoe can cause galls on their hosts.
While galls may look alarming, the physical structures themselves pose little threat to the plant or tree and do not require chemical treatment. If the galls are unsightly, they can be removed using sterilized (10% bleach solution) pruners or loppers. Discard or destroy all removed plant parts.
It is important to treat the underlying cause, as insects or diseases can create long-term damage if left untreated. After identifying the pest, natural or chemical may be used, depending upon individual gardening preferences.
  • To treat pests naturally apply an insecticidal soap. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soap per quart of water in a spray bottle and mix gently. Spray the entire plant until the leaves are dripping, making sure to coat the underside and tops. Re-spray every 2 to 3 days.
  • To treat organically apply neem oil, a naturally occurring pesticide, per label directions every 7 days until pests are eradicated.
  • To treat chemically apply an insecticidal foliar spray. Follow the dosing instructions provided by the manufacturer on the product label.
  • For fungal or bacterial causes, apply a bactericide or copper-based fungicide in the spring, following the dosing instructions provided on the product label.
To prevent the common causes of gall:
  • Rake up all fallen leaves at the end of the growing season, and dispose of the leaves and all other plant debris to get rid of sites where gall producers can overwinter.
  • Avoid over-fertilizing plants, as it induces stress, making them more susceptible to pest problems.
  • Keep plants well-watered, preventing drought stress.
  • Apply dormant oil in early spring to control leaf-eating insects.
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Underwatering yellow
plant poor
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant’s leaves are turning yellow due to underwatering, the oldest leaves turn yellow first. Leaves yellow from the edges towards the middle. Other signs of underwatering include the soil feeling very dry or pulling away from the edge of its pot.
Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly.
  1. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot.
  2. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
  1. When you get a new plant, research its specific watering needs. Set reminders so that you remember to water your plants consistently. Not all plants are the same, so make sure to differentiate all of your plants in your watering schedule.
  2. You may wish to purchase a commercial soil water meter which has a long probe that you place near your plant’s roots. Be sure to check it frequently and water your plant when the soil water meter indicates that it needs watering.
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Distribution of Manchurian linden


Habitat of Manchurian linden

Mixed forests
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Manchurian linden

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Plants Related to Manchurian linden

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Just like people, each plant has its own preferences. Learn about your plants' temperature needs and create a comforting environment for them to flourish. As you care for your plants, your bond with them will deepen. Trust your intuition as you learn about their temperature needs, celebrating the journey you share. Lovingly monitor the temperature around your plants and adjust their environment as needed. A thermometer can be your ally in this heartfelt endeavor. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore your plants' temperature needs. Cherish your successes, learn from challenges, and nurture your garden with love, creating a haven that reflects the warmth of your care.
Manchurian linden is native to regions with a broad temperature spectrum, thriving in environments from 32 to 77 °F (0 to 25 ℃). In seasonal shifts, slight adjustments to mirror its natural habitat temperatures could enhance growth.
Regional wintering strategies
Manchurian linden is highly cold-tolerant and does not require additional frost protection measures during winter. However, before the first freeze in autumn, it is recommended to water the plant generously to ensure the soil remains moist and enters a frozen state. This helps prevent drought and water scarcity for the plant during winter and early spring.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Low Temperature in Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden is extremely cold-tolerant, but the winter temperature should be maintained above {Limit_growth_temperature}. If the temperature drops below this threshold, although there may not be any noticeable changes during winter, the branches may become brittle and dry during springtime, and no new shoots will emerge.
In spring, prune away any dead branches that have failed to produce new leaves.
Symptoms of High Temperature in Manchurian linden
Manchurian linden is not tolerant to high temperatures. When the temperature exceeds {Suitable_growth_temperature_max}, it may experience significant leaf drop, and in severe cases, the entire plant may wither and die.
Trim away the sunburned and dried-up parts. Move the plant to a location that provides shade from the midday and afternoon sun, or use a shade cloth to create shade. Water the plant in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist.
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