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Aristolochia (Aristolochia)
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Key Facts About Aristolochia


Distribution of Aristolochia


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Potentially invasive
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Exploring the Aristolochia Plants

8 most common species:
Aristolochia gigantea
Giant dutchmans pipe
Another name for giant dutchmans pipe is the 'giant Dutchman's pipe' since it resembles the meerschaum pipes commonly smoked in the Netherlands. Even though giant dutchmans pipe vines attract pipevine swallowtail butterflies to lay their eggs, the leaves of this plant are toxic to larvae which die within days of ingestion.
Aristolochia macrophylla
Dutchman's pipe
Dutchman's pipe is a hardy, deciduous vine that climbs trellises or walls and can provide privacy or shade with its dense, heart-shaped leaves. This vine grows small pipe-shaped flowers that give it its name. Dutchman's pipe attracts many swallowtail butterflies with its pretty little blooms.
Aristolochia clematitis
Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) is native to the Medditerannian area of Europe; however, it has found its way across the Atlantic Ocean. Although attractive to the eye, their flowers have an incredibly foul odor and entice various insects to visit. As insects climb down the flower tube, tiny hairs trap them and prevent them from escaping, allowing the plant to slowly digest them. In spite of some cultural practices, birthwort is toxic to consume.
Aristolochia labiata
Mottled dutchman's pipe
Mottled dutchman's pipe features a peculiar, pipe-shaped flower designed to attract pollinators with its distinctive color patterns mimicking rotting flesh. Typically flourishing in warm, shaded environments, this plant's growth is cleverly adapted to deceive insects, ensuring pollination. The heart-shaped leaves add to its unique appearance, while thriving in conditions that favor high humidity and fertile soils.
Aristolochia ringens
Gaping dutchman's pipe
Gaping dutchman's pipe boasts a highly unique appearance with flowers that share a resemblance to carnivorous pipe-shaped plants. This stunning attribute is what gave the plant its name, Dutchman's Pipe. It grows naturally in tropical rainforests but is also cultivated as an ornamental plant. Unfortunately, gaping dutchman's pipe has escaped cultivation and is now considered a global and invasive weed.
Aristolochia baetica
Andalusian dutchman's pipe
Andalusian dutchman's pipe takes its name from its distinctly shaped tubular flowers, which range from maroon to brown. Andalusian dutchman's pipe traps flies inside its long flower with inner hairs, holding them overnight to ensure they are coated in pollen before releasing them the next morning.
Aristolochia californica
California pipevine
California pipevine (Aristolochia californica) is a deciduous vine named for the unique pipe shape of its purple-striped flowers. Blooms from winter to spring. Blossoms have an unpleasant odor that attracts pollinators. Commonly found growing in moist woods and along streams. Moisture and shade-tolerant. Grows best in partial shade.
Aristolochia tomentosa
Woolly dutchman's pipe
Woolly dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia tomentosa) is a plant species native to the southeastern United States and the southern central United States. Woolly dutchman's pipe got its common name because the flowering part of the species loosely resembles a classic Dutch smoking pipe.

All Species of Aristolochia

Giant dutchmans pipe
Aristolochia gigantea
Giant dutchmans pipe
Another name for giant dutchmans pipe is the 'giant Dutchman's pipe' since it resembles the meerschaum pipes commonly smoked in the Netherlands. Even though giant dutchmans pipe vines attract pipevine swallowtail butterflies to lay their eggs, the leaves of this plant are toxic to larvae which die within days of ingestion.
Dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia macrophylla
Dutchman's pipe
Dutchman's pipe is a hardy, deciduous vine that climbs trellises or walls and can provide privacy or shade with its dense, heart-shaped leaves. This vine grows small pipe-shaped flowers that give it its name. Dutchman's pipe attracts many swallowtail butterflies with its pretty little blooms.
Aristolochia clematitis
Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) is native to the Medditerannian area of Europe; however, it has found its way across the Atlantic Ocean. Although attractive to the eye, their flowers have an incredibly foul odor and entice various insects to visit. As insects climb down the flower tube, tiny hairs trap them and prevent them from escaping, allowing the plant to slowly digest them. In spite of some cultural practices, birthwort is toxic to consume.
Mottled dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia labiata
Mottled dutchman's pipe
Mottled dutchman's pipe features a peculiar, pipe-shaped flower designed to attract pollinators with its distinctive color patterns mimicking rotting flesh. Typically flourishing in warm, shaded environments, this plant's growth is cleverly adapted to deceive insects, ensuring pollination. The heart-shaped leaves add to its unique appearance, while thriving in conditions that favor high humidity and fertile soils.
Gaping dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia ringens
Gaping dutchman's pipe
Gaping dutchman's pipe boasts a highly unique appearance with flowers that share a resemblance to carnivorous pipe-shaped plants. This stunning attribute is what gave the plant its name, Dutchman's Pipe. It grows naturally in tropical rainforests but is also cultivated as an ornamental plant. Unfortunately, gaping dutchman's pipe has escaped cultivation and is now considered a global and invasive weed.
Andalusian dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia baetica
Andalusian dutchman's pipe
Andalusian dutchman's pipe takes its name from its distinctly shaped tubular flowers, which range from maroon to brown. Andalusian dutchman's pipe traps flies inside its long flower with inner hairs, holding them overnight to ensure they are coated in pollen before releasing them the next morning.
California pipevine
Aristolochia californica
California pipevine
California pipevine (Aristolochia californica) is a deciduous vine named for the unique pipe shape of its purple-striped flowers. Blooms from winter to spring. Blossoms have an unpleasant odor that attracts pollinators. Commonly found growing in moist woods and along streams. Moisture and shade-tolerant. Grows best in partial shade.
Woolly dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia tomentosa
Woolly dutchman's pipe
Woolly dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia tomentosa) is a plant species native to the southeastern United States and the southern central United States. Woolly dutchman's pipe got its common name because the flowering part of the species loosely resembles a classic Dutch smoking pipe.
Round-leaved birthwort
Aristolochia rotunda
Round-leaved birthwort
Round-leaved birthwort has been reported as poisonous if consumed in large quantities. Round-leaved birthwort is a shade-loving perennial herb noted for its long-lasting blooms and self-supporting growth form. It is tolerant of humidity and is pollinated by flies.
Green-flowered birthwort
Aristolochia paucinervis
Green-flowered birthwort
Green-flowered birthwort is an herbaceous perennial creeper noted for its unusually shaped flowers and unpleasant scent, reminiscent of decaying meat. Green-flowered birthwort has flowers shaped like saxophones and is not frost-hardy.
Dutchman's pipe vine
Aristolochia kaempferi
Dutchman's pipe vine
Dutchman's pipe vine is a captivating vine known for its intricate, pipe-shaped flowers. These blossoms are often reddish-brown to maroon, attracting pollinators with their alluring shape and hue. The plant flourishes in partial shade environments, winding its way up supports with zeal. Its heart-shaped leaves offer a lush backdrop to the ornate flowers, making dutchman's pipe vine a botanical curiosity for gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike.
Virginia snakeroot
Aristolochia serpentaria
Virginia snakeroot
Referred to as the virginia snakeroot, the *Aristolochia serpentaria* can be found in eastern North America. It is thought to be an endangered species in New York where no sightings of this plant were reported for a century between 1895 and 1994. This plant is the larval host to the pipevine swallowtail and the polydamas swallowtail butterflies.
White veined hardy dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia fimbriata
White veined hardy dutchman's pipe
White veined hardy dutchman's pipe (Aristolochia fimbriata) is a perennial vine that is commonly grown as a groundcover. The specific name fimbriata means 'fringed' and refers to the texture of the flowers' edges. This plant is ideal for pollinator gardens since it attracts butterflies and other pollinating insects. Note that this plant is highly toxic and can cause kidney failure if ingested.
Spanish birthwort
Aristolochia pistolochia
Spanish birthwort
It is an annual herbaceous plant, about 30 cm high with many roots (Pliny the Elder refers to it as polyrrhizon by the number of small roots in the form of hair) with numerous stems. The leaves are cordiform or heart-shaped, about 5 cm long and somewhat less in width, with a slightly lighter underside and very marked rib.
Elegant dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia elegans
Elegant dutchman's pipe
Elegant dutchman's pipe features unusual, pipe-shaped flowers that give it its name. It is an invasive weed in parts of Australia, where it is fatal to the caterpillars of the endangered Richmond birdwing and the Cairns birdwing. This evergreen climbing vine is a popular ornamental plant even though its flowers release an unpleasant, rotting smell.
Climbing birthwort
Aristolochia sempervirens
Climbing birthwort
Aristolochia sempervirens is a species of perennial plant in the Aristolochiaceae family. It is found in Crete.
Aristolochia grandiflora
Pelicanflower displays an impressive floral display, featuring some of the largest blooms in the plant world. These characteristic blossoms mimic decaying matter in appearance and scent, a clever adaptation to attract pollinating flies. This robust vine thrives in humid, tropical environments and exhibits heart-shaped leaves that contribute to its ornamental appeal.
Dutchman's pipe vine
Aristolochia manchuriensis
Dutchman's pipe vine
Dutchman's pipe vine, originating from Manchuria, is recognized for its intricate, pipe-shaped flowers. These blooms, exhibiting a unique blend of purple and yellow hues, emit a scent that attracts pollinating insects. This vigorous climber flaunts heart-shaped leaves and thrives in diverse soil types, preferring shaded or partly sunny spots, mirroring its woodlands habitat.
Northern pipevine
Aristolochia contorta
Northern pipevine
Aristolochia contorta, commonly known as northern pipevine, also known as birthwort, is a climbing perennial shrub.
Zollinger dutchmanspipe
Aristolochia zollingeriana
Zollinger dutchmanspipe
Zollinger dutchmanspipe is a unique climbing vine best known for its peculiar, pipe-shaped flowers, which are often mottled with mesmerizing patterns. The bloom's structure is tailored to attract specific pollinators and ensure the plant's reproductive success within its native habitats. This vine's vigorous growth allows it to thrive, intertwining with surrounding vegetation for support. Its lush foliage adds to its ornamental appeal, making it a fascinating, if not somewhat enigmatic, presence in the plant world.
Native Dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia acuminata
Native Dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia acuminata is an evergreen vine. The hypanthium flowers are between 10 and 13 mm long. It also has capsuled ellipsoid fruits.
Aristolochia taliscana
Aristolochia taliscana
Aristolochia taliscana
Aristolochia taliscana features heart-shaped leaves and distinctive, pipe-like flowers with intricate patterns that lure unsuspecting insects for pollination. Thriving in shaded woodland areas, its form is adapted to its environment, using other plants for support as it twists and climbs towards the sunlight. The plant's unusual floral structure is pivotal for its unique pollination strategy.
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Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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Key Facts About Aristolochia


Attributes of Aristolochia

Leaf type
Ideal Temperature
5 - 32 ℃

Scientific Classification of Aristolochia


Distribution of Aristolochia


Distribution Map of Aristolochia

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Potentially invasive
No species reported
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Exploring the Aristolochia Plants

8 most common species:
Aristolochia gigantea
Giant dutchmans pipe
Another name for giant dutchmans pipe is the 'giant Dutchman's pipe' since it resembles the meerschaum pipes commonly smoked in the Netherlands. Even though giant dutchmans pipe vines attract pipevine swallowtail butterflies to lay their eggs, the leaves of this plant are toxic to larvae which die within days of ingestion.
Aristolochia macrophylla
Dutchman's pipe
Dutchman's pipe is a hardy, deciduous vine that climbs trellises or walls and can provide privacy or shade with its dense, heart-shaped leaves. This vine grows small pipe-shaped flowers that give it its name. Dutchman's pipe attracts many swallowtail butterflies with its pretty little blooms.
Aristolochia clematitis
Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis) is native to the Medditerannian area of Europe; however, it has found its way across the Atlantic Ocean. Although attractive to the eye, their flowers have an incredibly foul odor and entice various insects to visit. As insects climb down the flower tube, tiny hairs trap them and prevent them from escaping, allowing the plant to slowly digest them. In spite of some cultural practices, birthwort is toxic to consume.
Aristolochia labiata
Mottled dutchman's pipe
Mottled dutchman's pipe features a peculiar, pipe-shaped flower designed to attract pollinators with its distinctive color patterns mimicking rotting flesh. Typically flourishing in warm, shaded environments, this plant's growth is cleverly adapted to deceive insects, ensuring pollination. The heart-shaped leaves add to its unique appearance, while thriving in conditions that favor high humidity and fertile soils.
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More Popular Genus

Dracaena are popular house plants that are easy to grow. They can tolerate low-light conditions and require little watering. Their leaves range from variegated to dark green. Their characteristic traits include woody stems that grow slowly but offer a striking appearance for small spaces such as apartments or offices.
Fig trees
Fig trees have been cultivated in many regions for their fruits, particularly the common fig, F. carica. Most of the species have edible fruits, although the common fig is the only one of commercial value. Fig trees are also important food sources for wildlife in the tropics, including monkeys, bats, and insects.
Brambles are members of the rose family, and there are hundreds of different types to be found throughout the European countryside. They have been culturally significant for centuries; Christian folklore stories hold that when the devil was thrown from heaven, he landed on a bramble bush. Their vigorous growth habit can tangle into native plants and take over.
The popular tree family known as maples change the color of their leaves in the fall. Many cultural traditions encourage people to watch the colors change, such as momijigari in Japan. Maples popular options for bonsai art. Alternately, their sap is used to create maple syrup.
Prunus is a genus of flowering fruit trees that includes almonds, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots. These are often known as "stone fruits" because their pits are large seeds or "stones." When prunus trees are damaged, they exhibit "gummosis," a condition in which the tree's gum (similar to sap) is secreted to the bark to help heal external wounds.
Nightshades is a large and diverse genus of plants, with more than 1500 different types worldwide. This genus incorporates both important staple food crops like tomato, potato, and eggplant, but also dangerous poisonous plants from the nightshade family. The name was coined by Pliny the Elder almost two thousand years ago.
Most species of roses are shrubs or climbing plants that have showy flowers and sharp thorns. They are commonly cultivated for cut flowers or as ornamental plants in gardens due to their attractive appearance, pleasant fragrance, and cultural significance in many countries. The rose hips (fruits) can also be used in jams and teas.
Oaks are among the world's longest-lived trees, sometimes growing for over 1,000 years! The oldest known oak tree is in the southern United States and is over 1,500 years old. Oaks produce an exceedingly popular type of wood which is used to make different products, from furniture and flooring to wine barrels and even cosmetic creams.
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