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Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses (Coryphantha)
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Key Facts About Beehive cactusses


Distribution of Beehive cactusses


Distribution Map of Beehive cactusses

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How to Grow and Care for Beehive cactusses

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Exploring the Beehive cactusses Plants

8 most common species:
Coryphantha elephantidens
Elephant's tooth
Elephant's tooth (Coryphantha elephantidens) is a flowering cactus endemic to Mexico. Elephant's tooth is one of the most well known cacti grown for ornamental cultivation. This species grows best in full sun or light shade. It should be watered sparingly and kept dry during that winter. It requires well-drained soils for optimal growth.
Coryphantha macromeris
Nipple beehive cactus
The Coryphantha macromeris bears a striking resemblance to a large, unevenly shaped beehive covered in nodes. Its distinctive appearance has earned it the rather evocative name of "nipple beehive cactus." A cluster of curved spines erupts into a rosette shape in the middle of each of its nipple-shaped nodes. The nipple beehive cactus is surprisingly cold hardy!
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana is a small, bulbous cactus with a green, globular body. It sports a crown of radial spines, lending it a somewhat bristly appearance. The spines, while appearing menacing, help coryphantha delaetiana reduce water loss and deter herbivores in its native arid habitats. During bloom, coryphantha delaetiana produces vibrant flowers, contrasting starkly with its spiny armor, signaling resilience and beauty in harsh conditions.
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis boasts a globular, green body that morphs into a columnar shape with age. Its lengthy, curved spines and star-shaped arrangement of tubercles are visually striking. Adapted to arid conditions, coryphantha longicornis's sparse rainfall home environment has birthed a water-storing marvel, enabling it to flourish amid scarcity. Vibrant yellow flowers crown this cactus, adding a splash of color to its desert domicile.
Coryphantha sulcata
Pineapple cactus
Pineapple cactus is a succulent with a rounded, bulbous form that typically thrives in arid environments. Its deep grooves and woolly areoles are a distinct adaptation to conserve water and protect from harsh sunlight. Spring blooms of yellow flowers provide a stark contrast to its green to blue-green stem, attracting pollinators in its native desert habitat.
Coryphantha georgii
Coryphantha georgii
Coryphantha georgii is a resilient cactus native to rocky deserts. It's typified by a globose to short cylindrical shape, growing solitary or in small clusters. Its surface is adorned with tubercles tipped with small, radial spines, giving it a distinctive texture. Embracing extreme conditions, coryphantha georgii blooms vibrant yellow flowers that contrast its green body, an adaptation critical for survival and pollination.
Coryphantha ramillosa
One of the most recent estimates of abundance in Texas is 5,000 to 10,000 individuals in two counties. The range of appropriate habitat in Mexico covers 2.5 times the amount of land as in Texas. Many of the plants are located in remote areas, which helps protect them from people. A major threat to the species is harvesting by cactus enthusiasts and dealers.
Coryphantha erecta
Coryphantha erecta
Coryphantha erecta, with its globular body and ribbed structure, is a distinctive cactus native to rocky deserts. Its prominent tubercles and sparse radial spines afford protection and reduce moisture loss. In spring, coryphantha erecta crowns itself with large, vivid yellow flowers that attract pollinators, crucial for the arid habitat where it thrives.

All Species of Beehive cactusses

Elephant's tooth
Coryphantha elephantidens
Elephant's tooth
Elephant's tooth (Coryphantha elephantidens) is a flowering cactus endemic to Mexico. Elephant's tooth is one of the most well known cacti grown for ornamental cultivation. This species grows best in full sun or light shade. It should be watered sparingly and kept dry during that winter. It requires well-drained soils for optimal growth.
Nipple beehive cactus
Coryphantha macromeris
Nipple beehive cactus
The Coryphantha macromeris bears a striking resemblance to a large, unevenly shaped beehive covered in nodes. Its distinctive appearance has earned it the rather evocative name of "nipple beehive cactus." A cluster of curved spines erupts into a rosette shape in the middle of each of its nipple-shaped nodes. The nipple beehive cactus is surprisingly cold hardy!
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana is a small, bulbous cactus with a green, globular body. It sports a crown of radial spines, lending it a somewhat bristly appearance. The spines, while appearing menacing, help coryphantha delaetiana reduce water loss and deter herbivores in its native arid habitats. During bloom, coryphantha delaetiana produces vibrant flowers, contrasting starkly with its spiny armor, signaling resilience and beauty in harsh conditions.
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis boasts a globular, green body that morphs into a columnar shape with age. Its lengthy, curved spines and star-shaped arrangement of tubercles are visually striking. Adapted to arid conditions, coryphantha longicornis's sparse rainfall home environment has birthed a water-storing marvel, enabling it to flourish amid scarcity. Vibrant yellow flowers crown this cactus, adding a splash of color to its desert domicile.
Pineapple cactus
Coryphantha sulcata
Pineapple cactus
Pineapple cactus is a succulent with a rounded, bulbous form that typically thrives in arid environments. Its deep grooves and woolly areoles are a distinct adaptation to conserve water and protect from harsh sunlight. Spring blooms of yellow flowers provide a stark contrast to its green to blue-green stem, attracting pollinators in its native desert habitat.
Coryphantha georgii
Coryphantha georgii
Coryphantha georgii
Coryphantha georgii is a resilient cactus native to rocky deserts. It's typified by a globose to short cylindrical shape, growing solitary or in small clusters. Its surface is adorned with tubercles tipped with small, radial spines, giving it a distinctive texture. Embracing extreme conditions, coryphantha georgii blooms vibrant yellow flowers that contrast its green body, an adaptation critical for survival and pollination.
Coryphantha ramillosa
One of the most recent estimates of abundance in Texas is 5,000 to 10,000 individuals in two counties. The range of appropriate habitat in Mexico covers 2.5 times the amount of land as in Texas. Many of the plants are located in remote areas, which helps protect them from people. A major threat to the species is harvesting by cactus enthusiasts and dealers.
Coryphantha erecta
Coryphantha erecta
Coryphantha erecta
Coryphantha erecta, with its globular body and ribbed structure, is a distinctive cactus native to rocky deserts. Its prominent tubercles and sparse radial spines afford protection and reduce moisture loss. In spring, coryphantha erecta crowns itself with large, vivid yellow flowers that attract pollinators, crucial for the arid habitat where it thrives.
Rhinoceros cactus
Coryphantha cornifera
Rhinoceros cactus
Mesmerizing the desert, rhinoceros cactus sports glowing yellow flowers in summer that lure pollinators, pouring life into otherwise barren expanses. With its peculiar corn-shaped tubercles, the plant is a unique addition to rock gardens and succulent collections. But beware - this prickly wonder with economic value for cosmetic industries, also packs a strong defense, using its long sharp spines against nibbling wildlife.
Rhinoceros cactus
Coryphantha echinus
Rhinoceros cactus
Rhinoceros cactus is a robust, globular cactus with a green to blue-green hue, featuring closely spaced, spiraling tubercles armed with stout spines. Over time, it may form clumps. Its habitats are arid desert regions, where its deep taproots exploit scarce water supplies, and its spiny armor deters herbivores. In spring, rhinoceros cactus adorns itself with striking yellow flowers, accentuating its desert resilience.
Coryphantha ottonis
Coryphantha ottonis
Coryphantha ottonis
Coryphantha ottonis makes for a lovely terrace, windowsill, or balcony plant due to the large and beautiful flowers that sprout from the top of its head. The genus name "Coryphantha" actually comes from the Greek words meaning "flowering on the top," a description which suits this cactus perfectly.
Coryphantha pallida subsp. pallida
Coryphantha pallida subsp. pallida
Coryphantha pallida subsp. pallida
Coryphantha pallida subsp. pallida is a small, globular cactus with pale green flesh and a dense covering of white spines. Its compact size and tough spines are adaptations to arid environments where it is exposed to intense sunlight and scarce water. The plant blooms with vibrant yellow flowers, an attractive contrast against its subdued background, revealing a hidden resilience in seemingly inhospitable conditions.
Scheer's beehive cactus
Coryphantha robustispina
Scheer's beehive cactus
Scheer's beehive cactus is a resilient cactus native to rocky desert regions, characterized by its stout, cylindrical shape with prominent ridges. The plant boasts numerous sharp spines radiating from its areoles, providing defense and shade, helping retain moisture. Spring brings vibrant yellow flowers, adding a splash of color to its tough, green exterior.
Coryphantha poselgeriana
Coryphantha poselgeriana
Coryphantha poselgeriana
Coryphantha poselgeriana is a small, globose cactus native to arid terrains. It boasts a symmetrical, ribbed structure adorned with areoles yielding both central and radial spines. Sun-soaked, gravelly soils nurture its growth, prompting cream to pale pink funnel-shaped flowers to crown its solitary form. This desert dweller’s ability to store water facilitates survival amidst scarce rainfall.
Coryphantha pallida
Coryphantha pallida
Coryphantha pallida
Coryphantha pallida is a small, globular cactus with a pale green, fleshy body dotted with numerous white radial spines, providing a stark contrast against harsh desert terrains. It blooms with vibrant, yellow flowers that appear to defy the aridity with their bold display. The thick spines protect it from predators and reduce water loss, a vital adaptation to its dry environment.
popular genus

More Popular Genus

Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
Beehive cactusses
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Key Facts About Beehive cactusses


Attributes of Beehive cactusses

Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 41 ℃

Scientific Classification of Beehive cactusses


Distribution of Beehive cactusses


Distribution Map of Beehive cactusses

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Potentially invasive
No species reported
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How to Grow and Care for Beehive cactusses

More Info About Caring for Beehive cactusses

Exploring the Beehive cactusses Plants

8 most common species:
Coryphantha elephantidens
Elephant's tooth
Elephant's tooth (Coryphantha elephantidens) is a flowering cactus endemic to Mexico. Elephant's tooth is one of the most well known cacti grown for ornamental cultivation. This species grows best in full sun or light shade. It should be watered sparingly and kept dry during that winter. It requires well-drained soils for optimal growth.
Coryphantha macromeris
Nipple beehive cactus
The Coryphantha macromeris bears a striking resemblance to a large, unevenly shaped beehive covered in nodes. Its distinctive appearance has earned it the rather evocative name of "nipple beehive cactus." A cluster of curved spines erupts into a rosette shape in the middle of each of its nipple-shaped nodes. The nipple beehive cactus is surprisingly cold hardy!
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana
Coryphantha delaetiana is a small, bulbous cactus with a green, globular body. It sports a crown of radial spines, lending it a somewhat bristly appearance. The spines, while appearing menacing, help coryphantha delaetiana reduce water loss and deter herbivores in its native arid habitats. During bloom, coryphantha delaetiana produces vibrant flowers, contrasting starkly with its spiny armor, signaling resilience and beauty in harsh conditions.
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis
Coryphantha longicornis boasts a globular, green body that morphs into a columnar shape with age. Its lengthy, curved spines and star-shaped arrangement of tubercles are visually striking. Adapted to arid conditions, coryphantha longicornis's sparse rainfall home environment has birthed a water-storing marvel, enabling it to flourish amid scarcity. Vibrant yellow flowers crown this cactus, adding a splash of color to its desert domicile.
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All Species of Beehive cactusses

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More Popular Genus

Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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