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Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses (Sisyrinchium)
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Distribution of Blue-eyed grasses


Distribution Map of Blue-eyed grasses

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Potentially invasive
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How to Grow and Care for Blue-eyed grasses

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Exploring the Blue-eyed grasses Plants

8 most common species:
Sisyrinchium rosulatum
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum) is a winter annual plant that is considered a lawn weed. It blooms in spring with tiny white or yellow flowers with purple-lined yellow throats. It produces an abundance of seeds after blooming is finished, which disperse and spread quickly.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is a flowering plant species that grows along shorelines, meadows, and sparse woods. Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass is also called Pointed Blue-Eyed Grass, Stout Blue-Eyed Grass, and Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass.
Sisyrinchium striatum
Pale yellow-eyed grass
Pale yellow-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium striatum) is an evergreen flowering plant from Argentina and Chile. It grows in clumps in meadows, open woods, and other alpine regions with plenty of sunlight. The many flowers of pale yellow-eyed grass have earned it a place in many ornamental gardens. Such garden soil should be somewhat alkaline and kept only slightly moist.
Sisyrinchium micranthum
Bermuda pigroot
bermuda pigroot is a coastal wildflower that is usually observed during the spring. This semi-evergreen perennial was considered an invasive species in Korea and has now been naturalized in New Zealand and Australia. Bermuda Pigfoot forms in clumps and is used in city gardens and borders when cultivated. 
Sisyrinchium bellum
Western blue-eyed grass
Western blue-eyed grass is a perennial flowering grass native to California. It reseeds easily and can also be grown from rhizomes. This plant grows small purple-blue flowers and is summer-drought tolerant, making it a nice choice for border edges and tree lines.
Sisyrinchium montanum
Strict blue-eyed grass
Strict blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) is an herbaceous perennial indigenous to northern parts of North America which also grows in some areas of France. It's suspected the species was introduced to that country during World War I. Although the common name is strict blue-eyed grass, it is not an actual grass, but rather a member of the iris family!
Sisyrinchium californicum
Golden blue-eyed grass
Golden blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium californicum) is indigenous to the west coast of North America. It thrives best in moisture-rich environments such as by the seaside. In a garden, it will flourish right by a water feature like a pond or a fountain. The wettest place in your yard would be just right for this water-loving plant.
Sisyrinchium scabrum
Swordleaf blue-eyed grass
Swordleaf blue-eyed grass is a perennial herb with narrow basal leaves that are commonly used as an ornamental plant in home gardens. It features highly attractive star-shaped, blue flowers with a 6-point shape, and can be distinguished by a yellow middle section. A curious quality of this flower is that it closes up after evening and reveals itself once morning comes.

All Species of Blue-eyed grasses

Annual Blue-Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium rosulatum
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum) is a winter annual plant that is considered a lawn weed. It blooms in spring with tiny white or yellow flowers with purple-lined yellow throats. It produces an abundance of seeds after blooming is finished, which disperse and spread quickly.
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is a flowering plant species that grows along shorelines, meadows, and sparse woods. Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass is also called Pointed Blue-Eyed Grass, Stout Blue-Eyed Grass, and Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass.
Pale yellow-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium striatum
Pale yellow-eyed grass
Pale yellow-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium striatum) is an evergreen flowering plant from Argentina and Chile. It grows in clumps in meadows, open woods, and other alpine regions with plenty of sunlight. The many flowers of pale yellow-eyed grass have earned it a place in many ornamental gardens. Such garden soil should be somewhat alkaline and kept only slightly moist.
Bermuda pigroot
Sisyrinchium micranthum
Bermuda pigroot
bermuda pigroot is a coastal wildflower that is usually observed during the spring. This semi-evergreen perennial was considered an invasive species in Korea and has now been naturalized in New Zealand and Australia. Bermuda Pigfoot forms in clumps and is used in city gardens and borders when cultivated. 
Western blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium bellum
Western blue-eyed grass
Western blue-eyed grass is a perennial flowering grass native to California. It reseeds easily and can also be grown from rhizomes. This plant grows small purple-blue flowers and is summer-drought tolerant, making it a nice choice for border edges and tree lines.
Strict blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium montanum
Strict blue-eyed grass
Strict blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) is an herbaceous perennial indigenous to northern parts of North America which also grows in some areas of France. It's suspected the species was introduced to that country during World War I. Although the common name is strict blue-eyed grass, it is not an actual grass, but rather a member of the iris family!
Golden blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium californicum
Golden blue-eyed grass
Golden blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium californicum) is indigenous to the west coast of North America. It thrives best in moisture-rich environments such as by the seaside. In a garden, it will flourish right by a water feature like a pond or a fountain. The wettest place in your yard would be just right for this water-loving plant.
Swordleaf blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium scabrum
Swordleaf blue-eyed grass
Swordleaf blue-eyed grass is a perennial herb with narrow basal leaves that are commonly used as an ornamental plant in home gardens. It features highly attractive star-shaped, blue flowers with a 6-point shape, and can be distinguished by a yellow middle section. A curious quality of this flower is that it closes up after evening and reveals itself once morning comes.
White blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium albidum
White blue-eyed grass
The white blue-eyed grass is a perennial plant native to eastern North America. It gets its Latin name, Sisyrinchium albidum, from the Greek words "sys" and "rhinos", which mean "pig snout" and refer to the tubers that pigs dig up. This plant has grass-like flowering stalks that bees and flower flies are attracted to.
Eastern blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium atlanticum
Eastern blue-eyed grass
Eastern blue-eyed grass is a hardy perennial with slender, grass-like foliage forming a tufted mound. Breeding in early summer, its striking blue-violet flowers consist of six petal-like segments, each adorned with a yellow center. Thriving in full sun to partial shade, eastern blue-eyed grass favors well-drained soils and often embellishes rock gardens or borders, attracting pollinators while resisting deer.
Prairie blue-eyed grass
Sisyrinchium campestre
Prairie blue-eyed grass
Prairie blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium campestre) can be found throughout the prairie and meadow regions of the United States and parts of Canada. It grows no more than 25 cm tall but is sometimes used to add blue color to ornamental gardens. In spite of the name, it is not a true grass. Its small flowers regularly attract honeybees.
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass 'Lucerne'
Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne'
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass 'Lucerne'
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass 'Lucerne' is bred from the Sisyrinchium plant that is part of the iris family. It was discovered growing in a nursery in Lucerne, Switzerland. The fan-shaped, grasslike green foliage is at the base of large blue starlike flowers with yellow centers. The narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass 'Lucerne' has larger and more flowers and a longer blooming period than the parent plant.
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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
Blue-eyed grasses
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Key Facts About Blue-eyed grasses


Attributes of Blue-eyed grasses

Plant Height
90 cm
25 cm
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃

Scientific Classification of Blue-eyed grasses


Distribution of Blue-eyed grasses


Distribution Map of Blue-eyed grasses

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Potentially invasive
No species reported
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How to Grow and Care for Blue-eyed grasses

More Info About Caring for Blue-eyed grasses

Exploring the Blue-eyed grasses Plants

8 most common species:
Sisyrinchium rosulatum
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum) is a winter annual plant that is considered a lawn weed. It blooms in spring with tiny white or yellow flowers with purple-lined yellow throats. It produces an abundance of seeds after blooming is finished, which disperse and spread quickly.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass
Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) is a flowering plant species that grows along shorelines, meadows, and sparse woods. Narrow-leaf blue-eyed grass is also called Pointed Blue-Eyed Grass, Stout Blue-Eyed Grass, and Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass.
Sisyrinchium striatum
Pale yellow-eyed grass
Pale yellow-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium striatum) is an evergreen flowering plant from Argentina and Chile. It grows in clumps in meadows, open woods, and other alpine regions with plenty of sunlight. The many flowers of pale yellow-eyed grass have earned it a place in many ornamental gardens. Such garden soil should be somewhat alkaline and kept only slightly moist.
Sisyrinchium micranthum
Bermuda pigroot
bermuda pigroot is a coastal wildflower that is usually observed during the spring. This semi-evergreen perennial was considered an invasive species in Korea and has now been naturalized in New Zealand and Australia. Bermuda Pigfoot forms in clumps and is used in city gardens and borders when cultivated. 
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All Species of Blue-eyed grasses

popular genus

More Popular Genus

Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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