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Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Nothochelone nemorosa
Also known as : Turtlehead
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones

Key Facts About Woodland beardtongue


Attributes of Woodland beardtongue

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Plant Height
30 cm to 1.02 m
30 cm to 1.05 m
Leaf Color
Flower Size
2.5 cm to 5 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
15 - 32 ℃

Scientific Classification of Woodland beardtongue

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Quickly Identify Woodland beardtongue

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Distinct winged seeds for unique identification.
Tubular flowers with lobed upper and lower lips.
Dry capsules with numerous small, winged seeds.
Short-stalked, toothed leaves with visible veins.
Erect stem with fine hairs, may turn reddish in sunlight.
Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image
Learn More About Identifying Woodland beardtongue

Distribution of Woodland beardtongue


Habitat of Woodland beardtongue

Woods, moist, rocky, shaded slopes
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Woodland beardtongue

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Woodland beardtongue

Watering Watering Watering
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Woodland beardtongue?
Your Woodland beardtongue will not be too picky about how you choose to water it. As such, you can use just about any common watering tool to moisten this plant’s soil. Watering cans, hoses, and even cups will work just fine when it is time to water your Woodland beardtongue. Regardless of which watering tool you use, you should typically apply the water directly to the soil. In doing so, you should ensure that you moisten all soil areas equally to give all parts of the root system the water it needs. It can help to use filtered water, as tap water can contain particles that are harmful to plants. It is also beneficial to use water that is at or slightly above room temperature, as colder or hotter water can be somewhat shocking to the Woodland beardtongue. However, the Woodland beardtongue usually responds well to any kind of water you give it.
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What should I do if I water my Woodland beardtongue too much or too little?
For outdoor plants, especially newly planted plants or plant seedlings, they can be prone to lack of watering. Remember that you need to keep watering enough for a few months when the tree is small or just planted. This is because once the roots are established, Woodland beardtongue can rely on rain most of the time. When your Woodland beardtongue is planted in pots, overwatering is often more likely to.When you accidentally overwater your Woodland beardtongue, you should be prepared to remedy the situation immediately. First, you should stop watering your plant right away to minimize the effect of your overwatering. After, you should consider removing your Woodland beardtongue from its pot to inspect its roots. If you find that none of the roots have developed root rot, it may be permissible to return your plant to its container. If you do discover signs of root rot, then you should trim away any roots that have been affected. You may also want to apply a fungicide to prevent further damage. Lastly, you should repot your Woodland beardtongue in soil that is well-draining. In the case of an underwatered Woodland beardtongue, simply water this plant more frequently. Underwatering is often an easy fix. If you underwater, the plant's leaves will tend to droop and dry out and fall off, and the leaves will quickly return to fullness after sufficient watering. Please correct your watering frequency as soon as underwatering occurs.
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How often should I water my Woodland beardtongue?
Most plants that grow naturally outdoors can be allowed to grow normally with rainfall. If your area lacks rainfall, consider giving your plants adequate watering every 2 weeks during the spring and fall. More frequent watering is needed in summer. In winter, when growth becomes slower and plants need less water, water more sparingly. Throughout the winter, you may not give it additional watering at all. If your Woodland beardtongue is young or newly planted, then you should water more frequently to help it establish, and mature and grow up to have more adaptable and drought tolerant plants. For potted plants, there are two main ways that you can determine how often to water your Woodland beardtongue. The first way is to set a predetermined watering schedule. If you choose this route, you should plan to water this plant about once every week or once every other week. However, this approach may not always work as it does not consider the unique conditions of the growing environment for your Woodland beardtongue . Your watering frequency can also change depending on the season. For instance, a predetermined watering schedule will likely not suffice during summer when this plant's water needs are highest. An alternative route is to set your watering frequency based on soil moisture. Typically, it is best to wait until the first two to four inches of soil, usually ⅓ to ½ depth of the pots, have dried out entirely before you give more water.
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How much water does my Woodland beardtongue need?
When it comes time to water your Woodland beardtongue, you may be surprised to find that this plant does not always need a high volume of water. Instead, if only a few inches of soil have dried since your last watering, you can support healthy growth in the Woodland beardtongue by giving it about five to ten ounces of water every time you water. You can also decide your water volume based on soil moisture. As mentioned above, you should note how many inches of soil have dried out between waterings. A surefire way to make sure your Woodland beardtongue gets the moisture it needs is to supply enough water to moisten all the soil layers that became dry since the last time you watered. If more than half of the soil has become dry, you should consider giving more water than usual. In those cases, continue adding water until you see excess water draining from your pot’s drainage holes. If your Woodland beardtongue is planted in an area that gets plenty of rain outdoors, it may not need additional watering. When the Woodland beardtongue is young or just getting established, make sure it gets 1-2 inches of rain per week. As it continues to grow and establish, it can survive entirely on rainwater and only when the weather is hot and there is no rainfall at all for 2-3 weeks, then consider giving your Woodland beardtongue a full watering to prevent them from suffering stress.
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How can I tell if i'm watering my Woodland beardtongue enough?
Overwatering is a far more common problem for the Woodland beardtongue, and there are several signs you should look for when this occurs. Generally, an overwatered Woodland beardtongue will have yellowing leaves and may even drop some leaves. Also, overwatering can cause the overall structure of your plant to shrivel and may also promote root rot. On the other hand, an underwatered Woodland beardtongue will also begin to wilt. It may also display leaves that are brown or brittle to the touch. Whether you see signs of overwatering or underwatering, you should be prepared to intervene and restore the health of your Woodland beardtongue.
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How can I water my Woodland beardtongue at different growth stages?
When the Woodland beardtongue is very young, such as when it is in a seedling stage, you will need to give it more water than you would if it were at a mature age. During the early stages of this plant’s life, it is important to keep the soil consistently moist to encourage root development. The same is true for any Woodland beardtongue that you have transplanted to a new growing location. Also, the Woodland beardtongue can develop showy flowers and fruits when you give them the correct care. If your Woodland beardtongue is in a flowering or fruiting phase, you will likely need to give a bit more water than you usually would to support these plant structures.
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How can I water my Woodland beardtongue through the seasons?
The seasonal changes will affect how often you water your Woodland beardtongue. Mainly, during the hottest summer months, you will likely need to increase how much you water this plant, especially if it grows in an area that receives ample sunlight. Strong summer sunlight can cause soil to dry out much faster than usual, meaning that you’ll need to water more frequently. By contrast, your Woodland beardtongue will need much less water during the winter, as it will not be in an active growing phase. During winter, you can get by with watering once every 2 to 3 weeks or sometimes not at all. For those growing this plant indoors, you should be somewhat wary of appliances such as air conditioners, which can cause your plant to dry out more quickly, which also calls for more frequent watering.
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What's the difference between watering my Woodland beardtongue indoors vs outdoors?
In some cases, your Woodland beardtongue may not need any supplemental watering when it grows outside and will survive on rainwater alone. However, if you live in an area of little to no rain, you should water this plant about every two weeks. If you belong to the group of people who live out of this plant's natural hardiness zone, you should grow it indoors. In an indoor setting, you should monitor your plant's soil as it can dry out more quickly when it is in a container or when it is exposed to HVAC units such as air conditioners. Those drying factors will lead you to water this plant a bit more often than if you grew it outdoors.
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More Info on Woodland Beardtongue Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Full sun
Woodland beardtongue flourishes under the full illumination of the sun, promoting healthier growth. It can also endure moderate sun exposure, though less ideal. Originating from habitats exposed to ample sunlight, it can suffer growth issues from inadequate or excessive light exposure.
Best Sunlight Practices
15-18 inches
The finest time to relocate woodland beardtongue is when spring is unfolding its leaves, offering gentle weather for root establishment. Select a spot with dappled light and well-drained soil. Ensure ample space for growth to avoid future stress.
Transplant Techniques
-5 - 35 ℃
Woodland beardtongue is native to regions with moderate climate, thriving in 59 to 89.6°F (15 to 32 ℃). It prefers this temperature range for optimal growth. Depending on seasonal changes, slight temperature adjustments may be needed.
Temp for Healthy Growth
An elegant perennial known for its tubular violet-blue flowers, woodland beardtongue thrives with minimal pruning. The primary technique is the removal of spent flower stems to encourage new growth and potentially a second bloom. Pruning should occur in late winter, as woodland beardtongue enters dormancy. Precise cuts just above a leaf node or basal rosette maintain plant shape and health. Regular deadheading also enhances vigor, though care must be taken not to cut into the woody base.
Pruning techniques

Plants Related to Woodland beardtongue

Egyptian starcluster
Egyptian starcluster
Egyptian starcluster (Pentas lanceolata) is a flowering plant native to Africa and Yemen. Egyptian starcluster is cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens where it attracts butterflies.
Echeveria peach pride
Echeveria peach pride
The echeveria peach pride grows fast, with no significant dormancy period. When light is sufficient, its leaf margins are reddish and its leaves yellowish-green. Young buds tend to sprout from the base of the stems, which often grow into a circle around the main stem.
Eastern leatherwood
Eastern leatherwood
Eastern leatherwood, or Dirca palustris, is a shrub occasionally found growing in the woods of the eastern United States. It can be difficult to identify and is easily confused with the more commonly found Spicebush. Palustris, from the Latin name, means “of the swamps.”
Eastern hornbeam
Eastern hornbeam
The Carpinus orientalis is a small tree, rarely over 10 m tall and often shrubby. It has minute, with small leaves, 3 to 5 cm long.The seeds have a simple bract, not trilobed like Carpinus betulus, that is about 2 cm long.
Early Saxifrage
Early Saxifrage
Early Saxifrage (Micranthes virginiensis) is an herbaceous perennial that blooms from spring to summer with clusters of white flowers. Fruit develops after flowering and is a green to purple capsule that contains numerous tiny seeds. It is commonly found growing along stream banks and rocky slopes.
Cape jasmine
Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
Golden pothos
Golden pothos
The golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including "devil's ivy", because it is so hard to kill and can even grow in low light conditions. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.
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Related Plants
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue
Nothochelone nemorosa
Also known as: Turtlehead
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
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Key Facts About Woodland beardtongue


Attributes of Woodland beardtongue

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Plant Height
30 cm to 1.02 m
30 cm to 1.05 m
Leaf Color
Flower Size
2.5 cm to 5 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
15 - 32 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Woodland beardtongue

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Distinct winged seeds for unique identification.
Tubular flowers with lobed upper and lower lips.
Dry capsules with numerous small, winged seeds.
Short-stalked, toothed leaves with visible veins.
Erect stem with fine hairs, may turn reddish in sunlight.
Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image Woodland beardtongue identify image
Learn More About Identifying Woodland beardtongue

Distribution of Woodland beardtongue


Habitat of Woodland beardtongue

Woods, moist, rocky, shaded slopes
Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Woodland beardtongue

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Woodland beardtongue

Watering Watering Watering
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my Woodland beardtongue?
What should I do if I water my Woodland beardtongue too much or too little?
How often should I water my Woodland beardtongue?
How much water does my Woodland beardtongue need?
How can I tell if i'm watering my Woodland beardtongue enough?
How can I water my Woodland beardtongue at different growth stages?
How can I water my Woodland beardtongue through the seasons?
What's the difference between watering my Woodland beardtongue indoors vs outdoors?
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More Info on Woodland Beardtongue Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide

Plants Related to Woodland beardtongue

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Full sun
Above 6 hours sunlight
Partial sun
About 3-6 hours sunlight
Watch how sunlight gracefully moves through your garden, and choose spots that provide the perfect balance of light and shade for your plants, ensuring their happiness.
Woodland beardtongue flourishes under the full illumination of the sun, promoting healthier growth. It can also endure moderate sun exposure, though less ideal. Originating from habitats exposed to ample sunlight, it can suffer growth issues from inadequate or excessive light exposure.
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Artificial lighting
Indoor plants require adequate lighting for optimal growth. When natural sunlight is insufficient, particularly in winter or in less sunny spaces, artificial lights offer a vital solution, promoting faster, healthier growth.
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Indoor plants require adequate lighting for optimal growth. When natural sunlight is insufficient, particularly in winter or in less sunny spaces, artificial lights offer a vital solution, promoting faster, healthier growth.
1. Choose the right type of artificial light: LED lights are a popular choice for indoor plant lighting because they can be customized to provide the specific wavelengths of light that your plants need.
Full sun plants need 30-50W/sq ft of artificial light, partial sun plants need 20-30W/sq ft, and full shade plants need 10-20W/sq ft.
2. Determine the appropriate distance: Place the light source 12-36 inches above the plant to mimic natural sunlight.
3. Determine the duration: Mimic the length of natural daylight hours for your plant species. most plants need 8-12 hours of light per day.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Insufficient Light in %s
Woodland beardtongue thrives in full sunlight but is sensitive to heat. As a plant commonly grown outdoors with abundant sunlight, it may exhibit subtle symptoms of light deficiency when placed in rooms with suboptimal lighting.
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(Symptom details and solutions)
Small leaves
New leaves may grow smaller in size compared to the previous ones once they have matured.
Leggy or sparse growth
The spaces between leaves or stems of your Woodland beardtongue may become longer, resulting in a thin and stretched-out appearance. This can make the plant look sparse and weak, and it may easily break or lean due to its own weight.
Faster leaf drop
When plants are exposed to low light conditions, they tend to shed older leaves early to conserve resources. Within a limited time, these resources can be utilized to grow new leaves until the plant's energy reserves are depleted.
Slower or no new growth
Woodland beardtongue enters a survival mode when light conditions are poor, which leads to a halt in leaf production. As a result, the plant's growth becomes delayed or stops altogether.
Lighter-colored new leaves
Insufficient sunlight can cause leaves to develop irregular color patterns or appear pale. This indicates a lack of chlorophyll and essential nutrients.
1. To ensure optimal growth, gradually move plants to a sunnier location each week, until they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Use a south-facing window and keep curtains open during the day for maximum sunlight exposure and nutrient accumulation.2. To provide additional light for your plant, consider using artificial light if it's large or not easily movable. Keep a desk or ceiling lamp on for at least 8 hours daily, or invest in professional plant grow lights for ample light.
Symptoms of Excessive light in %s
Woodland beardtongue thrives in full sun exposure but is sensitive to heat. Although sunburn symptoms occasionally occur, they are unable to withstand intense sunlight in high-temperature environments.
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(Symptom details and solutions)
Chlorosis is a condition where the plant's leaves lose their green color and turn yellow. This is due to the breakdown of chlorophyll from excessive sunlight, which negatively affects the plant's ability to photosynthesize.
Sunscald occurs when the plant's leaves or stems are damaged by intense sunlight exposure. It appears as pale, bleached, or necrotic areas on the plant tissue and can reduce the plant's overall health.
Leaf Curling
Leaf curling is a symptom where leaves curl or twist under extreme sunlight conditions. This is a defense mechanism used by the plant to reduce its surface area exposed to sunlight, minimizing water loss and damage.
Wilting occurs when a plant loses turgor pressure and its leaves and stems begin to droop. Overexposure to sunlight can cause wilting by increasing the plant's water loss through transpiration, making it difficult for the plant to maintain adequate hydration.
Leaf Scorching
Leaf scorching is a symptom characterized by the appearance of brown, dry, and crispy edges or patches on leaves due to excessive sunlight. This can lead to a reduction in photosynthetic capacity and overall plant health.
1. Move your plant to the optimal position where it can receive abundant sunlight but also have some shade. An east-facing window is an ideal choice as the morning sunlight is gentler. This way, your plant can enjoy ample sunlight while reducing the risk of sunburn.2. It is recommended to trim off any completely dehydrated or withered parts of the plant.
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Just like people, each plant has its own preferences. Learn about your plants' temperature needs and create a comforting environment for them to flourish. As you care for your plants, your bond with them will deepen. Trust your intuition as you learn about their temperature needs, celebrating the journey you share. Lovingly monitor the temperature around your plants and adjust their environment as needed. A thermometer can be your ally in this heartfelt endeavor. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore your plants' temperature needs. Cherish your successes, learn from challenges, and nurture your garden with love, creating a haven that reflects the warmth of your care.
Woodland beardtongue is native to regions with moderate climate, thriving in 59 to 89.6°F (15 to 32 ℃). It prefers this temperature range for optimal growth. Depending on seasonal changes, slight temperature adjustments may be needed.
Regional wintering strategies
Woodland beardtongue has strong cold resistance, so special frost protection measures are usually not necessary during winter. However, if the winter temperatures are expected to drop below {Limit_growth_temperature}, it is still important to provide cold protection. This can be achieved by wrapping the trunk and branches with materials such as non-woven fabric or cloth. Before the first freeze in autumn, it is recommended to water the plant abundantly, ensuring the soil remains moist and enters a frozen state. This helps prevent drought and water scarcity for the plant during winter and early spring.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Low Temperature in Woodland beardtongue
Woodland beardtongue is cold-tolerant and thrives best when the temperature is above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min}. During winter, it should be kept above {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min}. When the temperature falls below {Limit_growth_temperature}, although there may not be any noticeable changes during winter, the branches may become brittle and dry during springtime, and no new shoots will emerge.
In spring, prune away any dead branches that have failed to produce new leaves.
Symptoms of High Temperature in Woodland beardtongue
During summer, Woodland beardtongue should be kept below {Suitable_growth_temperature_max}. When the temperature exceeds {Tolerable_growing_temperature_max}, the leaves of the plant may become lighter in color, the tips may become dry and withered, and the plant becomes more susceptible to sunburn.
Trim away the sunburned and dried-up parts. Move the plant to a location that provides shade from the midday and afternoon sun, or use a shade cloth to create shade. Water the plant in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist.
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