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Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Mycaranthes pannea
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11

Key Facts About Flag eria


Attributes of Flag eria

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Leaf Color
Flower Size
1 cm to 1.5 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Flag eria

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Questions About Flag eria

Watering Watering Watering
What is the best way to water my Flag eria?
The manner in which you water the Flag eria will depend somewhat on whether or not your plant is in an active growth phase. If so, you should apply water to your plant’s soil and, if the weather is warm, perform occasional overhead watering to allow the plant to absorb moisture through its leaves. By contrast, in winter, and when the weather is cool or wet generally, you should stick to watering the soil directly rather than including overhead watering as well. You’ll know your Flag eria needs more water if its roots and leaves become thin and dry or show discoloration. Flag eria receives too much water will look mushy and limp. You should grow your Flag eria in a pot and ensure that the potting mix you use has fantastic drainage. During the growing season, you’ll need to water this plant multiple times per week. However, each watering should drain quickly through the growing medium to prevent any standing water. The amount of water you give will change based on the size of the pot you use. Generally, pots that are a bit larger will need water less frequently, while smaller pots will have a slightly more frequent watering schedule. Rainwater and distilled water are the best kinds of water to use for this plant, and it is best if the water you use matches the temperature of the air as closely as possible.
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What should I do if I water my Flag eria too much or too little?
Allowing your Flag eria to sit in soil that remains too moist for too long is one of the most common ways to kill this plant. While these plants need water frequently during active growth, they also need to live in a growing medium that drains water rapidly. When this plant experiences overwatering, it will become mushy and develop root rot. If that occurs, you should be prepared to use a pair of sterile pruning shears to cut out any roots that show signs of rot. After doing that, you should then repot your Flag eria, ensuring that the container allows for drainage and that you fill the container with a fast-draining potting mix. However, Flag eria doesn’t typically respond that well to excessive repotting, so it is crucial to get your watering rate right. Underwatered Flag eria will begin to shrivel and feel dry to the touch. If this occurs, it is likely because the soil is drying out faster than you expected, which means you should increase your watering frequency.
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How often should I water my Flag eria?
During the active growth stage, which spans the spring and summer months, you should plan to water your Flag eria about once or twice per week while increasing that rate to three times per week or more in the case of long periods of hot and dry weather. In the winter, you will also need to water your Flag eria, but not nearly as much. A watering frequency of two to three times per month should be enough to keep your Flag eria alive during the coldest months. However, if you keep your Flag eria indoors during winter, you should account for the fact that indoor growing locations can cause the soil to dry quicker than usual, which may mean you need to increase the number of monthly waterings. You can use the fall as a time to gradually reduce your watering frequency from the summer rate of multiple times per week down to your reduced winter watering schedule.
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What should I consider when watering my Flag eria in different seasons and growth periods?
There are two important growth phases that you should consider when planning the watering schedule for your Flag eria. The first of those periods is the active growth period, which happens in spring and summer, and which calls for watering this plant multiple times per week. The second important growth period is the rest period that the Flag eria should experience for about two to three months each year during winter. During that time, your plant will need far less water and fertilization than normal. Water about once or twice per month during this time. During the fall, you should begin to gradually reduce your watering frequency from multiple times per week all the way down to the once or twice per month rate that is appropriate for winter.
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How should I water my Flag eria differently if I grow it indoors?
The Flag eria requires a growing environment that is relatively humid. Unfortunately, most indoor growing locations will lack the level of air moisture that this plant prefers. This causes the plant and its soil to dry out more quickly than it would when growing outdoors. To combat this effect, you may want to include a humidifier in the room where you grow your Flag eria. You may also need to water it a bit more frequently as well. However, while Flag erias do prefer humidity, they also require adequate air circulation as well, to prevent excessive moisture build-ups and the diseases that can result. Consider including a fan in the room where you grow this plant as well to ensure proper air circulation remains present.
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More Info on Flag Eria Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
15-20 cm
The optimal time for relocating flag eria is during the vibrant weeks of mid to late spring, when growth is vigorous. Choose a spot with well-draining soil and partial shade. Gentle handling of roots during the move ensures a seamless transition to its new location.
Transplant Techniques
All year around
A distinctive orchid, flag eria thrives with selective pruning. Remove only dead or damaged pseudobulbs and spent flower spikes, using sterilized cutters to prevent disease. Pruning can occur year-round as necessary, aligning with the orchid's continuous growth. Timely pruning benefits flag eria's health and promotes vigorous blooms. Cautiously thin dense foliage to enhance air circulation, reducing pest and disease risks while maintaining aesthetic form.
Pruning techniques

Plants Related to Flag eria

Hainan ceratostylis
Hainan ceratostylis
Hainan ceratostylis (Ceratostylis hainanensis) is a relatively unknown orchid species that can only be found living on trees and rocks in its native sub-tropical forests. Its Latin name Ceratostylis hainanensis means coming from Hainan, its native province in China. It can be hard to spot, as it is a miniature orchid, with flowers measuring less than 1.5 cm.
Lady of the night orchid
Lady of the night orchid
Has stems and false bulbs. The pseudobulb is an elongated cylindrical shape with a length of 3 to 15 cm. Only one leaf is attached to the tip of the pseudobulb, and it has a linear needle shape. The length is 15 to 30 cm, but the leaf width is only 2 to 3 cm, thick and hard. The surface is recessed in a groove shape. The flowers bloom in the fall, and 1-6 pieces are placed on the flower stem about 20 cm from the tip of the false bulb. The flower is about 8 cm in diameter. The sepals and side petals are linear, tapering, gently bent and yellowish green. The lip is white, the base wraps around the medullary column and rolls up into a cylinder, then suddenly expands to a heart shape, and the tip is slightly sharp. Flowers have a fragrance, especially at night.
Lanceleaf polypody
Lanceleaf polypody
The lanceleaf polypody is also known as the 'scaly lance fern' because of the unique scales on the underside of its fronds that sets it apart from other species that share the genus. Lanceleaf polypody also tends to bear large fruit and can be found in riverine shrubs or moist montane forests.
Panicled closed-mouth orchid
Panicled closed-mouth orchid
Cleisostoma paniculatum is a species of orchid that is found throughout Asia. It blooms during the months of spring and summer and produces relatively small flowers that are yellow with streaks or patches of purplish-brown.
Tampa butterfly orchid
Tampa butterfly orchid
Tampa butterfly orchid (*Encyclia tampensis*) is an epiphyte perennial commonly found growing on live oaks, bald cypress, and mangroves. Tiny, showy orchid blossoms appear from late spring to summer, emitting a honey-like fragrance that attracts bees. Its common name comes from its flower's resemblance to a butterfly and its prevalence in the Tampa area of Florida in the United States.
Two rowed oberonia
Two rowed oberonia
Two rowed oberonia is an orchid of tropical and South Africa. It's an epiphyte (a plant that needs other plants to support itself physically) and can be found growing on trunks or larger branches. Its habitat is associated with wet forests covered in moss.
Delicate-leafed maxillaria
Delicate-leafed maxillaria
Delicate-leafed maxillaria (Maxillaria tenuifolia) is a popular ornamental orchid grown for its highly individual deep red flowers, which feature yellow centers covered with brown spots. It is easy to grow as long as it is kept damp and given plenty of air, but it isn't at all frost tolerant. In the wild this plant is epiphytic, growing entirely on rainforest trees.
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Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Flag eria
Mycaranthes pannea
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11
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Key Facts About Flag eria


Attributes of Flag eria

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Leaf Color
Flower Size
1 cm to 1.5 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Flag eria

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Questions About Flag eria

Watering Watering Watering
What is the best way to water my Flag eria?
What should I do if I water my Flag eria too much or too little?
How often should I water my Flag eria?
What should I consider when watering my Flag eria in different seasons and growth periods?
How should I water my Flag eria differently if I grow it indoors?
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More Info on Flag Eria Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide

Plants Related to Flag eria

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