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Red mistletoe cactus
Red mistletoe cactus
Red mistletoe cactus
Disocactus ramulosus
Planting Time
Planting Time
Spring, Summer, Fall

Key Facts About Red mistletoe cactus


Attributes of Red mistletoe cactus

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Mid spring
Plant Height
46 cm
60 cm to 90 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Size
2.5 cm
Flower Color
Fruit Color
Stem Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Red mistletoe cactus

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Questions About Red mistletoe cactus

Watering Watering Watering
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Red mistletoe cactus?
It's important to know various ways to water the Red mistletoe cactus. Some might ask whether they should do the watering from top to bottom, or is it the opposite? According to the experts, one of the best ways to water the cactus is to start from the bottom. This will ensure that there will be enough water to reach the root of the plants. If you're starting from the top, there will not be enough saturation. The water will trickle and evaporate, and only a small amount will reach its roots.
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What should I do if my Red mistletoe cactus is underwatered?
Sometimes, you might notice that even if you water it frequently enough, it will start to dry out. When you see that the flowers are beginning to wilt and there's not enough water, the issue might be in the container where they are planted. Choose a bigger one if this is the case. Buy a pot that drains easily. You will need to mix it with the right potting soil and clean sand so it will absorb more water easier. The soil that is too wet will not go well with the roots. Since this species is an epiphyte, it won't be able to handle soggy roots since it absorbs water and nutrients from the air. It's best to ensure that there's proper drainage to prevent fungal infections. When you notice the cactus is limp, you can transfer or re-pot it into fresh earth. Gently remove the soil as much as possible and keep it evenly moist. Mist the cactus frequently whenever possible. After the flowers have finished blooming, you might want to cut back on watering until you see new buds appearing. When the soil dries too much, the buds will begin to drop, so you might want to add some water but not too much. Sometimes, underwatering, which is followed by overwatering that many owners do for compensation, is quite common. These cacti are considered to be succulents. The lack of water is not noticeable until everything is too late. They show that there are issues when they begin to droop and wither. The well-intentioned plant owner will give them massive amounts of water. This is where the roots become desiccated. They become so dry that they can't take in any excess water. It will result in waterlogged plants, and the remaining roots may rot. If you notice some signs of wilting or underwatering, you can try to bring the species back to life with regular and frequent watering. However, make sure that it won't be a deluge, so you'll give the cactus a chance to regenerate and recover its roots.
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How much water should I give my Red mistletoe cactus?
The Red mistletoe cactus must be properly watered to keep it healthy all year round. It should be potted in well-draining soil so it would produce beautiful blooms. The amount of water that the Red mistletoe cactus needs can vary. When you see that about 1/3 of the topsoil is dry, this is the best time to water them. They are thirstier than the other succulents, so watering should take place about 1x every week. Use your fingers to check if the soil is about two inches dry. If you notice that the soil is very dry on the top layer, run the water until it goes through the drainage of the pots. There should be a tray underneath to catch the extra water. After about 10 to 15 minutes, discard everything, including the excess water. The soaking method should work well with the Red mistletoe cactus but don't let it sit on the water-filled pot for a long time. When the species is in its flowering stage, it's highly recommended to water it sparingly. Ideally, the best time to water them is when you notice that the leaves begin to droop. Make sure to fill the saucer of the pots with pebbles. Add water to the pebbles to add humidity to your Red mistletoe cactus. The best way to understand whether it's time to water the Red mistletoe cactus is to check the soil. When it's too dry, simply add water and moisture. However, don't let the pot sit in the water, especially during the winter when the soil takes a long time to dry. This can cause root rot. Know that these species can react to various seasonal changes. Watering it the correct way will mean that you should consider the climate. If you live in a dry and hot climate, the plants will need more watering, which is about twice per week. If you live in a humid area, then watering only 1x a week can work well. You should water this less frequently in the fall and winter if you want the flowers to bloom. When the pots are exposed to too much sunlight, then the moisture will dry out faster. This is when the plant needs more watering. Watering should be less if it is in a cool or humid place.
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What will happen if I overwater my Red mistletoe cactus?
Sometimes, you might overwater your Red mistletoe cactus, which makes it look limp or wilted. When you've neglected it for too long, give it a little drink. Continue to provide it with water in a sparing way until you see that there's slight moisture in the soil. Overwatering can cause the development of a fungal infection called white rot. The leaves tend to droop, which might result in wilting. Like any other species, the cactus can't stand overwatering or underwatering. They don't tolerate dry soil since the flowers will start dropping at the same time, and this is something that you don't want to happen.
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Should I adjust the frequency of watering my Red mistletoe cactus according to different seasons?
The cold months and the hot months are not the same. The temperatures tend to drop during the winter and fall, and the soil will take longer to dry. This is when you don't need to water the succulents often. These two seasons are also the best time for the Red mistletoe cactus to show its beautiful blooms. Water sparingly to maintain the health of the plant. During the months of October, stop watering when there's too much water in the soil. Resume the care in November but keep the moisture light when the temperatures are still cool. When the blooms start to appear, stop watering for about a few weeks so the plants can rest from too much moisture. These are very delicate, so when you see new growth, you can resume the watering once a week if you need to.
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Should I water my Red mistletoe cactus differently when I plant it indoors vs outdoors?
Your plant's location is something you need to consider when it comes to its watering needs. When the plant grows near the window or outdoors, the air might be too dry, and the temperatures are too high. This is where you should water the plant for about 2x a week. When it's growing indoors in a humid and cool environment, it will definitely need less watering. Indirect sunlight will also have an impact since the soil does not tend to dry out faster. This is where the succulent will just be fine with once-a-week watering. However, you still need to check the soil with a moisture meter to know what it needs.
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More Info on Red Mistletoe Cactus Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
15-20 cm
The perfect time to relocate red mistletoe cactus is when the warmth of late spring brushes away the last chill, offering gentle temperatures for root establishment. Choose a bright, indirect sunlit spot. A friendly tip: ensure excellent drainage to make red mistletoe cactus thrive.
Transplant Techniques
0 - 43 ℃
Red mistletoe cactus is native to temperate environments which is usually moderate, ranging from 68 to 100 °F (20 to 38 ℃). This plant prefers warmth and should be kept indoors during winter to maintain this temperature. Adjust accordingly for seasonal variations.
Temp for Healthy Growth

Plants Related to Red mistletoe cactus

Halesia is experiencing a surge in commercial production as it is becoming more popular amongst gardeners who are drawn to its elegant and abundant white flowers. This increase in popularity is fortunate because this tree is rare in the wild and its IUCN conservation status is vulnerable.
Hairy mountain mint
Hairy mountain mint
Hairy mountain mint (Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum) is indigenous to North America and grows well in the prairies and other hot, dry conditions. The flowers are very attractive to a wide variety of native pollinators including bees, butterflies, and moths. As a member of the mint family, this plant possesses a strong minty scent which often discourages mammals from interacting with it.
Frost grass
Frost grass
Frost grass enjoys its popularity thanks to its shifting colors — from green to red to burgundy in a single year — and its ability to add interest even throughout the winter. It was given the name "frost grass" in reference to its intolerance for heat and love for the cold. Frost grass has the added strength of being able to endure heavy pollution.
Desert-honeysuckle (Anisacanthus thurberi) is a perennial shrub that attracts butterflies bees and hummingbirds. Not a true honeysuckle the flowers of this plant are similar to those of the honeysuckle bush. Blossoms are red or dark orange and will bloom in spring. Thrives in full sun and prefers rocky sandy soil.
Creeping sage
Creeping sage
Creeping sage is native to California in the U.S. One area it grows in is California's Sonoma County, which gives it its Latin name Salvia sonomensis. It favors dry slopes or well-drained soils, and likes to grow partly in the shade. It forms an attractive, fragrant groundcover which attracts birds, bees and butterflies.
Red orchid cactus
Red orchid cactus
Red orchid cactus (Disocactus ackermannii) is a cactus species native to Mexican tropical forests. Red orchid cactus is sometimes confused with Disocactus × hybridus, which is a similarly cultivated hybrid of two different Disocactus species. This species is often planted as a houseplant. Red orchid cactus grows best in indirect sunlight in well-drained soil. Its roots should be kept moist and not be allowed to dry out.
Queen of the night
Queen of the night
Queen of the night is a unique flowering plant. Its flowers are funnel-shaped and have clean white petals and an aromatic scent. Each flower blooms on a single quiet night and fades within hours, making the plant a veritable moonlight beauty.
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Related Plants
Red mistletoe cactus
Red mistletoe cactus
Red mistletoe cactus
Disocactus ramulosus
Planting Time
Planting Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
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Key Facts About Red mistletoe cactus


Attributes of Red mistletoe cactus

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Mid spring
Plant Height
46 cm
60 cm to 90 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Size
2.5 cm
Flower Color
Fruit Color
Stem Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Red mistletoe cactus

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Questions About Red mistletoe cactus

Watering Watering Watering
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Red mistletoe cactus?
What should I do if my Red mistletoe cactus is underwatered?
How much water should I give my Red mistletoe cactus?
What will happen if I overwater my Red mistletoe cactus?
Should I adjust the frequency of watering my Red mistletoe cactus according to different seasons?
Should I water my Red mistletoe cactus differently when I plant it indoors vs outdoors?
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More Info on Red Mistletoe Cactus Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide

Plants Related to Red mistletoe cactus

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Just like people, each plant has its own preferences. Learn about your plants' temperature needs and create a comforting environment for them to flourish. As you care for your plants, your bond with them will deepen. Trust your intuition as you learn about their temperature needs, celebrating the journey you share. Lovingly monitor the temperature around your plants and adjust their environment as needed. A thermometer can be your ally in this heartfelt endeavor. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore your plants' temperature needs. Cherish your successes, learn from challenges, and nurture your garden with love, creating a haven that reflects the warmth of your care.
Red mistletoe cactus is native to temperate environments which is usually moderate, ranging from 68 to 100 °F (20 to 38 ℃). This plant prefers warmth and should be kept indoors during winter to maintain this temperature. Adjust accordingly for seasonal variations.
Regional wintering strategies
Red mistletoe cactus is extremely heat-loving, and any cold temperatures can cause harm to it. In the autumn, it is recommended to bring outdoor-grown Red mistletoe cactus indoors and place it near a bright window, but it should be kept at a certain distance from heaters. Maintaining temperatures above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min} during winter is beneficial for plant growth. Any temperatures approaching {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min} are detrimental to the plant.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Low Temperature in Red mistletoe cactus
Red mistletoe cactus prefers warm temperatures and is not tolerant of low temperatures. It thrives best when the temperature is above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min}. During winter, it should be kept above {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min}. When the temperature falls below {Limit_growth_temperature}, the leaves may lighten in color. After frost damage, the color gradually turns brown or black, and symptoms such as wilting and drooping may occur.
Trim off the frost-damaged parts. Immediately move indoors to a warm environment for cold protection. Choose a spot near a south-facing window to place the plant, ensuring ample sunlight. Additionally, avoid placing the plant near heaters or air conditioning vents to prevent excessive dryness in the air.
Symptoms of High Temperature in Red mistletoe cactus
During summer, Red mistletoe cactus should be kept below {Suitable_growth_temperature_max}. When the temperature exceeds {Tolerable_growing_temperature_max}, the color of the leaves becomes lighter, and the plant becomes more susceptible to sunburn.
Trim away the sunburned and dried-up parts. Move the plant to a location that provides shade from the midday and afternoon sun. Water the plant in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist.
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