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Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vanilla annamica
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11
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Care Guide for Vietnamese vanilla

Soil Care
Soil Care
Slightly acidic, Neutral
Details on Soil Care Soil Care
Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
9 to 11
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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Vietnamese vanilla
Every week
Partial sun

Questions About Vietnamese vanilla

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Vietnamese vanilla?
The manner in which you water the Vietnamese vanilla will depend somewhat on whether or not your plant is in an active growth phase. If so, you should apply water to your plant’s soil and, if the weather is warm, perform occasional overhead watering to allow the plant to absorb moisture through its leaves. By contrast, in winter, and when the weather is cool or wet generally, you should stick to watering the soil directly rather than including overhead watering as well. You’ll know your Vietnamese vanilla needs more water if its roots and leaves become thin and dry or show discoloration. Vietnamese vanilla receives too much water will look mushy and limp. You should grow your Vietnamese vanilla in a pot and ensure that the potting mix you use has fantastic drainage. During the growing season, you’ll need to water this plant multiple times per week. However, each watering should drain quickly through the growing medium to prevent any standing water. The amount of water you give will change based on the size of the pot you use. Generally, pots that are a bit larger will need water less frequently, while smaller pots will have a slightly more frequent watering schedule. Rainwater and distilled water are the best kinds of water to use for this plant, and it is best if the water you use matches the temperature of the air as closely as possible.
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What should I do if I water my Vietnamese vanilla too much or too little?
Allowing your Vietnamese vanilla to sit in soil that remains too moist for too long is one of the most common ways to kill this plant. While these plants need water frequently during active growth, they also need to live in a growing medium that drains water rapidly. When this plant experiences overwatering, it will become mushy and develop root rot. If that occurs, you should be prepared to use a pair of sterile pruning shears to cut out any roots that show signs of rot. After doing that, you should then repot your Vietnamese vanilla, ensuring that the container allows for drainage and that you fill the container with a fast-draining potting mix. However, Vietnamese vanilla doesn’t typically respond that well to excessive repotting, so it is crucial to get your watering rate right. Underwatered Vietnamese vanilla will begin to shrivel and feel dry to the touch. If this occurs, it is likely because the soil is drying out faster than you expected, which means you should increase your watering frequency.
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How often should I water my Vietnamese vanilla?
During the active growth stage, which spans the spring and summer months, you should plan to water your Vietnamese vanilla about once or twice per week while increasing that rate to three times per week or more in the case of long periods of hot and dry weather. In the winter, you will also need to water your Vietnamese vanilla, but not nearly as much. A watering frequency of two to three times per month should be enough to keep your Vietnamese vanilla alive during the coldest months. However, if you keep your Vietnamese vanilla indoors during winter, you should account for the fact that indoor growing locations can cause the soil to dry quicker than usual, which may mean you need to increase the number of monthly waterings. You can use the fall as a time to gradually reduce your watering frequency from the summer rate of multiple times per week down to your reduced winter watering schedule.
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What should I consider when watering my Vietnamese vanilla in different seasons and growth periods?
There are two important growth phases that you should consider when planning the watering schedule for your Vietnamese vanilla. The first of those periods is the active growth period, which happens in spring and summer, and which calls for watering this plant multiple times per week. The second important growth period is the rest period that the Vietnamese vanilla should experience for about two to three months each year during winter. During that time, your plant will need far less water and fertilization than normal. Water about once or twice per month during this time. During the fall, you should begin to gradually reduce your watering frequency from multiple times per week all the way down to the once or twice per month rate that is appropriate for winter.
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How should I water my Vietnamese vanilla differently if I grow it indoors?
The Vietnamese vanilla requires a growing environment that is relatively humid. Unfortunately, most indoor growing locations will lack the level of air moisture that this plant prefers. This causes the plant and its soil to dry out more quickly than it would when growing outdoors. To combat this effect, you may want to include a humidifier in the room where you grow your Vietnamese vanilla. You may also need to water it a bit more frequently as well. However, while Vietnamese vanillas do prefer humidity, they also require adequate air circulation as well, to prevent excessive moisture build-ups and the diseases that can result. Consider including a fan in the room where you grow this plant as well to ensure proper air circulation remains present.
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Key Facts About Vietnamese vanilla


Attributes of Vietnamese vanilla

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Mid winter
Plant Height
6 cm to 15 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Vietnamese vanilla

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Common Pests & Diseases About Vietnamese vanilla

Common issues for Vietnamese vanilla based on 10 million real cases
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
Scars Scars
Any light-colored markings that appear on stems but which do not enlarge or multiply are simply scars that have healed.
Solutions: Each source of scarring requires a different approach to help your plant recover. Protect the trunk and leaves from physical damage like scrapes. If pests or disease are the cause of scarring, isolate the plant from others to avoid further spread. Some pests can be removed with organic remedies such as a soft cloth and soapy water solution or diluted isopropyl alcohol spray. Stop sunburn by moving your plant away from direct sunlight and making sure it has the water it needs. Frequent leaf or bud loss may be due to insufficient light or nutrients.
Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Solutions: Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
Caterpillars Caterpillars
Caterpillars are fleshy moth or butterfly larvae that come in an array of colors, patterns, and even hairstyles. They chew on leaves and flower petals, creating large, irregular holes.
Solutions: Even though caterpillars are diverse, they all chew on plant parts and can cause significant damage if present in large numbers. For severe cases: Apply insecticide. For an organic solution, spray plants with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which specifically affects the larval stage of moths and butterflies. Be sure to coat plants, since caterpillars need to ingest Bt for it to be effective. This will not harm other insects. Spray a chili extract. Chili seeds can be cooked in water to make a spicy spray that caterpillars don't like. Spray this mixture on the plants, but be aware it will also be spicy to humans. Introduce beneficial insects. Release beneficial insects to the garden that eat caterpillars, such as parasitic wasps. For less severe cases: Hand pick. Using gloves, pick off caterpillars on plants and dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water. Dust plants with diatomaceous earth. This powder is harmless to humans but irritates caterpillars. Therefore, it will make it difficult for caterpillars to move and eat.
plant poor
Leaf yellowing
Active Period
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Vietnamese vanilla, leaf yellowing is often accompanied by reduced leaf size, premature leaf drop, and a general decline in plant vigor, adversely affecting growth and vanilla bean production.
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium, or iron can lead to chlorosis, causing leaves to yellow.
Water stress
Both underwatering and overwatering can cause leaf yellowing by disrupting the plant's water balance and root health.
Fungal, bacterial, or viral infections can target Vietnamese vanilla, manifesting as yellowing leaves among other symptoms.
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain consistent moisture levels by implementing scheduled watering and using moisture meters.

Nutrient management: Apply a balanced fertilizer rich in essential micronutrients, particularly during the growing season.
Fungicidal sprays: Use fungicides to control pathogen-induced yellowing, applying as per the label directions.
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Any light-colored markings that appear on stems but which do not enlarge or multiply are simply scars that have healed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Scars form when the plant repairs wounds. They can be the result of people or pets passing by and scraping the plant. Once the underlying issue is resolved, the plant will heal but a scar may remain.
Pests and pathogens can also cause scarring. Insects may attack the plant for a meal, resulting in extensive scarring when a few invaders turn into an infestation. Diseases such as fungus and bacteria can weaken the plant, causing brown spots, mushy areas, or blisters that lead to scars.
Scars occur on stems when a leaf or bud has been lost and the plant has healed. The harder tissue is like a scab that protects a wound.
On other occasions, scars can signal problems from environmental conditions, such as overexposure to sunlight or heat. It might surprise you to know that plants can suffer from sunburn, even desert dwellers like cactus!
Each source of scarring requires a different approach to help your plant recover.
  1. Protect the trunk and leaves from physical damage like scrapes.
  2. If pests or disease are the cause of scarring, isolate the plant from others to avoid further spread. Some pests can be removed with organic remedies such as a soft cloth and soapy water solution or diluted isopropyl alcohol spray.
  3. Stop sunburn by moving your plant away from direct sunlight and making sure it has the water it needs.
  4. Frequent leaf or bud loss may be due to insufficient light or nutrients.
Preventing some sources of scarring is easier than others, but all start with careful attention to your plants once you decide to bring them home.
  1. Review specific guidelines for your plant, including soil drainage, watering, and fertilizer requirements.
  2. Inspect plants before planting and use sterile pots and fresh potting soil or media to limit transfer of fungi or bacteria.
  3. Once established, check your plants regularly for signs of scarring or the presence of pests, as it is better to catch problems as early as possible.
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Underwatering yellow
plant poor
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant’s leaves are turning yellow due to underwatering, the oldest leaves turn yellow first. Leaves yellow from the edges towards the middle. Other signs of underwatering include the soil feeling very dry or pulling away from the edge of its pot.
Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly.
  1. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot.
  2. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
  1. When you get a new plant, research its specific watering needs. Set reminders so that you remember to water your plants consistently. Not all plants are the same, so make sure to differentiate all of your plants in your watering schedule.
  2. You may wish to purchase a commercial soil water meter which has a long probe that you place near your plant’s roots. Be sure to check it frequently and water your plant when the soil water meter indicates that it needs watering.
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Caterpillars are fleshy moth or butterfly larvae that come in an array of colors, patterns, and even hairstyles. They chew on leaves and flower petals, creating large, irregular holes.
Caterpillars can cause problems for home gardeners. If not managed, these insects can defoliate a plant in just a matter of days. However, home gardeners face a challenge because these caterpillars eventually turn into beautiful butterflies and moths, which are important for pollination and the general ecosystem.
There are thousands of different species of caterpillars and many will only target certain plants. If caterpillars are posing a problem, they can be removed by hand, or gardeners can use insect-proof netting to protect their valuable plants.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths. During the warmer months, butterflies and moths that visit gardens will lay their eggs on the underside of leaves.
When the tiny eggs hatch, the young larvae emerge and start feeding on the leaves of the plant. Depending on how many larvae have hatched, they can easily defoliate the plant in a very short period of time. Caterpillars will shed their skin as they grow, around 4 or 5 times during this feeding cycle.
Symptoms of caterpillars eating plants appear as holes in the leaves. The edges of the leaves may be eaten away as well, and flowers can be affected as well.
Some are easy to see, but others need to be searched for. This is because their bodies are often camouflaged to look like part of the plant. Gardeners need to look carefully along the stems of the plant as well as under the leaves. Also, look for tiny white, yellow, or brown eggs that can be found in groups on the underside of leaves.
Once the caterpillar is fully grown, it transforms into a pupa or chrysalis. Then, after a period of time that varies according to the species, a butterfly or moth will emerge from the pupa and the cycle begins again.
Even though caterpillars are diverse, they all chew on plant parts and can cause significant damage if present in large numbers.
For severe cases:
  1. Apply insecticide. For an organic solution, spray plants with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which specifically affects the larval stage of moths and butterflies. Be sure to coat plants, since caterpillars need to ingest Bt for it to be effective. This will not harm other insects.
  2. Spray a chili extract. Chili seeds can be cooked in water to make a spicy spray that caterpillars don't like. Spray this mixture on the plants, but be aware it will also be spicy to humans.
  3. Introduce beneficial insects. Release beneficial insects to the garden that eat caterpillars, such as parasitic wasps.
For less severe cases:
  1. Hand pick. Using gloves, pick off caterpillars on plants and dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water.
  2. Dust plants with diatomaceous earth. This powder is harmless to humans but irritates caterpillars. Therefore, it will make it difficult for caterpillars to move and eat.
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Distribution of Vietnamese vanilla


Habitat of Vietnamese vanilla

Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Vietnamese vanilla

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Vietnamese Vanilla Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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3-5 feet
For vietnamese vanilla, the prime transplanting period is in the rejuvenating embrace of early to mid-spring, fostering robust growth. Choose a spot with dappled light and ample humidity for optimal acclimation. Gentle handling is key to settle them in their new abode.
Transplant Techniques
Early spring, Late winter
Characterized by its fragrant pods, vietnamese vanilla thrives with careful pruning to enhance air circulation and sun exposure, essential for healthy growth. Prune in late winter or early spring, focusing on dead or diseased stems and careful shaping to support the climbing nature of vietnamese vanilla. Strategic cuts stimulate productive growth and maintain plant vigor. Pruning benefits include improved yield and facilitation of harvest in this valuable spice crop. Keep tools sterilized to prevent disease spread.
Pruning techniques
Vietnamese vanilla thrives when propagated through division, a method ideal for its growth structure. To propagate, carefully separate the roots, ensuring each division has an adequate section of the root system. Once divided, plant these sections in well-draining soil rich in organic matter to promote healthy development. This approach supports robust growth, allowing each segment to establish itself independently.
Propagation Techniques
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
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Scale insect
Scale insects are parasitic pests causing significant damage to Vietnamese vanilla, leading to stunted growth and leaf yellowing. Effective management is crucial for crop health.
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Root wrinkling
Root wrinkling in Vietnamese vanilla is a debilitating condition that severely impairs root functionality, affecting nutrient absorption and overall plant health. It primarily results in diminished vanilla quality and yields.
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Water stains
Water stains is a fungal disease affecting Vietnamese vanilla, primarily resulting in spots and decay on the leaves. The disease can severely impact plant health and vanilla production if left untreated.
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Flower wilting
Flower wilting in Vietnamese vanilla is characterized by drooping and discoloration of flowers, potentially leading to a reduced crop yield. This disease is critical as it threatens the quality and quantity of the Vietnamese vanilla harvest.
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White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease affecting the Vietnamese vanilla, characterized by white spots and decay on the leaves, reducing the plant's vigor and compromising vanilla pod quality.
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Leaf blotch
Leaf blotch is a fungal disease affecting Vietnamese vanilla, causing dark spots and tissue decay on leaves. It leads to reduced photosynthesis, stunted growth, and potentially plant death if untreated.
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Flower stem withering
Flower stem withering affects Vietnamese vanilla, leading to premature wilt and potential crop failure. This disease primarily targets the flowering structures of the plant, inhibiting pollination and reducing vanilla yields significantly.
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Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Vietnamese vanilla primarily results from inadequate water uptake or fungal infections, causing the vanilla leaves to droop and potentially leading to plant death if untreated.
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Flower withering
Flower withering in 'Vietnamese vanilla' is a pathology affecting buds and flowers, leading to reduced vanilla yield and pod quality. This disease results primarily from pathogenic fungi and unsuitable environmental conditions.
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Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal infection that severely affects the vitality of Vietnamese vanilla, causing yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and potential plant death if untreated.
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Aerial root
Aerial root disease predominantly affects the aerial roots of Vietnamese vanilla, leading to weakened growth and reduced yield. Early detection and preventive care are crucial for managing this disease.
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Aphid disease in Vietnamese vanilla primarily causes diminished growth and damage to foliage, which can markedly reduce the vanilla yield and quality. The aphids suck sap and may transmit viruses.
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Mealybug disease primarily affects Vietnamese vanilla by sapping sap and secreting honeydew, leading to sooty mold growth. This infestation can weaken plants, reduce vanilla bean quality, and potentially cause plant death if unmanaged.
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Leaf wrinkling
Leaf wrinkling in Vietnamese vanilla primarily manifests as distorted and curling leaves, impacting the plant's growth and pod production. This disease could result from both environmental stresses and pathogen attacks.
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Root withering
Root withering is a severe disease impacting Vietnamese vanilla, leading to rapid decline in health and eventual plant death. It primarily affects the root system, leading to reduced nutrient uptake and increased vulnerability to environmental stresses.
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Snail and slug
Snail and slug disease in Vietnamese vanilla involves the damage caused by these mollusks as they feed on the plant. This results in visible surface damage, potentially leading to reduced plant vigor and poor quality of vanilla pods.
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Feng shui direction
The vietnamese vanilla bestows an ambiance of serenity and calmness, according to Feng Shui principles. When placed in the Southeast corner, this plant may enhance the energy of abundance and wealth, since Southeast is associated with the wood element, signifying growth and prosperity. However, Feng Shui is a deeply personal practice and these effects may vary.
Fengshui Details
Purity, innocence
Vietnamese vanilla flowers symbolize purity and innocence.,They are renowned for their unique and captivating fragrance.,These flowers are often used in ceremonies and rituals to convey deep emotions.
Flower Meaning for Vietnamese vanilla

Plants Related to Vietnamese vanilla

Tortula moss
Tortula moss
Another name for tortula moss (Tortula muralis) is wall screw-moss. It’s a species that’s found from one end of the globe to another. Like all mosses, tortula moss can be used as an air quality indicator. That’s because what the moss absorbs from its surroundings is an excellent indicator of atmospheric air pollution.
Washerwoman (Alternanthera caracasana), a native of Central and South America, is a creeper with small, green leaves and inconspicuous flowers. It is prickly to touch, and the V-shaped spines come off easily and can penetrate feet or skin. This is a tough plant that can survive in disturbed, inhospitable habitats and high-traffic areas.
Purple clover
Purple clover
One of 300 types of clover, purple clover (Trifolium purpureum) features pink to purple flowers that bloom along its pyramid-shaped spike. Native to North Africa and Southern Europe, purple clover has been introduced in Australian pastures because it produces more green livestock feed in the spring and summer months than other native vegetation.
White vervain
White vervain
White vervain (Verbena urticifolia) is a weedy plant found in pastures fields and roadsides. It has a high ecological value and is a food source for insects and birds. Its small white flowers which bloom summer to fall provide nectar for bees wasps and butterflies. Other insects feast on the stalks and leaves. Songbirds in particular are attracted to its seeds. This plant grows in full sun partial or full shade.
Whiteywood (Melicytus ramiflorus) is a small tree that is a member of the violet family and is native to New Zealand’s lowlands and coastal regions. It has grayish-white bark that is green underneath, and its greenish-yellow flowers mature into vibrant purple berries.
Black nightshade
Black nightshade
Native to North America, eastern black nightshade is attractive but poisonous. Like many Solanum ptychanthum plants, all green portions of the plant contain the solanum alkaloid, which is highly toxic. Eastern black nightshade is shade-tolerant, so it can often be found growing in the shadow of crops. Bees and some beetles feed on the plant, but most other wildlife avoids it.
Bridal creeper
Bridal creeper
The bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides) is a herbaceous climbing plant native to eastern and Southern Africa. It doesn't have true leaves; instead, it has leaf-like shiny green structures called phylloclades. The bridal creeper is commonly used in floral arrangements and bridal bouquets.
Heartleaf philodendron
Heartleaf philodendron
Philodendron hederaceum is an evergreen climbing plant originating from the West Indies. It is a widely cultivated houseplant, famous for its glossy, heart-shaped leaves, hence the common name heartleaf philodendron. It contains calcium oxalate crystals, so it can be mildly toxic when ingested.
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Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vietnamese vanilla
Vanilla annamica
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
9 to 11
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Questions About Vietnamese vanilla

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Fertilizing Fertilizing Fertilizing
What is the best way to water my Vietnamese vanilla?
What should I do if I water my Vietnamese vanilla too much or too little?
How often should I water my Vietnamese vanilla?
What should I consider when watering my Vietnamese vanilla in different seasons and growth periods?
How should I water my Vietnamese vanilla differently if I grow it indoors?
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Key Facts About Vietnamese vanilla


Attributes of Vietnamese vanilla

Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Mid winter
Plant Height
6 cm to 15 cm
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of Vietnamese vanilla

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Common Pests & Diseases About Vietnamese vanilla

Common issues for Vietnamese vanilla based on 10 million real cases
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
Learn More About the Leaf yellowing more
Scars Scars Scars
Any light-colored markings that appear on stems but which do not enlarge or multiply are simply scars that have healed.
Solutions: Each source of scarring requires a different approach to help your plant recover. Protect the trunk and leaves from physical damage like scrapes. If pests or disease are the cause of scarring, isolate the plant from others to avoid further spread. Some pests can be removed with organic remedies such as a soft cloth and soapy water solution or diluted isopropyl alcohol spray. Stop sunburn by moving your plant away from direct sunlight and making sure it has the water it needs. Frequent leaf or bud loss may be due to insufficient light or nutrients.
Learn More About the Scars more
Underwatering yellow
Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Solutions: Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
Learn More About the Underwatering yellow more
Caterpillars Caterpillars Caterpillars
Caterpillars are fleshy moth or butterfly larvae that come in an array of colors, patterns, and even hairstyles. They chew on leaves and flower petals, creating large, irregular holes.
Solutions: Even though caterpillars are diverse, they all chew on plant parts and can cause significant damage if present in large numbers. For severe cases: Apply insecticide. For an organic solution, spray plants with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which specifically affects the larval stage of moths and butterflies. Be sure to coat plants, since caterpillars need to ingest Bt for it to be effective. This will not harm other insects. Spray a chili extract. Chili seeds can be cooked in water to make a spicy spray that caterpillars don't like. Spray this mixture on the plants, but be aware it will also be spicy to humans. Introduce beneficial insects. Release beneficial insects to the garden that eat caterpillars, such as parasitic wasps. For less severe cases: Hand pick. Using gloves, pick off caterpillars on plants and dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water. Dust plants with diatomaceous earth. This powder is harmless to humans but irritates caterpillars. Therefore, it will make it difficult for caterpillars to move and eat.
Learn More About the Caterpillars more
plant poor
Leaf yellowing
Active Period
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In Vietnamese vanilla, leaf yellowing is often accompanied by reduced leaf size, premature leaf drop, and a general decline in plant vigor, adversely affecting growth and vanilla bean production.
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, magnesium, or iron can lead to chlorosis, causing leaves to yellow.
Water stress
Both underwatering and overwatering can cause leaf yellowing by disrupting the plant's water balance and root health.
Fungal, bacterial, or viral infections can target Vietnamese vanilla, manifesting as yellowing leaves among other symptoms.
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on Vietnamese vanilla?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain consistent moisture levels by implementing scheduled watering and using moisture meters.

Nutrient management: Apply a balanced fertilizer rich in essential micronutrients, particularly during the growing season.
Fungicidal sprays: Use fungicides to control pathogen-induced yellowing, applying as per the label directions.
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Any light-colored markings that appear on stems but which do not enlarge or multiply are simply scars that have healed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Scars form when the plant repairs wounds. They can be the result of people or pets passing by and scraping the plant. Once the underlying issue is resolved, the plant will heal but a scar may remain.
Pests and pathogens can also cause scarring. Insects may attack the plant for a meal, resulting in extensive scarring when a few invaders turn into an infestation. Diseases such as fungus and bacteria can weaken the plant, causing brown spots, mushy areas, or blisters that lead to scars.
Scars occur on stems when a leaf or bud has been lost and the plant has healed. The harder tissue is like a scab that protects a wound.
On other occasions, scars can signal problems from environmental conditions, such as overexposure to sunlight or heat. It might surprise you to know that plants can suffer from sunburn, even desert dwellers like cactus!
Each source of scarring requires a different approach to help your plant recover.
  1. Protect the trunk and leaves from physical damage like scrapes.
  2. If pests or disease are the cause of scarring, isolate the plant from others to avoid further spread. Some pests can be removed with organic remedies such as a soft cloth and soapy water solution or diluted isopropyl alcohol spray.
  3. Stop sunburn by moving your plant away from direct sunlight and making sure it has the water it needs.
  4. Frequent leaf or bud loss may be due to insufficient light or nutrients.
Preventing some sources of scarring is easier than others, but all start with careful attention to your plants once you decide to bring them home.
  1. Review specific guidelines for your plant, including soil drainage, watering, and fertilizer requirements.
  2. Inspect plants before planting and use sterile pots and fresh potting soil or media to limit transfer of fungi or bacteria.
  3. Once established, check your plants regularly for signs of scarring or the presence of pests, as it is better to catch problems as early as possible.
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Underwatering yellow
plant poor
Underwatering yellow
A lack of water will cause the leaves to gradually turn yellow starting at the base of the branch while the entire plant appears to wilt.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Your plant’s leaves are turning yellow due to underwatering, the oldest leaves turn yellow first. Leaves yellow from the edges towards the middle. Other signs of underwatering include the soil feeling very dry or pulling away from the edge of its pot.
Your plant is very thirsty and needs water promptly.
  1. You can revive your plant by giving it water. The easiest technique is to slowly pour water into your plant’s soil so that the whole surface is moistened. If you pour the water too quickly, the water will flow directly through rather than diffusing throughout the soil. If your plant’s pot does not have drainage holes, do not give your plant more than about a third of the pot’s volume of water. If your plant’s pot does have drainage holes, you can add water slowly until the soil is thoroughly moistened and the water flows freely through the pot.
  2. If you trim off yellow leaves to improve the plant’s appearance, do not remove more than a third of the plant’s leaves. It may be better to wait until leaves have died and fallen off to remove them.
  1. When you get a new plant, research its specific watering needs. Set reminders so that you remember to water your plants consistently. Not all plants are the same, so make sure to differentiate all of your plants in your watering schedule.
  2. You may wish to purchase a commercial soil water meter which has a long probe that you place near your plant’s roots. Be sure to check it frequently and water your plant when the soil water meter indicates that it needs watering.
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Caterpillars are fleshy moth or butterfly larvae that come in an array of colors, patterns, and even hairstyles. They chew on leaves and flower petals, creating large, irregular holes.
Caterpillars can cause problems for home gardeners. If not managed, these insects can defoliate a plant in just a matter of days. However, home gardeners face a challenge because these caterpillars eventually turn into beautiful butterflies and moths, which are important for pollination and the general ecosystem.
There are thousands of different species of caterpillars and many will only target certain plants. If caterpillars are posing a problem, they can be removed by hand, or gardeners can use insect-proof netting to protect their valuable plants.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths. During the warmer months, butterflies and moths that visit gardens will lay their eggs on the underside of leaves.
When the tiny eggs hatch, the young larvae emerge and start feeding on the leaves of the plant. Depending on how many larvae have hatched, they can easily defoliate the plant in a very short period of time. Caterpillars will shed their skin as they grow, around 4 or 5 times during this feeding cycle.
Symptoms of caterpillars eating plants appear as holes in the leaves. The edges of the leaves may be eaten away as well, and flowers can be affected as well.
Some are easy to see, but others need to be searched for. This is because their bodies are often camouflaged to look like part of the plant. Gardeners need to look carefully along the stems of the plant as well as under the leaves. Also, look for tiny white, yellow, or brown eggs that can be found in groups on the underside of leaves.
Once the caterpillar is fully grown, it transforms into a pupa or chrysalis. Then, after a period of time that varies according to the species, a butterfly or moth will emerge from the pupa and the cycle begins again.
Even though caterpillars are diverse, they all chew on plant parts and can cause significant damage if present in large numbers.
For severe cases:
  1. Apply insecticide. For an organic solution, spray plants with a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which specifically affects the larval stage of moths and butterflies. Be sure to coat plants, since caterpillars need to ingest Bt for it to be effective. This will not harm other insects.
  2. Spray a chili extract. Chili seeds can be cooked in water to make a spicy spray that caterpillars don't like. Spray this mixture on the plants, but be aware it will also be spicy to humans.
  3. Introduce beneficial insects. Release beneficial insects to the garden that eat caterpillars, such as parasitic wasps.
For less severe cases:
  1. Hand pick. Using gloves, pick off caterpillars on plants and dispose of them in a bucket of soapy water.
  2. Dust plants with diatomaceous earth. This powder is harmless to humans but irritates caterpillars. Therefore, it will make it difficult for caterpillars to move and eat.
Prevention may require less effort than attempts to eradicate infestations that have already begun. Here are our top steps for prevention:
  1. Monitor plants. Check plants regularly for caterpillar eggs on leaves. If they do not belong to an endangered species, they should be squished.
  2. Use insect netting. Cover plants with insect netting to prevent butterflies and moths from laying eggs on plants.
  3. Apply diatomaceous earth. Apply DE to plants early in the season and reapply after rain.
  4. Encourage plant diversity. This will attract predatory insects including parasitic wasps.
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Distribution of Vietnamese vanilla


Habitat of Vietnamese vanilla

Northern Hemisphere
South Hemisphere

Distribution Map of Vietnamese vanilla

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on Vietnamese Vanilla Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in Vietnamese vanilla is a common symptom affecting the plant's photosynthesis and overall health, possibly indicating several underlying issues like nutrient deficiency or disease.
Scale insect
Scale insects are parasitic pests causing significant damage to Vietnamese vanilla, leading to stunted growth and leaf yellowing. Effective management is crucial for crop health.
Root wrinkling
Root wrinkling in Vietnamese vanilla is a debilitating condition that severely impairs root functionality, affecting nutrient absorption and overall plant health. It primarily results in diminished vanilla quality and yields.
Water stains
Water stains is a fungal disease affecting Vietnamese vanilla, primarily resulting in spots and decay on the leaves. The disease can severely impact plant health and vanilla production if left untreated.
Flower wilting
Flower wilting in Vietnamese vanilla is characterized by drooping and discoloration of flowers, potentially leading to a reduced crop yield. This disease is critical as it threatens the quality and quantity of the Vietnamese vanilla harvest.
White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease affecting the Vietnamese vanilla, characterized by white spots and decay on the leaves, reducing the plant's vigor and compromising vanilla pod quality.
Leaf blotch
Leaf blotch is a fungal disease affecting Vietnamese vanilla, causing dark spots and tissue decay on leaves. It leads to reduced photosynthesis, stunted growth, and potentially plant death if untreated.
Flower stem withering
Flower stem withering affects Vietnamese vanilla, leading to premature wilt and potential crop failure. This disease primarily targets the flowering structures of the plant, inhibiting pollination and reducing vanilla yields significantly.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting in Vietnamese vanilla primarily results from inadequate water uptake or fungal infections, causing the vanilla leaves to droop and potentially leading to plant death if untreated.
Flower withering
Flower withering in 'Vietnamese vanilla' is a pathology affecting buds and flowers, leading to reduced vanilla yield and pod quality. This disease results primarily from pathogenic fungi and unsuitable environmental conditions.
Leaf rot
Leaf rot is a fungal infection that severely affects the vitality of Vietnamese vanilla, causing yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and potential plant death if untreated.
Aerial root
Aerial root disease predominantly affects the aerial roots of Vietnamese vanilla, leading to weakened growth and reduced yield. Early detection and preventive care are crucial for managing this disease.
Aphid disease in Vietnamese vanilla primarily causes diminished growth and damage to foliage, which can markedly reduce the vanilla yield and quality. The aphids suck sap and may transmit viruses.
Mealybug disease primarily affects Vietnamese vanilla by sapping sap and secreting honeydew, leading to sooty mold growth. This infestation can weaken plants, reduce vanilla bean quality, and potentially cause plant death if unmanaged.
Leaf wrinkling
Leaf wrinkling in Vietnamese vanilla primarily manifests as distorted and curling leaves, impacting the plant's growth and pod production. This disease could result from both environmental stresses and pathogen attacks.
Root withering
Root withering is a severe disease impacting Vietnamese vanilla, leading to rapid decline in health and eventual plant death. It primarily affects the root system, leading to reduced nutrient uptake and increased vulnerability to environmental stresses.
Snail and slug
Snail and slug disease in Vietnamese vanilla involves the damage caused by these mollusks as they feed on the plant. This results in visible surface damage, potentially leading to reduced plant vigor and poor quality of vanilla pods.

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