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Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet'
Also known as : Flaky juniper blue star 'Blue Carpet', Nepalese juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
5 to 9
care guide

Care Guide for Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

Watering Care
Watering Care
Details on Watering Care Watering Care
Soil Care
Soil Care
Chalky, Sand, Acidic, Neutral, Alkaline
Details on Soil Care Soil Care
Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Full sun, Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
5 to 9
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Every week
Full sun

Key Facts About Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'


Attributes of Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

Plant Type
Plant Height
25 cm
2.5 m
Leaf Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃

Scientific Classification of Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

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Common Pests & Diseases About Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

Common issues for Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' based on 10 million real cases
Treat and prevent plant diseases.
AI-powered plant doctor helps you diagnose plant problems in seconds.
Scale insect
Scale insects are small pests that infest Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing yellowing, wilting, and decreased growth by sucking sap from the foliage.
Dieback Dieback
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Solutions: There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent: Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling Test soil pH and adjust accordingly Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
Branch blight
Branch blight Branch blight
Branch blight
Branch blight can cause lignified branches to dry up entirely and die.
Solutions: Inspect trees frequently, and remove any infected branches as soon as possible. Branch blight cannot be cured, so the only treatment is to prune the tree and monitor it carefully for signs of the disease. All affected parts of the tree should be removed, since blight can survive over the winter inside the plant’s tissues. Blight can become systemic in the tree, in which case the entire plant should be removed so it does not remain a host for the pathogen and allow it to spread.
Plant dried up
Plant dried up Plant dried up
Plant dried up
The entire plant may dry out due to dieback or normal seasonal dormancy.
Solutions: The solution for a dried out plant depends on the cause, so determine the cause before selecting a treatment method. Adjust your watering: Stick your finger in the soil near the roots. If it feels bone dry or overly saturated, you need to adjust your watering frequency accordingly. Prune back dead foliage: Snip off any brown stems and leaves on the plant to make space for new growth. This encourages the roots to send up fresh stems. Move to a proper environment. This may involve decreasing or increasing sun exposure, depending on the species. Decrease fertilizer applications. If you have applied too much fertilizer, you can repot plants with fresh potting soil. Wait. If your plant has dried out as daylight is decreasing, it is entering dormancy. Decrease watering and wait until the plant resumes growth.
plant poor
Scale insect
Active Period
What is Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
What is Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Scale insects are small pests that infest Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing yellowing, wilting, and decreased growth by sucking sap from the foliage.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Symptoms on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' include sticky honeydew on leaves, yellowing foliage, stunted growth, and the presence of white, brown, or waxy spots on stems and leaves.
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Scale insects thrive on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' by attaching themselves to the leaves and stems and feeding on the plant's sap.
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Non pesticide
Physical removal: Gently scrape off the scale insects from the foliage and stems using a soft brush or cloth.

Water sprays: Regular high-pressure water sprays can dislodge younger scales and reduce their population.
Horticultural oils: Apply horticultural oils during the dormant season to suffocate scales without harming Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the plant and kill scales when they feed on the sap.
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plant poor
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Dealing with dieback in plants can be tricky, in part because this is both the name of a disease itself and a common symptom of many other types of diseases. Dieback can be characterized by the progressive, gradual death of shoots, twigs, roots, and branches, generally starting first at the tips.
In many cases, dieback is caused by fungi or bacteria. These pathogens can produce cankers, wilts, stem or root rots, and even anthracnose, but the most common symptom, of course, is that various plant parts (or the entire plant) will begin to die back.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The symptoms of dieback can be gradual or slightly more abrupt. Usually, however, they are slow in developing and tend to be uniform among the various parts of a plant.
Some plants may have more localized symptoms, with all twigs affected or all branches affected but not the rest of the plant. Some potential symptoms include:
  • Dead or dying branches and twigs
  • Dieback that starts in the top of a plant and progresses downward (though it can start lower, especially for conifers)
  • A delayed flush of growth in the spring
  • Leaf margins become scorched
  • Pale green or yellow leaves
  • Leaves that are small or otherwise distorted
  • Early leaf drop
  • Reduced growth of twigs and stems
  • Thinning of crown foliage
  • Production of suckers on trunk and branches
  • Premature fall coloration (in tree species like birch, sweetgum, maple, oak, ash, etc)
The symptoms of dieback can occur within just one season or become worse each and every year.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several types of dieback, each of which has a different cause with which it is associated.
"dieback" as a standalone issue, including the condition known as Staghead, is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Staghead is a slow dieback that occurs on the upper branches of a tree, named as such because the dead limbs look much like the head of a stag.
Other causes of dieback symptoms include:
  • Cankers or wilts
  • Stem or root rots
  • Nematodes
  • Stem or root boring insects
  • Pavement being placed over root systems
  • Winter injury from cold
  • Salt damage
  • Lack of moisture (or excess of moisture)
  • Lack of an essential nutrient or element
Trees and shrubs that are attacked by insects, exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, or experience severe and frequent fluctuations in soil moisture are the most likely to suffer from dieback. These stress factors alone or in combination with each other can reduce leaf and shoot growth, and progress into death of twigs and branches.
Although any of these issues can lead to dieback, the most serious consequences tend to occur when the roots of a plant are damaged. Similarly, trees and shrubs that are planted improperly or in unfavorable locations are more likely to develop this condition.
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Branch blight
plant poor
Branch blight
Branch blight can cause lignified branches to dry up entirely and die.
"Blight" is an umbrella term used to describe a category of tree diseases caused by fungus or bacteria. Branch blight occurs when fungus attacks the branches and twigs of a tree, resulting in branches slowly dying off.
Branch blight can affect most species of trees to some degree, and it may be called by different names including twig blight or stem blight. It is caused by a variety of fungi which attack branches first, especially immature growth.
Blight usually occurs in warm, humid conditions, so is most common in the spring and summer months. Because specific environmental conditions are required, the frequency of branch blight can vary from year to year. This makes the disease hard to control, as it can spread between trees and affect multiple plants in a short period of time.
In the worst-case scenario, trees can lose significant portions of their foliage and fail to produce fruit. Young or unhealthy trees could die off completely.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The first symptoms of branch blight are that the emerging foliage turns brown or gray at the tips, especially on the smallest branches. Brown spots cover the entire surface of the leaves, eventually causing leaves and stems to shrivel and fall off. Over time, the dying tissue will spread toward the center of the plant. If left untreated, spores from the attacking fungus may appear on dying foliage within 3-4 weeks of the infection.
In some cases, lesions may form at the spot where the twig branches off from the healthy tissue. Branches may display girdling, which is a band of damaged tissue encircling the branch. An untreated tree will eventually lose all of its foliage and die.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
  • Pathogens on young twigs and foliage cause disease
  • Stressed and unhealthy trees are more susceptible - root injury due to physical or insect damage, infection, or aging can prevent adequate absorption of water and nutrients
  • Extremely wet conditions including sprinkler watering can attract fungus
  • Fungi can be transmitted between nearby trees
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Plant dried up
plant poor
Plant dried up
The entire plant may dry out due to dieback or normal seasonal dormancy.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant has dried out and turned brown. It might be starting to wilt, with no noticeable green around the stems and leaves. Touch the leaves, and they may crinkle under your fingers.
Possible causes of a dried out plant include:
  1. Not enough water. A lack of water will lead to dry plant tissue.
  2. Too much water. Watering too much can lead to root rot which makes the plant struggle to take up water. Rotted, mushy roots are a sign of overeating.
  3. Entering dormancy. As perennial plants enter their resting period known as dormancy, their leaves dry out and may fall off. This happens during decreasing day length.
  4. Exposure to herbicides and other toxic substances. If a plant is hit with a large dose herbicide or other toxic chemical, the plant will turn brown.
  5. Too much fertility. An excess of fertilizer can prevent plants from taking up water, leading to drying.
  6. Improper sun exposure. Just like humans, plants can get sunburn by intense, direct light. Plants can also dry out if they don’t receive enough light.
To determine whether the plant is still alive and can be saved, you can:
  1. Bend a stem. If the stem is pliable, the plant is still alive. If the stem breaks, the plant is dead.
  2. Gently scratch the stem with your fingernail for signs of green inside. If your plant is dead, the stem will be brittle and brown throughout.
  3. Cut the stems back a little bit a time for visible green growth. If none of the stems have visible green growth, the plant is dead.
The solution for a dried out plant depends on the cause, so determine the cause before selecting a treatment method.
  1. Adjust your watering: Stick your finger in the soil near the roots. If it feels bone dry or overly saturated, you need to adjust your watering frequency accordingly.
  2. Prune back dead foliage: Snip off any brown stems and leaves on the plant to make space for new growth. This encourages the roots to send up fresh stems.
  3. Move to a proper environment. This may involve decreasing or increasing sun exposure, depending on the species.
  4. Decrease fertilizer applications. If you have applied too much fertilizer, you can repot plants with fresh potting soil.
  5. Wait. If your plant has dried out as daylight is decreasing, it is entering dormancy. Decrease watering and wait until the plant resumes growth.
Prevention involves providing your plant with the proper environment.
  1. Provide the proper amount of water. The amount of water depends on a plant’s size, species, and environment. A general rule is to allow soil to dry out between waterings.
  2. Place plants in the proper environment. Provide the proper hours of sun and temperature for your individual plant.
  3. Provide proper fertility. Most plants only need to be fertilized once or twice a year; don’t overapply.
  4. Keep plants free from toxic substances. Keep herbicides and toxic household chemicals away from your plants.
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More Info on Flaky Juniper 'blue Carpet' Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
1.5-2 m
Transplant flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' in seasons when growth meets dormancy, ideally from the warmth of late spring kiss to summer’s start, or as autumn hues deepen. Choose spots bathed in unobstructed sunlight, and if uprooting established ones, do so tenderly to protect fragile roots.
Transplant Techniques
This low-growing, evergreen shrub features silvery-blue foliage and a spreading habit. For flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', it's essential to prune lightly to maintain shape and encourage denser growth, using clean, sharp shears. The best time to prune is late winter, before new growth begins. Avoid heavy cutting back, as flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' may not regenerate from old wood. Pruning benefits include improved air circulation and reduced risk of disease. Designed for gardeners, this advice ensures the vigorous health and aesthetic appeal of flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'.
Pruning techniques
Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' thrives best when propagated through cuttings. A practical approach involves selecting healthy, non-flowering shoots for increased rooting potential. Optimally, use semi-hardwood cuttings taken during periods of active growth, ensuring each piece has several nodes. Applying rooting hormone increases success rates, and providing a well-draining soil mix encourages healthy root development. Maintain consistent moisture and cover with a plastic dome or use a mist system to retain humidity around the cuttings. With proper care, cuttings will root, leading to new plant establishment.
Propagation Techniques
Scale insect
Scale insects are small pests that infest Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing yellowing, wilting, and decreased growth by sucking sap from the foliage.
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Mealybug disease primarily affects Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' by causing yellowing, stunted growth, and waxy residues, potentially leading to severe plant decline. These pests suck sap from the plants, weakening them and promoting mold growth.
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Branch withering
Branch withering is a disease afflicting Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing it to lose vitality and display discolored, wilting branches. This disease can deteriorate plant's aesthetic and health significantly.
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Dieback is a severe disease that affects Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', leading to progressive death of twigs, branches, shoots, or roots, starting at the tips. The condition compromises the plant's health and physical appearance, and in severe cases can be lethal. It is caused by several factors and shows distinct symptoms.
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Whole plant withering
Whole plant withering in Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' is a severe condition marked by rapid decline and eventual death. It primarily stems from root dysfunction often caused by pathogens or unfavorable soil conditions.
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Non-base branch withering
Non-base branch withering is a plant disease affecting Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', leading to branch dieback and impaired growth. It impacts plant aesthetics and health, potentially causing widespread damage if not managed.
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Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet'
Also known as: Flaky juniper blue star 'Blue Carpet', Nepalese juniper 'Blue Carpet'
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
5 to 9
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Care Guide for Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

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Key Facts About Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'


Attributes of Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

Plant Type
Plant Height
25 cm
2.5 m
Leaf Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

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Common Pests & Diseases About Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'

Common issues for Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' based on 10 million real cases
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AI-powered plant doctor helps you diagnose plant problems in seconds.
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Scale insect
Scale insects are small pests that infest Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing yellowing, wilting, and decreased growth by sucking sap from the foliage.
Learn More About the Scale insect more
Dieback Dieback Dieback
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Solutions: There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent: Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling Test soil pH and adjust accordingly Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
Learn More About the Dieback more
Branch blight
Branch blight Branch blight Branch blight
Branch blight can cause lignified branches to dry up entirely and die.
Solutions: Inspect trees frequently, and remove any infected branches as soon as possible. Branch blight cannot be cured, so the only treatment is to prune the tree and monitor it carefully for signs of the disease. All affected parts of the tree should be removed, since blight can survive over the winter inside the plant’s tissues. Blight can become systemic in the tree, in which case the entire plant should be removed so it does not remain a host for the pathogen and allow it to spread.
Learn More About the Branch blight more
Plant dried up
Plant dried up Plant dried up Plant dried up
The entire plant may dry out due to dieback or normal seasonal dormancy.
Solutions: The solution for a dried out plant depends on the cause, so determine the cause before selecting a treatment method. Adjust your watering: Stick your finger in the soil near the roots. If it feels bone dry or overly saturated, you need to adjust your watering frequency accordingly. Prune back dead foliage: Snip off any brown stems and leaves on the plant to make space for new growth. This encourages the roots to send up fresh stems. Move to a proper environment. This may involve decreasing or increasing sun exposure, depending on the species. Decrease fertilizer applications. If you have applied too much fertilizer, you can repot plants with fresh potting soil. Wait. If your plant has dried out as daylight is decreasing, it is entering dormancy. Decrease watering and wait until the plant resumes growth.
Learn More About the Plant dried up more
plant poor
Scale insect
Active Period
What is Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
What is Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Scale insects are small pests that infest Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet', causing yellowing, wilting, and decreased growth by sucking sap from the foliage.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Symptoms on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' include sticky honeydew on leaves, yellowing foliage, stunted growth, and the presence of white, brown, or waxy spots on stems and leaves.
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Scale insects thrive on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet' by attaching themselves to the leaves and stems and feeding on the plant's sap.
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'?
Non pesticide
Physical removal: Gently scrape off the scale insects from the foliage and stems using a soft brush or cloth.

Water sprays: Regular high-pressure water sprays can dislodge younger scales and reduce their population.
Horticultural oils: Apply horticultural oils during the dormant season to suffocate scales without harming Flaky juniper 'Blue Carpet'.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the plant and kill scales when they feed on the sap.
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plant poor
There are several possible causes for dieback.
Dealing with dieback in plants can be tricky, in part because this is both the name of a disease itself and a common symptom of many other types of diseases. Dieback can be characterized by the progressive, gradual death of shoots, twigs, roots, and branches, generally starting first at the tips.
In many cases, dieback is caused by fungi or bacteria. These pathogens can produce cankers, wilts, stem or root rots, and even anthracnose, but the most common symptom, of course, is that various plant parts (or the entire plant) will begin to die back.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The symptoms of dieback can be gradual or slightly more abrupt. Usually, however, they are slow in developing and tend to be uniform among the various parts of a plant.
Some plants may have more localized symptoms, with all twigs affected or all branches affected but not the rest of the plant. Some potential symptoms include:
  • Dead or dying branches and twigs
  • Dieback that starts in the top of a plant and progresses downward (though it can start lower, especially for conifers)
  • A delayed flush of growth in the spring
  • Leaf margins become scorched
  • Pale green or yellow leaves
  • Leaves that are small or otherwise distorted
  • Early leaf drop
  • Reduced growth of twigs and stems
  • Thinning of crown foliage
  • Production of suckers on trunk and branches
  • Premature fall coloration (in tree species like birch, sweetgum, maple, oak, ash, etc)
The symptoms of dieback can occur within just one season or become worse each and every year.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several types of dieback, each of which has a different cause with which it is associated.
"dieback" as a standalone issue, including the condition known as Staghead, is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Staghead is a slow dieback that occurs on the upper branches of a tree, named as such because the dead limbs look much like the head of a stag.
Other causes of dieback symptoms include:
  • Cankers or wilts
  • Stem or root rots
  • Nematodes
  • Stem or root boring insects
  • Pavement being placed over root systems
  • Winter injury from cold
  • Salt damage
  • Lack of moisture (or excess of moisture)
  • Lack of an essential nutrient or element
Trees and shrubs that are attacked by insects, exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, or experience severe and frequent fluctuations in soil moisture are the most likely to suffer from dieback. These stress factors alone or in combination with each other can reduce leaf and shoot growth, and progress into death of twigs and branches.
Although any of these issues can lead to dieback, the most serious consequences tend to occur when the roots of a plant are damaged. Similarly, trees and shrubs that are planted improperly or in unfavorable locations are more likely to develop this condition.
There are a few things to try when dieback becomes apparent:
  • Fertilize and water the plants - these two steps, along with judicious pruning, can help reduce the stress on the root system and encourage renewed vigor
  • Have an arborist check to see if plant roots are girdling
  • Test soil pH and adjust accordingly
  • Remove and destroy infected twigs and branches
The best way to prevent dieback is to match the plant to the site. Make sure the conditions provided for a new planting match its needs.
  • Plant properly in deep, fertile well-draining soil
  • Make sure plant roots won’t be confined when the plant reaches its mature size
  • Avoid changes to the growing site
  • If soil compaction might be an issue, apply a few inches of wood chips and eliminate traffic over the root area
  • Fertilize and water appropriately
It is also important to avoid potential infection with pathogens that can cause dieback:
  • Avoid binding or wounding the roots and trunk whenever possible
  • Avoid excessive pruning
  • Disinfect all tools before working with plants to reduce the spread of disease
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Branch blight
plant poor
Branch blight
Branch blight can cause lignified branches to dry up entirely and die.
"Blight" is an umbrella term used to describe a category of tree diseases caused by fungus or bacteria. Branch blight occurs when fungus attacks the branches and twigs of a tree, resulting in branches slowly dying off.
Branch blight can affect most species of trees to some degree, and it may be called by different names including twig blight or stem blight. It is caused by a variety of fungi which attack branches first, especially immature growth.
Blight usually occurs in warm, humid conditions, so is most common in the spring and summer months. Because specific environmental conditions are required, the frequency of branch blight can vary from year to year. This makes the disease hard to control, as it can spread between trees and affect multiple plants in a short period of time.
In the worst-case scenario, trees can lose significant portions of their foliage and fail to produce fruit. Young or unhealthy trees could die off completely.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The first symptoms of branch blight are that the emerging foliage turns brown or gray at the tips, especially on the smallest branches. Brown spots cover the entire surface of the leaves, eventually causing leaves and stems to shrivel and fall off. Over time, the dying tissue will spread toward the center of the plant. If left untreated, spores from the attacking fungus may appear on dying foliage within 3-4 weeks of the infection.
In some cases, lesions may form at the spot where the twig branches off from the healthy tissue. Branches may display girdling, which is a band of damaged tissue encircling the branch. An untreated tree will eventually lose all of its foliage and die.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
  • Pathogens on young twigs and foliage cause disease
  • Stressed and unhealthy trees are more susceptible - root injury due to physical or insect damage, infection, or aging can prevent adequate absorption of water and nutrients
  • Extremely wet conditions including sprinkler watering can attract fungus
  • Fungi can be transmitted between nearby trees
  • Inspect trees frequently, and remove any infected branches as soon as possible. Branch blight cannot be cured, so the only treatment is to prune the tree and monitor it carefully for signs of the disease.
  • All affected parts of the tree should be removed, since blight can survive over the winter inside the plant’s tissues.
  • Blight can become systemic in the tree, in which case the entire plant should be removed so it does not remain a host for the pathogen and allow it to spread.
  • Avoid purchasing trees with dead or dying growth.
  • Sterilize cutting tools frequently when pruning to avoid spreading fungus between plants.
  • Keep trees mulched and watered, especially during dry periods, to prevent stress.
  • Avoid splashing water on the leaves when watering, as wet foliage is attractive to fungi and bacteria.
  • When planting, allow enough room between trees that there will be sufficient air circulation for them to dry out. Crowding trees too close together can increase humidity and allow the fungi to transfer.
  • When conditions are wet and humid, a fungicide can be used on new growth.
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Plant dried up
plant poor
Plant dried up
The entire plant may dry out due to dieback or normal seasonal dormancy.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant has dried out and turned brown. It might be starting to wilt, with no noticeable green around the stems and leaves. Touch the leaves, and they may crinkle under your fingers.
Possible causes of a dried out plant include:
  1. Not enough water. A lack of water will lead to dry plant tissue.
  2. Too much water. Watering too much can lead to root rot which makes the plant struggle to take up water. Rotted, mushy roots are a sign of overeating.
  3. Entering dormancy. As perennial plants enter their resting period known as dormancy, their leaves dry out and may fall off. This happens during decreasing day length.
  4. Exposure to herbicides and other toxic substances. If a plant is hit with a large dose herbicide or other toxic chemical, the plant will turn brown.
  5. Too much fertility. An excess of fertilizer can prevent plants from taking up water, leading to drying.
  6. Improper sun exposure. Just like humans, plants can get sunburn by intense, direct light. Plants can also dry out if they don’t receive enough light.
To determine whether the plant is still alive and can be saved, you can:
  1. Bend a stem. If the stem is pliable, the plant is still alive. If the stem breaks, the plant is dead.
  2. Gently scratch the stem with your fingernail for signs of green inside. If your plant is dead, the stem will be brittle and brown throughout.
  3. Cut the stems back a little bit a time for visible green growth. If none of the stems have visible green growth, the plant is dead.
The solution for a dried out plant depends on the cause, so determine the cause before selecting a treatment method.
  1. Adjust your watering: Stick your finger in the soil near the roots. If it feels bone dry or overly saturated, you need to adjust your watering frequency accordingly.
  2. Prune back dead foliage: Snip off any brown stems and leaves on the plant to make space for new growth. This encourages the roots to send up fresh stems.
  3. Move to a proper environment. This may involve decreasing or increasing sun exposure, depending on the species.
  4. Decrease fertilizer applications. If you have applied too much fertilizer, you can repot plants with fresh potting soil.
  5. Wait. If your plant has dried out as daylight is decreasing, it is entering dormancy. Decrease watering and wait until the plant resumes growth.
Prevention involves providing your plant with the proper environment.
  1. Provide the proper amount of water. The amount of water depends on a plant’s size, species, and environment. A general rule is to allow soil to dry out between waterings.
  2. Place plants in the proper environment. Provide the proper hours of sun and temperature for your individual plant.
  3. Provide proper fertility. Most plants only need to be fertilized once or twice a year; don’t overapply.
  4. Keep plants free from toxic substances. Keep herbicides and toxic household chemicals away from your plants.
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