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Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Illicium lanceolatum
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
7 to 9
care guide

Care Guide for Lance-leaved anise shrub

Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
7 to 9
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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Lance-leaved anise shrub
Partial sun
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
7 to 9

Questions About Lance-leaved anise shrub

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Your Lance-leaved anise shrub will not be too picky about how you choose to water it. As such, you can use just about any common watering tool to moisten this plant’s soil. Watering cans, hoses, and even cups will work just fine when it is time to water your Lance-leaved anise shrub. Regardless of which watering tool you use, you should typically apply the water directly to the soil. In doing so, you should ensure that you moisten all soil areas equally to give all parts of the root system the water it needs. It can help to use filtered water, as tap water can contain particles that are harmful to plants. It is also beneficial to use water that is at or slightly above room temperature, as colder or hotter water can be somewhat shocking to the Lance-leaved anise shrub. However, the Lance-leaved anise shrub usually responds well to any kind of water you give it.
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What should I do if I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub too much or too little?
For outdoor plants, especially newly planted plants or plant seedlings, they can be prone to lack of watering. Remember that you need to keep watering enough for a few months when the tree is small or just planted. This is because once the roots are established, Lance-leaved anise shrub can rely on rain most of the time. When your Lance-leaved anise shrub is planted in pots, overwatering is often more likely to.When you accidentally overwater your Lance-leaved anise shrub, you should be prepared to remedy the situation immediately. First, you should stop watering your plant right away to minimize the effect of your overwatering. After, you should consider removing your Lance-leaved anise shrub from its pot to inspect its roots. If you find that none of the roots have developed root rot, it may be permissible to return your plant to its container. If you do discover signs of root rot, then you should trim away any roots that have been affected. You may also want to apply a fungicide to prevent further damage. Lastly, you should repot your Lance-leaved anise shrub in soil that is well-draining. In the case of an underwatered Lance-leaved anise shrub, simply water this plant more frequently. Underwatering is often an easy fix. If you underwater, the plant's leaves will tend to droop and dry out and fall off, and the leaves will quickly return to fullness after sufficient watering. Please correct your watering frequency as soon as underwatering occurs.
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How often should I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Most plants that grow naturally outdoors can be allowed to grow normally with rainfall. If your area lacks rainfall, consider giving your plants adequate watering every 2 weeks during the spring and fall. More frequent watering is needed in summer. In winter, when growth becomes slower and plants need less water, water more sparingly. Throughout the winter, you may not give it additional watering at all. If your Lance-leaved anise shrub is young or newly planted, then you should water more frequently to help it establish, and mature and grow up to have more adaptable and drought tolerant plants. For potted plants, there are two main ways that you can determine how often to water your Lance-leaved anise shrub. The first way is to set a predetermined watering schedule. If you choose this route, you should plan to water this plant about once every week or once every other week. However, this approach may not always work as it does not consider the unique conditions of the growing environment for your Lance-leaved anise shrub . Your watering frequency can also change depending on the season. For instance, a predetermined watering schedule will likely not suffice during summer when this plant's water needs are highest. An alternative route is to set your watering frequency based on soil moisture. Typically, it is best to wait until the first two to four inches of soil, usually ⅓ to ½ depth of the pots, have dried out entirely before you give more water.
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How much water does my Lance-leaved anise shrub need?
When it comes time to water your Lance-leaved anise shrub, you may be surprised to find that this plant does not always need a high volume of water. Instead, if only a few inches of soil have dried since your last watering, you can support healthy growth in the Lance-leaved anise shrub by giving it about five to ten ounces of water every time you water. You can also decide your water volume based on soil moisture. As mentioned above, you should note how many inches of soil have dried out between waterings. A surefire way to make sure your Lance-leaved anise shrub gets the moisture it needs is to supply enough water to moisten all the soil layers that became dry since the last time you watered. If more than half of the soil has become dry, you should consider giving more water than usual. In those cases, continue adding water until you see excess water draining from your pot’s drainage holes. If your Lance-leaved anise shrub is planted in an area that gets plenty of rain outdoors, it may not need additional watering. When the Lance-leaved anise shrub is young or just getting established, make sure it gets 1-2 inches of rain per week. As it continues to grow and establish, it can survive entirely on rainwater and only when the weather is hot and there is no rainfall at all for 2-3 weeks, then consider giving your Lance-leaved anise shrub a full watering to prevent them from suffering stress.
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How can I tell if i'm watering my Lance-leaved anise shrub enough?
Overwatering is a far more common problem for the Lance-leaved anise shrub, and there are several signs you should look for when this occurs. Generally, an overwatered Lance-leaved anise shrub will have yellowing leaves and may even drop some leaves. Also, overwatering can cause the overall structure of your plant to shrivel and may also promote root rot. On the other hand, an underwatered Lance-leaved anise shrub will also begin to wilt. It may also display leaves that are brown or brittle to the touch. Whether you see signs of overwatering or underwatering, you should be prepared to intervene and restore the health of your Lance-leaved anise shrub.
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How can I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub at different growth stages?
When the Lance-leaved anise shrub is very young, such as when it is in a seedling stage, you will need to give it more water than you would if it were at a mature age. During the early stages of this plant’s life, it is important to keep the soil consistently moist to encourage root development. The same is true for any Lance-leaved anise shrub that you have transplanted to a new growing location. Also, the Lance-leaved anise shrub can develop showy flowers and fruits when you give them the correct care. If your Lance-leaved anise shrub is in a flowering or fruiting phase, you will likely need to give a bit more water than you usually would to support these plant structures.
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How can I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub through the seasons?
The seasonal changes will affect how often you water your Lance-leaved anise shrub. Mainly, during the hottest summer months, you will likely need to increase how much you water this plant, especially if it grows in an area that receives ample sunlight. Strong summer sunlight can cause soil to dry out much faster than usual, meaning that you’ll need to water more frequently. By contrast, your Lance-leaved anise shrub will need much less water during the winter, as it will not be in an active growing phase. During winter, you can get by with watering once every 2 to 3 weeks or sometimes not at all. For those growing this plant indoors, you should be somewhat wary of appliances such as air conditioners, which can cause your plant to dry out more quickly, which also calls for more frequent watering.
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What's the difference between watering my Lance-leaved anise shrub indoors vs outdoors?
In some cases, your Lance-leaved anise shrub may not need any supplemental watering when it grows outside and will survive on rainwater alone. However, if you live in an area of little to no rain, you should water this plant about every two weeks. If you belong to the group of people who live out of this plant's natural hardiness zone, you should grow it indoors. In an indoor setting, you should monitor your plant's soil as it can dry out more quickly when it is in a container or when it is exposed to HVAC units such as air conditioners. Those drying factors will lead you to water this plant a bit more often than if you grew it outdoors.
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Key Facts About Lance-leaved anise shrub


Attributes of Lance-leaved anise shrub

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Plant Height
2.5 m to 3 m
2.5 m to 3 m
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
15 - 35 ℃
Growth Season

Scientific Classification of Lance-leaved anise shrub

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Fragrant, lance-shaped leaves measuring 2.5-4.3 inches (6.5-11 cm) in length.
Delicate, star-shaped pink flowers blooming from May to June, about 0.4-0.6 inches (1-1.5 cm) across.
Distinctive star-shaped seed capsules, 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) in diameter, glossy and woody.
Evergreen plant with slender, upright form adding charm to gardens.
Fruit capsules split open to reveal seeds, brown to reddish-brown in color.
Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image
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Common Pests & Diseases About Lance-leaved anise shrub

Common issues for Lance-leaved anise shrub based on 10 million real cases
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Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
Fruit withering
Fruit withering Fruit withering
Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Solutions: There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering: Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants.
Solutions: Leaf Weevils are relatively easy to control once their presence is discovered. Here’s what to do: Spray the foliage with an insecticide Place sticky traps around the lower trunks of fruit trees and other woody plants. Weevils can’t fly, and have to crawl up the plants when they emerge from the soil. Dig into the soil around plants with a garden fork and remove and dispose of any larvae. Let chickens roam around the garden, as they love to feed on weevil larvae.
Nutrient deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies Nutrient deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies
A lack of nutrients will cause a widespread yellowing of the leaves. The yellowing may begin at the base or top of the plant.
Solutions: There are several easy ways to remedy the nutrient deficiencies in soils. Use a water-soluble fertilizer. Fertilizers will include most or all of the macro and micro-nutrients the plants need to thrive. Adding some fertilizer to the soil will make those nutrients available and can combat deficiencies. Regularly apply organic fertilizer pellets. Organic fertilizers such as animal manures and bonemeal can supply plants with all the nutrients that they need to grow strong and healthy. Apply compost. Though not as finely tuned as artificial fertilizer, compost can nevertheless be rich in important nutrients and should be applied to the soil regularly. Apply nutrients via foliar application. In addition to supplementing the soil with nutrients, foliar fertilizer can be applied directly to the plant's leaves. Nutrients offered via foliar application are often taken up even quicker than those put in the soil, so the foliar application can be great for swiftly addressing specific deficiencies.
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What is Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
What is Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Lance-leaved anise shrub, mealybugs typically manifest as clusters of white, cottony masses on leaves and stems, causing yellowing, leaf curling, and a general weakening of the plant.
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Mealybugs are small, sap-sucking scale insects that cause damage by feeding on the plant's juices.
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Physically remove visible mealybugs using jet of water or cotton swabs dipped in alcohol.

Biological control: Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings into the environment.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap to infected areas, ensuring thorough coverage of all plant parts.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides that can be absorbed by the plant and poison the mealybugs from inside.
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Fruit withering
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Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Fruit withering is common on many tree fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, cherries, and plums, as well as fruiting shrubs. It is caused by a fungal pathogen and will result in wrinkled and desiccated fruit.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Here are the most common symptoms in the order that they are likely to occur.
  1. Both leaves and blossom on the tips of branches will go brown and wither.
  2. Gray powdery patches will appear on infected leaves and flowers, and this will be most apparent after rain.
  3. Any fruit that does appear will turn wrinkled and fail to develop.
  4. Branch tips begin to die, progressing back to larger branches, causing general deterioration of the tree or plant.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
The withering is caused by one of two fungal pathogens, one called Monilina laxa and the other called M. fructigen. The spores overwinter on infected plant material and are then spread the following spring by wind, rain, or animal vectors. The problem will start to become noticeable in mid-spring, but will increase in severity as summer progresses and the fungus grows. If not addressed, the disease will intensify and spread to other plants in the vicinity.
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Leaf Weevils
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Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants.
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants. They can cause major damage to both edible and non-edible plants. Watch out for these garden pests and use control measures to get rid of them as soon as the problem is noticed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Leaf Weevils are small flightless insects that are typically around 6 mm long. They have a hard body that is oval shaped and covered in short hairs, a long snout on their head that is downward facing, and 3 pairs of legs with hooked claws.
Once mated, the female weevil with lay around 20 eggs at one time, either in leaf litter on the ground or sometimes on the soil. Weevils generally only produce one batch of eggs a year but may produce 2 if conditions are ideal.
The eggs take around 6 to 15 days to hatch. When the larva emerges, it burrows into the soil. These larvae have chewing mouth parts and no legs. They feed on the roots of the plants. When this happens, you may see signs of wilting of the leaves, stems, and flowers as the plant can’t deliver enough water from the roots to the above-ground growing parts.
Eventually, the larva evolves into a soft white pupa. The pupating period normally takes around 1 to 3 weeks. After this, the adult leaf weevil will emerge and crawl up the plant to feed on the leaves.
Adult leaf Weevils feed on young leaves, stems, flowers, and buds of almost any plant. This includes many varieties of fruits and vegetables as well as ornamental plants. This creates irregular round holes in the leaves. These holes normally start at the edges of the leaf. Holes may also be made in flowers, lesions may be caused on the skin of fruit, and sometimes whole stems are chewed off.
These insects prefer a humid environment with warm temperatures. They are mostly active during the night and will hide in leaf litter, mulch, and other debris during the day.
Leaf Weevils are relatively easy to control once their presence is discovered. Here’s what to do:
  • Spray the foliage with an insecticide
  • Place sticky traps around the lower trunks of fruit trees and other woody plants. Weevils can’t fly, and have to crawl up the plants when they emerge from the soil.
  • Dig into the soil around plants with a garden fork and remove and dispose of any larvae.
  • Let chickens roam around the garden, as they love to feed on weevil larvae.
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Nutrient deficiencies
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Nutrient deficiencies
A lack of nutrients will cause a widespread yellowing of the leaves. The yellowing may begin at the base or top of the plant.
Nutrient deficiencies can be seen in many different ways on plants. Basically, the lack of nutrients will inhibit plant growth, produce weak stems and leaves, and leave plants open to infection from pests and diseases. Plants use the nutrients from the soil to help them with photosynthesis. This, in turn, produces healthy plant growth. Plants that lack adequate amounts of nutrients will look lackluster and unhealthy. Eventually, if this is not addressed, it will cause the plants to die. The most important nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Additionally, plants require small amounts of micronutrients such as iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
A common sign that plants are experiencing nutrient deficiencies is the yellowing of leaves. This may be an overall yellowing or leaves that are yellow but still have green veins. These leaves will eventually brown off and die.
Another sign is the loss of plant vigor. The plants may not be growing as well as they should or their growth may be stunted.
Below are some common symptoms that appear when plants are lacking in nutrients.
Nitrogen (N): Inner, older leaves yellow first. If the deficiency is severe, yellowing progresses outward to newer growth.
Potassium (K): Leaf edges may turn brown and crinkly, with a yellowing layer forming just inside of the edge. Older leaves tend to be impacted first.
Phosphorus (P): Lack of vigorous growth. Plants will appear stunted.
Zinc (Zn): Yellowing tends to occur first at the base of the leaf.
Copper (Cu): Newer leaves begin to yellow first, with older leaves yellowing only if the deficiency becomes severe.
Boron (B): Newer leaves are impacted first. Foliage may also become particularly brittle in cases of boron deficiency.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several factors that can lead to nutrient deficiencies, a situation where plants are not receiving the nutrients that they need. This could be because they are planted in nutrient-deficient soils, or that the soil's pH is too high or low. Incorrect soil pH can lock up certain nutrients, thus making them unavailable to plants. Lack of soil moisture can also be a problem, because plants need water to be able to absorb the nutrients from the soil.
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Distribution of Lance-leaved anise shrub


Distribution Map of Lance-leaved anise shrub

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Lance-leaved Anise Shrub Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
6-12 feet
For lance-leaved anise shrub, the prime transplantation period is from the awakening of late spring until the promise of early summer, ensuring vigorous growth. Site lance-leaved anise shrub in dappled light and well-drained soil, maintaining consistent moisture after relocation.
Transplant Techniques
-10 - 38 ℃
Lance-leaved anise shrub hails from native growth environments that favor moderate to warm temperatures. Specifically, it thrives best between 59 to 95 °F (15 to 35 ℃). During seasons of extreme temperatures, slight adjustments need to be made to maintain optimum health for the plant.
Temp for Healthy Growth
This evergreen shrub, recognizable by its lance-shaped leaves and starry flowers, benefits from selective pruning to maintain shape and encourage vigor. For lance-leaved anise shrub, it's best to prune in winter during dormancy to avoid disrupting new growth. Remove dead or damaged branches and thin out crowded areas to improve light penetration and air circulation, which promotes healthy growth. Avoid excessive cutting back to preserve the plant's natural form. Pruning not only enhances appearance but can also stimulate new, fragrant foliage.
Pruning techniques
Lance-leaved anise shrub, belonging to the Illicium genus, ideally propagates through cuttings. Take healthy, non-flowering stems and cut into sections that include several leaf nodes. Use a rooting hormone to enhance root development, planting them in a well-draining soil mix. Keep the soil consistently moist and place in a shaded area until roots establish, ensuring high humidity.
Propagation Techniques
Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
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Lace bug
Lace bug disease primarily affects Lance-leaved anise shrub by causing foliage discoloration and weakening overall plant health, potentially reducing lifespan if untreated.
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Borer disease adversely affects Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to weakened structure and diminished aesthetic appeal due to internal wood damage caused by larvae tunneling.
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Thrips are tiny insects that severely affect Lance-leaved anise shrub by feeding on leaves and buds, leading to distorted growth and silvering of foliage. This pest not only diminishes the ornamental value but also the health of the plant.
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Leaf drop
Leaf drop in Lance-leaved anise shrub is a condition marked by premature shedding of leaves, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This disease can weaken the plant, leading to reduced vigor and susceptibility to other stresses.
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Leaf beetle
Leaf beetle disease significantly impacts the health and aesthetics of Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing noticeable damage. Beetles consume foliage, leading to reduced photosynthesis and stunted growth, which may affect long-term vitality.
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Leafhopper disease significantly impedes the health of Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to reduced vigor, stunted growth, and potential death. The disease primarily transmits through insect vectors affecting mainly foliage.
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Scars on Lance-leaved anise shrub are primarily caused by mechanical damage or pest activities, leading to blemished bark and foliage, which can affect the plant's aesthetic value and overall health.
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Water stains
Water stains, an affliction found on Lance-leaved anise shrub, results primarily from excessive moisture exposure, leading to visual decay and physiological distress in the plant. This condition impairs photosynthesis and can accelerate fungal infections.
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Lichen disease in Lance-leaved anise shrub generally results in decreased photosynthetic capacity due to the symbiotic algae and fungi covering the surface. This affects growth and general health, disrupting the plant's natural functions.
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering in Lance-leaved anise shrub is characterized by the browning and dying of leaf tips, leading to diminished plant vigor and aesthetic value. This disease impedes growth and can be fatal if untreated.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a disease causing discoloration and marginal chlorosis in Lance-leaved anise shrub. It significantly impacts the aesthetic and health of the shrub, potentially leading to reduced vitality and growth.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Lance-leaved anise shrub is a condition where foliage turns yellow due to various factors, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. The problem can stem from both biotic and abiotic sources, impacting plant health and productivity.
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Weevil disease in Lance-leaved anise shrub can cause significant devastation, leading to dropped leaves, withered branches, and eventually, plant death. The disease involves an infestation of small, beetle-like pests primarily affecting young shoots and leaves.
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Caterpillar disease primarily affects the leaves of Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to foliar distortion and reduced photosynthesis. Impact severity varies, influencing plant vigor and aesthetic value.
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Aphids are pests that affect Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing leaf curling, discoloration, and stunted growth. These sap-sucking insects not only damage the aesthetics but can also weaken the plant significantly.
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Spots is a fungal disease impacting Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing discoloration and weakened growth. This disease can lead to significant aesthetic and health problems for Lance-leaved anise shrub, potentially affecting its lifespan if left untreated.
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Spider mite
Spider mite affects Lance-leaved anise shrub by causing discoloration, leaf damage, and potentially decreased plant vigor. Effective management is crucial due to the mite’s rapid reproduction and potential crop loss.
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Scale insect
Scale insects are pests causing stippling and yellowing on leaves of Lance-leaved anise shrub by sucking sap. This leads to weakened growth and potential dieback if infestations are heavy.
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Moss disease primarily affects Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to photosynthesis impairment and stunted growth. Managed properly, its spread can be controlled, preserving the plant's health and aesthetic value.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease significantly affecting Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing dark spots and premature leaf drop. This impacts plant vigor and aesthetic value, potentially reducing survivability if untreated.
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Plants Related to Lance-leaved anise shrub

Serrate spurge
Serrate spurge
Serrate spurge (Euphorbia serrata) is used as an ornamental plant and ground cover but is regarded as a noxious weed in some places such as California. Nevertheless, it provides food and cover for a wide range of birds and mammals. As with all spurge species, serrate spurge sap can irritate the skin and is moderately toxic if eaten.
Serpent grass
Serpent grass
Serpent grass is not only very pretty but also an important food source for wild animals, including the snow goose, rock ptarmigans, and reindeer. The perennial herb grows at high elevations and can be found in the Alps, Pyrenees, and Caucasus. One of its not-so-pretty traits is its odor, which gives it the nickname "miner's toes."
Selkirk's violet
Selkirk's violet
Selkirk's violet (Viola selkirkii) is an herbaceous perennial whose heart-shaped leaves have a hairy-textured surface and gentle scalloped edges. It blooms from spring to summer with purple flowers. Also known as great-spurred violet it differs from hooked-spur violet because of its larger spur which measures approximately 6 mm long. Thrives in partial shade to full shade and prefers moist organically rich soil.
Sedum 'Alice Evans'
Sedum 'Alice Evans'
The leaves of the sedum 'Alice Evans' are bright green and glossy. With sufficient light and the right temperatures, leaf margins turn orange, and the tips turn red. Its new stems grow upwards, while its old stems are prone to creeping, meaning that they can mature into various forms.
Seashore pink
Seashore pink
The stem is hairless like stock, and the lower part is made of wood, and the height is 15 to 50 cm. The leaves are thick, glossy, hairless on both sides, but with hair on the edges. The root leaves are in the form of rosettes. The flowering period is 6-11. It is densely attached to the top of the stem, and the petal is a purple triangle with a length of 6 to 7 mm. In the cultivated species, the flower colors are bright red and white, and each has early and late life. The size of the flower is 1.5 cm.
Sea lungwort
Sea lungwort
The sea lungwort is also called "oysterleaf" because in some situations the texture of and scent of its leaves resembles that of oysters. The seeds are very resilient against seawater - a fact that allows them to disburse via the ocean currents. Sea lungwort makes for a good garden plant, but it does tend to attract slugs and snails.
Cape jasmine
Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
Golden pothos
Golden pothos
The golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including "devil's ivy", because it is so hard to kill and can even grow in low light conditions. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.
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Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub
Illicium lanceolatum
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
7 to 9
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Care Guide for Lance-leaved anise shrub

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Questions About Lance-leaved anise shrub

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Lance-leaved anise shrub?
What should I do if I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub too much or too little?
How often should I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub?
How much water does my Lance-leaved anise shrub need?
How can I tell if i'm watering my Lance-leaved anise shrub enough?
How can I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub at different growth stages?
How can I water my Lance-leaved anise shrub through the seasons?
What's the difference between watering my Lance-leaved anise shrub indoors vs outdoors?
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Key Facts About Lance-leaved anise shrub


Attributes of Lance-leaved anise shrub

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Plant Height
2.5 m to 3 m
2.5 m to 3 m
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
15 - 35 ℃
Growth Season
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Scientific Classification of Lance-leaved anise shrub

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Quickly Identify Lance-leaved anise shrub

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Fragrant, lance-shaped leaves measuring 2.5-4.3 inches (6.5-11 cm) in length.
Delicate, star-shaped pink flowers blooming from May to June, about 0.4-0.6 inches (1-1.5 cm) across.
Distinctive star-shaped seed capsules, 1-1.5 inches (2.5-3.8 cm) in diameter, glossy and woody.
Evergreen plant with slender, upright form adding charm to gardens.
Fruit capsules split open to reveal seeds, brown to reddish-brown in color.
Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image Lance-leaved anise shrub identify image
Learn More About Identifying Lance-leaved anise shrub

Common Pests & Diseases About Lance-leaved anise shrub

Common issues for Lance-leaved anise shrub based on 10 million real cases
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Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
Learn More About the Mealybug more
Fruit withering
Fruit withering Fruit withering Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Solutions: There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering: Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Learn More About the Fruit withering more
Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils Leaf Weevils Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants.
Solutions: Leaf Weevils are relatively easy to control once their presence is discovered. Here’s what to do: Spray the foliage with an insecticide Place sticky traps around the lower trunks of fruit trees and other woody plants. Weevils can’t fly, and have to crawl up the plants when they emerge from the soil. Dig into the soil around plants with a garden fork and remove and dispose of any larvae. Let chickens roam around the garden, as they love to feed on weevil larvae.
Learn More About the Leaf Weevils more
Nutrient deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies Nutrient deficiencies Nutrient deficiencies
A lack of nutrients will cause a widespread yellowing of the leaves. The yellowing may begin at the base or top of the plant.
Solutions: There are several easy ways to remedy the nutrient deficiencies in soils. Use a water-soluble fertilizer. Fertilizers will include most or all of the macro and micro-nutrients the plants need to thrive. Adding some fertilizer to the soil will make those nutrients available and can combat deficiencies. Regularly apply organic fertilizer pellets. Organic fertilizers such as animal manures and bonemeal can supply plants with all the nutrients that they need to grow strong and healthy. Apply compost. Though not as finely tuned as artificial fertilizer, compost can nevertheless be rich in important nutrients and should be applied to the soil regularly. Apply nutrients via foliar application. In addition to supplementing the soil with nutrients, foliar fertilizer can be applied directly to the plant's leaves. Nutrients offered via foliar application are often taken up even quicker than those put in the soil, so the foliar application can be great for swiftly addressing specific deficiencies.
Learn More About the Nutrient deficiencies more
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Active Period
What is Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
What is Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Lance-leaved anise shrub, mealybugs typically manifest as clusters of white, cottony masses on leaves and stems, causing yellowing, leaf curling, and a general weakening of the plant.
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
What Causes Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Mealybugs are small, sap-sucking scale insects that cause damage by feeding on the plant's juices.
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
How to Treat Mealybug Disease on Lance-leaved anise shrub?
Non pesticide
Manual removal: Physically remove visible mealybugs using jet of water or cotton swabs dipped in alcohol.

Biological control: Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings into the environment.
Insecticidal soap: Apply insecticidal soap to infected areas, ensuring thorough coverage of all plant parts.

Systemic insecticides: Use systemic insecticides that can be absorbed by the plant and poison the mealybugs from inside.
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Fruit withering
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Fruit withering
Fungal infection or normal ripening can cause the fruit to dry out.
Fruit withering is common on many tree fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, cherries, and plums, as well as fruiting shrubs. It is caused by a fungal pathogen and will result in wrinkled and desiccated fruit.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Here are the most common symptoms in the order that they are likely to occur.
  1. Both leaves and blossom on the tips of branches will go brown and wither.
  2. Gray powdery patches will appear on infected leaves and flowers, and this will be most apparent after rain.
  3. Any fruit that does appear will turn wrinkled and fail to develop.
  4. Branch tips begin to die, progressing back to larger branches, causing general deterioration of the tree or plant.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
The withering is caused by one of two fungal pathogens, one called Monilina laxa and the other called M. fructigen. The spores overwinter on infected plant material and are then spread the following spring by wind, rain, or animal vectors. The problem will start to become noticeable in mid-spring, but will increase in severity as summer progresses and the fungus grows. If not addressed, the disease will intensify and spread to other plants in the vicinity.
There are a number of appropriate solutions to control fruit withering:
  1. Remove any fruit as soon as it shows any signs of infection. Do not compost.
  2. Use a fungicide prior to leaf bud and then as per manufacturers instructions throughout the season.
Preventative measures include:
  1. Ensuring adequate spacing between plants or trees.
  2. Staking plants that are prone to tumbling to prevent moisture or humidity build up.
  3. Prune correctly so that there is adequate air movement and remove any dead or diseased branches that may carry spores.
  4. Practice good plant hygiene by removing fallen material and destroying it as soon as possible.
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Leaf Weevils
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Leaf Weevils
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants.
Leaf Weevils are insects that feed on the leaves of plants. They can cause major damage to both edible and non-edible plants. Watch out for these garden pests and use control measures to get rid of them as soon as the problem is noticed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Leaf Weevils are small flightless insects that are typically around 6 mm long. They have a hard body that is oval shaped and covered in short hairs, a long snout on their head that is downward facing, and 3 pairs of legs with hooked claws.
Once mated, the female weevil with lay around 20 eggs at one time, either in leaf litter on the ground or sometimes on the soil. Weevils generally only produce one batch of eggs a year but may produce 2 if conditions are ideal.
The eggs take around 6 to 15 days to hatch. When the larva emerges, it burrows into the soil. These larvae have chewing mouth parts and no legs. They feed on the roots of the plants. When this happens, you may see signs of wilting of the leaves, stems, and flowers as the plant can’t deliver enough water from the roots to the above-ground growing parts.
Eventually, the larva evolves into a soft white pupa. The pupating period normally takes around 1 to 3 weeks. After this, the adult leaf weevil will emerge and crawl up the plant to feed on the leaves.
Adult leaf Weevils feed on young leaves, stems, flowers, and buds of almost any plant. This includes many varieties of fruits and vegetables as well as ornamental plants. This creates irregular round holes in the leaves. These holes normally start at the edges of the leaf. Holes may also be made in flowers, lesions may be caused on the skin of fruit, and sometimes whole stems are chewed off.
These insects prefer a humid environment with warm temperatures. They are mostly active during the night and will hide in leaf litter, mulch, and other debris during the day.
Leaf Weevils are relatively easy to control once their presence is discovered. Here’s what to do:
  • Spray the foliage with an insecticide
  • Place sticky traps around the lower trunks of fruit trees and other woody plants. Weevils can’t fly, and have to crawl up the plants when they emerge from the soil.
  • Dig into the soil around plants with a garden fork and remove and dispose of any larvae.
  • Let chickens roam around the garden, as they love to feed on weevil larvae.
There are various ways to keep leaf Weevils away from plants.
  • Remove weeds such as dandelion, capeweed, portulaca, mallow, sorrel, and dock. Leaf Weevils are attracted to these weeds and will set up a colony.
  • Make sure fruit trees are well spaced from each other. This ensures that the weevils and their larvae don’t spread from one tree to the next.
  • Cultivate the soil before planting a new crop. This allows any larvae or pupae in the soil to be unearthed and disposed of.
  • Regularly fertilize the soil to encourage both earthworm and microbial activity.
  • Check plants regularly to see any signs of leaf weevil activity. Also check under loose bark, mulch, leaf litter, and in the junction of stems on the plant.
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Nutrient deficiencies
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Nutrient deficiencies
A lack of nutrients will cause a widespread yellowing of the leaves. The yellowing may begin at the base or top of the plant.
Nutrient deficiencies can be seen in many different ways on plants. Basically, the lack of nutrients will inhibit plant growth, produce weak stems and leaves, and leave plants open to infection from pests and diseases. Plants use the nutrients from the soil to help them with photosynthesis. This, in turn, produces healthy plant growth. Plants that lack adequate amounts of nutrients will look lackluster and unhealthy. Eventually, if this is not addressed, it will cause the plants to die. The most important nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Additionally, plants require small amounts of micronutrients such as iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
A common sign that plants are experiencing nutrient deficiencies is the yellowing of leaves. This may be an overall yellowing or leaves that are yellow but still have green veins. These leaves will eventually brown off and die.
Another sign is the loss of plant vigor. The plants may not be growing as well as they should or their growth may be stunted.
Below are some common symptoms that appear when plants are lacking in nutrients.
Nitrogen (N): Inner, older leaves yellow first. If the deficiency is severe, yellowing progresses outward to newer growth.
Potassium (K): Leaf edges may turn brown and crinkly, with a yellowing layer forming just inside of the edge. Older leaves tend to be impacted first.
Phosphorus (P): Lack of vigorous growth. Plants will appear stunted.
Zinc (Zn): Yellowing tends to occur first at the base of the leaf.
Copper (Cu): Newer leaves begin to yellow first, with older leaves yellowing only if the deficiency becomes severe.
Boron (B): Newer leaves are impacted first. Foliage may also become particularly brittle in cases of boron deficiency.
Disease Cause
Disease Cause
There are several factors that can lead to nutrient deficiencies, a situation where plants are not receiving the nutrients that they need. This could be because they are planted in nutrient-deficient soils, or that the soil's pH is too high or low. Incorrect soil pH can lock up certain nutrients, thus making them unavailable to plants. Lack of soil moisture can also be a problem, because plants need water to be able to absorb the nutrients from the soil.
There are several easy ways to remedy the nutrient deficiencies in soils.
  1. Use a water-soluble fertilizer. Fertilizers will include most or all of the macro and micro-nutrients the plants need to thrive. Adding some fertilizer to the soil will make those nutrients available and can combat deficiencies.
  2. Regularly apply organic fertilizer pellets. Organic fertilizers such as animal manures and bonemeal can supply plants with all the nutrients that they need to grow strong and healthy.
  3. Apply compost. Though not as finely tuned as artificial fertilizer, compost can nevertheless be rich in important nutrients and should be applied to the soil regularly.
  4. Apply nutrients via foliar application. In addition to supplementing the soil with nutrients, foliar fertilizer can be applied directly to the plant's leaves. Nutrients offered via foliar application are often taken up even quicker than those put in the soil, so the foliar application can be great for swiftly addressing specific deficiencies.
There are several easy ways to prevent nutrient deficiencies in plants.
  1. Regular fertilizing. Regular addition of fertilizer to the soil is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent deficiencies.
  2. Proper watering. Both over and under watering can adversely impact a plant's roots, which in turn makes it harder for them to properly take up nutrients.
  3. Testing the soil's pH. A soil's acidity or alkalinity will impact the degree to which certain nutrients are available to be taken up by plants. Knowing the soil's pH means it can be amended to suit the needs of the individual plants.
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Distribution of Lance-leaved anise shrub


Distribution Map of Lance-leaved anise shrub

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Lance-leaved Anise Shrub Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
Mealybug infection leads to severe foliar damage in Lance-leaved anise shrub, including leaf discoloration and premature leaf drop, which can stunt growth and even kill young plants if left unchecked.
Lace bug
Lace bug disease primarily affects Lance-leaved anise shrub by causing foliage discoloration and weakening overall plant health, potentially reducing lifespan if untreated.
Borer disease adversely affects Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to weakened structure and diminished aesthetic appeal due to internal wood damage caused by larvae tunneling.
Thrips are tiny insects that severely affect Lance-leaved anise shrub by feeding on leaves and buds, leading to distorted growth and silvering of foliage. This pest not only diminishes the ornamental value but also the health of the plant.
Leaf drop
Leaf drop in Lance-leaved anise shrub is a condition marked by premature shedding of leaves, impacting photosynthesis and growth. This disease can weaken the plant, leading to reduced vigor and susceptibility to other stresses.
Leaf beetle
Leaf beetle disease significantly impacts the health and aesthetics of Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing noticeable damage. Beetles consume foliage, leading to reduced photosynthesis and stunted growth, which may affect long-term vitality.
Leafhopper disease significantly impedes the health of Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to reduced vigor, stunted growth, and potential death. The disease primarily transmits through insect vectors affecting mainly foliage.
Scars on Lance-leaved anise shrub are primarily caused by mechanical damage or pest activities, leading to blemished bark and foliage, which can affect the plant's aesthetic value and overall health.
Water stains
Water stains, an affliction found on Lance-leaved anise shrub, results primarily from excessive moisture exposure, leading to visual decay and physiological distress in the plant. This condition impairs photosynthesis and can accelerate fungal infections.
Lichen disease in Lance-leaved anise shrub generally results in decreased photosynthetic capacity due to the symbiotic algae and fungi covering the surface. This affects growth and general health, disrupting the plant's natural functions.
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering in Lance-leaved anise shrub is characterized by the browning and dying of leaf tips, leading to diminished plant vigor and aesthetic value. This disease impedes growth and can be fatal if untreated.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a disease causing discoloration and marginal chlorosis in Lance-leaved anise shrub. It significantly impacts the aesthetic and health of the shrub, potentially leading to reduced vitality and growth.
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Lance-leaved anise shrub is a condition where foliage turns yellow due to various factors, potentially reducing plant vigor and aesthetic value. The problem can stem from both biotic and abiotic sources, impacting plant health and productivity.
Weevil disease in Lance-leaved anise shrub can cause significant devastation, leading to dropped leaves, withered branches, and eventually, plant death. The disease involves an infestation of small, beetle-like pests primarily affecting young shoots and leaves.
Caterpillar disease primarily affects the leaves of Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to foliar distortion and reduced photosynthesis. Impact severity varies, influencing plant vigor and aesthetic value.
Aphids are pests that affect Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing leaf curling, discoloration, and stunted growth. These sap-sucking insects not only damage the aesthetics but can also weaken the plant significantly.
Spots is a fungal disease impacting Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing discoloration and weakened growth. This disease can lead to significant aesthetic and health problems for Lance-leaved anise shrub, potentially affecting its lifespan if left untreated.
Spider mite
Spider mite affects Lance-leaved anise shrub by causing discoloration, leaf damage, and potentially decreased plant vigor. Effective management is crucial due to the mite’s rapid reproduction and potential crop loss.
Scale insect
Scale insects are pests causing stippling and yellowing on leaves of Lance-leaved anise shrub by sucking sap. This leads to weakened growth and potential dieback if infestations are heavy.
Moss disease primarily affects Lance-leaved anise shrub, leading to photosynthesis impairment and stunted growth. Managed properly, its spread can be controlled, preserving the plant's health and aesthetic value.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal disease significantly affecting Lance-leaved anise shrub, causing dark spots and premature leaf drop. This impacts plant vigor and aesthetic value, potentially reducing survivability if untreated.

Plants Related to Lance-leaved anise shrub

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Just like people, each plant has its own preferences. Learn about your plants' temperature needs and create a comforting environment for them to flourish. As you care for your plants, your bond with them will deepen. Trust your intuition as you learn about their temperature needs, celebrating the journey you share. Lovingly monitor the temperature around your plants and adjust their environment as needed. A thermometer can be your ally in this heartfelt endeavor. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you explore your plants' temperature needs. Cherish your successes, learn from challenges, and nurture your garden with love, creating a haven that reflects the warmth of your care.
Lance-leaved anise shrub hails from native growth environments that favor moderate to warm temperatures. Specifically, it thrives best between 59 to 95 °F (15 to 35 ℃). During seasons of extreme temperatures, slight adjustments need to be made to maintain optimum health for the plant.
Regional wintering strategies
Lance-leaved anise shrub has strong cold resistance, so special frost protection measures are usually not necessary during winter. However, if the winter temperatures are expected to drop below {Limit_growth_temperature}, it is still important to provide cold protection. This can be achieved by wrapping the trunk and branches with materials such as non-woven fabric or cloth. Before the first freeze in autumn, it is recommended to water the plant abundantly, ensuring the soil remains moist and enters a frozen state. This helps prevent drought and water scarcity for the plant during winter and early spring.
Important Symptoms
Symptoms of Low Temperature in Lance-leaved anise shrub
Lance-leaved anise shrub is cold-tolerant and thrives best when the temperature is above {Suitable_growth_temperature_min}. During winter, it should be kept above {Tolerable_growing_temperature_min}. When the temperature falls below {Limit_growth_temperature}, although there may not be any noticeable changes during winter, the branches may become brittle and dry during springtime, and no new shoots will emerge.
In spring, prune away any dead branches that have failed to produce new leaves.
Symptoms of High Temperature in Lance-leaved anise shrub
During summer, Lance-leaved anise shrub should be kept below {Suitable_growth_temperature_max}. When the temperature exceeds {Tolerable_growing_temperature_max}, the leaves of the plant may become lighter in color, the tips may become dry and withered, and the plant becomes more susceptible to sunburn.
Trim away the sunburned and dried-up parts. Move the plant to a location that provides shade from the midday and afternoon sun, or use a shade cloth to create shade. Water the plant in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist.
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