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Dwarf spike-rush
Dwarf spike-rush
Dwarf spike-rush
Eleocharis parvula
Also known as : Barbed spikerush

Key Facts About Dwarf spike-rush


Attributes of Dwarf spike-rush

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
Plant Height
30 cm to 91 cm
Leaf type
Growth Season
Summer, Fall
Growth Rate:Moderate
With its moderate growth rate, the summer and fall observe dwarf spike-rush progressively intensify in lushness. Height increment is steady, with rushes bulking up progressively. During these seasons, it may exhibit faster leaf production, enhancing overall density. Variations in growth speed might be noticed, for instance, slower in incipient summer; however, by late summer and fall, it rebounds to an animated growth.

Scientific Classification of Dwarf spike-rush

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Distribution of Dwarf spike-rush


Distribution Map of Dwarf spike-rush

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Dwarf spike-rush

Watering Watering Watering
What should I do if I water my Dwarf spike-rush too much or too little?
Without proper watering, this beautiful ornamental grass will underperform. In the ground, watering issues can be solved, but In a container, too much or too little water will kill Dwarf spike-rush in short order. When Dwarf spike-rush isn't receiving the right amount of water, it may stop growing. In the case of overwatering, it will begin to display yellow leaves with brown tips. Underwatering can produce drooping leaves, weak seed head production, and browned leaves. If you suspect your Dwarf spike-rush has been improperly watered, the first thing to do is figure out if the problem is too much or too little. If your Dwarf spike-rush is getting too much water, stop watering it immediately. Sometimes it can take weeks for heavy soils to dry out, so be patient. At the first sign of new growth, test the soil for moisture and decide whether it needs more water or not. The solution for Dwarf spike-rush receiving too little water is even simpler: give the grasses a nice, deep drink and see if it perks up. Bearing all of this in mind, remember that a long, deep watering is always better than a lot of shallow, frequent waterings. The reason for this is that deep watering encourages grasses to grow deep roots, which makes them more drought resistant and less prone to problems from watering.
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How often should I water my Dwarf spike-rush?
The watering needs of Dwarf spike-rush will vary depending on where it is planted. Generally, you should water this grass every week. In hot climates, once or twice a week watering in the summer may be necessary. In moderate climates, watering once every seven days or more may be enough. Grass in containers almost always need more frequent watering than grasses in the ground. But with a species such as this that can thrive in full sun or part shade, the location also matters. Shaded grasses need to be watered less frequently than in-ground grasses. Dwarf spike-rush should only be watered when the soil is dry. If you’re unsure when to water, there are a few key signs you can use as your cue. Pressing your finger a couple of inches into the soil will tell you if the soil is dry. For a potted grass, you can weigh the grass with a portable scale to see how light it is, but you can also quickly feel when the pot is light from lack of water. Like many types of grass, the blades may appear folded along their centers and thinner than usual when the roots lack sufficient water. Despite its drought tolerance, regular, deep waterings will reward you with a beautiful color. In the wild, Dwarf spike-rush grows in open scrubland, where it would be subject to extreme heat, loads of bright sun, and intermittent rain. Because this grass is drought resistant, you might expect never to need to water it. But don’t let its hardiness fool you, Dwarf spike-rush still needs care and attention. Even though this hardy grass can handle harsh, dry conditions, gardeners agree that it thrives best with consistent water. When first planted, Dwarf spike-rush will need more frequent water until it has established deep roots. For Dwarf spike-rush in pots, the soil will dry out quickly, especially if the pot is in hot, direct sun for a large part of the day. Test the soil every 3 to 4 days and water only when it feels dry. Dwarf spike-rushed in the ground generally needs less watering, but that depends on the soil it is grown in. Heavy clay soil holds water for a long time and may feel dry at the surface while still retaining plenty of moisture below the ground. Sandy soils that drain quickly will need to be watered more often.
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What should I be careful with when I water my Dwarf spike-rush in different seasons, climates, or during different growing?
You can often tell if you are watering enough by the rate of growth of your grasses. Dwarf spike-rush during the hottest months of the year and has been known to double in size in a year’s time. If the weather is hot and the grass is not growing vigorously, you may need to adjust your watering schedule. In winter, you might be able to get away with watering only once a month, but you will still want to touch the soil to test for moisture. During a growth cycle (in the warmest months), the grass will need more water than usual. But during winter and cooler months, the need for water will be dramatically reduced. The most important thing to remember about Dwarf spike-rush is that the soil it is planted in should always be allowed to dry out completely before adding water.
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Plants Related to Dwarf spike-rush

Cape jasmine
Cape jasmine
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
Golden pothos
Golden pothos
The golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular houseplant that is commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including "devil's ivy", because it is so hard to kill and can even grow in low light conditions. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.
The pepper are commonly used for cooking in places such as the Southern U.S. and Central America. Most are moderately spicy, though because there are so many variants, the spice level can vary dramatically. Cayenne powder is also a popular seasoning product made from pepper plants.
Swiss cheese plant
Swiss cheese plant
The swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) produces bright, glossy leaves and makes a popular houseplant. It is originally native to tropical forest regions in Central America. The nickname swiss cheese plant refers to the small holes that develop in the plant's leaves. The long fruits resemble corncobs and smell sweet and fragrant when ripe.
Snake plant
Snake plant
Snake plant can be considered a houseplant and an architectural display due to its sword-like leaves with bold striping patterns, which are distinctive and eye-catching. However, use caution with this plant because it is poisonous when ingested and can cause nausea, vomiting, and even swelling of the throat and tongue.
Bigleaf hydrangea
Bigleaf hydrangea
The bigleaf hydrangea is a deciduous shrub native to Japan, and is known for its lush, oval, colorful inflorescence. The two types of Hydrangea macrophylla are mopheads - with large, ball-shaped, sterile flower clusters, and lace capes - with small round fertile flowers in the center, and sterile flowers on the outer side of each inflorescence. Depending on soil pH, blooms can change color from pink to blue.
Corn plant
Corn plant
Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) is an evergreen, slow-growing perennial shrub native to tropical Africa. Also, it is a classic houseplant, grown in Europe since the 1800s. Its glossy green foliage that resembles corn leaves grow on top of a thick cane, which is why the plant is sometimes called “false palm tree.”
Peace lily
Peace lily
The peace lily gets its scientific name Spathiphyllum wallisii from a combination of the two Greek words ‘spath’ and ‘phyl’, which means spoon and leaves, respectively. The large graceful white spathe of the peace lily resembles a white flag, which is an international symbol of truce or peace.
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Dwarf spike-rush
Dwarf spike-rush
Dwarf spike-rush
Eleocharis parvula
Also known as: Barbed spikerush
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Key Facts About Dwarf spike-rush


Attributes of Dwarf spike-rush

Annual, Perennial
Plant Type
Bloom Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
Plant Height
30 cm to 91 cm
Leaf type
Growth Season
Summer, Fall
Growth Rate:Moderate
With its moderate growth rate, the summer and fall observe dwarf spike-rush progressively intensify in lushness. Height increment is steady, with rushes bulking up progressively. During these seasons, it may exhibit faster leaf production, enhancing overall density. Variations in growth speed might be noticed, for instance, slower in incipient summer; however, by late summer and fall, it rebounds to an animated growth.
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Scientific Classification of Dwarf spike-rush

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Distribution of Dwarf spike-rush


Distribution Map of Dwarf spike-rush

distribution map
Potentially invasive
No species reported

Questions About Dwarf spike-rush

Watering Watering Watering
What should I do if I water my Dwarf spike-rush too much or too little?
How often should I water my Dwarf spike-rush?
What should I be careful with when I water my Dwarf spike-rush in different seasons, climates, or during different growing?
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Plants Related to Dwarf spike-rush

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