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Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia)
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Exploring the Zantedeschia Plants

8 most common species:
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Calla lily
The calla lily is a well-known ornamental plant with several cultivars receiving the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The most calla lily cultivars include 'Crowborough', 'Green Goddess', 'Pink Mist', and 'Red Desire'. They are popular as a cut flower or a rhizomatous herb in warm gardens.
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Calla lily
Calla lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata) is a plant species with flowers that blossom from midsummer to early fall. Calla lily is often planted near bodies of water like ponds. They're also planted in container gardens and as a part of dried flower arrangements. They thrive best in direct sun or partial shade and in soil that’s moist but well-drained.
Zantedeschia rehmannii
Pink calla lily
Pink calla lily (Zantedeschia rehmannii) is a perennial flowering plant with blossoms that occur in a range of colors including pink, rose, lavender and violet. Pink calla lily grows from a bulb, and can be planted in the ground or in a container. This species is intolerant to low, freezing temperatures. Pink calla lily is often planted near borders along ponds.
Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata
Calla lily
An ornamental flower with worldwide popularity, calla lily is mostly used as a cut flower, but it can be cultivated as a garden plant in warm climates. Like all species of the Zantedeschia genus, it hosts a caterpillar of the Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum). When the flowers die, they reveal yellow berries that are particularly attractive to birds.
Zantedeschia elliottiana
Golden calla lily
Zantedeschia elliottiana is a herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall, with large deep green leaves spotted with white. It is summer-flowering plant with a yellow spathe marked with purple at the base. The spathe surrounds a yellow spadix which occasionally produces a spike of bright yellow berries that are attractive to birds.
Zantedeschia pentlandii
Zantedeschia pentlandii
Zantedeschia pentlandii gets its common name from the fact that it doesn't have a typical spadix or flower spike like other calla lilies. Instead, it has a smooth stem. This South African plant is pollinated by beetles and produces white to creamy-yellow flowers with a faint fragrance.
Zantedeschia hybrida
Zantedeschia hybrida
Zantedeschia hybrida is known for its striking funnel-shaped spathes, often mistaken for flowers, which cradle a central spike called a spadix. These showy spathes range in color from white to vibrant hues, inviting pollinators. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil, zantedeschia hybrida manages water effectively, making it a popular choice for gardeners seeking a blend of ornamental appeal and adaptability.
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Gold Rush'
Calla lily 'Gold Rush'
Calla lily 'Gold Rush' is wonderfully named for its vibrant yellow-gold flowers. This lily cultivar also shows spots of white on the leaves, which makes for an unusual and distinctive pattern. With strong stems and large flowers, these are enjoyed also as cut flowers.

All Species of Zantedeschia

Calla lily
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Calla lily
The calla lily is a well-known ornamental plant with several cultivars receiving the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The most calla lily cultivars include 'Crowborough', 'Green Goddess', 'Pink Mist', and 'Red Desire'. They are popular as a cut flower or a rhizomatous herb in warm gardens.
Calla lily
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Calla lily
Calla lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata) is a plant species with flowers that blossom from midsummer to early fall. Calla lily is often planted near bodies of water like ponds. They're also planted in container gardens and as a part of dried flower arrangements. They thrive best in direct sun or partial shade and in soil that’s moist but well-drained.
Pink calla lily
Zantedeschia rehmannii
Pink calla lily
Pink calla lily (Zantedeschia rehmannii) is a perennial flowering plant with blossoms that occur in a range of colors including pink, rose, lavender and violet. Pink calla lily grows from a bulb, and can be planted in the ground or in a container. This species is intolerant to low, freezing temperatures. Pink calla lily is often planted near borders along ponds.
Calla lily
Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata
Calla lily
An ornamental flower with worldwide popularity, calla lily is mostly used as a cut flower, but it can be cultivated as a garden plant in warm climates. Like all species of the Zantedeschia genus, it hosts a caterpillar of the Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum). When the flowers die, they reveal yellow berries that are particularly attractive to birds.
Golden calla lily
Zantedeschia elliottiana
Golden calla lily
Zantedeschia elliottiana is a herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall, with large deep green leaves spotted with white. It is summer-flowering plant with a yellow spathe marked with purple at the base. The spathe surrounds a yellow spadix which occasionally produces a spike of bright yellow berries that are attractive to birds.
Zantedeschia pentlandii
Zantedeschia pentlandii
Zantedeschia pentlandii
Zantedeschia pentlandii gets its common name from the fact that it doesn't have a typical spadix or flower spike like other calla lilies. Instead, it has a smooth stem. This South African plant is pollinated by beetles and produces white to creamy-yellow flowers with a faint fragrance.
Zantedeschia hybrida
Zantedeschia hybrida
Zantedeschia hybrida
Zantedeschia hybrida is known for its striking funnel-shaped spathes, often mistaken for flowers, which cradle a central spike called a spadix. These showy spathes range in color from white to vibrant hues, inviting pollinators. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil, zantedeschia hybrida manages water effectively, making it a popular choice for gardeners seeking a blend of ornamental appeal and adaptability.
Calla lily 'Gold Rush'
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Gold Rush'
Calla lily 'Gold Rush'
Calla lily 'Gold Rush' is wonderfully named for its vibrant yellow-gold flowers. This lily cultivar also shows spots of white on the leaves, which makes for an unusual and distinctive pattern. With strong stems and large flowers, these are enjoyed also as cut flowers.
Calla lilies 'Rubylite Pink Ice'
Zantedeschia 'Rubylite Pink Ice'
Calla lilies 'Rubylite Pink Ice'
Calla lilies 'Rubylite Pink Ice' is adored for the elegant appearance of its flowers, with a trumpet shape that's characteristic of a calla lily but vibrant pink in color. It does well when planted in garden beds, along waterways, or in containers. The name highlights calla lilies 'Rubylite Pink Ice''s unique-colored blooms.
Pink calla lily 'Pink Melody'
Zantedeschia rehmannii 'Pink Melody'
Pink calla lily 'Pink Melody'
Pink calla lily 'Pink Melody' is a cultivated plant from the arum family. Named "Pink Melody" for the color of the blooms, it is a favorite in spring and container gardens. The plant is similar to others in the genus, except for the color of the blooms. The flowers are white at the base, gradually turning pink.
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist'
Zantedeschia 'Pink Mist' enchants with its elegant, trumpet-shaped spathes that exhibit a soft pink hue, often mistaken for flowers. These are complemented by deep green, lance-shaped leaves. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil, zantedeschia 'Pink Mist' prefers a warm climate, blooming in late spring to early summer. A captivating sight in borders or as cut flowers, its hues and form add a delicate touch to any garden.
Calla lilies 'Odessa'
Zantedeschia sprengeri 'Odessa'
Calla lilies 'Odessa'
Calla lilies 'Odessa' feature showy, pinkish-purple flowers with a glossy, almost-black throat. Resistant to disease, this variety is perfect for the garden or as a cut flower. Indigenous to South Africa, these lilies bloom in late spring to early summer and prefer full sun or partial shade.
Calla lilies 'Vermeer'
Zantedeschia 'Vermeer'
Calla lilies 'Vermeer'
Calla lilies 'Vermeer' stands out from other calla lilies with its elegantly shaped and colored flowers which are purple and trumpet-shaped, with creamy white petal tips. This calla lily is named for celebrated Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). These are popular garden plants prized for their flowers and also for their ease of growth, with very little care and attention required.
Zantedeschia 'Flame'
Zantedeschia 'Flame'
Zantedeschia 'Flame'
Zantedeschia 'Flame' features striking, funnel-shaped spathes with a vibrant blend of yellow and red, reminiscent of flames. Its elegant, glossy leaves provide a lush backdrop for the showy flowers. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil and partial sun, zantedeschia 'Flame''s vivid blossoms are a testament to its preference for warm, humid environments, making it a captivating addition to any garden.
Zantedeschia 'Edge of Night'
Zantedeschia 'Edge of Night'
Zantedeschia 'Edge of Night'
Zantedeschia 'Edge of Night' presents a dramatic visage with its deep purple, almost black spathes that elegantly contrast with its ivory spadix. As a lush perennial, it thrives in moist, well-drained soil, echoing its native African marshlands. Sunlight awakens the vivid colors of its flowers, which rise from a rosette of large green leaves, adding an exotic flair to gardens or indoor spaces.
Calla lilies 'Mozart'
Zantedeschia 'Mozart'
Calla lilies 'Mozart'
The eight species of calla lilies 'Mozart' each grow a spathe and spadix in place of flowers. Though likely native to southern Africa, they have been spread throughout the world. In spite of the name, these plants are not true lilies. Nevertheless, calla lilies 'Mozart' are similarly poisonous if swallowed.
Arum lily 'Mr Martin'
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Mr Martin'
Arum lily 'Mr Martin'
Arum lily 'Mr Martin' was discovered by a retired veteran from Worcestershire, England and named after him. It is notable because of its very large flowers, whicht can reach 30 cm in diameter. These blooms are delicately scented. The sheer size is what sets this hardy cultivar apart from related plants.
Zantedeschia pentlandii 'Picasso'
Zantedeschia pentlandii 'Picasso'
Zantedeschia pentlandii 'Picasso'
Zantedeschia pentlandii 'Picasso' is a cultivated plant from the arum family bred for its unique appearance. Its name "Picasso" refers to the spotted leaves and white blooms with purple centers which give the plant a painted look. Its appearance also makes it a favorite in summer gardens.
Calla lily 'Garnet Glow'
Zantedeschia rehmannii 'Garnet Glow'
Calla lily 'Garnet Glow'
Calla lily 'Garnet Glow' is cultivated from the Calla lilies genus. You can distinguish it because of its large, distinctly colored bright pink blooms, which also give the cultivar its name. It is a popular addition to a garden, but it can also be grown indoors in containers.
Calla lilies 'Night Cap'
Zantedeschia 'Night Cap'
Calla lilies 'Night Cap'
The calla lilies 'Night Cap' is a striking variety with velvet-like, deep purple spathes that elegantly curl around a central, prominent yellow spadix. Its glossy, arrow-shaped leaves provide a lush backdrop for the dramatic flowers, which bloom in spring to summer. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil and partial shade, calla lilies 'Night Cap' adds a touch of midnight mystery to any garden setting.
Calla lilies 'Ruby Sensation'
Zantedeschia 'Ruby Sensation'
Calla lilies 'Ruby Sensation'
Calla lilies 'Ruby Sensation', a cultivar of calla lily, has fleshy green leaves and trumpet-shaped, deep ruby flowers. Taller than many other cultivars, this plant may rise as much as 61 to 91 cm above the ground. As a marginally aquatic plant, it looks especially stunning along streams and riverbanks.
Calla lilies 'Mercedes'
Zantedeschia 'Mercedes'
Calla lilies 'Mercedes'
Calla lilies 'Mercedes' is distinctive for its orange trumpet-shaped flowers with a yellow base. It is a cultivar of the Zantedeschia genus, and its name comes from the Latin word for "wages" or "reward". The vibrant colors of calla lilies 'Mercedes' certainly make it a reward.
Zantedeschia 'Blaze'
Zantedeschia 'Blaze'
Zantedeschia 'Blaze'
Zantedeschia 'Blaze' stands out with its fiery-red spathes, which elegantly wrap around a central yellow spadix. This striking perennial typically flourishes in moist, well-drained soil and partial sun, reaching up to 24 inches. Its lance-shaped leaves accentuate the vivid blooms, creating a dramatic display in gardens or as cut flowers.
Calla lilies 'Crystal Clear'
Zantedeschia 'Crystal Clear'
Calla lilies 'Crystal Clear'
A cultivar of calla lily, calla lilies 'Crystal Clear' produces elegant green leaves and beautifully pure white flowers between summer and fall. Because of its crisp, clean appearance and exceptional vase life, it is very popular as a wedding flower. Although it does well in containers, it requires at least three-gallon pots.
Zantedeschia 'Green Goddess'
Zantedeschia 'Green Goddess'
Zantedeschia 'Green Goddess'
Zantedeschia 'Green Goddess' boasts an elegant spade-like appearance with its large, glossy, arrow-shaped leaves and distinctive creamy white to pale green spathes that arch gracefully around a central yellow spadix. Thriving in moist, well-drained soil, this perennial enjoys partial shade, where its striking inflorescence can add a touch of exotic sophistication to temperate garden settings.
Calla lilies 'Fire Dancer'
Zantedeschia 'Fire Dancer'
Calla lilies 'Fire Dancer'
Calla lilies 'Fire Dancer' mesmerizes with its vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers that captivate onlookers with a fiery blend of orange and yellow hues. This striking perennial thrives in moist, well-drained soil, basking in partial to full sunlight. Its glossy arrow-shaped foliage elegantly contrasts its spirited blooms, underscoring calla lilies 'Fire Dancer''s allure in gardens and as a dramatic cut flower.
Calla lilies 'Regal'
Zantedeschia 'Regal'
Calla lilies 'Regal'
A cultivar of calla lily, calla lilies 'Regal' is valued for the life cycle of its trumpet-shaped flowers, which are purple when young and darken to red-burgundy as they age. It requires mildly acidic soil to thrive, preferably of a pH level between 5.6 and 6.5
Calla lilies 'Amethyst'
Zantedeschia 'Amethyst'
Calla lilies 'Amethyst'
A cultivar of calla lily, calla lilies 'Amethyst' bears red-purple blossoms each year from summer to autumn. This cultivar tends to grow in clumps, creating salient but isolated spots of color. It was specifically bred for edging, containers, and window boxes.It 
Calla lilies 'Captain Tulsa'
Zantedeschia 'Captain Tulsa'
Calla lilies 'Captain Tulsa'
Calla lilies 'Captain Tulsa' is a stunning Zantedeschia hybrid with showy white flowers and dark green, glossy foliage. This plant is native to South Africa and is grown worldwide in gardens and as a cut flower. Interestingly, Zantedeschia's flowers can change color throughout the season, and the leaves can produce an itchy rash if handled improperly. Overall, calla lilies 'Captain Tulsa' is a unique and elegant addition to any garden or vase.
Calla lily 'White Giant'
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'White Giant'
Calla lily 'White Giant'
Calla lily 'White Giant' has arrow-shaped leaves that are gently speckled with white flecks. It grows long-lasting white blooms that, as hinted by the name of this cultivar, grow on large 1.8 m tall stalks. Its large size and speckling are what sets this cultivar apart from related plants.
Calla lily 'Crowborough'
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough'
Calla lily 'Crowborough'
Calla lily 'Crowborough' is architectural in its design, with the unusuality of its hooded, pure white blooms making it stand out from the crowd. It's smaller than its parent plant, the calla lily, growing to a height of between 10 to 15 cm compared to the parent's 61 to 101 cm. "Crowborough" is the name of a town in East Sussex, England.
Calla lily 'Green Goddess'
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess'
Calla lily 'Green Goddess'
Calla lily 'Green Goddess' is cultivated from the Calla lilies genus and is easily distinguishable by its uniquely colored green flowers that also give the cultivar its name. The flowers make the cultivar a popular garden bedding plant, and it is also commonly used in floral bouquets. It has won the Award of Garden Merit.
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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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Key Facts About Zantedeschia


Attributes of Zantedeschia

Plant Height
30 cm to 91 cm
30 cm to 60 cm
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
15 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Zantedeschia


Distribution of Zantedeschia


Distribution Map of Zantedeschia

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Potentially invasive
No species reported
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How to Grow and Care for Zantedeschia

More Info About Caring for Zantedeschia

Exploring the Zantedeschia Plants

8 most common species:
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Calla lily
The calla lily is a well-known ornamental plant with several cultivars receiving the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The most calla lily cultivars include 'Crowborough', 'Green Goddess', 'Pink Mist', and 'Red Desire'. They are popular as a cut flower or a rhizomatous herb in warm gardens.
Zantedeschia albomaculata
Calla lily
Calla lily (Zantedeschia albomaculata) is a plant species with flowers that blossom from midsummer to early fall. Calla lily is often planted near bodies of water like ponds. They're also planted in container gardens and as a part of dried flower arrangements. They thrive best in direct sun or partial shade and in soil that’s moist but well-drained.
Zantedeschia rehmannii
Pink calla lily
Pink calla lily (Zantedeschia rehmannii) is a perennial flowering plant with blossoms that occur in a range of colors including pink, rose, lavender and violet. Pink calla lily grows from a bulb, and can be planted in the ground or in a container. This species is intolerant to low, freezing temperatures. Pink calla lily is often planted near borders along ponds.
Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata
Calla lily
An ornamental flower with worldwide popularity, calla lily is mostly used as a cut flower, but it can be cultivated as a garden plant in warm climates. Like all species of the Zantedeschia genus, it hosts a caterpillar of the Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum). When the flowers die, they reveal yellow berries that are particularly attractive to birds.
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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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