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How to Care Loosestrifes

How to Care Loosestrifes, Growing Loosestrifes, Caring for Loosestrifes

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Loosestrifes?
How to Water Loosestrifes?
How to Water Loosestrifes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?

Key Facts About Loosestrifes


Attributes of Loosestrifes

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃

Scientific Classification of Loosestrifes

More Info About Loosestrifes

Types of Loosestrifes

Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple'
European wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple'
A tall, purple-flowered delight, european wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple' literally stands above the rest. Although it's widely known that european wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple' is a Lythrum cultivar, the parent plant is still unknown. This plant has an interesting name, given to commemorate Dropmore House, the residence of Lord Grenville, who pushed forward the law abolishing the slave trade when he was prime minister.
Lythrum salicaria 'Swirl'
Purple loosestrife 'Swirl'
Purple loosestrife 'Swirl''s prolific, spiraling blooms of bright purple make this variety especially unique. Cultivated as a loosestrife hybrid, purple loosestrife 'Swirl' was named after its delightful swirling growth habit. It is a popular cultivar due to its large clumps of growth, lovely colors, and ease of care.
Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze'
Purple loosestrife 'Feuerkerze'
Purple loosestrife 'Feuerkerze' is a double-flowered purple loosestrife cultivar that is known for its low seed production, which minimizes unwanted seedlings. 'Feuerkerze' is German for 'fire candle,' which is a perfect name for this cultivar considering the flowers are usually rose-red.
Lythrum alatum
Winged loosestrife
Winged loosestrife is a wildflower that produces pretty purple flowers with the look of wrinkled tissue paper. Winged loosestrife, or Lythrum alatum, grows along stream banks and other moist areas. It is considered endangered in some areas of the United States and invasive in others.
Lythrum salicaria 'Robert'
Purple loosestrife 'Robert'
Purple loosestrife 'Robert' is a perennial herb that boasts flower brushes of a rich violet color in summer. This flower color is deeper than that of the parent plant, and the petals are wider and more defined. This hybrid is also known as Little Robert because it grows to just 90 cm whereas the parent plant can reach over 2 m. Butterflies and bees flock to the plant's flowers.
Lythrum salicaria
Purple loosestrife
Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is found in Eurasia, Africa, and Australia. It attracts bees and butterflies as well as the loosestrife beetle which specifically targets the leaves of this plant. In some regions, the fast-growing purple loosestrife has become an invasive species that can outcompete native species.
Lythrum salicaria 'Blush'
Purple loosestrife 'Blush'
Purple loosestrife 'Blush' is a variety of the Lythrum salicaria, named for its blush-colored flowers. Partly because of its height, the purple loosestrife 'Blush' has been designated a great plant for pollinators by the Royal Horticultural Society. While it is a great flower for pollinators, the purple loosestrife 'Blush' is also an aggressive spreader in gardens.
Lythrum virgatum
Wand loosestrife
Wand loosestrife is a summer-flowering herbaceous perennial which forms clumps and is attractive to pollinators. European wand loosestrife presumably gets its name from its wand-like appearance and being native to Europe. It is considered invasive in parts of the USA.

More Similar Plants

Lawsonia has a sole species. Lawsonia is a tall shrub or small tree, standing 1.8 to 8 m tall. It is glabrous and multi-branched, with spine-tipped branchlets. The leaves are glabrous, sub-sessile, elliptical, and lanceolate, acuminate, and have depressed veins on the dorsal surface. Its petals are ovate, with white or red stamens found in pairs on the rim of the calyx tube. Lawsonia fruits are small, brownish capsules, with 32–49 seeds per fruit, and open irregularly into four splits. The lawsonia plant is native to northern Africa, western and southern Asia, and northern Australia, in semi-arid zones and tropical areas.
Decodon consist of a single species, Decodon verticillatus, a wetland specialist plant native to eastern North America. It can grow in dense thickets and is therefore not recommended for domestic gardens but its draping willow-like branches can add interest to larger water features in parks and larger spaces.
Duabanga is a small genus of lowland evergreen rainforest trees in southeast Asia, comprising two or three species.
The loosestrifes (Lythrum) are a fairly small group of flowering, herbaceous plants. Many loosestrifes prefer very wet soils and so are strongly associated with habitats like marshes, bogs, and other wetlands. Bearing spikes of showy flowers, several loosestrifes are popular ornamentals, however, some ornamental species' hardiness and aggressive growth habits have turned them into invasives.
Crape myrtles
The crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia) are a group of flowering evergreen shrubs and trees, most of which are tropical or sub-tropical. Crape myrtles respond well to trimming, bear large and beautiful clusters of flowers, and are today used extensively in landscaping. Some crape myrtles, such as the Guava Crape Myrtle (L. calyculata) can reach large-tree sizes and are occasionally harvested for their timber, although it is of fairly low value.

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Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Loosestrifes?
How to Water Loosestrifes?
How to Water Loosestrifes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Propagate Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?
How to Plant Loosestrifes?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Loosestrifes

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
0 - 32 ℃

Scientific Classification of Loosestrifes


Types of Loosestrifes

Lythrum virgatum 'Dropmore Purple'
European wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple'
A tall, purple-flowered delight, european wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple' literally stands above the rest. Although it's widely known that european wand loosestrife 'Dropmore Purple' is a Lythrum cultivar, the parent plant is still unknown. This plant has an interesting name, given to commemorate Dropmore House, the residence of Lord Grenville, who pushed forward the law abolishing the slave trade when he was prime minister.
Lythrum salicaria 'Swirl'
Purple loosestrife 'Swirl'
Purple loosestrife 'Swirl''s prolific, spiraling blooms of bright purple make this variety especially unique. Cultivated as a loosestrife hybrid, purple loosestrife 'Swirl' was named after its delightful swirling growth habit. It is a popular cultivar due to its large clumps of growth, lovely colors, and ease of care.
Lythrum salicaria 'Feuerkerze'
Purple loosestrife 'Feuerkerze'
Purple loosestrife 'Feuerkerze' is a double-flowered purple loosestrife cultivar that is known for its low seed production, which minimizes unwanted seedlings. 'Feuerkerze' is German for 'fire candle,' which is a perfect name for this cultivar considering the flowers are usually rose-red.
Lythrum alatum
Winged loosestrife
Winged loosestrife is a wildflower that produces pretty purple flowers with the look of wrinkled tissue paper. Winged loosestrife, or Lythrum alatum, grows along stream banks and other moist areas. It is considered endangered in some areas of the United States and invasive in others.
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More Similar Plants

Lawsonia has a sole species. Lawsonia is a tall shrub or small tree, standing 1.8 to 8 m tall. It is glabrous and multi-branched, with spine-tipped branchlets. The leaves are glabrous, sub-sessile, elliptical, and lanceolate, acuminate, and have depressed veins on the dorsal surface. Its petals are ovate, with white or red stamens found in pairs on the rim of the calyx tube. Lawsonia fruits are small, brownish capsules, with 32–49 seeds per fruit, and open irregularly into four splits. The lawsonia plant is native to northern Africa, western and southern Asia, and northern Australia, in semi-arid zones and tropical areas.
Decodon consist of a single species, Decodon verticillatus, a wetland specialist plant native to eastern North America. It can grow in dense thickets and is therefore not recommended for domestic gardens but its draping willow-like branches can add interest to larger water features in parks and larger spaces.
Duabanga is a small genus of lowland evergreen rainforest trees in southeast Asia, comprising two or three species.
The loosestrifes (Lythrum) are a fairly small group of flowering, herbaceous plants. Many loosestrifes prefer very wet soils and so are strongly associated with habitats like marshes, bogs, and other wetlands. Bearing spikes of showy flowers, several loosestrifes are popular ornamentals, however, some ornamental species' hardiness and aggressive growth habits have turned them into invasives.
Crape myrtles
The crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia) are a group of flowering evergreen shrubs and trees, most of which are tropical or sub-tropical. Crape myrtles respond well to trimming, bear large and beautiful clusters of flowers, and are today used extensively in landscaping. Some crape myrtles, such as the Guava Crape Myrtle (L. calyculata) can reach large-tree sizes and are occasionally harvested for their timber, although it is of fairly low value.
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