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Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Columnea gloriosa
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
10 to 12
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Care Guide for Goldfish plant

Soil Care
Soil Care
Moderately acidic, Neutral
Details on Soil Care Soil Care
Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Partial sun, Full shade
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
10 to 12
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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Goldfish plant
Twice per week
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
10 to 12

Questions About Goldfish plant

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What's the best method to water my Goldfish plant?
You might want to put a garden hose at the plant base to ensure that you're promoting excellent root development. Avoid directly spraying the leaves, and know that the leaves will require more watering if they are outdoors and facing direct sunlight. You can also use bubblers that you can put on to each plant to moisten the roots. Also, use soaker hoses that can cover the entire garden or bed when adding or removing plants to push the roots deeply. Drain any excess water and wait for the soil to dry before watering. Water at ground level to prevent diseases. On a sunny day, you might want to spray the entire bush with water. Whether potted or in-ground, please remember Goldfish plant prefers deep watering over light sprinkling.
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What should I do if I water Goldfish plant too much/too little?
An overwatered Goldfish plant can start to have leaves that turn yellow, drop off and wilt. The plant can also look dull and unhealthy, with signs of mushy stems. When they are beginning to show these signs, it's best to adjust your schedule whenever possible. The wilting can also be a sign of under watering as well. You might see that the leaves begin to turn crispy and dry while the overwatered ones will have soft wilted leaves. Check the soil when it is dry and watering is not enough, give it a full watering in time. Enough water will make the Goldfish plant recover again, but the plant will still appear dry and yellow leaves after a few days due to the damaged root system. Once it return to normal, the leave yellowing will stop . Always check the moisture levels at the pot when you have the Goldfish plant indoors. Avoid overwatering indoors and see if there are signs of black spots. If these are present, let the soil dry in the pot by giving it a few days of rest from watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot being present in your plant. If this is the case, you might want to transfer them into a different pot, especially if you see discolored and slimy roots. Always prevent root rot as much as possible, and don't let the soil become too soggy. You should dig a little deeper when you plant your Goldfish plant outdoors. When you check with your fingers and notice that the soil is too dry, it could mean underwatering. Adequate watering is required to help the plant recover.
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How often should I water my Goldfish plant?
The Goldfish plant likes deep and infrequent watering. You would want to soak them in a gallon of water each time, especially when they are planted in pots. The water storage of flower pots is limited and the soil will dry out faster. Watering is required every 3 to 5 days when living in a cold region. Water it early in the morning when the soil is dry, outdoors or indoors. You can also determine if watering is needed by checking the soil inside. When the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry, it is time to give the plant a full watering. During hot days, you may need to check the moisture daily, as the heat can quickly dry out the soil in the pot. Irrigation of the soil is also required if you have a garden. When you live in a hot climate, you might want to water once a week. Only water when you notice that about 2 to 3 inches of soil become too dry outdoors or indoors. Consider the amount of rainwater on the plant and ensure not to add to it to prevent root rot.You may not need additional watering of the plants if there is a lot of rainfall.Goldfish plant generally grows during spring and fall. When they are outdoors, you need to add mulch about 3 to 4 inches deep to conserve more water. You need to water the plants more frequently in sandy soil because this type tends to drain faster. However, with the clay one, you need to water this less frequently where you could go for 2-3 days to dry the plant and not develop any root rot. You could mark the date on the calendar whenever you water and when you notice that the leaves are starting to droop. This can mean that you might be a day late.
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How much water do I need to give my Goldfish plant?
The Goldfish plant generally needs about a gallon of water each schedule,With the potted plants, you might want to water them deeply until you see that the water is dripping at the bottom of the pot. Then, wait for the soil to dry before watering them again. You can use a water calculator or a moisture meter to determine the amount you've given to your plant in a week. Provide plenty of water, especially in the flowering period, but let the moisture evaporate afterwards to prevent root rot. If Goldfish plant is planted outdoor with adequate rainfall, it may not need additional watering. When Goldfish plant is young or newly planted, make sure it gets 1-2 inches of rain per week. As Goldfish plant continues to grow, it can survive entirely on rainfall. Only when the weather is too hot, or when there is no rainfall at all for 2-3 weeks, then consider giving Goldfish plant a full watering during the cooler moment of the day to prevent the plant from suffering from high heat damage. Additional watering will be required during persistent dry spells.
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Should I adjust the watering frequency for my Goldfish plant according to different seasons or climates?
The Goldfish plant needs outdoors come from rain, with only persistent dry weather requiring watering. Throughout the spring and fall growing seasons, the soil needs to be kept moist but not soggy, and alternating dry and moist soil conditions will allow the Goldfish plant to grow well. Throughout the summer, hot weather can cause water to evaporate too quickly, and if there is a lack of rainfall, you will need to water more frequently and extra to keep it moist. Usually, the Goldfish plant will need less water during the winter. Since the Goldfish plant will drop their leaves and go dormant, you can put them into a well-draining but moisture-retentive soil mixture like the terracotta to help the water evaporate quicker. Once your Goldfish plant growing outdoors begins to leaf out and go dormant, you can skip watering altogether and in most cases Goldfish plant can rely on the fall and winter rains to survive the entire dormant period. After the spring, you can cultivate your Goldfish plant and encourage it to grow and bloom when the temperature becomes warmer.This plant is not generally a fan of ponding or drought when flowering. You must ensure that the drainage is good at all times, especially during the winter. When the plant is in a pot, the plant has limited root growth. Keep them well-watered, especially if they are planted in pots during summer. They don't like cold and wet roots, so provide adequate drainage, especially if they are still growing. It's always best to water your Goldfish plant’s diligently. Get the entire root system into a deep soak at least once or twice a week, depending on the weather. It's best to avoid shallow sprinkles that reach the leaves since they generally encourage the growth of fungi and don't reach deep into the roots. Don't allow the Goldfish plant’s to dry out completely in the fall or winter, even if they are already dormancy. Don't drown the plants because they generally don't like sitting in water for too long. They can die during winter if the soil does not drain well. Also, apply mulch whenever possible to reduce stress, conserve water, and encourage healthy blooms.
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What should I be careful with when I water my Goldfish plant in different seasons, climates, or during different growing periods?
If planting in the ground, Goldfish plant mostly relies on rain. However, if there is no rainfall for 2-3 weeks, you may need to give proper consideration to giving the plants a deep watering. If watering Goldfish plant in summer, you should try to do it in the morning. A large temperature difference between the water temperature and the root system can stress the roots. You need to avoid watering the bushes when it's too hot outside. Start mulching them during the spring when the ground is not too cold. The age of the plants matter. Lack of water is one of the most common reasons the newly planted ones fail to grow. After they are established, you need to ease off the watering schedule. Reduce watering them during the fall and winter, especially if they have a water-retaining material in the soil. The dry winds in winter can dry them out, and the newly planted ones can be at risk of drought during windy winter, summer, and fall. Windy seasons mean that there's more watering required. The ones planted in the pot tend to dry out faster, so they need more watering. Once you see that they bloom less, the leaves begin to dry up. Potted plants are relatively complex to water and fluctuate in frequency. Always be careful that the pot-planted plant don't sit in the water. Avoid putting them in containers with saucers, bowls, and trays. Too much watering in the fall can make the foliage look mottled or yellowish. It's always a good idea to prevent overwatering them regardless of the current climate or season that you might have. During the months when Goldfish plant begins to flower, you might want to increase the watering frequency but give it a rest once they are fully grown. Give them an adequate amount of water once every 3 to 5 days but don't give them regular schedules. Make sure the soil is dry by sticking your finger in the pot, or use a moisture meter if you're unsure if it's the right time. Too much root rot can cause them to die, so be careful not to overwater or underwater regardless of the climate or season you have in your area.
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Why is watering my Goldfish plant important?
Watering the Goldfish plant helps transport the needed nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant. The moisture will keep this species healthy if you know how much water to give. The watering requirements will depend on the weather in your area and the plant's soil. The Goldfish plant thrives on moist soil, but they can't generally tolerate waterlogging. Ensure to provide enough mulch when planted on the ground and never fall into the trap of watering too little. They enjoy a full can of watering where the water should be moist at the base when they are planted in a pot to get the best blooms. If they are grown as foliage, you need to water them up to a depth of 10 to 20 inches so they will continue to grow. If it's raining, refrain from watering and let them get the nutrients they need from the rainwater.
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Key Facts About Goldfish plant


Attributes of Goldfish plant

Perennial, Annual
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Goldfish plant

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Common Pests & Diseases About Goldfish plant

Common issues for Goldfish plant based on 10 million real cases
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting Goldfish plant, causing unsightly dark spots on leaves and potentially resulting in reduced vigor. Managing moisture and ensuring good air circulation are vital for managing this condition.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a disease impacting Goldfish plant, characterized by yellowing margins of leaves. This disease can compromise plant vigor and aesthetics but is usually manageable with proper care.
plant poor
Dark blotch
Active Period
What is Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
What is Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting Goldfish plant, causing unsightly dark spots on leaves and potentially resulting in reduced vigor. Managing moisture and ensuring good air circulation are vital for managing this condition.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Goldfish plant's main symptoms include dark, circular to irregular-shaped blotches on leaves, leaf yellowing, and premature leaf drop, severely affecting the plant's aesthetics and health.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Fungal Pathogens
Dark blotch in Goldfish plant is primarily caused by fungi thriving in damp, poorly ventilated environments.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Non pesticide
Improved Ventilation: Enhancing air circulation around Goldfish plant to reduce moisture accumulation on leaf surfaces.

Water Management: Avoiding overhead watering and allowing soil to dry between waterings can significantly reduce disease severity.
Fungicidal Sprays: Application of approved fungicidal sprays can help control the spread of the disease if applied at the first signs of infection.
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Yellow edges
Active Period
What is Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Yellow edges is a disease impacting Goldfish plant, characterized by yellowing margins of leaves. This disease can compromise plant vigor and aesthetics but is usually manageable with proper care.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Yellow edges primarily manifest as yellowing or browning at the margins of leaves, often accompanied by leaf curling or drooping in severe cases in Goldfish plant.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Nutrient deficiency
Imbalance in essential nutrients, particularly magnesium and iron, leads to chlorosis at the leaf edges.
Water stress
Inconsistent watering, either over or under-watering, causes stress that manifests as yellowing leaf edges.
Environmental factors
Exposure to extreme temperatures or low humidity can stress Goldfish plant, leading to yellow edges.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain a consistent watering schedule to avoid water stress.

Adjust feeding: Incorporate balanced fertilizers rich in magnesium and iron to correct nutrient deficiencies.
Foliar spray: Apply foliar sprays containing chelated nutrients to directly address deficiency symptoms.
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Distribution of Goldfish plant


Distribution Map of Goldfish plant

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Goldfish Plant Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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2-3 feet
The prime time to transplant goldfish plant is the warmth of early to mid-summer, when conditions favor root establishment. Choose a bright, indirectly lit spot and ensure ample humidity for goldfish plant to thrive post-transplant.
Transplant Techniques
Early spring, Late winter
With vibrant, fish-shaped blooms, goldfish plant benefits from pruning to encourage bushiness and flower production. Trim back leggy stems after flowering, ideally in late winter or early spring to shape the plant and promote new growth. Snip above leaf nodes using clean, sharp shears. Pruning helps maintain a compact form and enhances the next flowering cycle. Avoid over-pruning, as this can stress goldfish plant and reduce blooming.
Pruning techniques
Belonging to a group known for its colorful, tubular flowers resembling tiny fish, goldfish plant can be propagated effectively through stem cuttings. For successful growth, cuttings should be taken with several nodes and rooted in a moisture-retentive yet well-draining medium. High humidity and warm temperatures aid in the establishment of roots, while indirect bright light supports vigorous development. Regular misting and a consistent watering schedule cater to goldfish plant's tropical preferences, facilitating robust propagation.
Propagation Techniques
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting Goldfish plant, causing unsightly dark spots on leaves and potentially resulting in reduced vigor. Managing moisture and ensuring good air circulation are vital for managing this condition.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a disease impacting Goldfish plant, characterized by yellowing margins of leaves. This disease can compromise plant vigor and aesthetics but is usually manageable with proper care.
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Feng shui direction
Goldfish plant is thought to be well-aligned with Feng Shui principles, particularly when placed in a South-facing orientation. This is due to the plant's vibrant undertones of the fire element, complementing the South's associated energy. Variances in its Feng Shui compatibility are subjective, as interpretations may vary considerably among different schools of thought.
Fengshui Details

Plants Related to Goldfish plant

Pomelo (*Citrus grandis*) is a greenish, tropical and subtropical fruit originally that is larger than any other citrus fruit on the planet (thus the species name - 'grandis'). Though it is the ancestor of the commonly cultivated grapefruit (citrus x paradisi), the pomelo has a thick, hard-to-peel rind and doesn’t have a lot of juice. Nevertheless, it is commonly eaten in Southeast Asia.
The Serissa japonica, or tree of a thousand stars, is an evergreen flowering shrub native to the tropical woodlands of Southeast Asia. Snowrose grows in China, India, and Japan. It is often cultivated in the art of bonsai.
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant (Nematanthus gregarius) is also known as the Goldfish plant, due to the shape and color of its flower that resembles goldfish. Beware of its charm, as handling the plant may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction. Due to its trailing nature, it can often be found taking form as a hanging houseplant on porches and patios.
Japanese chestnut
Japanese chestnut
Japanese chestnut is a medium-sized chestnut tree that has been used in plant-disease resistance research due to its resistance to chestnut blight and ink disease. An important nut crop, the plant grows in the foothills of Japan and Korea, where the nuts are enjoyed as a sweet snack.
Indian poke
Indian poke
Indian poke (Phytolacca acinosa) is a perennial shrub with deep red or purple berries. The genus name for this species comes from a Greek word for “plant” and a Latin word that means “dye,” and a look at the berries makes the reason obvious. Its mature leaves and stalks are poisonous.
Cambodian dragon tree
Cambodian dragon tree
The famous traditional medicine known as dragon's blood comes from the cambodian dragon tree. This plant is now classified as an endangered species due to its extremely limited distribution and overexploitation. This easy-to-care-for plant is native to Cambodia and is well-known for its medicinal and ornamental properties.
Cape jasmine
Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
Golden pothos
Golden pothos
The golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including "devil's ivy", because it is so hard to kill and can even grow in low light conditions. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.
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Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Goldfish plant
Columnea gloriosa
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Hardiness Zones
10 to 12
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Care Guide for Goldfish plant

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Questions About Goldfish plant

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What's the best method to water my Goldfish plant?
What should I do if I water Goldfish plant too much/too little?
How often should I water my Goldfish plant?
How much water do I need to give my Goldfish plant?
Should I adjust the watering frequency for my Goldfish plant according to different seasons or climates?
What should I be careful with when I water my Goldfish plant in different seasons, climates, or during different growing periods?
Why is watering my Goldfish plant important?
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Key Facts About Goldfish plant


Attributes of Goldfish plant

Perennial, Annual
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Goldfish plant

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Common Pests & Diseases About Goldfish plant

Common issues for Goldfish plant based on 10 million real cases
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting Goldfish plant, causing unsightly dark spots on leaves and potentially resulting in reduced vigor. Managing moisture and ensuring good air circulation are vital for managing this condition.
Learn More About the Dark blotch more
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a disease impacting Goldfish plant, characterized by yellowing margins of leaves. This disease can compromise plant vigor and aesthetics but is usually manageable with proper care.
Learn More About the Yellow edges more
plant poor
Dark blotch
Active Period
What is Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
What is Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Dark blotch is a fungal disease impacting Goldfish plant, causing unsightly dark spots on leaves and potentially resulting in reduced vigor. Managing moisture and ensuring good air circulation are vital for managing this condition.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Goldfish plant's main symptoms include dark, circular to irregular-shaped blotches on leaves, leaf yellowing, and premature leaf drop, severely affecting the plant's aesthetics and health.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Fungal Pathogens
Dark blotch in Goldfish plant is primarily caused by fungi thriving in damp, poorly ventilated environments.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on Goldfish plant?
Non pesticide
Improved Ventilation: Enhancing air circulation around Goldfish plant to reduce moisture accumulation on leaf surfaces.

Water Management: Avoiding overhead watering and allowing soil to dry between waterings can significantly reduce disease severity.
Fungicidal Sprays: Application of approved fungicidal sprays can help control the spread of the disease if applied at the first signs of infection.
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Yellow edges
Active Period
What is Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
What is Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Yellow edges is a disease impacting Goldfish plant, characterized by yellowing margins of leaves. This disease can compromise plant vigor and aesthetics but is usually manageable with proper care.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Yellow edges primarily manifest as yellowing or browning at the margins of leaves, often accompanied by leaf curling or drooping in severe cases in Goldfish plant.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Nutrient deficiency
Imbalance in essential nutrients, particularly magnesium and iron, leads to chlorosis at the leaf edges.
Water stress
Inconsistent watering, either over or under-watering, causes stress that manifests as yellowing leaf edges.
Environmental factors
Exposure to extreme temperatures or low humidity can stress Goldfish plant, leading to yellow edges.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on Goldfish plant?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain a consistent watering schedule to avoid water stress.

Adjust feeding: Incorporate balanced fertilizers rich in magnesium and iron to correct nutrient deficiencies.
Foliar spray: Apply foliar sprays containing chelated nutrients to directly address deficiency symptoms.
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Distribution of Goldfish plant


Distribution Map of Goldfish plant

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Plants Related to Goldfish plant

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