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Picea indet.
Planting Time
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall
care guide

Care Guide for Spruce

Soil Care
Soil Care
Slightly acidic, Neutral, Slightly alkaline
Details on Soil Care Soil Care
Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Full sun, Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
2 to 7
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
Planting Time
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall
Details on Planting Time Planting Time
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Full sun
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
2 to 7
Planting Time
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall

Questions About Spruce

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
What is the best way to water my Spruce?
If you decide to water your Spruce, you will be happy to find that it is a straightforward task. One of the easiest ways to water this tree is by simply turning on your garden hose and using it to soak the soil slowly. Your garden hose is the ideal watering tool to use for mature Spruce trees, as large specimens may need a high volume of water during each watering. However, for smaller trees, you may get by by using a watering can or some other smaller watering tool. Also, you should try to avoid overhead watering as excessive moisture on this plant’s leaves can lead to disease, especially when the tree is young.
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What should I do if I water my Spruce too much or too little?
At times, overwatering can be the result of poor soils. Mainly, if the soil in which your Spruce grows does not allow water to drain effectively, the plant will likely begin to decline. If this is the case, you should either amend the soil to improve its drainage characteristics or transplant your Spruce to a more favorable growing location. If you grow your Spruce in a pot, this can also mean you may need to repot your plant with looser soils in a container that allows for better drainage. An overwatered plant may also contract diseases, which you should try to treat immediately. For an underwatered Spruce, the remedy is quite simple. Begin watering more often, and soon your plant will bounce back and return to full health. The easiest way to tell if you have overwatered your Spruce is to observe the plant’s foliage. Specifically, looking at the new growth will give the clearest sign of whether this plant suffers from too much moisture. An overwatered Spruce may produce new growth, but that new growth may be discolored or prone to easy breakage. Another sign that the soil for your Spruce is too moist is if you notice standing water or that water is not draining quickly in your plant’s growing area. Underwatered Spruce trees will also have symptoms present in the foliage. In this case, the leaves may become sparse, brown. Usually, Spruce can grow well with rainfulls. If you see such symptoms on your plant, you should consider if there has been too much rain recently or constantly high temperatures, which will help you to make the correct judgment.
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How often should I water my Spruce?
A mature Spruce does not need much water at all. In most instances, this tree will become drought tolerant and survive off of nothing more than rainfall. At most, you’ll need to water this plant about once per week during the hottest months of the year, but during other seasons, you probably won’t need to water it at all. The exception to that rule is if you are dealing with a plant that has been newly planted. If that is the case, you should water regularly to maintain consistent soil moisture and help the roots establish themselves. With that said, the most important thing to remember when watering Spruce is that this species does not tolerate standing water. As such, when in doubt, you should err on the side of not watering your Spruce rather than risking watering it too much.
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How much water does my Spruce need?
The height of summer is one of the few times that you’ll need to water your Spruce. At that time of year, it is typical to give this plant about one inch of water per week. However, that amount can change depending on how much it has rained. If it has rained one inch or more that week, you won’t need to give any water to your Spruce.newly planted Spruce will need more water during the establishment period. Typically, this amounts to watering about once every one to two weeks for the first few growing seasons.
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How should I water my Spruce through the seasons?
The Spruce tree will need the most water during the summer months when the weather is the hottest. At that time, you should give this plant water about once per week in the absence of rainfall. During other times of the year, this plant will often survive with no water at all. In spring and fall, you might need to provide some water if the weather is exceptionally hot, but this is rare. Unlike many other plants, the Spruce does not enter full dormancy in winter, which means that it will continue growing, during the coldest months. Still, the water needs during winter will remain quite low as the cool temperatures will not cause the soil to dry out quickly..
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How should I water my Spruce at different growth stages?
Young Spruce trees need significantly more water than those that are established. A newly planted tree should receive water at least weekly to ensure that the soil remains moist to facilitate root development. After the first growing season, your Spruce should be well-adapted to its new growing location and should need much less water. At this time, you can begin following the standard instructions for watering this species, providing supplemental water about once per week during summer when it does not rain. Beyond that, there is no other time at which you’ll need to alter your watering habits based on the growth stages of the Spruce tree.
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What's the difference between watering Spruce indoors and outdoors?
It is far more common to grow the Spruce in an outdoor growing location. However, it is also possible to grow this plant indoors in a container. In that scenario, one gardener often raise the Spruce as the bonsai plant. Whether you grow this plant indoors or outdoors, you can expect its water needs to remain relatively similar. The one difference is that you may need to water an indoor Spruce tree a bit more. Indoor plants won’t have access to rainfall during the summer. Also, indoor areas are often much drier than outdoor growing locations, and the size of the pots limits the water-retainability, which can lead to higher water needs.
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Key Facts About Spruce


Attributes of Spruce

Plant Type
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall
Bloom Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Late winter
Plant Height
2 m to 20 m
2 m to 8 m
Leaf Color
Fruit Color
Stem Color
Winter dormancy
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃

Scientific Classification of Spruce

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Common Pests & Diseases About Spruce

Common issues for Spruce based on 10 million real cases
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a disease affecting Spruce, leading to the browning and drooping of needle tips. It often results in decreased photosynthesis and overall vitality, potentially escalating to more severe symptoms.
Dieback Dieback
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Solutions: There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent: Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling Test soil pH and adjust accordingly Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
Fruit withering
Fruit withering Fruit withering
Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Solutions: There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering: Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Crown gall
Crown gall Crown gall
Crown gall
Bacterial infections can cause abnormal brown or black growths on the trunk of the tree. These are also called crown galls.
Solutions: Remove infected tissue. Established trees can survive a crown gall infection, but the galls should be removed to improve the plant's appearance. Use pruning shears to remove the gall, then treat the wound with a pruning sealer. Discard pruned material by putting it in the trash or burning it to avoid infecting other plants. Sterilize the pruning shears after removing the galls. Remove the entire plant. If a small plant is infected with a serious case of crown gall, the best option is to remove the entire plant and burn it. This will prevent bacteria from spreading to other plants. Sterilize the soil. After removing infected tissue, sterilize the soil using heat. Alternatively, plant a gall-resistant plant in the same spot.
plant poor
Leaf tip withering
Active Period
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Leaf tip withering is a disease affecting Spruce, leading to the browning and drooping of needle tips. It often results in decreased photosynthesis and overall vitality, potentially escalating to more severe symptoms.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Spruce, leaf tip withering manifests as dry, brown, curling tips of the needles. This is commonly accompanied by general foliage thinning and a gradual decline in tree vigor.
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Environmental stress
Temperature extremes, water imbalance, and poor soil conditions often precipitate this condition.
Fungal infections like Rhizosphaera or Stigmina can exacerbate tip withering.
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Non pesticide
Proper irrigation: Ensure consistent moisture levels without waterlogging to alleviate stress.

Mulching: Apply organic mulch to help retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature.
Fungicidal sprays: Use fungicides recommended for Spruce to control pathogen spread if confirmed.
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plant poor
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Dealing with dieback in plants can be tricky, in part because this is both the name of a disease itself and a common symptom of many other types of diseases. Dieback can be characterized by the progressive, gradual death of shoots, twigs, roots, and branches, generally starting first at the tips.
In many cases, dieback is caused by fungi or bacteria. These pathogens can produce cankers, wilts, stem or root rots, and even anthracnose, but the most common symptom, of course, is that various plant parts (or the entire plant) will begin to die back.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The symptoms of dieback can be gradual or slightly more abrupt. Usually, however, they are slow in developing and tend to be uniform among the various parts of a plant.
Some plants may have more localized symptoms, with all twigs affected or all branches affected but not the rest of the plant. Some potential symptoms include:
  • Dead or dying branches and twigs
  • Dieback that starts in the top of a plant and progresses downward (though it can start lower, especially for conifers)
  • A delayed flush of growth in the spring
  • Leaf margins become scorched
  • Pale green or yellow leaves
  • Leaves that are small or otherwise distorted
  • Early leaf drop
  • Reduced growth of twigs and stems
  • Thinning of crown foliage
  • Production of suckers on trunk and branches
  • Premature fall coloration (in tree species like birch, sweetgum, maple, oak, ash, etc)
The symptoms of dieback can occur within just one season or become worse each and every year.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several types of dieback, each of which has a different cause with which it is associated.
"dieback" as a standalone issue, including the condition known as Staghead, is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Staghead is a slow dieback that occurs on the upper branches of a tree, named as such because the dead limbs look much like the head of a stag.
Other causes of dieback symptoms include:
  • Cankers or wilts
  • Stem or root rots
  • Nematodes
  • Stem or root boring insects
  • Pavement being placed over root systems
  • Winter injury from cold
  • Salt damage
  • Lack of moisture (or excess of moisture)
  • Lack of an essential nutrient or element
Trees and shrubs that are attacked by insects, exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, or experience severe and frequent fluctuations in soil moisture are the most likely to suffer from dieback. These stress factors alone or in combination with each other can reduce leaf and shoot growth, and progress into death of twigs and branches.
Although any of these issues can lead to dieback, the most serious consequences tend to occur when the roots of a plant are damaged. Similarly, trees and shrubs that are planted improperly or in unfavorable locations are more likely to develop this condition.
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Fruit withering
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Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Fruit withering is common on many tree fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, cherries, and plums, as well as fruiting shrubs. It is caused by a fungal pathogen and will result in wrinkled and desiccated fruit.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Here are the most common symptoms in the order that they are likely to occur.
  1. Both leaves and blossom on the tips of branches will go brown and wither.
  2. Gray powdery patches will appear on infected leaves and flowers, and this will be most apparent after rain.
  3. Any fruit that does appear will turn wrinkled and fail to develop.
  4. Branch tips begin to die, progressing back to larger branches, causing general deterioration of the tree or plant.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
The withering is caused by one of two fungal pathogens, one called Monilina laxa and the other called M. fructigen. The spores overwinter on infected plant material and are then spread the following spring by wind, rain, or animal vectors. The problem will start to become noticeable in mid-spring, but will increase in severity as summer progresses and the fungus grows. If not addressed, the disease will intensify and spread to other plants in the vicinity.
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Crown gall
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Crown gall
Bacterial infections can cause abnormal brown or black growths on the trunk of the tree. These are also called crown galls.
Crown gall is a bacterial disease that affects many different species of shrubs. It produces unsightly growths called galls on stems, branches, and roots. These galls stunt the growth of plants and weaken them. This is because they disrupt the flow of water and nutrients from the roots up to other areas of the plant.
Crown gall growth is generally more rapid during warm weather. There are no chemical solutions available that will kill this disease. The presence of galls does not usually cause the death of a plant, however. These galls can easily be spread to other plants through contaminated tools or soil.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Crown gall is most often seen on lower branches. This disease appears as deformed growths on stems, branches, or roots that gradually enlarge over time.
As the galls enlarge, they become hard and woody. Their appearance is usually brown and corky. The plant will show symptoms of stunted growth and there may be evidence of tip dieback.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
Crown gall is caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This bacteria lives in the soil, and can survive there for many years. It is spread onto the plant by water splashing up from contaminated soil. Infected pruning tools can also spread the disease onto plants.
The bacteria enter the plant through open wounds. These could be caused by chewing insects or damage from gardening tools such as lawnmowers. Pruning cuts that have not been treated can also be infected by this bacterial disease.
Once the bacteria have entered the plant, they stimulate rapid growth in plant cells, and this is what causes the abnormal growths.
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More Info on Spruce Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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10-20 feet
The prime time to transplant spruce is in the vernal months when rejuvenation is in full swing, providing optimal root establishment. Favor a site with well-draining soil and partial sun. Ensure spruce receives adequate hydration post-transplant to encourage acclimatization.
Transplant Techniques
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a disease affecting Spruce, leading to the browning and drooping of needle tips. It often results in decreased photosynthesis and overall vitality, potentially escalating to more severe symptoms.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Spruce indicates potential stress or disease compromising its health. This condition negatively impacts its aesthetic and physiological functions, possibly leading to premature leaf drop.
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Spots disease primarily affects Spruce, manifesting as discolored and necrotic patches on foliage, potentially leading to significant decline in plant health and vigor. Timely identification and management are key to mitigating damage.
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Leaf drop
Leaf drop in Spruce is a disease affecting the foliage, leading to premature leaf shedding and potentially impacting the overall health and aesthetic of the plant.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a fungal disease affecting Spruce. It causes yellow discoloration and browning of needle tips, leading to premature needle drop and reduced vigor.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease affecting Spruce, leading to reduced growth and aesthetic degradation. It primarily manifests as dark, irregular spots on needles and can eventually cause defoliation.
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Scars on Spruce are physical damages that alter the aesthetic and vitality of the tree. These markings can lead to increased susceptibility to diseases and pests, impacting overall health and wood quality.
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Feng shui direction
Spruce has an intriguing relationship with the North orientations in Feng Shui. As the North represents water in Feng Shui-elemental principles, spruce, a sturdy evergreen symbolizing Wood, bodes well here as it is believed that Wood feeds water, thus creating a harmonious balance. However, interpretation may vary according to individual perceptions of Feng Shui.
Fengshui Details
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Picea indet.
Planting Time
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall
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Care Guide for Spruce

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Questions About Spruce

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
What is the best way to water my Spruce?
What should I do if I water my Spruce too much or too little?
How often should I water my Spruce?
How much water does my Spruce need?
How should I water my Spruce through the seasons?
How should I water my Spruce at different growth stages?
What's the difference between watering Spruce indoors and outdoors?
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Key Facts About Spruce


Attributes of Spruce

Plant Type
Planting Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Mid fall, Late fall
Bloom Time
Early spring, Mid spring, Late winter
Plant Height
2 m to 20 m
2 m to 8 m
Leaf Color
Fruit Color
Stem Color
Winter dormancy
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Spruce

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Common Pests & Diseases About Spruce

Common issues for Spruce based on 10 million real cases
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a disease affecting Spruce, leading to the browning and drooping of needle tips. It often results in decreased photosynthesis and overall vitality, potentially escalating to more severe symptoms.
Learn More About the Leaf tip withering more
Dieback Dieback Dieback
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Solutions: There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent: Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling Test soil pH and adjust accordingly Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
Learn More About the Dieback more
Fruit withering
Fruit withering Fruit withering Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Solutions: There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering: Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Learn More About the Fruit withering more
Crown gall
Crown gall Crown gall Crown gall
Bacterial infections can cause abnormal brown or black growths on the trunk of the tree. These are also called crown galls.
Solutions: Remove infected tissue. Established trees can survive a crown gall infection, but the galls should be removed to improve the plant's appearance. Use pruning shears to remove the gall, then treat the wound with a pruning sealer. Discard pruned material by putting it in the trash or burning it to avoid infecting other plants. Sterilize the pruning shears after removing the galls. Remove the entire plant. If a small plant is infected with a serious case of crown gall, the best option is to remove the entire plant and burn it. This will prevent bacteria from spreading to other plants. Sterilize the soil. After removing infected tissue, sterilize the soil using heat. Alternatively, plant a gall-resistant plant in the same spot.
Learn More About the Crown gall more
plant poor
Leaf tip withering
Active Period
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Leaf tip withering is a disease affecting Spruce, leading to the browning and drooping of needle tips. It often results in decreased photosynthesis and overall vitality, potentially escalating to more severe symptoms.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Spruce, leaf tip withering manifests as dry, brown, curling tips of the needles. This is commonly accompanied by general foliage thinning and a gradual decline in tree vigor.
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Environmental stress
Temperature extremes, water imbalance, and poor soil conditions often precipitate this condition.
Fungal infections like Rhizosphaera or Stigmina can exacerbate tip withering.
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on Spruce?
Non pesticide
Proper irrigation: Ensure consistent moisture levels without waterlogging to alleviate stress.

Mulching: Apply organic mulch to help retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature.
Fungicidal sprays: Use fungicides recommended for Spruce to control pathogen spread if confirmed.
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plant poor
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Dealing with dieback in plants can be tricky, in part because this is both the name of a disease itself and a common symptom of many other types of diseases. Dieback can be characterized by the progressive, gradual death of shoots, twigs, roots, and branches, generally starting first at the tips.
In many cases, dieback is caused by fungi or bacteria. These pathogens can produce cankers, wilts, stem or root rots, and even anthracnose, but the most common symptom, of course, is that various plant parts (or the entire plant) will begin to die back.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The symptoms of dieback can be gradual or slightly more abrupt. Usually, however, they are slow in developing and tend to be uniform among the various parts of a plant.
Some plants may have more localized symptoms, with all twigs affected or all branches affected but not the rest of the plant. Some potential symptoms include:
  • Dead or dying branches and twigs
  • Dieback that starts in the top of a plant and progresses downward (though it can start lower, especially for conifers)
  • A delayed flush of growth in the spring
  • Leaf margins become scorched
  • Pale green or yellow leaves
  • Leaves that are small or otherwise distorted
  • Early leaf drop
  • Reduced growth of twigs and stems
  • Thinning of crown foliage
  • Production of suckers on trunk and branches
  • Premature fall coloration (in tree species like birch, sweetgum, maple, oak, ash, etc)
The symptoms of dieback can occur within just one season or become worse each and every year.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several types of dieback, each of which has a different cause with which it is associated.
"dieback" as a standalone issue, including the condition known as Staghead, is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Staghead is a slow dieback that occurs on the upper branches of a tree, named as such because the dead limbs look much like the head of a stag.
Other causes of dieback symptoms include:
  • Cankers or wilts
  • Stem or root rots
  • Nematodes
  • Stem or root boring insects
  • Pavement being placed over root systems
  • Winter injury from cold
  • Salt damage
  • Lack of moisture (or excess of moisture)
  • Lack of an essential nutrient or element
Trees and shrubs that are attacked by insects, exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, or experience severe and frequent fluctuations in soil moisture are the most likely to suffer from dieback. These stress factors alone or in combination with each other can reduce leaf and shoot growth, and progress into death of twigs and branches.
Although any of these issues can lead to dieback, the most serious consequences tend to occur when the roots of a plant are damaged. Similarly, trees and shrubs that are planted improperly or in unfavorable locations are more likely to develop this condition.
There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent:
  • Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor
  • Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling
  • Test soil pH and adjust accordingly
  • Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
The best way to prevent dieback is to match the plant to the site. Make sure the conditions provided for a new planting match its needs.
  • Plant properly in deep, fertile well-draining soil
  • Make sure plant roots won’t be confined when the plant reaches its mature size
  • Avoid changes to the growing site
  • If soil compaction might be an issue, apply a few inches of wood chips and eliminate traffic over the root area
  • Fertilize and water appropriately
It is also important to avoid potential infection with pathogens that can cause dieback:
  • Avoid binding or wounding the roots and trunk whenever possible
  • Avoid excessive pruning
  • Disinfect all tools before working with plants to reduce the spread of disease
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Fruit withering
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Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Fruit withering is common on many tree fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, cherries, and plums, as well as fruiting shrubs. It is caused by a fungal pathogen and will result in wrinkled and desiccated fruit.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Here are the most common symptoms in the order that they are likely to occur.
  1. Both leaves and blossom on the tips of branches will go brown and wither.
  2. Gray powdery patches will appear on infected leaves and flowers, and this will be most apparent after rain.
  3. Any fruit that does appear will turn wrinkled and fail to develop.
  4. Branch tips begin to die, progressing back to larger branches, causing general deterioration of the tree or plant.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
The withering is caused by one of two fungal pathogens, one called Monilina laxa and the other called M. fructigen. The spores overwinter on infected plant material and are then spread the following spring by wind, rain, or animal vectors. The problem will start to become noticeable in mid-spring, but will increase in severity as summer progresses and the fungus grows. If not addressed, the disease will intensify and spread to other plants in the vicinity.
There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering:
  1. Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost.
  2. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Preventative measures include:
  1. Ensuring adequate spacing between plants or trees.
  2. Staking plants that are prone to tumbling to prevent moisture or humidity build up.
  3. Prune correctly so that there is adequate air movement and remove any dead or diseased branches that may carry spores.
  4. Practice good plant hygiene by removing fallen material and destroying it as soon as possible.
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Crown gall
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Crown gall
Bacterial infections can cause abnormal brown or black growths on the trunk of the tree. These are also called crown galls.
Crown gall is a bacterial disease that affects many different species of shrubs. It produces unsightly growths called galls on stems, branches, and roots. These galls stunt the growth of plants and weaken them. This is because they disrupt the flow of water and nutrients from the roots up to other areas of the plant.
Crown gall growth is generally more rapid during warm weather. There are no chemical solutions available that will kill this disease. The presence of galls does not usually cause the death of a plant, however. These galls can easily be spread to other plants through contaminated tools or soil.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Crown gall is most often seen on lower branches. This disease appears as deformed growths on stems, branches, or roots that gradually enlarge over time.
As the galls enlarge, they become hard and woody. Their appearance is usually brown and corky. The plant will show symptoms of stunted growth and there may be evidence of tip dieback.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
Crown gall is caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This bacteria lives in the soil, and can survive there for many years. It is spread onto the plant by water splashing up from contaminated soil. Infected pruning tools can also spread the disease onto plants.
The bacteria enter the plant through open wounds. These could be caused by chewing insects or damage from gardening tools such as lawnmowers. Pruning cuts that have not been treated can also be infected by this bacterial disease.
Once the bacteria have entered the plant, they stimulate rapid growth in plant cells, and this is what causes the abnormal growths.
  1. Remove infected tissue. Established trees can survive a crown gall infection, but the galls should be removed to improve the plant's appearance. Use pruning shears to remove the gall, then treat the wound with a pruning sealer. Discard pruned material by putting it in the trash or burning it to avoid infecting other plants. Sterilize the pruning shears after removing the galls.
  2. Remove the entire plant. If a small plant is infected with a serious case of crown gall, the best option is to remove the entire plant and burn it. This will prevent bacteria from spreading to other plants.
  3. Sterilize the soil. After removing infected tissue, sterilize the soil using heat. Alternatively, plant a gall-resistant plant in the same spot.
To prevent crown gall, avoid introducing and spreading the bacteria that causes it.
  1. Avoid infected plants. Inspect all new plants for symptoms. Dispose of any plants that show signs of crown gall.
  2. Sanitize pruning tools. Use an approved sanitizing solution to treat pruning shears both before and after use. A freshly-mixed solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water will be most effective.
  3. Avoid mounding soil around the crown of the plant, keeping this area as dry as possible. Remove dead branches and leaves to prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases.
  4. Utilize beneficial bacteria. The beneficial bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter strain 84 can be used during planting to prevent crown gall. To use, simply dip bare-rooted plants in the solution, or water rooted plants with a solution of the aforementioned bacteria.
  5. Correct overly alkaline soils. Crown gall-causing bacteria thrive in alkaline soils, so check the pH level of the soil and reduce the alkalinity.
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