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How to Care Dogwoods

How to Care Dogwoods, Growing Dogwoods, Caring for Dogwoods

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Dogwoods?
How to Water Dogwoods?
How to Water Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?

Key Facts About Dogwoods


Attributes of Dogwoods

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃
Plant Type
Tree, Shrub

Scientific Classification of Dogwoods

More Info About Dogwoods

Types of Dogwoods

Cornus chinensis
Cornus chinensis
Cornus chinensis is a deciduous shrub known for its elegant structure and seasonal interest. It typically features broad green leaves that transition to vibrant autumn hues. In spring, cornus chinensis is adorned with clusters of small, creamy-white flowers, followed by contrasting ornamental berries. Its growth and health flourish in well-drained soil with ample moisture, under full to partial sunlight.
Cornus drummondii
Roughleaf dogwood
Roughleaf dogwood (Cornus drummondii) is a deciduous shrub that’s native to eastern North America. The genus name comes from the Latin word “Cornu,” which means horn. This is because the wood is so dense and strong. The specific epithet “drummondii” is an homage to Thomas Drummond, a Scottish botanist. He spent considerable time in America collecting plant specimens.
Cornus wilsoniana
Wilson's dogwood
Wilson's dogwood is a semi-evergreen Chinese native plant with an appealing ghost-white exterior on its old trees’ trunks. Its Latin name Cornus wilsoniana comes from Latin cornus, meaning horn and referring to the wood's hardness, and wilsoniana, honoring Ernest Wilson, a British plant collector. This shrub is a perfect pick for a landscape because of its lovely seasonal flowers and fruits.
Cornus capitata
Bentham's cornel
Bentham's cornel (Cornus capitata) is an evergreen dogwood tree from the Himalayan region. It has also been naturalized in New Zealand and eastern Australia. The flowers bloom from early to mid-summer, and fleshy red fruit appears by fall. The fruit is edible, but can taste bitter.
Cornus amomum
Silky dogwood
Silky dogwood (*Cornus amomum*) is a deciduous shrub native to eastern North America. Underneath the leaves and twigs, you’ll find silky hairs—hence the name. Native Americans referred to it as 'kinnikinnick,' which means 'smoking mixture,' because they smoked it like tobacco. White flowers bloom forth in the spring. They are followed by blue fruit that birds love to snack on.
Cornus rugosa
Round-Leaved Dogwood
In some areas, the round-Leaved Dogwood is an endangered species. This large shrub prefers to grow in partial shade and along woody edges. It bears pretty white flowers in the spring and berry like fruits in the fall which are attractive to birds.
Cornus hongkongensis
Hong kong dogwood
Hong kong dogwood (Cornus hongkongensis) is an evergreen tree that will grow to 15 m tall. It is native to China and has dark green leaves with yellow edges. Leaves change color to reddish purple in fall. Blooms in spring and grows in full sun with moist, well-drained soil.
Cornus mas
Cornelian cherry
Cornelian cherry (*Cornus mas*) is a flowering deciduous shrub native to Central Europe, Southern Europe, and Western Asia. While this species' ripe fruit is edible, the unripe fruit has a harsh, astringent taste and should not be consumed. Unlike most other types of wood, the wood from this species is dense enough to sink in water.

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Basic Care Guide
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Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 2 weeks
Full sun
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Dogwoods?
How to Water Dogwoods?
How to Water Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Dogwoods?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Propagate Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?
How to Plant Dogwoods?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Dogwoods

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃
Plant Type
Tree, Shrub

Scientific Classification of Dogwoods


Types of Dogwoods

Cornus chinensis
Cornus chinensis
Cornus chinensis is a deciduous shrub known for its elegant structure and seasonal interest. It typically features broad green leaves that transition to vibrant autumn hues. In spring, cornus chinensis is adorned with clusters of small, creamy-white flowers, followed by contrasting ornamental berries. Its growth and health flourish in well-drained soil with ample moisture, under full to partial sunlight.
Cornus drummondii
Roughleaf dogwood
Roughleaf dogwood (Cornus drummondii) is a deciduous shrub that’s native to eastern North America. The genus name comes from the Latin word “Cornu,” which means horn. This is because the wood is so dense and strong. The specific epithet “drummondii” is an homage to Thomas Drummond, a Scottish botanist. He spent considerable time in America collecting plant specimens.
Cornus wilsoniana
Wilson's dogwood
Wilson's dogwood is a semi-evergreen Chinese native plant with an appealing ghost-white exterior on its old trees’ trunks. Its Latin name Cornus wilsoniana comes from Latin cornus, meaning horn and referring to the wood's hardness, and wilsoniana, honoring Ernest Wilson, a British plant collector. This shrub is a perfect pick for a landscape because of its lovely seasonal flowers and fruits.
Cornus capitata
Bentham's cornel
Bentham's cornel (Cornus capitata) is an evergreen dogwood tree from the Himalayan region. It has also been naturalized in New Zealand and eastern Australia. The flowers bloom from early to mid-summer, and fleshy red fruit appears by fall. The fruit is edible, but can taste bitter.
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