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How to Care Junipers

How to Care Junipers, Growing Junipers, Caring for Junipers

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Junipers?
How to Water Junipers?
How to Water Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?

Key Facts About Junipers


Attributes of Junipers

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Junipers

More Info About Junipers

Types of Junipers

Juniperus communis 'Repanda'
Common juniper 'Repanda'
Common juniper 'Repanda' is an evergreen shrub with a prostrate habit, growing as a low, dense carpet with dark green needle-like leaves that take on a bronze hue in winter. This is a cultivar of the Juniperus communis and was selected in Ireland by M. Prichard, an English nurseryman. Repanda means ‘spread out’ or ‘flattened’. It functions as a great ground cover.
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
Eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl'
Eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl' is a shrubby juniper named for its silvery foliage. This juniper only grows to about 61 to 91 cm tall and has a spread of 1.2 to 1.8 m. Birds love the dark purple berries that eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl' produces.
Juniperus squamata 'Holger'
Flaky juniper 'Holger'
Flaky juniper 'Holger' is distinct for its foliage, which first appears yellow but then matures to blue-green, giving it a two-toned coloration in the spring. A cultivar of Juniperus squamata, its name is a masculine given name of Scandinavian origin. Gardeners appreciate this plant as a compact evergreen that provides winter interest.
Juniperus scopulorum
Rocky mountain juniper
Rocky mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) is a relatively slow-growing evergreen tree that grows from 5 to 6 m tall with a columnar to a rounded shape. It has dark green foliage and berries that attract birds and other wildlife. Its aromatic wood is often used in cedar chests and lumber. It does not grow well in humid climates.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip'
Creeping juniper 'Blue Chip'
Creeping juniper 'Blue Chip' is a creeping Juniperus cultivar with distinct horizontal branches. It offers evergreen foliage that is green to blue-green most of the year but turns purple in winter. This cultivar is named for its steel-blue foliage. This plant enjoys hot dry conditions and looks stunning in rock gardens and on slopes.
Juniperus communis
Common juniper
The common juniper, the most common of its species, is an evergreen conifer that thrives on every continent. It is grown for the horticultural industry as well as a decorative shrub. The wood is used to make woodcrafts, while the cones are utilized to flavor and enhance various foods. Some Native American cultures use the berries for medicinal purposes.
Juniperus horizontalis 'Golden Carpet'
Creeping juniper 'Golden Carpet'
Creeping juniper 'Golden Carpet' is known for its extreme hardiness as a ground cover. It earns its name by generating beautiful gold-tinged foliage all year round. The plant has earned an RHS Award of Garden Merit Award. This Juniperus cultivar is tolerant of most soil types and will grow in full sun, covering slopes and steep banks.
Juniperus chinensis 'Pyramidalis'
Chinese juniper 'Pyramidalis'
A cultivar of Chinese juniper, chinese juniper 'Pyramidalis' is an upright evergreen columnar that forms a roughly pyramidal shape. A flexible cultivar, it requires little to no pruning and can tolerate full sun or partial shade. Chinese juniper 'Pyramidalis' is an evergreen, and its silvery-gray foliage persists throughout the seasons.

More Similar Plants

Xanthocyparis is a genus of cypresses in the family Cupressaceae, comprising one species native to North America and one native to Vietnam in southeast Asia.
Fujian Cypress
Fujian Cypress includes only one species. Fujian Cypress is an evergreen tree, 25 to 30 m tall. It has greyish-brownish bark. The leaves are arranged in flattened branchlet systems, with the branchlets in one plane. The leaves on adult trees are in opposite decussate pairs, glossy green above, and with white stomatal bands below. The male cones are oval or cylindrical, terminal on the shoots. The female cones are much larger, globose or sub-globose. There are two winged seeds on each scale. They are angular and pointed. Fujian Cypress is native to Asia.
Cypresses are a group of coniferous, evergreen trees. Though their wood is not of particular commercial value, many species are used ornamentally, tending to do well in warm-temperate parks and gardens. In the Hellenic culture of ancient times, these trees were believed to be sacred to the gods. Unfortunately, all cypresses release massive quantities of pollen which are extremely allergenic to humans.
Glyptostrobus, is a small genus of conifers in the family Cupressaceae. Glyptostrobus includes only one species. Glyptostrobus is a medium-sized to large tree, reaching 30 m tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 1.006 m, possibly more. The leaves are deciduous, spirally arranged. The cones are green maturing yellow-brown, pear-shaped, broadest near the apex. They open when mature to release the small, winged seeds. Glyptostrobus is native to subtropical southeastern China, and also very locally in Vietnam and Laos.
Athrotaxis are important timber trees, used for construction, paper making, and resin production. Did you know that some species of pines can live for over 1,000 years and their needles can be used to make tea?
Southern incense-cedar
Southern incense-cedar is a genus of five species of coniferous trees in the cypress family Cupressaceae, native to New Zealand and New Caledonia. The leaves are scale-like, in apparent whorls of four. The cones have just 2 pairs of moderately thin, erect scales, each scale with a distinct spine, and bearing two winged seeds on the inner face.
They are large shrubs or trees, reaching 5 to 20 m tall. The leaves are evergreen and scale-like, except on seedlings, which have needle-like leaves. The adult scale leaves are arranged in decussate opposite pairs in four rows along the twigs, while the juvenile needle leaves are arranged spirally. The male cones are small, and are located at the tips of the twigs. The female cones start out similarly inconspicuous, globular to ovoid, with four, thick, woody scales, arranged in two opposite pairs. There are four species, all native to southern Africa.
Cypresses are a small group of conifers that are unique in that they are highly tolerant of flooding. These trees are native to environments that are consistently inundated with water, such as bayous and swamps. The wood is highly sought after, being both very durable and extremely rot-resistant.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
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Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Junipers?
How to Water Junipers?
How to Water Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Junipers?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Propagate Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?
How to Plant Junipers?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Junipers

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
5 - 35 ℃
Plant Type

Scientific Classification of Junipers


Types of Junipers

Juniperus communis 'Repanda'
Common juniper 'Repanda'
Common juniper 'Repanda' is an evergreen shrub with a prostrate habit, growing as a low, dense carpet with dark green needle-like leaves that take on a bronze hue in winter. This is a cultivar of the Juniperus communis and was selected in Ireland by M. Prichard, an English nurseryman. Repanda means ‘spread out’ or ‘flattened’. It functions as a great ground cover.
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl'
Eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl'
Eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl' is a shrubby juniper named for its silvery foliage. This juniper only grows to about 61 to 91 cm tall and has a spread of 1.2 to 1.8 m. Birds love the dark purple berries that eastern red cedar 'Grey Owl' produces.
Juniperus squamata 'Holger'
Flaky juniper 'Holger'
Flaky juniper 'Holger' is distinct for its foliage, which first appears yellow but then matures to blue-green, giving it a two-toned coloration in the spring. A cultivar of Juniperus squamata, its name is a masculine given name of Scandinavian origin. Gardeners appreciate this plant as a compact evergreen that provides winter interest.
Juniperus scopulorum
Rocky mountain juniper
Rocky mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) is a relatively slow-growing evergreen tree that grows from 5 to 6 m tall with a columnar to a rounded shape. It has dark green foliage and berries that attract birds and other wildlife. Its aromatic wood is often used in cedar chests and lumber. It does not grow well in humid climates.
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More Similar Plants

Xanthocyparis is a genus of cypresses in the family Cupressaceae, comprising one species native to North America and one native to Vietnam in southeast Asia.
Fujian Cypress
Fujian Cypress includes only one species. Fujian Cypress is an evergreen tree, 25 to 30 m tall. It has greyish-brownish bark. The leaves are arranged in flattened branchlet systems, with the branchlets in one plane. The leaves on adult trees are in opposite decussate pairs, glossy green above, and with white stomatal bands below. The male cones are oval or cylindrical, terminal on the shoots. The female cones are much larger, globose or sub-globose. There are two winged seeds on each scale. They are angular and pointed. Fujian Cypress is native to Asia.
Cypresses are a group of coniferous, evergreen trees. Though their wood is not of particular commercial value, many species are used ornamentally, tending to do well in warm-temperate parks and gardens. In the Hellenic culture of ancient times, these trees were believed to be sacred to the gods. Unfortunately, all cypresses release massive quantities of pollen which are extremely allergenic to humans.
Glyptostrobus, is a small genus of conifers in the family Cupressaceae. Glyptostrobus includes only one species. Glyptostrobus is a medium-sized to large tree, reaching 30 m tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 1.006 m, possibly more. The leaves are deciduous, spirally arranged. The cones are green maturing yellow-brown, pear-shaped, broadest near the apex. They open when mature to release the small, winged seeds. Glyptostrobus is native to subtropical southeastern China, and also very locally in Vietnam and Laos.
Athrotaxis are important timber trees, used for construction, paper making, and resin production. Did you know that some species of pines can live for over 1,000 years and their needles can be used to make tea?
Southern incense-cedar
Southern incense-cedar is a genus of five species of coniferous trees in the cypress family Cupressaceae, native to New Zealand and New Caledonia. The leaves are scale-like, in apparent whorls of four. The cones have just 2 pairs of moderately thin, erect scales, each scale with a distinct spine, and bearing two winged seeds on the inner face.
They are large shrubs or trees, reaching 5 to 20 m tall. The leaves are evergreen and scale-like, except on seedlings, which have needle-like leaves. The adult scale leaves are arranged in decussate opposite pairs in four rows along the twigs, while the juvenile needle leaves are arranged spirally. The male cones are small, and are located at the tips of the twigs. The female cones start out similarly inconspicuous, globular to ovoid, with four, thick, woody scales, arranged in two opposite pairs. There are four species, all native to southern Africa.
Cypresses are a small group of conifers that are unique in that they are highly tolerant of flooding. These trees are native to environments that are consistently inundated with water, such as bayous and swamps. The wood is highly sought after, being both very durable and extremely rot-resistant.
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