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Spleenworts (Asplenium)
Also known as : Bird's-nest ferns
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Potentially invasive
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Exploring the Spleenworts Plants

8 most common species:
Asplenium antiquum
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium antiquum) is a decorative fern that will grow from 61 to 91 cm tall in optimum growing conditions. It prefers shade to filtered sun and should be grown indoors or in a covered patio area. A humidity-loving plant, it prefers moist but not wet soil. Native to Asia, it is commonly found growing on tree trunks.
Asplenium bulbiferum
Mother spleenwort
Mother spleenwort is a tropical fern that reproduces primarily by spores and has neither flowers nor fruit. It can only be found in New Zealand's wild areas, where it thrives in abundance. The fronds are eaten as a vegetable by the Maori people of New Zealand.
Asplenium nidus
Bird's-nest fern
Bird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus) is a fern species native to tropical Southeast Asia. The common name bird's-nest fern refers to the plant's central rosette where the fern's fronds unfurl. This part of the plant resembles miniature bird eggs.
Asplenium scolopendrium
Hart's-tongue fern
Hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) is a non-flowering fern that can grow to be 30 to 61 cm tall. It is an evergreen plant with bright-green, leathery, tongue-shaped fronds that grow from 30 to 46 cm long. It prefers medium moisture in well-drained soil. It grows well in a location with partial to full shade. This species has no insect or disease problems, but is susceptible to root rot in poorly-drained soils.
Asplenium trichomanes
Maidenhair spleenwort
Maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) is a miniature fern that forms a rosette of long, slender fronds with black stems and green leaves. Easy to grow, low maintenance. It prefers partial to full shade in fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Virtually pest and disease free.
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Black Spleenwort
Black Spleenwort (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum) has a delicate texture but is actually an incredibly rugged little fern! It grows best in rocky, shady spots. It can be found across the globe and can thrive where other ferns would otherwise wilt, such as along lava flows and on the cinder cones of volcanoes.
Asplenium ceterach
Scale fern
Rusty back earned its name because it has brown hairs on the undersides of its leaves. Scale fern is perhaps best known for its capabilities as a recovery plant. This is an adaptation to extreme droughts where the plant can dry out almost totally, appearing dead, and then recover completely when it becomes wet again.
Asplenium platyneuron
Ebony spleenwort
Ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron) is a small perennial fern that can grow to be 10 to 51 cm tall. Ebony spleenwort foliage resembles a small Christmas fern. This species grows best in partial shade and is commonly found in woodland areas, thickets and mossy banks. Ebony spleenwort flowers bloom in spring, start out green and turn reddish brown.

All Species of Spleenworts

Japanese Bird's Nest Fern
Asplenium antiquum
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium antiquum) is a decorative fern that will grow from 61 to 91 cm tall in optimum growing conditions. It prefers shade to filtered sun and should be grown indoors or in a covered patio area. A humidity-loving plant, it prefers moist but not wet soil. Native to Asia, it is commonly found growing on tree trunks.
Mother spleenwort
Asplenium bulbiferum
Mother spleenwort
Mother spleenwort is a tropical fern that reproduces primarily by spores and has neither flowers nor fruit. It can only be found in New Zealand's wild areas, where it thrives in abundance. The fronds are eaten as a vegetable by the Maori people of New Zealand.
Bird's-nest fern
Asplenium nidus
Bird's-nest fern
Bird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus) is a fern species native to tropical Southeast Asia. The common name bird's-nest fern refers to the plant's central rosette where the fern's fronds unfurl. This part of the plant resembles miniature bird eggs.
Hart's-tongue fern
Asplenium scolopendrium
Hart's-tongue fern
Hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) is a non-flowering fern that can grow to be 30 to 61 cm tall. It is an evergreen plant with bright-green, leathery, tongue-shaped fronds that grow from 30 to 46 cm long. It prefers medium moisture in well-drained soil. It grows well in a location with partial to full shade. This species has no insect or disease problems, but is susceptible to root rot in poorly-drained soils.
Maidenhair spleenwort
Asplenium trichomanes
Maidenhair spleenwort
Maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes) is a miniature fern that forms a rosette of long, slender fronds with black stems and green leaves. Easy to grow, low maintenance. It prefers partial to full shade in fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Virtually pest and disease free.
Black Spleenwort
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Black Spleenwort
Black Spleenwort (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum) has a delicate texture but is actually an incredibly rugged little fern! It grows best in rocky, shady spots. It can be found across the globe and can thrive where other ferns would otherwise wilt, such as along lava flows and on the cinder cones of volcanoes.
Scale fern
Asplenium ceterach
Scale fern
Rusty back earned its name because it has brown hairs on the undersides of its leaves. Scale fern is perhaps best known for its capabilities as a recovery plant. This is an adaptation to extreme droughts where the plant can dry out almost totally, appearing dead, and then recover completely when it becomes wet again.
Ebony spleenwort
Asplenium platyneuron
Ebony spleenwort
Ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron) is a small perennial fern that can grow to be 10 to 51 cm tall. Ebony spleenwort foliage resembles a small Christmas fern. This species grows best in partial shade and is commonly found in woodland areas, thickets and mossy banks. Ebony spleenwort flowers bloom in spring, start out green and turn reddish brown.
Drooping spleenwort
Asplenium flaccidum
Drooping spleenwort
You can tell drooping spleenwort (Asplenium flaccidum) from other spleenworts because of where it lives -- it prefers to grow on trees and other plants rather than on the ground. This hanging nature and its attractive fronds make it an excellent ornamental plant that hangs delightfully from hanging baskets. The specific Latin name flaccidum means limp and refers to the dangling nature of the fronds.
Wall rue
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Wall rue
Wall rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria) is a plant species native to Europe, East Asia, and eastern North America. Wall rue grows in dry limestone outcrops. This species grows exclusively on limestone and other calcareous rocks.
Green Spleenwort
Asplenium viride
Green Spleenwort
Green Spleenwort (*Asplenium viride*) is a deciduous fern that will grow up to 15 cm tall. Its fronds are long and narrow with small round leaflets that have toothed edges. It is similar in appearance to a maidenhair fern but it differs with green stripes and rachises.
Western black spleenwort
Asplenium onopteris
Western black spleenwort
The plant with red-brown stem reaches a stature height of 10 to 50 cm. The blade of the fronds are leathery and dark green shiny. In outline they are triangular-ovate and 2-4fold pinnate. The Fiederenden are extended (skipped) and curved towards the Spreitenspitze. The Spreitabschnitte are perforated spiny pointed.
Mare's tail fern
Asplenium polyodon
Mare's tail fern
mare's tail fern has not been recorded or observed to hybridize with other species of its clade, making it unique in its genus. It can be distinguished from others by its chocolate-colored scaly stalk and doubly toothed pinnae. This slow-growing fern has been cultivated for understory planting and trees. 
Walking fern
Asplenium rhizophyllum
Walking fern
Walking fern (Asplenium rhizophyllum) gets its unusual name from its growth pattern since it spreads by growing new plants from its leaf tips. Because of this, the plant seems to walk across its growing surface. Walking fern stands out from other ferns because of its unusual leaves which often turn back on themselves. You'll find this fern growing on mossy rocks.
Bird's nest fern
Asplenium australasicum
Bird's nest fern
The bird's nest fern makes an excellent container plant. It has large fronds with a middle point that looks like a bird’s nest, hence its common name. The plant is native to eastern Asia and is commonly found growing on tree trunks. The tender leaves are edible and may be eaten after steaming or boiling.
Lobed spleenwort
Asplenium pinnatifidum
Lobed spleenwort
Asplenium pinnatifidum is a small fern with bright green, wrinkled, pinnatifid (lobed) fronds. These form evergreen, perennial tufts. Notable characteristics are the shiny stem, dark only at the base, and the long-tapering, variably lobed leaf blades. The fronds are monomorphic, the sterile and fertile fronds appearing the same size and shape.
Spleenworts 'Leslie'
Asplenium antiquum 'Leslie'
Spleenworts 'Leslie'
Spleenworts 'Leslie' is a fern with attractive, frilly leaves that look great in hanging baskets or as a ground cover in shaded areas. This variety enjoys moist soil and thrives in warm, humid environments. Known for their ability to purify the air.
Asplenium ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria
Asplenium ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria
Asplenium ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria
Asplenium ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria is a resilient fern often found on limestone cliffs and rocky substrates. Its distinctive triangular, pinnate fronds, which are evergreen in mild climates, grow from a central, fibrous root system. The compact size and preference for alkaline environments make asplenium ruta-muraria subsp. ruta-muraria a specialist in colonizing crevices with scant soil, demonstrating an adaptive mastery for nutrient-poor, stable habitats.
Birds nest fern
Asplenium nidus 'Ruffled'
Birds nest fern
Birds nest fern(Asplenium nidus 'Ruffled') is an ornate fern that stands out from its parent plant because its leaves have particularly ruffled edges. This feature gives the plant both its name and its ornamental appeal. Since this fern is a tree-growing epiphyte, it is most prized by gardeners as a hanging basket plant.
Asplenium cheilosorum
Asplenium cheilosorum
Asplenium cheilosorum
Asplenium cheilosorum is a distinctive fern known for its lush, green, tongue-shaped fronds that gracefully unfurl from tight, central rosettes. The leaf margins often appear slightly wavy, adding to the plant's textured charm. Thriving in shaded and damp environments, such as rainforest understories, asplenium cheilosorum's biology is fine-tuned for retaining moisture and maximizing light capture in these competitive habitats.
Asplenium wilfordii
Asplenium wilfordii
Asplenium wilfordii
Asplenium wilfordii is a fern with a delicate charm, boasting a rosette of elongated, tongue-shaped fronds that emerge bright green and mature to a deeper shade. Its fronds are lined with neat rows of sori, revealing its reproductive spores. Thriving in moist, shaded woodland areas, asplenium wilfordii has a resilience that belies its dainty appearance, often found clinging to rocky substrates or tree bases, drawing the moisture and shelter it requires from its surrounding habitat.
Asplenium ensiforme
Asplenium ensiforme
Asplenium ensiforme
Asplenium ensiforme is a species of fern that can be found growing on trunks and rocks in forests. This species has yellow-to-brown, clustered and forked fronds with brownish-black scales. Sometimes, when asplenium ensiforme is found at higher elevations and have exceptionally tapered fronds, they can be categorized as a different variety of species.
Rainforest spleenwort
Asplenium normale
Rainforest spleenwort
Rainforest spleenwort is a modestly-sized fern with graceful, elongated fronds that stretch upwards. Each frond is typically divided, resembling a ladder with uniform, small leaflets on either side of a central stalk. Rainforest spleenwort thrives in shady, humid environments, often adorning rocky outcrops or tree trunks where moisture accumulates, allowing it to flourish away from direct sunlight.
Japanese bird's-nest fern 'Osaka'
Asplenium antiquum 'Osaka'
Japanese bird's-nest fern 'Osaka'
Japanese bird's-nest fern 'Osaka' is a striking fern with elegantly arching fronds that showcase a ruffled texture, reminiscent of luxurious lace. The cascading effect is enhanced by the soft green palette of its foliage. Thriving in humid, shaded environments, this plant's resilience makes it a favored choice for indoor air purification, while its distinctive ornamental fronds add a touch of exotic sophistication to any space.
Asian walking fern
Asplenium ruprechtii
Asian walking fern
The name walking fern was derived from the way the fern spreads. The underside of each leaf contain sori, and when the tip of the leaf touches the ground, new planlets sprout, creating a "walking" effect. The evergreen, undivided, slightly leathery leaves are triangular and taper to a thin point. Sori, the spore-bearing structures, are distributed in clusters along the veins on the underside of the leaves. The plant can be found in the shady areas of limestone ledges and in limy forest places. Asplenium ruprechtii is smaller than its relative, Asplenium rhizophyllum, and usually has cuneate bases to its fronds, whereas A. rhizophyllum usually has cordate frond bases.
Asplenium excisum
Pamoho is a resilient fern exhibiting lush, green fronds that often curve gracefully. Its leaves are distinctly narrow with a sinuous margin, providing a delicate and feather-like appearance. Thriving in shaded, rocky environments, pamoho demonstrates impressive adaptability, showing a preference for crevices and rock faces where it can secure moisture and nutrients from minimal soil.
Asymmetric spleenwort
Asplenium wrightii
Asymmetric spleenwort
Asymmetric spleenwort is a fern known for its elegant, lance-shaped fronds. With a leathery texture, these fronds are often slightly curved, bearing delicate leaflets that create a feather-like appearance. Thriving in humid, wooded environments, its growth is favored by the dappled shade, which allows for moisture retention and protection from harsh sunlight. Characteristically, asymmetric spleenwort establishes itself on forest floors or tree trunks, symbiotically blending with its ecosystem.
Bird's-nest fern 'Crispy Wave'
Asplenium nidus 'Crispy Wave'
Bird's-nest fern 'Crispy Wave'
One of the most popular bird's-nest fern cultivars for its striking appearance, bird's-nest fern 'Crispy Wave' has the rosette arrangement of leaves typical of all Asplenium nidus ferns. Its bright-green leaves, however, have a ruffled and slightly twisted 'crispy' appearance, explaining its name.
Bird's-nest fern 'Campio'
Asplenium nidus 'Campio'
Bird's-nest fern 'Campio'
This cultivar is similar to the Bird's-nest fern, but with unique leaf margins. The bird's-nest fern 'Campio' has a ruffled, fringed leaf, appreciated for its appealing appearance and its status as a good beginner fern. This plant comes from the fern Asplenium nidus, which was a popular houseplant in 1970s America.
Bird's-nest fern 'Osaka'
Asplenium nidus 'Osaka'
Bird's-nest fern 'Osaka'
A popular cultivar of the Bird's-nest fern, bird's-nest fern 'Osaka' has the same open-rosette configuration that gives this fern family its name, but brighter green leaves, with delicate ruffles running down their margins instead of the commoner "rumpled" look. Named for the Japanese city where it was first discovered and developed, its compact size makes it particularly popular with apartment dwellers.
popular genus

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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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Also known as: Bird's-nest ferns
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Key Facts About Spleenworts


Attributes of Spleenworts

Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
5 - 41 ℃

Scientific Classification of Spleenworts


Distribution of Spleenworts


Distribution Map of Spleenworts

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Potentially invasive
No species reported
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How to Grow and Care for Spleenworts

More Info About Caring for Spleenworts

Exploring the Spleenworts Plants

8 most common species:
Asplenium antiquum
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern
Japanese Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium antiquum) is a decorative fern that will grow from 61 to 91 cm tall in optimum growing conditions. It prefers shade to filtered sun and should be grown indoors or in a covered patio area. A humidity-loving plant, it prefers moist but not wet soil. Native to Asia, it is commonly found growing on tree trunks.
Asplenium bulbiferum
Mother spleenwort
Mother spleenwort is a tropical fern that reproduces primarily by spores and has neither flowers nor fruit. It can only be found in New Zealand's wild areas, where it thrives in abundance. The fronds are eaten as a vegetable by the Maori people of New Zealand.
Asplenium nidus
Bird's-nest fern
Bird's-nest fern (Asplenium nidus) is a fern species native to tropical Southeast Asia. The common name bird's-nest fern refers to the plant's central rosette where the fern's fronds unfurl. This part of the plant resembles miniature bird eggs.
Asplenium scolopendrium
Hart's-tongue fern
Hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) is a non-flowering fern that can grow to be 30 to 61 cm tall. It is an evergreen plant with bright-green, leathery, tongue-shaped fronds that grow from 30 to 46 cm long. It prefers medium moisture in well-drained soil. It grows well in a location with partial to full shade. This species has no insect or disease problems, but is susceptible to root rot in poorly-drained soils.
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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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