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Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Bulbophyllum pygmaeum
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11

Key Facts About Pygmy tree orchid


Attributes of Pygmy tree orchid

Plant Type
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Pygmy tree orchid

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Distribution of Pygmy tree orchid


Distribution Map of Pygmy tree orchid

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Pygmy tree orchid

Watering Watering Watering
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
What should I do if I water my Pygmy tree orchid too much or too little?
Overwatered Pygmy tree orchid Symptoms of overwatering include limp and wrinkled leaves, yellowing or decay, and general failure to thrive. When Pygmy tree orchid owners see their plant’s leaves looking limp and shriveled, they can sometimes assume that is a sign that it isn’t getting enough water so they keep adding more. This just compounds the problem, so it’s important to look beyond the leaves to identify what’s happening with the roots. Healthy Pygmy tree orchid roots are silvery green, green, or white and feel firm to the touch. When Pygmy tree orchid has been overwatered, the roots will look mushy, limp, and brown or black in color. Rescue an overwatered Pygmy tree orchid by cutting off any rotted roots with a sterile knife or garden shears and repotting them into a new growing medium. It is always better to avoid overwatering because it is possible you won’t be able to save your plant if root rot sets in, so be conservative with water to avoid this issue. Underwatered Pygmy tree orchid Unfortunately, the initial symptoms of underwatering and overwatering are almost identical in Pygmy tree orchid. Check the growing medium with your finger or a moisture meter to get a sense of how much water is being retained. You may need to increase the frequency of watering to get back on track with watering. Once again, the best way to understand the situation is to take a look at the roots. Underwatered roots look crisp, brown, and brittle. Healthy roots are pliable and green, so the difference should be obvious. Luckily it’s easy to revive a thirsty Pygmy tree orchid, as long as the plant still has some healthy roots left. Trim off any dried up or dead root pieces, as they won’t be able to come back to life. Then repot the plant and water thoroughly. Within a week or two, shriveled and limp leaves should start to firm up and look healthy. If the leaves are too damaged to be revived once you water them thoroughly, they can be removed to make room for new growth.
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How often should I water my Pygmy tree orchid?
Regardless of which type of medium you use, your Pygmy tree orchid should be watered when the mix is mostly but not completely dry. This can vary depending on the environmental conditions, but generally it will be about once or twice a week in summer and as infrequently as once every 2 weeks in winter.
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How to water Pygmy tree orchid?
Pygmy tree orchid is a epithet plant, which means that they do not grow in soil as most plants do. In order to grow a happy and healthy Pygmy tree orchid, you’ll need to choose your growing medium carefully. Regardless of what your Pygmy tree orchid grows in, the container needs to have plenty of drainage holes. Pygmy tree orchid pots are specifically designed to hold a chunky potting mix with lots of ventilation compared to other plant pots. They also tend to be tall and narrow, allowing air to circulate around the center of the roots, not just the edges. One popular potting medium for Pygmy tree orchid and other Pygmy tree orchid is bark. It is generally sourced from fir trees and drains very well. Since Pygmy tree orchid grows on bark in the wild, it makes sense that they would do well with a similar substrate when grown indoors. The disadvantage of using bark is that the plant needs watering more often since bark dries out quickly. The other common planting medium for orchids in sphagnum moss. Most commercially grown Pygmy tree orchid specimens will be sold in moss, because it is lightweight, cheap, and it allows nurseries to water less often. Unfortunately, sphagnum moss is not very forgiving for those who aren't experts in orchids. Because it is extremely absorbent, moss runs the risk of holding too much water next to the roots, resulting in root rot. If your Pygmy tree orchid is planted in sphagnum and you plan to keep it that way, be very judicious in your watering. Less is more when it comes to watering in general, and it is quite difficult to reverse root rot once it has set in. Watering your Pygmy tree orchid from below is recommended, as this allows you to avoid splashing water on the leaves, stem, and flowers. To water from below, set the pot into a container of water and allow the roots to soak up moisture for 10-15 minutes. Normally, you can stop this process when the surface of sphagnum is wet. Drain thoroughly before returning your Pygmy tree orchid to its normal location, as these plants hate to sit in water.
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More Info on Pygmy Tree Orchid Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
15-20 cm
Transplanting pygmy tree orchid thrives best when done as the chill of early winter unfolds into the milder days of late winter. Ensure a well-drained, shady spot and handle with care, due to its delicate structure.
Transplant Techniques
Spring, Summer, Fall
A miniature epiphyte, pygmy tree orchid thrives with minimal pruning, primarily to remove dead or damaged foliage and to maintain plant shape. Prune after flowering, typically in spring to fall, to promote healthy growth. Using sterilized tools, trim close to the pseudobulb to prevent infection. Pruning can stimulate new growth and enhance the plant's aesthetic, ensuring ample light reaches all leaves. Over-pruning can damage the delicate structure, so proceed with care.
Pruning techniques

Plants Related to Pygmy tree orchid

Green fleshy tree orchid
Green fleshy tree orchid
Green fleshy tree orchid is a resilient epiphyte that thrives clung to tree trunks in forest settings. It’s recognized for its elongated, strap-like green leaves which form a dense tuft, indicative of its adaptability to the competitive canopy environment. The plant's modest, yet intricate flowers manage to attract pollinators even in the crowded ecological niche it occupies. Remarkably efficient in nutrient acquisition, the species exemplifies a successful survival strategy in the forest understory.
Kwangtung bulbophyllum
Kwangtung bulbophyllum
The orchid kwangtung bulbophyllum grows wild on limestone rocks in valleys in the Guangdong region of China, while still residing mostly between 800 -1200 meters. It is also cultivated by orchid enthusiasts and was used historically in Chinese medicine.
Common goblet moss
Common goblet moss
Common goblet moss is a charming moss with bulbous, pear-shaped capsules, easily distinguishable by its glassy appearance when moist. Preferring shady, damp terrains, common goblet moss thrives by clinging tightly to soil and rocks, which aids its survival and spread in moist woodland areas. Its distinctive form provides an essential microhabitat for various tiny organisms.
Small eria
Small eria
The small eria is a small orchid native to parts of Asia. Small eria (*Conchidium pusillum*) is given the specific epithet *pusillum* due to its size. In Latin, it can be translated to mean 'weak, insignificant, very small'. This orchid can grow as a lithophyte (on rocks) or an epiphyte (on tree trunks).
One-flowered panisea
One-flowered panisea
One-flowered panisea is a captivating orchid with a single large, striking flower per stem. The bloom showcases white petals with a contrasting purple mark at the base, resembling a small butterfly. It thrives in humid, shaded habitats, often growing on trees or rocks, where it can absorb moisture and nutrients from its airy perch.
California perianth liverwort
California perianth liverwort
The leaves of this species are pale green dorsally and have purple ascending margins and dark purple undersides. They also have thallus edges that tend to curl upward, exposing the dark underside when dry. The thalli are simple or somewhat sparingly (1-3 times) dichotomous, and 8 to 25 mm long. The ultimate segments are emarginated, obovate, obcordate, or broadly oblong, indistinctly areolate, and 4 to 12 mm in maximum width.
Trailing jade
Trailing jade
Trailing jade (Peperomia rotundifolia) is a plant species also known as jade necklace, creeping buttons and round leaf Peperomia. Trailing jade is native to the tropical rainforest of South America. This species grows well in high humidity. Trailing jade is a popular houseplant. When growing trailing jade as a houseplant, care should be taken not to overwater this species.
Red pondweed
Red pondweed
Red pondweed is an aquatic perennial rooted in fresh water bodies. Its slim, branching stems are crowned with oval, translucent leaves that dance in the current. Flourishing in clear streams and lakes, red pondweed's submerged foliage provides a lush habitat for aquatic wildlife, while its tiny, inconspicuous flowers bloom just above the surface, suggesting a delicate balance between beauty and utility.
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Related Plants
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Pygmy tree orchid
Bulbophyllum pygmaeum
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11
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Key Facts About Pygmy tree orchid


Attributes of Pygmy tree orchid

Plant Type
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Pygmy tree orchid

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Distribution of Pygmy tree orchid


Distribution Map of Pygmy tree orchid

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Pygmy tree orchid

Watering Watering Watering
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
What should I do if I water my Pygmy tree orchid too much or too little?
How often should I water my Pygmy tree orchid?
How to water Pygmy tree orchid?
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More Info on Pygmy Tree Orchid Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide

Plants Related to Pygmy tree orchid

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