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Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
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Care Guide for Dusky coral pea

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Dusky coral pea
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Questions About Dusky coral pea

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Dusky coral pea?
When watering the Dusky coral pea, you should aim to use filtered water that is at room temperature. Filtered water is better for this plant, as tap water can contain particles that are harmful to its health. The reason that the water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer is that the Dusky coral pea comes from a warm environment, and cold water can be somewhat of a shock to its system. Also, you should avoid overhead watering for this plant, as it can cause foliage complications. Instead, simply apply your filtered room temperature water to the soil until the soil is entirely soaked. Soaking the soil can be very beneficial for this plant as it moistens the roots and helps them continue to spread through the soil and collect the nutrients they need.
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What should I do if I water my Dusky coral pea too much or too little?
Both overwatering and underwatering will be detrimental to the health of your Dusky coral pea, but overwatering is a far more common issue. When this species receives too much water, its stems and leaves may begin to wilt and turn from green to yellow. Overwatering over a prolonged period may also lead to diseases such as root rot, mold, and mildew, all of which can kill your plant. Underwatering is far less common for the Dusky coral pea, as this plant has decent drought tolerance. However, underwatering remains a possibility, and when it occurs, you can expect to find that the leaves of your Dusky coral pea have become brittle and brown. It is crucial that you notice the signs of overwatering as soon as possible when caring for your Dusky coral pea. Some of the diseases that arise from overwatering, such as root rot, may not be correctable if you wait too long. If you see early signs of overwatering, you should reduce your watering schedule immediately. You may also want to assess the quality of soil in which your Dusky coral pea grows. If you find that the soil drains very poorly, you should replace it immediately with a loose, well-draining potting mix. On the other hand, if you find signs that your Dusky coral pea is receiving too little water, all you need to do is water more regularly until those signs have subsided.
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How often should I water my Dusky coral pea?
If your plant is in a pot. The most precise way to decide whether your Dusky coral pea needs water is to plunge your finger into the soil. If you notice that the first two to three inches of soil have become dry, it is time to add some water. If you grow your Dusky coral pea outdoors in the ground, you can use a similar method to test the soil. Again, when you find that the first few inches of soil have dried out, it is time to add water. During the spring and early fall, this method will often lead you to water this plant about once every week. When extremely hot weather arrives, you may need to increase your watering frequency to about twice or more per week. With that said, mature, well-established the Dusky coral pea can show an admirable ability to withstand drought.
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How much water does my Dusky coral pea need?
When it comes time to water your Dusky coral pea, you should not be shy about how much water you give. With the first two to three inches of soil dry, this plant will appreciate a long and thorough watering. Supply enough water to soak the soil entirely. The amount of water you add should be enough to cause excess water to flow through the drainage holes at the bottom of your pot. If you don’t see excess water draining from the pot, you have likely underwatered your plant. But do not let the water accumulate inside the soil, which will be very dangerous to the plant as well. Alternatively, a lack of water draining through the pot could indicate poorly draining soils, which is detrimental to the health of this plant and should be avoided. If the plant is outside, 1 inch of rain per week will be sufficient.
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How should I water my Dusky coral pea at different growth stages?
The water needs of the Dusky coral pea can change depending on growth stages as well. For example, when your Dusky coral pea is in the first few years of its life, or if you have just transplanted it to a new growing location, you will need to give more water than usual. During both of those stages, your Dusky coral pea will put a lot of energy towards sprouting new roots that will then support future growth. For those roots to perform their best, they need a bit more moisture than they would at a more mature phase. After a few seasons, your Dusky coral pea will need much less water. Another growth stage in which this plant may need more water is during the bloom period. Flower development can make use of a significant amount of moisture, which is why you might need to give your Dusky coral pea more water at this time.
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How should I water my Dusky coral pea through the seasons?
The Dusky coral pea will have its highest water needs during the hottest months of the year. During the height of summer, you may need to give this plant water more than once per week, depending on how fast the soil dries out. The opposite is true during the winter. In winter, your plant will enter a dormant phase, in which it will need far less water than usual. In fact, you may not need to water this plant at all during the winter months. However, if you do water during winter, you should not do so more than about once per month. Watering too much at this time will make it more likely that your Dusky coral pea will contract a disease.
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What's the difference between watering my Dusky coral pea indoors and outdoors?
It is most common to grow the Dusky coral pea indoors for any gardener that does not live in temperate and tropical regions. Those gardeners should consider the fact that soil in a container can dry out a bit faster than ground soil. Also, the presence of drying elements such as air conditioning units can cause your Dusky coral pea to need water on a more frequent basis as well. if you planted it outside. When that is the case, it’s likely you won’t need to water your Dusky coral pea very much at all. If you receive rainfall on a regular basis, that may be enough to keep your plant alive. Alternatively, those who grow this plant inside will need to water it more often, as allowing rainwater to soak the soil will not be an option.
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Key Facts About Dusky coral pea


Attributes of Dusky coral pea

Plant Type
Flower Color
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Scientific Classification of Dusky coral pea

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Common Pests & Diseases About Dusky coral pea

Common issues for Dusky coral pea based on 10 million real cases
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Spider mite
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
Scale insect
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
Snail and slug
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
Leaf beetle
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
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Spider mite
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What is Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include fine webbing on underside of leaves, speckled yellowing, and dropping of leaves. Infestations are visible as tiny red or yellow dots moving on the leaves.
What Causes Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Tiny arachnids
Spider mites are minute arachnids that feed on plant sap, stressing the plants by extracting vital nutrients.
How to Treat Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Increase humidity: Maintaining higher humidity around Dusky coral pea discourages spider mite proliferation.

Introduce predatory insects: Releasing predatory mites or ladybugs can naturally control spider mite populations.
Use miticides: Applying miticides specifically designed to target spider mites can effectively reduce their numbers.

Apply horticultural oils: Spraying lightweight horticultural oil can suffocate the mites without harming the plant.
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Active Period
What is Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include stunted growth, chlorosis (yellowing leaves), mosaic patterns on foliage, and reduced flowering. Leaves and stems are the most affected areas.
What Causes Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
These insects suck sap from Dusky coral pea, transmitting pathogens and causing direct damage.
How to Treat Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural Control: Remove and destroy infected plant parts to reduce pathogen spread.

Physical Barriers: Use fine mesh or row covers to physically prevent leafhoppers from accessing Dusky coral pea.
Insecticidal Soap: Apply insecticidal soap spray to control leafhopper population on Dusky coral pea.
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Active Period
What is Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On 'Dusky coral pea', symptoms include yellowed, wilted leaves and thin, string-like orange tendrils wrapping around stems and foliage. This leads to reduced vigor and diminished flowering capacity.
What Causes Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Cuscuta species
Dodder is caused by parasitic vines from the genus Cuscuta, which attach to 'Dusky coral pea' and absorb water and nutrients.
How to Treat Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Carefully remove and dispose of the Dodder tendrils and affected parts of 'Dusky coral pea' to prevent further spread.

Sanitation: Maintain cleanliness around 'Dusky coral pea' to prevent Dodder seeds from germinating.
Herbicide application: Apply appropriate herbicides that target Dodder without harming 'Dusky coral pea', following specific label instructions.
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Scale insect
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What is Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include yellowing leaves, sticky honeydew on the foliage, and clusters of small, hard bumps (scales) along stems and leaf undersides.
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Insect Type
Scale insects are small pests that attach themselves to the stems and leaves of plants, sucking out sap and weakening the plant.
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Gently scrub the scales off using a soft brush or cloth soaked in soapy water.

Horticultural oils: Apply horticultural oils during dormant periods to smother the scales.
Insecticidal soap: Use insecticidal soaps to kill scales on contact without harming the plant.

Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the plant and poison the scales when they feed.
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Snail and slug
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What is Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include irregular holes in leaves, stripped stems, and shiny slime trails on both leaves and stems, noticeably compromising the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
What Causes Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Damage is caused directly by certain species of snails and slugs, which feed on the leaves and stems.
How to Treat Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Remove by hand: Regularly inspect plants and manually remove snails and slugs in the evening or early morning.

Barriers: Use copper tapes or mesh, or create a barrier with diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant.
Use molluscicides: Apply environmentally safe, targeted molluscicides like iron phosphate-based pellets to affected areas following label guidelines.
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Leaf beetle
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What is Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In 'Dusky coral pea', leaf beetles cause skeletonized leaves, leaving only veins behind. Younger plants are particularly vulnerable, displaying stunted growth and reduced vitality.
What Causes Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf beetles (family Chrysomelidae) feed on the leaves, causing physical damage.
How to Treat Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly inspect plants and physically remove beetles and larvae by hand.

Barrier methods: Use floating row covers to protect young plants during peak activity seasons.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): Apply Bt-based insecticides, which are effective and safer for non-target organisms.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides as a last resort for severe infestations.
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Active Period
What is Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, aphids cause yellowing and distortion of leaves, reduced growth rates, and sometimes, the death of young shoots. Leaves may also develop a sticky residue, attracting sooty mold.
What Causes Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Small sap-sucking insects that feed on plant sap, extracting essential nutrients from Dusky coral pea.
How to Treat Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Natural predators: Introduce or encourage natural aphid predators like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies in the garden.

Manual removal: Physically remove aphids by spraying water or wiping leaves with a mild soap solution.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap directly to the aphids on Dusky coral pea, ensuring to coat them thoroughly.

Neem oil: Use neem oil as a treatment, which acts as both a repellent and a substance to inhibit aphid growth on Dusky coral pea.
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Leaf rot
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What is Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, leaf rot manifests as brownish or blackish spots on leaves, which might enlarge to cover the entire leaf surface, followed by leaf wilting and falling off.
What Causes Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Fungal pathogens
Leaf rot in Dusky coral pea is primarily caused by various fungi, which thrive in moist conditions and attack the plant's foliage.
How to Treat Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Improving air circulation: Prune densely growing areas to enhance airflow around the plants' leaves, reducing moisture levels and fungal proliferation.

Removing infected parts: Regularly inspect and promptly dispose of any infected leaves and stems to prevent the spread of the fungus.
Fungicidal application: Apply appropriate fungicides, following recommendations for fungal diseases on leguminous vines, to effectively control the spread.
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Active Period
What is Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, whitefly infestation is apparent through yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and a sticky residue called honeydew, which may also promote sooty mold.
What Causes Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Whiteflies are tiny, sap-sucking insects that target many plants, including Dusky coral pea.
How to Treat Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural Control: Remove and destroy infested plant parts to reduce whitefly populations.

Biological Control: Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewing larvae.
Insecticidal Soap: Apply insecticidal soap focusing on the undersides of leaves where whiteflies congregate.

Systemic Insecticides: Use systemic insecticides as a last resort to manage severe infestations.
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Active Period
What is Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, mealybug infestations manifest as white cotton-like deposits on leaves and stems, leaf yellowing and wilting, and potentially reduced flowering.
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Mealybugs are a type of scale insect, feeding on plant sap and secrete honeydew, leading to fungal growths.
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Physical removal: Manually remove mealybugs using a swab dipped in alcohol to prevent infestation spread.

Water spray: Use a strong water jet to dislodge mealybugs from the plant.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap directly to infested areas, repeating treatment as needed to eliminate mealybugs.

Neem oil: Use neem oil sprays every 7-14 days as a treatment to disrupt mealybug life cycle and reduce population.
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Leaf wilting
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What is Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include noticeably droopy leaves, discoloration ranging from pale green to yellow, and in severe cases, brown edges leading to leaf death. Young shoots may also appear stunted or twisted.
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Water stress
Inadequate or excessive water disrupts proper hydration, impacting leaf turgidity.
Pathogenic infections
Fungi or bacteria clog the vascular system, hindering water flow.
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Proper irrigation: Adjust watering schedules according to climate and soil conditions to prevent water stress.

Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected plant parts to reduce pathogen spread.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply fungicides approved for use in combating vascular-blocking pathogens.

Bactericides: Use bactericides if a bacterial infection is confirmed through diagnostic testing.
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What is Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Common symptoms in Dusky coral pea include chewed leaves, presence of frass (caterpillar droppings), and potentially complete defoliation if infestation is heavy.
What Causes Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Caterpillars, the larval stage of moths and butterflies, feed on the leaves.
How to Treat Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly check and manually remove caterpillars from Dusky coral pea.

Natural predators: Encourage natural predators like birds and parasitic wasps by maintaining a diverse garden.
Bacillus thuringiensis: Apply this biological pesticide when caterpillar presence is confirmed to target larvae effectively.
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Yellow edges
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What is Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, yellow edges typically begin as light yellow discoloration at leaf margins which progressively turn deeper yellow. If untreated, the affected areas may become brittle, resulting in reduced photosynthesis and growth inhibition.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Nutrient Deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients like iron and magnesium can cause yellowing of leaves.
Fungal Pathogens
Specific fungi can lead to symptoms that manifest as yellow edges on leaves.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Soil Adjustment: Adjusting the soil pH and nutrient balance can mitigate nutrient deficiencies.

Improved Drainage: Enhancing soil drainage to prevent waterlogged conditions decreases fungal growth.
Fungicidal Sprays: Application of approved fungicides can help control fungal pathogens responsible.
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Dark blotch
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What is Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include dark brown to black blotches on leaves and stems, which may coalesce. Affected areas often exhibit a dry, brittle texture, and severe infections can lead to defoliation.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Fungal Pathogen
Caused by a species of fungi adept at infecting the leaf and stem surfaces under moist conditions.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Remove and destroy infected parts of Dusky coral pea to reduce disease spread.

Improve Air Circulation: Space plants adequately and control weeds to enhance airflow around Dusky coral pea.
Fungicidal Sprays: Apply approved fungicides following the label instructions, focusing on early intervention.
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What is Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, thrips result in curled or distorted leaves, silvered or streaked foliage, and blossoms that may fail to open or display damage. The plant's overall growth can be stunted.
What Causes Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Thrips are minute, winged insects that feed on the sap of plants, causing direct physical damage and potentially transmitting viruses.
How to Treat Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural control: Remove and destroy affected plant parts. Maintaining robust plant health through proper watering and fertilization can also deter thrips.

Biological control: Introduce natural predators like lacewings or predatory mites that target thrips.
Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides that plants absorb, effectively reaching all parts to control thrips.

Contact insecticides: Use insecticidal soaps or pyrethrins as contact treatments on visible infestations.
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What is Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The main symptoms on Dusky coral pea include visible bite marks on leaves, stunted growth, notched leaf edges, and fewer flowers. These symptoms are typically concentrated on younger, more vulnerable parts of the plant.
What Causes Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Curculionidae family
Specific weevils from this insect family feed on Dusky coral pea, causing physical damage and disease introduction.
How to Treat Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly inspect Dusky coral pea and manually remove any visible weevils to decrease their population.

Barriers: Use physical barriers like nets or floating row covers to protect Dusky coral pea from weevil attacks.
Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides which are absorbed by Dusky coral pea making it toxic to the weevils upon ingestion.

Contact pesticides: Spray contact pesticides directly on the affected areas to kill weevils on contact.
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Distribution of Dusky coral pea


Distribution Map of Dusky coral pea

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Dusky Coral Pea Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
36-48 inches (90-120 cm)
Transplant dusky coral pea as the chill of winter yields to the promise of milder days, from early to late spring, to allow roots establishment. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil. Minimize root disturbance for a happy relocation.
Transplant Techniques
Spring, Summer, Fall
This evergreen climber, known for its vibrant red flowers, thrives with regular pruning. For dusky coral pea, prune lightly after flowering to maintain shape and encourage denser growth. The best times are spring through fall, avoiding winter to prevent frost damage to new shoots. Pruning enhances air circulation, promotes healthy foliage, and stimulates flowering. Overgrown specimens benefit from hard pruning but recover quickly due to its vigorous nature. Always use clean, sharp tools to prevent disease.
Pruning techniques
Dusky coral pea thrives when propagated through cuttings. Choose a healthy stem and make a cut below a leaf node; this increases the chances of successful rooting. Using hormone powder can further boost root development. Plant the cuttings in a well-draining soil mix, ensuring they are kept moderately moist until established.
Propagation Techniques
Spider mite
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
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Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
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Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
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Scale insect
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
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Snail and slug
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
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Leaf beetle
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
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Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
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Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
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Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
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Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
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Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
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Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
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Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
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Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
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Care Guide
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Pests & Diseases
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Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
Dusky coral pea
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Questions About Dusky coral pea

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Dusky coral pea?
What should I do if I water my Dusky coral pea too much or too little?
How often should I water my Dusky coral pea?
How much water does my Dusky coral pea need?
How should I water my Dusky coral pea at different growth stages?
How should I water my Dusky coral pea through the seasons?
What's the difference between watering my Dusky coral pea indoors and outdoors?
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Key Facts About Dusky coral pea


Attributes of Dusky coral pea

Plant Type
Flower Color
Leaf type
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Scientific Classification of Dusky coral pea

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Common Pests & Diseases About Dusky coral pea

Common issues for Dusky coral pea based on 10 million real cases
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Spider mite
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Learn More About the Spider mite more
Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
Learn More About the Leafhopper more
Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
Learn More About the Dodder more
Scale insect
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
Learn More About the Scale insect more
Snail and slug
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
Learn More About the Snail and slug more
Leaf beetle
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
Learn More About the Leaf beetle more
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
Learn More About the Aphid more
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
Learn More About the Leaf rot more
Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
Learn More About the Whitefly more
Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
Learn More About the Mealybug more
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
Learn More About the Leaf wilting more
Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Learn More About the Caterpillar more
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
Learn More About the Yellow edges more
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
Learn More About the Dark blotch more
Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
Learn More About the Thrips more
Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
Learn More About the Weevil more
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Spider mite
Active Period
What is Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include fine webbing on underside of leaves, speckled yellowing, and dropping of leaves. Infestations are visible as tiny red or yellow dots moving on the leaves.
What Causes Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Tiny arachnids
Spider mites are minute arachnids that feed on plant sap, stressing the plants by extracting vital nutrients.
How to Treat Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Spider mite Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Increase humidity: Maintaining higher humidity around Dusky coral pea discourages spider mite proliferation.

Introduce predatory insects: Releasing predatory mites or ladybugs can naturally control spider mite populations.
Use miticides: Applying miticides specifically designed to target spider mites can effectively reduce their numbers.

Apply horticultural oils: Spraying lightweight horticultural oil can suffocate the mites without harming the plant.
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What is Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include stunted growth, chlorosis (yellowing leaves), mosaic patterns on foliage, and reduced flowering. Leaves and stems are the most affected areas.
What Causes Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
These insects suck sap from Dusky coral pea, transmitting pathogens and causing direct damage.
How to Treat Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leafhopper Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural Control: Remove and destroy infected plant parts to reduce pathogen spread.

Physical Barriers: Use fine mesh or row covers to physically prevent leafhoppers from accessing Dusky coral pea.
Insecticidal Soap: Apply insecticidal soap spray to control leafhopper population on Dusky coral pea.
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What is Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On 'Dusky coral pea', symptoms include yellowed, wilted leaves and thin, string-like orange tendrils wrapping around stems and foliage. This leads to reduced vigor and diminished flowering capacity.
What Causes Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Cuscuta species
Dodder is caused by parasitic vines from the genus Cuscuta, which attach to 'Dusky coral pea' and absorb water and nutrients.
How to Treat Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Dodder Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Carefully remove and dispose of the Dodder tendrils and affected parts of 'Dusky coral pea' to prevent further spread.

Sanitation: Maintain cleanliness around 'Dusky coral pea' to prevent Dodder seeds from germinating.
Herbicide application: Apply appropriate herbicides that target Dodder without harming 'Dusky coral pea', following specific label instructions.
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Scale insect
Active Period
What is Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, symptoms include yellowing leaves, sticky honeydew on the foliage, and clusters of small, hard bumps (scales) along stems and leaf undersides.
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Insect Type
Scale insects are small pests that attach themselves to the stems and leaves of plants, sucking out sap and weakening the plant.
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Scale insect Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Gently scrub the scales off using a soft brush or cloth soaked in soapy water.

Horticultural oils: Apply horticultural oils during dormant periods to smother the scales.
Insecticidal soap: Use insecticidal soaps to kill scales on contact without harming the plant.

Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the plant and poison the scales when they feed.
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Snail and slug
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What is Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include irregular holes in leaves, stripped stems, and shiny slime trails on both leaves and stems, noticeably compromising the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
What Causes Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Damage is caused directly by certain species of snails and slugs, which feed on the leaves and stems.
How to Treat Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Snail and slug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Remove by hand: Regularly inspect plants and manually remove snails and slugs in the evening or early morning.

Barriers: Use copper tapes or mesh, or create a barrier with diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant.
Use molluscicides: Apply environmentally safe, targeted molluscicides like iron phosphate-based pellets to affected areas following label guidelines.
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Leaf beetle
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What is Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In 'Dusky coral pea', leaf beetles cause skeletonized leaves, leaving only veins behind. Younger plants are particularly vulnerable, displaying stunted growth and reduced vitality.
What Causes Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf beetles (family Chrysomelidae) feed on the leaves, causing physical damage.
How to Treat Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf beetle Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly inspect plants and physically remove beetles and larvae by hand.

Barrier methods: Use floating row covers to protect young plants during peak activity seasons.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): Apply Bt-based insecticides, which are effective and safer for non-target organisms.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides as a last resort for severe infestations.
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What is Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, aphids cause yellowing and distortion of leaves, reduced growth rates, and sometimes, the death of young shoots. Leaves may also develop a sticky residue, attracting sooty mold.
What Causes Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Small sap-sucking insects that feed on plant sap, extracting essential nutrients from Dusky coral pea.
How to Treat Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Aphid Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Natural predators: Introduce or encourage natural aphid predators like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies in the garden.

Manual removal: Physically remove aphids by spraying water or wiping leaves with a mild soap solution.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap directly to the aphids on Dusky coral pea, ensuring to coat them thoroughly.

Neem oil: Use neem oil as a treatment, which acts as both a repellent and a substance to inhibit aphid growth on Dusky coral pea.
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Leaf rot
Active Period
What is Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, leaf rot manifests as brownish or blackish spots on leaves, which might enlarge to cover the entire leaf surface, followed by leaf wilting and falling off.
What Causes Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Fungal pathogens
Leaf rot in Dusky coral pea is primarily caused by various fungi, which thrive in moist conditions and attack the plant's foliage.
How to Treat Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf rot Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Improving air circulation: Prune densely growing areas to enhance airflow around the plants' leaves, reducing moisture levels and fungal proliferation.

Removing infected parts: Regularly inspect and promptly dispose of any infected leaves and stems to prevent the spread of the fungus.
Fungicidal application: Apply appropriate fungicides, following recommendations for fungal diseases on leguminous vines, to effectively control the spread.
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Active Period
What is Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, whitefly infestation is apparent through yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and a sticky residue called honeydew, which may also promote sooty mold.
What Causes Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Whiteflies are tiny, sap-sucking insects that target many plants, including Dusky coral pea.
How to Treat Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Whitefly Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural Control: Remove and destroy infested plant parts to reduce whitefly populations.

Biological Control: Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewing larvae.
Insecticidal Soap: Apply insecticidal soap focusing on the undersides of leaves where whiteflies congregate.

Systemic Insecticides: Use systemic insecticides as a last resort to manage severe infestations.
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Active Period
What is Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, mealybug infestations manifest as white cotton-like deposits on leaves and stems, leaf yellowing and wilting, and potentially reduced flowering.
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Mealybugs are a type of scale insect, feeding on plant sap and secrete honeydew, leading to fungal growths.
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Physical removal: Manually remove mealybugs using a swab dipped in alcohol to prevent infestation spread.

Water spray: Use a strong water jet to dislodge mealybugs from the plant.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap directly to infested areas, repeating treatment as needed to eliminate mealybugs.

Neem oil: Use neem oil sprays every 7-14 days as a treatment to disrupt mealybug life cycle and reduce population.
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Leaf wilting
Active Period
What is Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include noticeably droopy leaves, discoloration ranging from pale green to yellow, and in severe cases, brown edges leading to leaf death. Young shoots may also appear stunted or twisted.
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Water stress
Inadequate or excessive water disrupts proper hydration, impacting leaf turgidity.
Pathogenic infections
Fungi or bacteria clog the vascular system, hindering water flow.
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Proper irrigation: Adjust watering schedules according to climate and soil conditions to prevent water stress.

Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected plant parts to reduce pathogen spread.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply fungicides approved for use in combating vascular-blocking pathogens.

Bactericides: Use bactericides if a bacterial infection is confirmed through diagnostic testing.
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Active Period
What is Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Common symptoms in Dusky coral pea include chewed leaves, presence of frass (caterpillar droppings), and potentially complete defoliation if infestation is heavy.
What Causes Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Caterpillars, the larval stage of moths and butterflies, feed on the leaves.
How to Treat Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Caterpillar Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly check and manually remove caterpillars from Dusky coral pea.

Natural predators: Encourage natural predators like birds and parasitic wasps by maintaining a diverse garden.
Bacillus thuringiensis: Apply this biological pesticide when caterpillar presence is confirmed to target larvae effectively.
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Yellow edges
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What is Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, yellow edges typically begin as light yellow discoloration at leaf margins which progressively turn deeper yellow. If untreated, the affected areas may become brittle, resulting in reduced photosynthesis and growth inhibition.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Nutrient Deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients like iron and magnesium can cause yellowing of leaves.
Fungal Pathogens
Specific fungi can lead to symptoms that manifest as yellow edges on leaves.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Soil Adjustment: Adjusting the soil pH and nutrient balance can mitigate nutrient deficiencies.

Improved Drainage: Enhancing soil drainage to prevent waterlogged conditions decreases fungal growth.
Fungicidal Sprays: Application of approved fungicides can help control fungal pathogens responsible.
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Dark blotch
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What is Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Dusky coral pea, symptoms include dark brown to black blotches on leaves and stems, which may coalesce. Affected areas often exhibit a dry, brittle texture, and severe infections can lead to defoliation.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Fungal Pathogen
Caused by a species of fungi adept at infecting the leaf and stem surfaces under moist conditions.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Remove and destroy infected parts of Dusky coral pea to reduce disease spread.

Improve Air Circulation: Space plants adequately and control weeds to enhance airflow around Dusky coral pea.
Fungicidal Sprays: Apply approved fungicides following the label instructions, focusing on early intervention.
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What is Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On Dusky coral pea, thrips result in curled or distorted leaves, silvered or streaked foliage, and blossoms that may fail to open or display damage. The plant's overall growth can be stunted.
What Causes Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Thrips are minute, winged insects that feed on the sap of plants, causing direct physical damage and potentially transmitting viruses.
How to Treat Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Thrips Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Cultural control: Remove and destroy affected plant parts. Maintaining robust plant health through proper watering and fertilization can also deter thrips.

Biological control: Introduce natural predators like lacewings or predatory mites that target thrips.
Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides that plants absorb, effectively reaching all parts to control thrips.

Contact insecticides: Use insecticidal soaps or pyrethrins as contact treatments on visible infestations.
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What is Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What is Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
The main symptoms on Dusky coral pea include visible bite marks on leaves, stunted growth, notched leaf edges, and fewer flowers. These symptoms are typically concentrated on younger, more vulnerable parts of the plant.
What Causes Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
What Causes Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Curculionidae family
Specific weevils from this insect family feed on Dusky coral pea, causing physical damage and disease introduction.
How to Treat Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
How to Treat Weevil Disease on Dusky coral pea?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Regularly inspect Dusky coral pea and manually remove any visible weevils to decrease their population.

Barriers: Use physical barriers like nets or floating row covers to protect Dusky coral pea from weevil attacks.
Systemic insecticides: Apply systemic insecticides which are absorbed by Dusky coral pea making it toxic to the weevils upon ingestion.

Contact pesticides: Spray contact pesticides directly on the affected areas to kill weevils on contact.
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Distribution of Dusky coral pea


Distribution Map of Dusky coral pea

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Dusky Coral Pea Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
Spider mite
Spider mite, a common pest, significantly impacts Dusky coral pea by causing leaf damage and discoloration, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. Effective management is crucial for maintaining plant health.
Leafhopper disease affects Dusky coral pea by acting as a vector for various pathogens. These insects damage the plant by sucking sap and spreading diseases, resulting in growth stunting, yellowing, and sometimes death of the plant.
Dodder is a parasitic plant that adversely affects 'Dusky coral pea' by extracting nutrients, leading to stunted growth and potential death if untreated. It significantly impacts the plant's health and productivity.
Scale insect
Scale insect disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, leading to poor growth, discoloration, and potential death of affected plants. This insect infestation is common in warmer climates or during warmer seasons.
Snail and slug
The 'Snail and slug' disease significantly affects Dusky coral pea, primarily damaging its foliage and affecting its overall health. Key symptoms include extensive leaf chewing and slime trails on the plant.
Leaf beetle
Leaf beetles cause significant damage to 'Dusky coral pea' by defoliating and skeletonizing leaves. This pest primarily targets young plants, hindering growth and potentially leading to plant death if infestations are heavy.
Aphids, small sap-sucking pests, significantly impact Dusky coral pea by stunting growth and causing leaf curl. These pests also excrete honeydew, leading to sooty mold, further harming the plant.
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal disease affecting Dusky coral pea, characterized by decaying leaves that compromise the plant's overall health and appearance. This disease can severely impact the plant's vitality and reduce its growth.
Whitefly is a pest affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to reduced vigor, yellowing leaves, and potential death if unchecked. This global issue requires both preventative and active management strategies.
Mealybug disease in Dusky coral pea typically results in stunted growth and discolored leaves. It hampers the plant's aesthetics and health, making it susceptible to further infections and growth issues.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Dusky coral pea predominantly manifests as drooping or curling of leaves, reducing plant vigor and potentially leading to death if untreated. The disease reflects water transport issues or pathogenic infections.
Caterpillar infestation on Dusky coral pea causes defoliation, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This common pest problem significantly reduces plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting Dusky coral pea, leading to chlorosis and diminished growth. This disease not only degrades aesthetic value but can also reduce the resilience of Dusky coral pea against environmental stresses.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease that primarily affects Dusky coral pea, leading to aesthetic degradation and vigor loss. It manifests as dark, irregular patches on leaves and stems, impacting plant growth and floral display.
Thrips are tiny insects causing significant damage to Dusky coral pea. Symptoms include distorted growth, discolored foliage, and reduced flowering. Managing thrips is crucial for maintaining the health of Dusky coral pea, particularly in warm, dry conditions typical of its growth period.
Weevil disease primarily affects Dusky coral pea, compromising its health and aesthetics. This issue is spurred by specific weevils targeting the plant, leading to stunted growth and reduced flowering, significantly impacting garden and landscape settings.
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