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King of hearts
King of hearts
King of hearts
Adelonema wallisii
Hardiness Zones
Hardiness Zones
10 to 11
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Care Guide for King of hearts

Ideal Lighting
Ideal Lighting
Partial sun
Details on Sunlight Requirements Ideal Lighting
Ideal Temperature
Ideal Temperature
10 to 11
Details on Temperature Ideal Temperature
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King of hearts
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Partial sun

Questions About King of hearts

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my King of hearts?
There are plenty of viable ways to supply your King of hearts with water. If you grow your plant in an indoor pot, for the King of heartss in small pots, you can bring your potted plant to your kitchen sink. Then, use the faucet to add water to the container. By holding the pot in your hands, you should easily notice when the water begins to run through the pot’s drainage holes, at which point you can stop watering. The cold temperature will hurt the plants' root system, so please don't do this during winter or in cold climates. Most of the time, watering via your faucet is permissible for the King of hearts. However, if the local tap water contains a high proportion of fluorine, chlorine or salts, you should consider using rainwater or lake water. Also, since the King of hearts can respond well to overhead watering and watering directly into the soil, you can use a watering can, hose, or just about any tool you’d like to water it.
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What should I do if I water my King of hearts too much or too little?
If you discover that you have underwatered your King of hearts, your first step towards remedying the situation is to give your plant some water. Water deeply until excess water runs from the container’s drainage hole, or if you grow outside, water until the soil has become entirely moist. If you find your King of hearts is receiving too much water, begin by reducing your watering schedule. You also want to address the soil and container your King of hearts grows in. If either the soil or the container makes it difficult for water to drain efficiently, your plant will likely become overwatered again. Resolve the issue by moving your plant to looser soils and/or a container with bigger drainage holes or a more porous material. Also check the location of the plant. If the plant is in places like a corner, then it is recommended to move it to a window or around a door to enhance ventilation. Making sure the plants are in a well-ventilated location can reduce the occurrence of overwatering to some extent.
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How often should I water my King of hearts?
The King of hearts is not a species that requires consistent soil moisture. Instead, it is better to allow this plant’s soil to become dry between waterings. If you are like the many gardeners who grow King of heartss in containers, you can judge whether or not it is time to add water by how dry the soil within the container is. For instance, if about top half of the soil in your container has become dry, it is time to add water. You can feel it by inserting your fingers or sticks into the soil or with soil moisture meter. For those who grow the King of hearts outdoors, you can plan to do your watering about once every other week, provided it has not rained recently.
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How much water does my King of hearts need?
After waiting for the first several layers of soil surrounding your King of hearts’s root to become dry(top half of the soil), it is time to add enough water to make them moist again. The amount of water it takes to achieve that goal depends on if you use a container, how large that container is, and how large your plant itself is. For a small King of hearts growing in a small to a medium-sized container, one to two cups may be enough to dampen the soil sufficiently. As you would expect, the volume of water you supply should increase for a larger plant. The best way to make sure your plant has received enough water is to stick your finger or a trowel into the soil and feel whether it is entirely moist. Alternatively, you can water until you see excess water draining from the holes at the bottom of your container.
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How can I tell if i'm watering my King of hearts enough?
Overwatering and underwatering are both bad for the health of your King of hearts. These two issues also manifest themselves in subtly different ways when they occur. King of hearts that receives too little water may begin to develop yellow leaves. Underwatering may also cause the leaf margins to become brown and brittle. By contrast, King of hearts that gets overwatered will often show yellow and brown marks on its leaves at the same time. Overwatering can also lead to diseases like root rot, some of which may also be visible on your plant. However, if you know the signs of overwatering and underwatering, you stand a good chance of correcting both issues.
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How should I water my King of hearts through the seasons?
During spring and fall, your watering schedule for the King of hearts will remain relatively the same, which will involve watering this plant about once every week. During summer, you may find that the hot weather causes your plant to need more water than usual, especially if it grows where there is a considerable amount of daily light exposure. In the winter, if it's hard to find some warm places for you plant, your King of hearts will enter a dormant growth phase, in which it will need far less water than usual. At this time, you may get by without watering your plant at all. If you do choose to water during winter, you should not do so more often than once every two to three weeks.
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How should I water my King of hearts at different growth stages?
After planting a new, young King of hearts or after transplanting an older King of hearts, you will probably need to give this plant more water than usual. Young plants often need consistent soil moisture during the early stages of their growth to help them adapt to their new growing locations. Transplants also need more water for a brief time to overcome transplant shock. In either case, you may need to water multiple times per week until your plant has exhibited continuous healthy growth. In most situations, your water should be moderate and should never be significant enough to cause overwatering.
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What's the difference between watering King of hearts indoors and outdoors?
There are a few reasons why you may need to water an indoor King of hearts more often than one that grows in the ground outdoors. First, indoor growing settings tend to be drier than outdoor ones, often due to the effect of air conditioning units. While thw size of the pot and the soil determines the warer accumulating ability. Additionally, when your plant grows indoors, it will rely on you entirely for its water By contrast, King of hearts that grows outside can receive water from rain. If you are in an area with high rainfall, you may not have to give it extra watering. When there is not enough rain, you should water additionally to ensure that the soil does not dry out completely.
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Key Facts About King of hearts


Attributes of King of hearts

Plant Type
Plant Height
15 cm
20 cm to 30 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of King of hearts

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Common Pests & Diseases About King of hearts

Common issues for King of hearts based on 10 million real cases
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Aerial root
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.
plant poor
Aerial root
Active Period
What is Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
What is Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Aerial roots in King of hearts manifest as excessive root growth emerging from above-ground parts. This leads to tangled appearances, covering stems and sometimes leaves, interfering with photosynthesis and nutrient uptake.
What Causes Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Environmental conditions
Excessive humidity and poor air circulation encourage the growth of unnecessary aerial roots.
Genetic predisposition
Some King of hearts naturally develop more aerial roots than others, which can become excessive under certain conditions.
How to Treat Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Regularly prune excessive aerial roots to manage their growth and improve air circulation.

Environmental control: Improve air circulation and reduce humidity around King of hearts to discourage unnecessary root growth.
Fungicidal spray: Apply fungicidal sprays if roots show signs of fungal infection.
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plant poor
Active Period
What is Spots Disease on King of hearts?
What is Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, spots manifest as circular to irregular brown or black lesions on leaves. Advanced stages may see these lesions coalesce, leading to significant foliage decay.
What Causes Spots Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Various fungi, including those from the genera Cercospora and Alternaria, are responsible for causing spots disease.
How to Treat Spots Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Good sanitation practices: Remove and dispose affected plant parts to reduce fungal spread.

Improved air circulation: Prune to ensure air can freely circulate around plant leaves, reducing moisture.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply fungicides as preventive measures at the start of warm season or at disease detection.
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Leaf tip withering
Active Period
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, leaf tip withering manifests as dry, brown or yellow tips on leaves, progressing inward if conditions worsen. Early signs might include slight curling and discoloration.
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Environmental stress
Excessive light, low humidity, and temperature extremes can cause the leaf tips to dry out and wither.
Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients like potassium and calcium typically results in withering of leaf tips.
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain consistent moisture levels without waterlogging the soil to combat dry conditions.

Adjust light exposure: Provide filtered light to avoid scorching the plant’s delicate leaves.

Optimize humidity: Increase ambient humidity around King of hearts to minimize water loss from leaves.
Foliar sprays: Use foliar nutrient sprays containing calcium or potassium to address deficiencies.
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White blotch
Active Period
What is White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What is White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, the disease presents as irregular white patches or spots on the leaves, which may coalesce. Affected areas can become chlorotic and sometimes necrotic, hampering photosynthesis and plant vigor.
What Causes White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal Pathogens
Specific fungi, likely in the genus Mycosphaerella, are responsible for the formation of white blotches on leaves.
Environmental Factors
High humidity and poor air circulation commonly contribute to the development and spread of White blotch.
How to Treat White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Improved Ventilation: Enhance air circulation around King of hearts to reduce moisture and discourage fungal growth.

Sanitation: Remove and destroy affected leaves to prevent the spread of spores.
Fungicidal Sprays: Apply fungicides approved for use on King of hearts, such as copper-based products, to manage fungal spread.
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Yellow edges
Active Period
What is Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
What is Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Initial symptoms include yellowing at the margins of the leaves. As the condition worsens, yellow areas may expand, leading to a general degradation of leaf health and function. Severe cases may lead to leaf drop.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Nutrient Deficiency
Insufficient nutrients, particularly magnesium and iron, cause yellowing of leaf edges on King of hearts.
Water Stress
Irregular watering patterns, either over or under-watering, can lead to yellow edges on King of hearts.
Environmental Stress
Exposure to extreme temperatures or inadequate lighting conditions can contribute to the development of yellow edges on King of hearts.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Nutrient Balancing: Administer a balanced fertilizer rich in iron and magnesium to address nutrient deficiencies.

Water Regulation: Normalize watering schedules, ensuring consistent soil moisture without waterlogging.
Foliar Sprays: Use chelated iron or magnesium foliar sprays to quickly remedy nutrient uptake issues.
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plant poor
Active Period
What is Notch Disease on King of hearts?
What is Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, Notch disease manifests as dark, water-soaked lesions on leaves and stems. Infected areas often expand, leading to severe defoliation and dieback.
What Causes Notch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal pathogens
Specific fungi like Phytophthora which thrive in moist conditions cause Notch disease.
How to Treat Notch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Remove and destroy infected parts of King of hearts to prevent spread.

Improve air circulation: Space King of hearts adequately and manage foliage to reduce humidity around the plant.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply approved fungicides to control the infection, following specific dosage and safety guidelines.
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Dark blotch
Active Period
What is Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What is Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, dark blotch manifests as irregular, dark-colored patches on the leaves, which may result in leaf drop and general decline in plant health.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal pathogens
Dark blotch is induced by a fungal pathogen that thrives in humid, warm climates.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Remove infected leaves: Manually remove and properly dispose of infected leaves to reduce spread.

Improve air circulation: Optimize spacing and prune densely packed areas to enhance airflow and reduce humidity.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply appropriate fungicidal sprays as per extension services guidelines to control the spread of the infection.
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Leaf wilting
Active Period
What is Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, symptoms include drooping and discoloration of leaves, starting at the lower foliage and advancing upwards, resulting in diminished aesthetic and health.
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Water stress
Insufficient water availability causes the plant's cells to lose turgor pressure, leading to wilting.
Root diseases
Pathogens like fungi can infect the roots, impairing their function and water absorption capabilities.
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Ensure consistent, adequate watering without over-saturating the soil.

Soil health management: Improve drainage and incorporate organic matter to enhance root aeration and health.
Fungicidal drenches: Apply systemic fungicides to target root-infecting pathogens if identified.
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Leaf yellowing
Active Period
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, yellowing typically starts at older, lower leaves and can progress to upper leaves if unresolved. Leaves may also appear less vigorous and thinner.
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Nutrient Deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, iron, and magnesium, leads to yellowing leaves.
Water Stress
Either over-watering or under-watering can cause leaf yellowing due to impaired nutrient uptake or root damage.
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper Watering: Ensure consistent watering based on the soil moisture level, avoiding both water logging and dry spells.

Soil Testing and Amendment: Test soil for nutrient deficiencies and amend with appropriate organic or inorganic fertilizers.
Chelated Iron Spray: Apply chelated iron foliar sprays to quickly address iron chlorosis.
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Distribution of King of hearts


Distribution Map of King of hearts

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on King Of Hearts Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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1-2 feet
Transplant king of hearts in the gentle embrace of mid-to-late spring for optimal root establishment. Ensure a shady nook with moist, well-draining soil. When relocating, handle with care to maintain root integrity.
Transplant Techniques
Spring, Summer, Fall
King of hearts features large, heart-shaped leaves that create a lush, tropical appearance. Prune in Spring, Summer, or Fall to remove dead or damaged leaves and to curb excessive growth. Use sharp, clean shears to cut back to healthy tissue, encouraging new growth and maintaining shape. Avoid heavy pruning in cooler months to prevent stress. Regular pruning helps enhance air circulation, control size, and improve overall plant health. Consult reputable horticultural guides for detailed techniques.
Pruning techniques
King of hearts thrives when propagated through the cutting method, ideally utilizing a healthy, disease-free leaf or stem. Ensure cuttings are taken with a sharp, clean cutting tool to avoid damaging the parent plant. Rooting hormone can be applied to enhance root development before placing the cutting in a well-draining soil mix under indirect light. Regular misting helps maintain optimal humidity levels, encouraging successful rooting and growth.
Propagation Techniques
Aerial root
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
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Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
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Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
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White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
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Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
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Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
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Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
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Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
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Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.
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Feng shui direction
The king of hearts generally fosters harmonious energy when placed in the South direction. This notion stems from the notion that green, a prevalent hue in this plant, symbolizes fire in the Feng Shui five elements theory. South is the direction typically associated with fire, potentially fostering a stable environment. However, each situation is unique and should be evaluated individually.
Fengshui Details

Plants Related to King of hearts

Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) is a perennial herb found in rainforest environments. Currently, this species is grown mostly in St. Vincent in the series of Caribbean islands. This plant is commercially viable because the root starch extract is used to make foods, makeup, and glue.
Lipstick plant
Lipstick plant
Lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus pulcher) is an evergreen perennial vine that will grow to 71 cm high. Often called the lipstick plant, its pointy, waxy leaves provide the perfect foliage while brilliant red blossoms emerge from a tubular-shaped bud to look like a tube of lipstick. It blooms from summer through winter with clusters of brilliant red trumpet-shaped flowers. Prefers partial shade in humus-rich, well-drained soil.
The paperplant, commonly grown as an ornamental and houseplant in warm temperate countries, has lustrous leaves with eight lobes resembling a hand. Because the sap from this plant might cause allergies in certain people, it must be handled with caution. This plant will occasionally produce black berries that birds will enjoy.
Plectranthus 'Cerveza 'n Lime'
Plectranthus 'Cerveza 'n Lime'
The entirety of plectranthus 'Cerveza 'n Lime' is covered in fine white tomenta. The plant emits a lovely smell that can linger on your fingers for a while after touching. Its leaves grow thick and compact in a sunlight-ample environment, but when light is insufficient, exhaustive growth will occur and its leaves will flatten. It can be cared for in the open in seasons with mild weather as long as it has proper shade to protect it from scorching sunlight.
Elephant's ear
Elephant's ear
Elephant's ear is an Australian member of the 'Elephant's Ear' family native to the tropical parts of the east coast. Growing to nearly 2 m tall, elephant's ear is a spectacular garden feature for tropical home gardens. Exercise caution, however, as the sap, berries, leaves, and roots are all toxic to mammals.
Surattense Nightshade
Surattense Nightshade
Surattense Nightshade (Solanum virginianum) is an herbaceous flowering plant species also known as Thorny nightshade or yellow-fruit nightshade. Surattense Nightshade is native to India and Nepal. Some parts of this species, like the fruit, are poisonous.
Cape jasmine
Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
Golden pothos
Golden pothos
The golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including "devil's ivy", because it is so hard to kill and can even grow in low light conditions. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.
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King of hearts
King of hearts
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Questions About King of hearts

Watering Watering Watering
Pruning Pruning Pruning
Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Temperature Temperature Temperature
What is the best way to water my King of hearts?
What should I do if I water my King of hearts too much or too little?
How often should I water my King of hearts?
How much water does my King of hearts need?
How can I tell if i'm watering my King of hearts enough?
How should I water my King of hearts through the seasons?
How should I water my King of hearts at different growth stages?
What's the difference between watering King of hearts indoors and outdoors?
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Key Facts About King of hearts


Attributes of King of hearts

Plant Type
Plant Height
15 cm
20 cm to 30 cm
Leaf Color
Flower Color
Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
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Scientific Classification of King of hearts

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Common Pests & Diseases About King of hearts

Common issues for King of hearts based on 10 million real cases
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Aerial root
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
Learn More About the Aerial root more
Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
Learn More About the Spots more
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
Learn More About the Leaf tip withering more
White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
Learn More About the White blotch more
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
Learn More About the Yellow edges more
Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
Learn More About the Notch more
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
Learn More About the Dark blotch more
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
Learn More About the Leaf wilting more
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.
Learn More About the Leaf yellowing more
plant poor
Aerial root
Active Period
What is Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
What is Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Aerial roots in King of hearts manifest as excessive root growth emerging from above-ground parts. This leads to tangled appearances, covering stems and sometimes leaves, interfering with photosynthesis and nutrient uptake.
What Causes Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Environmental conditions
Excessive humidity and poor air circulation encourage the growth of unnecessary aerial roots.
Genetic predisposition
Some King of hearts naturally develop more aerial roots than others, which can become excessive under certain conditions.
How to Treat Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Aerial root Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Regularly prune excessive aerial roots to manage their growth and improve air circulation.

Environmental control: Improve air circulation and reduce humidity around King of hearts to discourage unnecessary root growth.
Fungicidal spray: Apply fungicidal sprays if roots show signs of fungal infection.
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plant poor
Active Period
What is Spots Disease on King of hearts?
What is Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, spots manifest as circular to irregular brown or black lesions on leaves. Advanced stages may see these lesions coalesce, leading to significant foliage decay.
What Causes Spots Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Various fungi, including those from the genera Cercospora and Alternaria, are responsible for causing spots disease.
How to Treat Spots Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Spots Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Good sanitation practices: Remove and dispose affected plant parts to reduce fungal spread.

Improved air circulation: Prune to ensure air can freely circulate around plant leaves, reducing moisture.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply fungicides as preventive measures at the start of warm season or at disease detection.
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Leaf tip withering
Active Period
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, leaf tip withering manifests as dry, brown or yellow tips on leaves, progressing inward if conditions worsen. Early signs might include slight curling and discoloration.
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Environmental stress
Excessive light, low humidity, and temperature extremes can cause the leaf tips to dry out and wither.
Nutrient deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients like potassium and calcium typically results in withering of leaf tips.
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf tip withering Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Maintain consistent moisture levels without waterlogging the soil to combat dry conditions.

Adjust light exposure: Provide filtered light to avoid scorching the plant’s delicate leaves.

Optimize humidity: Increase ambient humidity around King of hearts to minimize water loss from leaves.
Foliar sprays: Use foliar nutrient sprays containing calcium or potassium to address deficiencies.
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White blotch
Active Period
What is White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What is White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, the disease presents as irregular white patches or spots on the leaves, which may coalesce. Affected areas can become chlorotic and sometimes necrotic, hampering photosynthesis and plant vigor.
What Causes White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal Pathogens
Specific fungi, likely in the genus Mycosphaerella, are responsible for the formation of white blotches on leaves.
Environmental Factors
High humidity and poor air circulation commonly contribute to the development and spread of White blotch.
How to Treat White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat White blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Improved Ventilation: Enhance air circulation around King of hearts to reduce moisture and discourage fungal growth.

Sanitation: Remove and destroy affected leaves to prevent the spread of spores.
Fungicidal Sprays: Apply fungicides approved for use on King of hearts, such as copper-based products, to manage fungal spread.
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Yellow edges
Active Period
What is Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
What is Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
Initial symptoms include yellowing at the margins of the leaves. As the condition worsens, yellow areas may expand, leading to a general degradation of leaf health and function. Severe cases may lead to leaf drop.
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Nutrient Deficiency
Insufficient nutrients, particularly magnesium and iron, cause yellowing of leaf edges on King of hearts.
Water Stress
Irregular watering patterns, either over or under-watering, can lead to yellow edges on King of hearts.
Environmental Stress
Exposure to extreme temperatures or inadequate lighting conditions can contribute to the development of yellow edges on King of hearts.
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Yellow edges Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Nutrient Balancing: Administer a balanced fertilizer rich in iron and magnesium to address nutrient deficiencies.

Water Regulation: Normalize watering schedules, ensuring consistent soil moisture without waterlogging.
Foliar Sprays: Use chelated iron or magnesium foliar sprays to quickly remedy nutrient uptake issues.
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plant poor
Active Period
What is Notch Disease on King of hearts?
What is Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, Notch disease manifests as dark, water-soaked lesions on leaves and stems. Infected areas often expand, leading to severe defoliation and dieback.
What Causes Notch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal pathogens
Specific fungi like Phytophthora which thrive in moist conditions cause Notch disease.
How to Treat Notch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Notch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Pruning: Remove and destroy infected parts of King of hearts to prevent spread.

Improve air circulation: Space King of hearts adequately and manage foliage to reduce humidity around the plant.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply approved fungicides to control the infection, following specific dosage and safety guidelines.
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Dark blotch
Active Period
What is Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What is Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
On King of hearts, dark blotch manifests as irregular, dark-colored patches on the leaves, which may result in leaf drop and general decline in plant health.
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Fungal pathogens
Dark blotch is induced by a fungal pathogen that thrives in humid, warm climates.
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Dark blotch Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Remove infected leaves: Manually remove and properly dispose of infected leaves to reduce spread.

Improve air circulation: Optimize spacing and prune densely packed areas to enhance airflow and reduce humidity.
Fungicidal sprays: Apply appropriate fungicidal sprays as per extension services guidelines to control the spread of the infection.
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Leaf wilting
Active Period
What is Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, symptoms include drooping and discoloration of leaves, starting at the lower foliage and advancing upwards, resulting in diminished aesthetic and health.
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Water stress
Insufficient water availability causes the plant's cells to lose turgor pressure, leading to wilting.
Root diseases
Pathogens like fungi can infect the roots, impairing their function and water absorption capabilities.
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf wilting Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper watering: Ensure consistent, adequate watering without over-saturating the soil.

Soil health management: Improve drainage and incorporate organic matter to enhance root aeration and health.
Fungicidal drenches: Apply systemic fungicides to target root-infecting pathogens if identified.
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Leaf yellowing
Active Period
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
What is Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.
Symptom Analysis
Symptom Analysis
In King of hearts, yellowing typically starts at older, lower leaves and can progress to upper leaves if unresolved. Leaves may also appear less vigorous and thinner.
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
What Causes Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Nutrient Deficiency
Lack of essential nutrients, particularly nitrogen, iron, and magnesium, leads to yellowing leaves.
Water Stress
Either over-watering or under-watering can cause leaf yellowing due to impaired nutrient uptake or root damage.
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
How to Treat Leaf yellowing Disease on King of hearts?
Non pesticide
Proper Watering: Ensure consistent watering based on the soil moisture level, avoiding both water logging and dry spells.

Soil Testing and Amendment: Test soil for nutrient deficiencies and amend with appropriate organic or inorganic fertilizers.
Chelated Iron Spray: Apply chelated iron foliar sprays to quickly address iron chlorosis.
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Distribution of King of hearts


Distribution Map of King of hearts

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

More Info on King Of Hearts Growth and Care

Basic Care Guide
Common Pests & Diseases
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Aerial root
Aerial root disease in King of hearts predominantly causes root overgrowth that affects nutrient absorption and aesthetic value. The disease interferes with normal plant physiology and leads to poor growth and reduced vigor.
Spots is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, characterized by discolored patch formations on leaves, which can severely impede photosynthesis and general plant health if untreated.
Leaf tip withering
Leaf tip withering is a common disease affecting King of hearts, marked by drying and curling of leaf tips. This symptom often results from environmental stresses or nutrient imbalances, significantly debilitating the plant's aesthetic and health.
White blotch
White blotch is a fungal disease that affects King of hearts, causing discoloration and weakening of the foliage, which can impact plant growth and aesthetics.
Yellow edges
Yellow edges is a prevalent disease affecting King of hearts, typically marked by chlorosis or yellowing of leaf margins. This can exacerbate to affect the whole leaf if untreated, potentially reducing the plant's aesthetics and vigor.
Notch is a fungal disease affecting King of hearts, primarily compromising its ornamental appeal and overall plant health. It manifests as lesions and defoliation, eventually leading to stunted growth.
Dark blotch
Dark blotch is a fungal infection that distresses the plant King of hearts, leading to aesthetic damage and vigor reduction. It predominantly affects leaves but can spread if conditions are favorable.
Leaf wilting
Leaf wilting on King of hearts manifests as a drooping or curling of leaves, primarily caused by inadequate water uptake or vascular blockages. This disease weakens the plant, leading to reduced growth and potential death if not addressed.
Leaf yellowing
Leaf yellowing in King of hearts generally indicates nutrient deficiencies or water stress, profoundly affecting the plant's aesthetics and growth by reducing photosynthetic capability and overall vigor.

Plants Related to King of hearts

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