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Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
10 to 11

Key Facts About Nanocnide lobata


Attributes of Nanocnide lobata

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer
Harvest Time
Plant Height
30 cm to 5 m
30 cm to 6 m
Flower Size
3 mm to 1.2 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Nanocnide lobata

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Distribution of Nanocnide lobata


Habitat of Nanocnide lobata

Shady, moist places in forests, grasslands, rock crevices, along streams
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Nanocnide lobata

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Nanocnide lobata

Watering Watering Watering
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Nanocnide lobata?
To water Nanocnide lobata, you can use a garden hose with a spray nozzle, a watering can, or just about any other common watering tool. Generally, Nanocnide lobata is not too picky about how they receive their water, as they can live off of rainwater, tap water, or filtered water. Often, you should try not to water this plant from overhead, as doing so can damage the leaves and flowers and may lead to disease as well. At times, the best method for watering this plant is to set up a drip irrigation system. These systems work well for Nanocnide lobata as they apply water evenly and directly to the soil. For one Nanocnide lobata that grows in a container, you can use a similar watering approach while changing the tools you use. To water a container-grown Nanocnide lobata, use a cup, watering can, or your tap to apply water directly to the soil.
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What should I do if I water my Nanocnide lobata too much or too little?
The remedy for underwatering Nanocnide lobata is somewhat obvious. When you notice that your plant lacks moisture, simply begin watering it on a more regular basis. The issue of overwatering can be a much more dire situation, especially if you fail to notice it early. When your Nanocnide lobata is overwatered, it may contract diseases that lead to its decline and death. The best way to prevent this outcome is to choose a proper growing location, one that receives plenty of sunlight to help dry the soil and has good enough drainage to allow excess water to drain rather than pooling and causing waterlogged soils. If you overwater your Nanocnide lobata that lives in a pot, you may need to consider changing it to a new pot. Your previous container may not have contained soil with good drainage or may not have had sufficient drainage holes. As you repot your overwatered Nanocnide lobata, make sure to add loose soils and to use a pot that drains efficiently.
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How often should I water my Nanocnide lobata?
Nanocnide lobata needs water regularly throughout the growing season. Beginning in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once per week. As the season presses on and grows warmer, you may need to increase your watering rate to about two to three times per week. Exceeding at this rate can be detrimental to your Nanocnide lobata. With that said, you should also ensure that the soil in which your Nanocnide lobata grows remains relatively moist but not wet, regardless of how often you must water to make that the case. Watering Nanocnide lobata that lives in a pot is a bit different. Generally, you'll need to increase your watering frequency, as the soil in a pot can heat up and dry out a bit faster than ground soil. As such, you should plan to water a container-grown Nanocnide lobata a few times per week in most cases, versus just once per week for an in-ground plant.
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How much water does my Nanocnide lobata need?
There are a few different ways you can go about determining how much water to give to your Nanocnide lobata. Some gardeners choose to pick their water volume based on feeling the soil for moisture. That method suggests that you should water until you feel that the first six inches of soil have become moist. Alternatively, you can use a set measurement to determine how much to water your Nanocnide lobata. Typically, you should give your Nanocnide lobata about two gallons of water per week, depending on how hot it is and how quickly the soil becomes dry. However, following strict guidelines like that can lead to overwatering if your plant requires less than two gallons per week for whatever reason. When growing Nanocnide lobata in a container, you will need to use a different method to determine how much water to supply. Typically, you should give enough water to moisten all of the layers of soil that have become dry. To test if that is the case, you can simply stick your finger in the soil to feel for moisture. You can also water the soil until you notice a slight trickle of excess water exiting the drainage holes of your pot.
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How can I tell if i'm watering my Nanocnide lobata enough?
It can be somewhat difficult to avoid overwatering your Nanocnide lobata. On the one hand, these plants have relatively deep roots that require you to moisten the soil weekly. On the other hand, Nanocnide lobata are plants that are incredibly susceptible to root rot. Along with root rot, your Nanocnide lobata may also experience browning as a result of overwatering. Underwatering is far less likely for your Nanocnide lobata as these plants can survive for a while in the absence of supplemental watering. However, if you go too long without giving this plant water, it will likely begin to wilt. You may also notice dry leaves.
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How should I water my Nanocnide lobata through the seasons?
You can expect your Nanocnide lobata’s water needs to increase as the season moves on. During spring, you should water about once per week. Then, as the summer heat arrives, you will likely need to give a bit more water to your Nanocnide lobata, at times increasing to about three times per week. This is especially true of Nanocnide lobata that grow in containers, as the soil in a container is far more likely to dry out faster than ground soil when the weather is warm. In autumn, while your Nanocnide lobata is still in bloom, it may need a bit less water as the temperature has likely declined, and the sun is no longer as strong as it was in summer.
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How should I water my Nanocnide lobata at different growth stages?
Nanocnide lobata will move through several different growth stages throughout the year, some of which may require more water than others. For example, you will probably start your Nanocnide lobata as a seed. While the seed germinates, you should plant to give more water than your Nanocnide lobata will need later in life, watering often enough to maintain consistent soil moisture. After a few weeks, your Nanocnide lobata will grow above the soil and may need slightly less water than at the seedling phase. Then, once this plant is mature, you can begin to use the regular watering frequency of about once per week. As flower development takes place, you may need to give slightly more water to aid the process.
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What's the difference between watering Nanocnide lobata indoors and outdoors?
There are several reasons why most Nanocnide lobata grow outdoors rather than indoors. The first is that these plants typically grow to tall. The second reason is that Nanocnide lobata needs more daily sunlight than most indoor growing locations can provide. If you are able to provide a suitable indoor growing location, you may find that you need to give your Nanocnide lobata water a bit more often than you would in an outdoor growing location. Part of the reason for this is that indoor growing locations tend to be a lot drier than outdoor ones due to HVAC units. The other reason for this is that soil in containers can dry out relatively quickly as well compared to soil in the ground.
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More Info on Nanocnide Lobata Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
15-30 cm
Transplant nanocnide lobata during the optimum window of warm, youthful spring days, when earth and air gently conspire for growth. Choose a luminous spot with well-drained soil, and delicately settle the roots to encourage robust development.
Transplant Techniques
5 - 43 ℃
Nanocnide lobata is native to conditions where the temperature fluctuates between 68 to 100 °F (20 to 38 ℃). This plant prefers a warmer environment and may require temperature adjustments in colder seasons for optimal growth.
Temp for Healthy Growth
Spring, Summer, Fall
This perennial herbaceous plant thrives with regular maintenance. Key pruning for nanocnide lobata involves deadheading spent flowers and trimming back overgrowth to promote healthy new shoots. Optimal pruning occurs from spring to fall, aligning with its active growth period. Careful removal of old foliage can improve air circulation and sun exposure, reducing disease risk. Prune sparingly, as excessive cutting can stress nanocnide lobata. Benefits of correct pruning include robust growth and prolonged blooming.
Pruning techniques

Plants Related to Nanocnide lobata

Small Nettle
Small Nettle
Small Nettle (Urtica urens) is a herbaceous annual flowering nettle known by many common names. Small Nettle is also called the dog nettle or burning nettle because it "bites" when touching (in the same way as stinging nettle). Small Nettle is native to the Eurasian continent. Butterfly species feed on this plant.
Heartleaf nettle
Heartleaf nettle
Nettles are known for their stinging hairs, and heartleaf nettle is no different. This flowering plant can cause an uncomfortable rash if you happen to brush up against it. It produces small green flowers that attract butterflies, and its fibers can be used to make clothes.
Henbit deadnettle
Henbit deadnettle
Henbit deadnettle is a very important part of the North American and Eurasian ecosystems, as it is utilized by bees and other pollinators as a source of nectar. Additionally, the seeds are favored by birds and the leaves, stems, and flowers are edible to humans either raw or cooked.
Stinging nettle
Stinging nettle
Although the stinging nettle has a variety of uses it is best known for its eponymous sting. It has sharp defensive hairs on its leaves and stems which will release pain-inducing chemicals when touched. Nevertheless, Dorset, England hosts an annual World Nettle Eating Championship, which started with a debate between two farmers over the severity of their nettle infestations. To consume them more safely, stinging nettles must be thoroughly boiled.
Woodland strawberry
Woodland strawberry
Woodland strawberry is a plant that spreads by runners that put down roots as they go. This ever-bearing strawberry produces fruit all year long that is small but edible. Because the fruit is so small, cultivated woodland strawberry is typically used more as an ornamental or ground cover.
Serrate nanocnide
Serrate nanocnide
The stem is 10 to 30 cm high, flexible, bundled and somewhat hairy. Breed out with stems. The leaves are alternating, rhombus-shaped oval, 1 to 3 cm long, 1 to 3 cm wide, rounded at the tip, with several pairs of blunt foliage at the edges and a base cut. The petiole is a little longer than the blade or the same length. The leaves are small oval and 1 to 2 mm long. Put the flower pattern from the side of the upper leaf and apply the male flower. There are 5 male flower cover pieces, 5 stamens, and the yarns that are bent inward stretch one after another, breaking the buds and scattering pollen. A female flower is put on the base of the upper leaf. There are 4 female flower strips, needle-shaped, light red, and the outer one has a keel on the back. The fruit is wrapped in a flower coat with follicles, approximately 1 mm in length and the same length as the persimmon, with a broad egg-shaped lens with fine dots.
Clammy Goosefoot
Clammy Goosefoot
The unusually named clammy Goosefoot (Dysphania pumilio) is a flowering plant that’s indigenous to Australia. Australians who transported wool contaminated with the seeds of the plant accidentally brought it to Europe. That’s probably how it also got introduced to other parts of the world.
Alkali mallow
Alkali mallow
Alkali mallow (Malvella leprosa) is a flowering plant that is native to the western United States and Central America. It has a long blooming season between spring and fall and is visited by a variety of different butterflies including the common checkered skipper butterfly and the painted lady butterfly.
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Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
10 to 11
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Key Facts About Nanocnide lobata


Attributes of Nanocnide lobata

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer
Harvest Time
Plant Height
30 cm to 5 m
30 cm to 6 m
Flower Size
3 mm to 1.2 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Nanocnide lobata

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Distribution of Nanocnide lobata


Habitat of Nanocnide lobata

Shady, moist places in forests, grasslands, rock crevices, along streams
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Nanocnide lobata

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Nanocnide lobata

Watering Watering Watering
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Nanocnide lobata?
What should I do if I water my Nanocnide lobata too much or too little?
How often should I water my Nanocnide lobata?
How much water does my Nanocnide lobata need?
How can I tell if i'm watering my Nanocnide lobata enough?
How should I water my Nanocnide lobata through the seasons?
How should I water my Nanocnide lobata at different growth stages?
What's the difference between watering Nanocnide lobata indoors and outdoors?
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More Info on Nanocnide Lobata Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide

Plants Related to Nanocnide lobata

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Just like people, each plant has its own preferences. Learn about your plants' temperature needs and create a comforting environment for them to flourish. As you care for your plants, your bond with them will deepen. Trust your intuition as you learn about their temperature needs, celebrating the journey you share. Lovingly monitor the temperature around your plants and adjust their environment as needed. A thermometer can be your ally in this heartfelt endeavor. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore your plants' temperature needs. Cherish your successes, learn from challenges, and nurture your garden with love, creating a haven that reflects the warmth of your care.
Nanocnide lobata is native to conditions where the temperature fluctuates between 68 to 100 °F (20 to 38 ℃). This plant prefers a warmer environment and may require temperature adjustments in colder seasons for optimal growth.
Regional wintering strategies
Nanocnide lobata is extremely heat-loving, and any cold temperatures can cause harm to it. In the autumn, it is recommended to bring outdoor-grown Nanocnide lobata indoors and place it near a bright window, but it should be kept at a certain distance from heaters. Maintaining temperatures above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min} during winter is beneficial for plant growth. Any temperatures approaching {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min} are detrimental to the plant.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Low Temperature in Nanocnide lobata
Nanocnide lobata prefers warm temperatures and is not tolerant of low temperatures. It thrives best when the temperature is above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min}. During winter, it should be kept above {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min}. When the temperature falls below {Limit_growth_temperature}, the leaves may lighten in color. After frost damage, the color gradually turns brown or black, and symptoms such as wilting and drooping may occur.
Trim off the frost-damaged parts. Immediately move indoors to a warm environment for cold protection. Choose a spot near a south-facing window to place the plant, ensuring ample sunlight. Additionally, avoid placing the plant near heaters or air conditioning vents to prevent excessive dryness in the air.
Symptoms of High Temperature in Nanocnide lobata
During summer, Nanocnide lobata should be kept below {Suitable_growth_temperature_max}. When the temperature exceeds {Tolerable_growing_temperature_max}, the color of the leaves becomes lighter, and the plant becomes more susceptible to sunburn.
Trim away the sunburned and dried-up parts. Move the plant to a location that provides shade from the midday and afternoon sun. Water the plant in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist.
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